/* * GraphLCD graphics library * * imagefile.h - base class for file loading and saving * * This file is released under the GNU General Public License. Refer * to the COPYING file distributed with this package. * * (c) 2006 Andreas Regel * (c) 2010-2012 Wolfgang Astleitner */ #include "image.h" #include "imagefile.h" #include "bitmap.h" namespace GLCD { cImageFile::cImageFile(void) { } cImageFile::~cImageFile(void) { } bool cImageFile::Load(cImage & image, const std::string & fileName) { return false; } bool cImageFile::Save(cImage & image, const std::string & fileName) { return false; } uint32_t cImageFile::Blend(uint32_t FgColour, uint32_t BgColour, uint8_t Level, double antiAliasGranularity) const { if (antiAliasGranularity > 0.0) Level = uint8_t(int(Level / antiAliasGranularity + 0.5) * antiAliasGranularity); int Af = (FgColour & 0xFF000000) >> 24; int Rf = (FgColour & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; int Gf = (FgColour & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; int Bf = (FgColour & 0x000000FF); int Ab = (BgColour & 0xFF000000) >> 24; int Rb = (BgColour & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; int Gb = (BgColour & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; int Bb = (BgColour & 0x000000FF); int A = (Ab + (Af - Ab) * Level / 0xFF) & 0xFF; int R = (Rb + (Rf - Rb) * Level / 0xFF) & 0xFF; int G = (Gb + (Gf - Gb) * Level / 0xFF) & 0xFF; int B = (Bb + (Bf - Bb) * Level / 0xFF) & 0xFF; return (A << 24) | (R << 16) | (G << 8) | B; } bool cImageFile::Scale(cImage & image, uint16_t scalew, uint16_t scaleh, bool AntiAlias) { if (! (scalew || scaleh) ) return false; // one out of scalew/h == 0 ? -> auto aspect ratio if (scalew && ! scaleh) { scaleh = (uint16_t)( ((uint32_t)scalew * (uint32_t)image.Height()) / (uint32_t)image.Width() ); } else if (!scalew && scaleh) { scalew = (uint16_t)( ((uint32_t)scaleh * (uint32_t)image.Width()) / (uint32_t)image.Height() ); } cImage tempImg = cImage(); tempImg.SetWidth(scalew); tempImg.SetHeight(scaleh); // Scaling/Blending based on VDR / osd.c // Fixed point scaling code based on www.inversereality.org/files/bitmapscaling.pdf // by deltener@mindtremors.com // // slightly improved by Wolfgang Astleitner (modify factors and ratios so that scaled image is centered when upscaling) double FactorX, FactorY; int RatioX, RatioY; if (!AntiAlias) { FactorX = (double)scalew / (double)image.Width(); FactorY = (double)scaleh / (double)image.Height(); RatioX = (image.Width() << 16) / scalew; RatioY = (image.Height() << 16) / scaleh; } else { FactorX = (double)scalew / (double)(image.Width()-1); FactorY = (double)scaleh / (double)(image.Height()-1); RatioX = ((image.Width()-1) << 16) / scalew; RatioY = ((image.Height()-1) << 16) / scaleh; } bool downscale = (!AntiAlias || (FactorX <= 1.0 && FactorY <= 1.0)); for (unsigned int frame = 0; frame < image.Count() ; frame ++ ) { cBitmap *b = new cBitmap(scalew, scaleh, GRAPHLCD_Transparent); cBitmap *currFrame = image.GetBitmap(frame); b->SetMonochrome(currFrame->IsMonochrome()); if (downscale) { // Downscaling - no anti-aliasing: const uint32_t *DestRow = b->Data(); int SourceY = 0; for (int y = 0; y < scaleh; y++) { int SourceX = 0; const uint32_t *SourceRow = currFrame->Data() + (SourceY >> 16) * image.Width(); uint32_t *Dest = (uint32_t*) DestRow; for (int x = 0; x < scalew; x++) { *Dest++ = SourceRow[SourceX >> 16]; SourceX += RatioX; } SourceY += RatioY; DestRow += scalew; } } else { // Upscaling - anti-aliasing: int SourceY = 0; for (int y = 0; y < scaleh /*- 1*/; y++) { int SourceX = 0; int sy = SourceY >> 16; uint8_t BlendY = 0xFF - ((SourceY >> 8) & 0xFF); for (int x = 0; x < scalew /*- 1*/; x++) { int sx = SourceX >> 16; uint8_t BlendX = 0xFF - ((SourceX >> 8) & 0xFF); // TODO: antiAliasGranularity uint32_t c1 = Blend(currFrame->GetPixel(sx, sy), currFrame->GetPixel(sx + 1, sy), BlendX); uint32_t c2 = Blend(currFrame->GetPixel(sx, sy + 1), currFrame->GetPixel(sx + 1, sy + 1), BlendX); uint32_t c3 = Blend(c1, c2, BlendY); b->DrawPixel(x, y, c3); SourceX += RatioX; } SourceY += RatioY; } } tempImg.AddBitmap(b); } // clear all bitmaps from image image.Clear(); // set new resolution image.SetWidth(scalew); image.SetHeight(scaleh); // re-add bitmaps from scaled image container cBitmap * b; cBitmap * tempb; for (unsigned int frame = 0; frame < tempImg.Count(); frame ++) { tempb = tempImg.GetBitmap(frame); b = new cBitmap(scalew, scaleh, (uint32_t*)tempb->Data()); b->SetMonochrome(tempb->IsMonochrome()); image.AddBitmap(b); } return true; } bool cImageFile::LoadScaled(cImage & image, const std::string & fileName, uint16_t & scalew, uint16_t & scaleh) { if (Load(image, fileName)) { if (scalew || scaleh) { return Scale(image, scalew, scaleh, true); } else { return true; } } else { scalew = 0; scaleh = 0; return false; } } } // end of namespace