/** * ======================== legal notice ====================== * * File: MetaScanTest.cc * Created: 27.07.2012, 10:03 * Author: Geronimo * Project: cmps - the backend (server) part of compound media player * * CMP - compound media player * * is a client/server mediaplayer intended to play any media from any workstation * without the need to export or mount shares. cmps is an easy to use backend * with a (ready to use) HTML-interface. Additionally the backend supports * authentication via HTTP-digest authorization. * cmpc is a client with vdr-like osd-menues. * * Copyright (c) 2012 Reinhard Mantey, some rights reserved! * published under Creative Commons by-sa * For details see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ * * The cmp project's homepage is at http://projects.vdr-developer.org/projects/cmp * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void testPipe(const char *chk = NULL); static void parseConfig(const char *FileName) { cConfigReader *cr = new cConfigReader(new cLineReader(new cFileReader(new cFile(FileName)))); cConfigReader::ConfigEntry *ce; while ((ce = cr->ReadEntry())) { std::cout << "config entry [" << std::get<0>(*ce) << "] => " << std::get<1>(*ce) << std::endl; delete ce; } cr->Close(); delete cr; } static void testMediaInfo(const char *FileName) { cMediainfoReader *mir = new cMediainfoReader(new cLineReader(new cCommandReader("/usr/bin/mediainfo"))); cMediainfoReader::InfoEntry *ie; while ((ie = mir->ReadEntry())) { std::cout << "media info - [" << std::get<0>(*ie) << "] ==> " << std::get<1>(*ie) << std::endl; delete ie; } mir->Close(); delete mir; } static void testMediaFiles(const char *FileName) { cLineReader *lr = new cLineReader(new cFileReader(new cFile(FileName))); const char *line; while ((line = lr->ReadLine())) { std::cout << std::endl << "media-test-file: " << line << std::endl; testMediaInfo(line); } lr->Close(); delete lr; } static const short BufferSize = 100; enum PipeFileDescriptors { READ_FD = 0, WRITE_FD = 1 }; static void testCommandReader() { cCommandReader *cr = new cCommandReader("/bin/ls"); cLineReader *lr = new cLineReader(cr); char *line; cr.AddCommandParameter("-al"); cr.AddCommandParameter("--color"); while ((line = lr->ReadLine())) { std::cout << "from command: " << line << std::endl; } }; static void testPipe(const char *chk) { int parent2Child[2]; int child2Parent[2]; pid_t pid; std::string dataReadFromChild; char buffer[BufferSize + 1]; ssize_t readResult; bool run = true; int status; ASSERT_IS(0, pipe(parent2Child)); ASSERT_IS(0, pipe(child2Parent)); switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: FAIL("fork failed"); exit(-1); case 0: /* child */ ASSERT_NOT(-1, dup2(parent2Child[READ_FD], STDIN_FILENO)); ASSERT_NOT(-1, dup2(child2Parent[WRITE_FD], STDOUT_FILENO)); ASSERT_NOT(-1, dup2(child2Parent[WRITE_FD], STDERR_FILENO)); ASSERT_IS(0, close(parent2Child[WRITE_FD])); ASSERT_IS(0, close(child2Parent[READ_FD])); if (chk) { execlp("mediainfo", "mediainfo", chk, NULL); } else execlp("ls", "ls", "-al", "--color", NULL); FAIL("this line should never be reached!"); exit(-1); default: /* parent */ std::cout << "child " << pid << " process running ..." << std::endl; ASSERT_IS(0, close(parent2Child[READ_FD])); ASSERT_IS(0, close(child2Parent[WRITE_FD])); while (run) { switch (readResult = read(child2Parent[READ_FD], buffer, BufferSize)) { case 0: /* end of file, or non-blocking read. */ std::cout << "End of File reached ..." << std::endl << "Data received was (" << dataReadFromChild.size() << "):" << std::endl << dataReadFromChild << std::endl; ASSERT_IS(pid, waitpid(pid, &status, 0)); std::cout << std::endl << "child exit status is: " << WEXITSTATUS(status) << std::endl << std::endl; // exit(0); run = false; break; case -1: if ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN)) { errno = 0; } else { FAIL("read() failed"); run = false; } break; default: dataReadFromChild.append(buffer, readResult); break; } } } } // mediainfo ${media} | grep "Scan type" // ffmpeg -i ${media} int main() { parseConfig("srclient.conf"); std::cout << std::endl << "===========================================" << std::endl << std::endl; parseConfig("srserver.conf"); std::cout << std::endl << "===========================================" << std::endl << std::endl; testCommandReader(); // std::cout << std::endl << "===========================================" << std::endl << std::endl; // testMediaFiles("testMedia.files"); cFile::Cleanup(); return 0; }