path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
9 files changed, 527 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/bin/backend.php b/bin/backend.php
index c7ff4db..eed0cfd 100644..100755
--- a/bin/backend.php
+++ b/bin/backend.php
@@ -7,39 +7,43 @@ if (file_exists('../config.php'))
include ('../config_default.php');
include ('./utils.php');
+include ('./files.php');
+include ('./streaminfo.php');
include ('./vdr.php');
+include ('./session.php');
+include ('./jsonapi.php');
switch ($action)
case ("getGlobals"):
- $tree = getGlobals();
- print $tree;
- break;
+ $tree = getGlobals();
+ print $tree;
+ break;
case ("getTvCat"):
- $tree = getTvCat();
- print $tree;
- break;
+ $tree = getTvCat();
+ print $tree;
+ break;
case ("getFullChanList"):
- $tree = getFullChanList();
- print $tree;
- break;
+ $tree = getFullChanList();
+ print $tree;
+ break;
case ("getTvChan"):
- $tree = GetTvChan($_REQUEST['cat']);
- print $tree;
- break;
+ $tree = GetTvChan($_REQUEST['cat']);
+ print $tree;
+ break;
case ("getChanInfo"):
- $tree = getChanInfo($_REQUEST['chan']);
- print $tree;
- break;
+ $tree = getChanInfo($_REQUEST['chan']);
+ print $tree;
+ break;
case ("getRecInfo"):
$tree = file_get_contents("textfiles/getRecInfo.txt");
- print $tree;
+ print $tree;
case ("getVidInfo"):
@@ -54,11 +58,9 @@ switch ($action)
case ("startBroadcast"):
- $type = $_REQUEST['type'];
- $url = $_REQUEST['url'];
- $tree = file_get_contents("textfiles/startBroadcast-" . $type . ".txt");
- print $tree;
- break;
+ $tree = startBroadcast($_REQUEST['type'], $_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['mode']);
+ print $tree;
+ break;
case ("stopBroadcast"):
$tree = file_get_contents("textfiles/stopBroadcast.txt");
diff --git a/bin/files.php b/bin/files.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7dc5baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/files.php
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+$audiotypes='mp3 aac wav ';
+function mediagetinfostream($stream)
+ // Get info
+ $getid3 = new getID3;
+ $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($stream);
+ $title = "Media:";
+ $info = "Duration: <i>" .sec2hms($fileinfo['playtime_seconds']) ."</i><br>";
+ if ($fileinfo['fileformat'])
+ $info .= "Format: <i>" .$fileinfo['fileformat'] ."</i><br>";
+ if ($fileinfo['video']['codec'])
+ $info .= "Video: <i>" .$fileinfo['video']['codec'] ."</i><br>";
+ if ($fileinfo['audio']['codec'])
+ $info .= "Audio: <i>" .$fileinfo['audio']['codec'] ."</i><br>";
+ if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])
+ $info .= "Resolution: <i>" .$fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] ."x" .$fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] ."</i><br>";
+ return array($title, $info);
+function mediagentb($stream, $dest)
+ global $ffmpegpath;
+ // Get info
+ $getid3 = new getID3;
+ $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($stream);
+ exec("rm " .$dest);
+ $path = dirname($stream);
+ if (file_exists(substr($stream, 0, -4) .".tbn"))
+ $file = substr($stream, 0, -4) .".tbn";
+ else if (file_exists($path ."/poster.jpg"))
+ $file = $path ."/poster.jpg";
+ else if (file_exists($path ."/folder.jpg"))
+ $file = $path ."/folder.jpg";
+ else
+ $file = "";
+ $resx = 180;
+ $resy = 100;
+ if ($file)
+ {
+ $getid3 = new getID3;
+ $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file);
+ }
+ if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] && $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])
+ {
+ if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] < $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])
+ {
+ $resx = 180;
+ $resy = round(($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] * 180) / $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $resx = round (($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] * 100) / $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y']);
