This is the base package of the GraphLCD project. It contains - GraphLCD driver library - libglcddrivers - GraphLCD graphics library - libglcdgraphics - GraphLCD tools (crtfont, convpic, showpic, showtext) - GraphLCD media files (pictures and splash screens in GLCD format, fonts) written by Andreas Regel (andreas.regel AT based on the graphlcd plugin for the Video Disc Recorder written by Carsten Siebholz (c.siebholz AT from 0.0.8 on maintained by Andreas Regel (andreas.regel AT gu140x32f driver by Andreas Brachold (vdr04 AT gu256x64-372 driver by Andreas Weinberger (vdr AT gu256x64-3xx0 driver by Ralf Mueller (ralf AT gu126x64D-K610A4 driver by Alexander Rieger (Alexander.Rieger AT image driver by Andreas Regel (andreas.regel AT ks0108 driver by Andreas Weinberger (vdr AT sed1330 driver by Roland Praml (praml.roland AT Heinz Gressenberger (heinz.gressenberger AT sed1520 driver by Andreas Weinberger (vdr AT framebuffer driver by Stephan Skrodzki (skrodzki AT serdisplib driver by Wolfgang Astleitner (mrwastl AT t6963c driver by Andreas Regel (andreas.regel AT noritake800 drider by Lucian Muresan (lucianm AT Project's homepage: See the file COPYING for license information. Description ----------- The GraphLCD base is a project to support graphical LC displays. It is mainly used by the graphlcd plugin for the Video Disc Recorder to display its information. The GraphLCD driver library supports the following LCD controllers/modules: - Hitachi HD61830 - Toshiba T6963 - Samsung KS0108 - Epson SED1520 (only tested with DIP122 lcd module) - Epson SED1330 - Noritake GU140X32F-7806 - Noritake GU256X64-372 - Noritake GU256X64-3XX0 (serial or parallel) - Noritake GU126x64D-K610A4 displays (parallel) - Noritake 800 series displays - all controllers supported by serdisplib ( Other controllers might be supported in the future. Additionally the GraphLCD driver library includes some special drivers: - framebuffer, for devices that are connected to the VGA connector - image, for writing image sequences in PBM (Portable Bit Map) format that show the plugin's output. Installation and Configuration: ------------------------------- 1. Unpack the tarball to an arbitrary directory. tar xzf graphlcd-base-0.1.2.tgz 2. Configure if you want FreeType2 support by commenting/uncommenting HAVE_FREETYPE2 in Make.config. 3. Compile the libraries and tools. make all (from the package's directory) 4. Install the libraries and tools. make install (from the package's directory) 5. Edit the configuration file graphlcd.conf to fit your needs. 6. Copy it to the GraphLCD's default configuration search path (/etc). cp graphlcd.conf /etc Notes about FreeType2: ---------------------- If the HAVE_FREETYPE2 variable is defined, then the new method cFont::LoadFT2(..) from the graphics library will load a FreeType2-supported font (only TTFs tested so far) and render it into the raster font structure that cFont uses normally. The method is also defined if no FT2 support is compiled in, only then it will return false afer logging an error message in the system log, telling that graphlcd-base has been compiled without FT2 support. This way, applications using this library (vdrplugin-graphlcd, or the wrapper LCDproc "meta-driver" glcdprocdriver for example, can treat this case and have a fallback to the glcdraphics-native raster font if FT2 is not supported, or the TTF font could not be loaded for some reason.