/** * ======================== legal notice ====================== * * File: HTTPStatus.h * Created: 3. Juli 2012, 17 * Author: Geronimo * Project: libnetworking: classes for tcp/ip sockets and http-protocol handling * * CMP - compound media player * * is a client/server mediaplayer intended to play any media from any workstation * without the need to export or mount shares. cmps is an easy to use backend * with a (ready to use) HTML-interface. Additionally the backend supports * authentication via HTTP-digest authorization. * cmpc is a client with vdr-like osd-menues. * * Copyright (c) 2012 Reinhard Mantey, some rights reserved! * published under Creative Commons by-sa * For details see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ * * The cmp project's homepage is at http://projects.vdr-developer.org/projects/cmp * * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef HTTPSTATUS_H #define HTTPSTATUS_H typedef enum { HTTP_Continue = 100 , HTTP_SwitchProtocol = 101 , HTTP_OK = 200 , HTTP_Created = 201 , HTTP_Accepted = 202 , HTTP_NoContent = 204 , HTTP_ResetContent = 205 , HTTP_PartialContent = 206 , HTTP_MultipleChoices = 300 , HTTP_MovedPermanently = 301 , HTTP_Found = 302 , HTTP_SeeOther = 303 , HTTP_NotModified = 304 , HTTP_UseProxy = 305 , HTTP_MovedTemporarily = 307 , HTTP_BadRequest = 400 , HTTP_UnAuthorized = 401 , HTTP_PaymentRequired = 402 , HTTP_Forbidden = 403 , HTTP_NotFound = 404 , HTTP_MethodNotAllowed = 405 , HTTP_NotAcceptable = 406 , HTTP_ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407 , HTTP_RequestTimeout = 408 , HTTP_Conflict = 409 , HTTP_Gone = 410 , HTTP_LengthRequired = 411 , HTTP_PreconditionFailed = 412 , HTTP_RequestTooLarge = 413 , HTTP_RequestURIToLong = 414 , HTTP_UnsupportedMediaType = 415 , HTTP_RequestRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 , HTTP_ExpectationFailed = 417 , HTTP_InternalServerError = 500 , HTTP_NotImplemented = 501 , HTTP_BadGateway = 502 , HTTP_ServiceUnavailable = 503 , HTTP_GatewayTimeout = 504 , HTTP_VersionNotSupported = 505 } HTTPStatusCode; extern const char *httpStatus2Text(int Status); extern HTTPStatusCode strtoHTTPStatus(const char *p); #endif /* HTTPSTATUS_H */