+ $resy = 100;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($file)
+ exec("cp \"" .$file ."\" ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg; " .$ffmpegpath ." -y -i ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg -s " .$resx ."x" .$resy ." " .$dest ." ; rm ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg");
+ else
+ exec($ffmpegpath ." -y -i \"" .$stream ."\" -an -ss 00:00:05.00 -r 1 -vframes 1 -s " .$resx ."x" .$resy ." -f mjpeg " .$dest);
+ if (!file_exists($dest))
+ exec('cp logos/nologoMEDIA.png ' .$dest);
+function mediagetwidth($file)
+ $getid3 = new getID3;
+ $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file);
+ return $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'];
+function mediagettype($file)
+ global $videotypes, $audiotypes;
+ // Get file extension
+ $fileext = end(explode(".", $file));
+ $file = str_replace("\\'", "'", $file);
+ if (is_dir($file))
+ return 3;
+ else if (preg_match("$/$", $fileext))
+ return 0;
+ else if (preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $videotypes))
+ return 'tv';
+ else if (preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $audiotypes))
+ return 'rec';
+ else
+ return 'vid';
+function mediadirhasaudio($dir)
+ global $audiotypes;
+ $audioextarray = explode(' ', $audiotypes);
+ foreach ($audioextarray as $num => $audioext)
+ {
+ if (glob($dir .'*.' .$audioext))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+function mediagetmusicinfo($file ="")
+ // Get info
+ $getid3 = new getID3;
+ $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file);
+ $name = $fileinfo['tags']['id3v2']['title'][0];
+ if ($name == "")
+ {
+ $name = $fileinfo['tags']['id3v1']['title'][0];
+ if ($name == "")
+ {
+ $name = $fileinfo['filename'];
+ if ($name == "")
+ $name = "unknown";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_utf8($name))
+ $name = utf8_encode($name);
+ $duration = $fileinfo['playtime_string'];
+ return array ($name, $duration);
+function generatelogo($type, $name, $dest)
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case 'tv':
+ $channoslash = preg_replace("$/$", " ", $name);
+ $logopath = "logos/" .$channoslash .".png";
+ if (!file_exists($logopath))
+ $logopath = "logos/nologoTV.png";
+ exec("cp \"" .$logopath ."\" " .$dest);
+ break;
+ case 'rec':
+ $channoslash = preg_replace("$/$", " ", $name);
+ $logopath = "logos/" .$channoslash .".png";
+ if (!file_exists($logopath))
+ $logopath = "logos/nologoREC.png";
+ exec("cp \"" .$logopath ."\" " .$dest);
+ break;
+ case 'vid':
+ // Generate TB
+ mediagentb($name, $dest);
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/bin/firephp.php b/bin/firephp.php
index 0533028..0533028 100644..100755
--- a/bin/firephp.php
+++ b/bin/firephp.php
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c0985f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+SEGDUR=10 # Length of Segments produced (between 10 and 30)
+SEGWIN=$7 # Amount of Segments to produce
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]
+echo "Format is : ./ source video_rate audio_rate audio_channels 480x320 httppath segments_number ffmpeg_path segmenter_path"
+exit 1
+# start dumping the TS via Streamdev into a pipe for ffmpeg
+# and store baseline 3.0 mpegts to outputfile
+# sending it to the segmenter via a PIPE
+cd ../ram/$SESSION
+2> /dev/null rm stream*.ts
+# Shutdown FTP
+2> /dev/null $FFPATH -i "$STREAM" -deinterlace -f mpegts -acodec libmp3lame -ab $ARATE -ac $ACHANNELS -s $XY -vcodec libx264 -b $VRATE -flags +loop \
+ -cmp \+chroma -partitions +parti4x4+partp8x8+partb8x8 -subq 5 -trellis 1 -refs 1 -coder 0 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 \
+ -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -bt $VRATE -maxrate $VRATE -bufsize $VRATE -rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -qcomp 0.6 \
+ -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qdiff 4 -level 30 -g 30 -async 2 -threads 4 - | \
