GraphLCD driver library

The SimLCD driver

The Image driver writes a file including the output that you would
normally see on a LCD e.g. from the graphlcd plugin. You can use the
SimLCD tool to view this file.

Configuration Parameters
The SimLCD driver supports the following parameters in config file:

 Sets the horizontal size of the display. If this parameter is not
 given, a default value of 240 pixels is used.

 Sets the vertical size of the display. If this parameter is not
 given, a default value of 128 pixels is used.

 Rotates the display output by 180 degrees. This might be useful, if
 the LCD is mounted upside-down.
 Possible values: 'yes', 'no'
 Default value: 'no'

 Inverts the display.
 Possible values: 'yes', 'no'
 Default value: 'no'