diff --git a/bin/jsonapi.php b/bin/jsonapi.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..35ec623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/jsonapi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+function getGlobals()
+ global $vdrstreamdev, $vdrrecpath, $mediasource;
+ $ret = array();
+ $ret['streamdev_server'] = $vdrstreamdev;
+ $ret['rec_path'] = $vdrrecpath;
+ $ret['video_path'] = "/mnt/media/Video/";
+ $ret['audio_path'] = "/mnt/media/Music/";
+ return json_encode($ret);
+function getTvCat()
+ $ret = array();
+ $ret['categories'] = vdrgetcategories();
+ return json_encode($ret);
+function getFullChanList()
+ $catlist = array();
+ // Get all categories
+ $categories = vdrgetcategories();
+ // For all categories
+ $count = count($categories);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
+ {
+ $tmpcat = array();
+ $tmpcat['name'] = $categories[$i]['name'];
+ $tmpcat['channel'] = vdrgetchannels($tmpcat['name'], 0);
+ $catlist[] = $tmpcat;
+ }
+ $ret = array();
+ $ret['category'] = $catlist;
+ return json_encode($ret);
+function getTvChan($cat)
+ $ret = array();
+ $ret['channel'] = vdrgetchannels($cat, 1);
+ return json_encode($ret);
+function getChanInfo($channum)
+ $ret = array();
+ $info = array();
+ $ret['program'] = vdrgetchaninfo($channum);
+ return json_encode($ret);
+function startBroadcast($type, $url, $mode)
+ $ret = array();
+ $ret['session'] = sessioncreate($type, $url, $mode);
+ return json_encode($ret);
diff --git a/bin/session.php b/bin/session.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b998d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/session.php
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+function sessioncreate($type, $url, $mode)
+ global $httppath, $ffmpegpath, $segmenterpath, $quality;
+ // Get a free session
+ $i=0;
+ for ($i=0; $i<1000; $i++)
+ {
+ $session = "session" .$i;
+ if (!file_exists('../ram/' .$session))
+ break;
+ }
+ // Default
+ $qparams = $quality[0];
+ // Get parameters
+ foreach ($quality as $qn => $qp)
+ {
+ if ($qn == $mode)
+ {
+ $qparams = $qp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create session
+ exec('mkdir ../ram/' .$session);
+ $url = str_replace("\\'", "'", $url);
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case 'tv':
+ $cmd = "export SHELL=\"/bin/sh\";printf \"./ \\\"" .$url ."\\\" " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 2 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \" | at now";
+ break;
+ case 'rec':
+ $cmd = "export SHELL=\"/bin/sh\";printf \"cat \\\"" .$url ."\\\"/0* | ./ - " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 1260 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \" | at now";
+ break;
+ case 'vid':
+ $cmd = "export SHELL=\"/bin/sh\";printf \"./ \\\"" .$url ."\\\" " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 1260 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \" | at now";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $cmd = "";
+ }
+ $cmd = str_replace('%', '%%', $cmd);
+ exec ('echo "' .$cmd .'" > /tmp/a');
+ exec ($cmd);
+ // Extract $channame if needed
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case 'tv':
+ $urlarray = explode("/", $url);
+ $channum = $urlarray[count($urlarray)-1];
+ $channame = vdrgetchanname($channum);
+ break;
+ case 'rec':
+ list($channame, $title, $desc) = vdrgetrecinfo($url);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $channame = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Write streaminfo
+ writeinfostream($session, $type, $mode, $url, $channame);
+ // Create logo
+ if ($type == 'vid')
+ generatelogo($type, $url, '../ram/' .$session .'/logo.png');
+ else
+ generatelogo($type, $channame, '../ram/' .$session .'/logo.png');
+ return $session;
+function sessiondelete($session)
+ if ($session == 'all')
+ {
+ $dir_handle = @opendir('../ram/');
+ if ($dir_handle)
+ {
+ while ($session = readdir($dir_handle))
+ {
+ if($session == "." || $session == ".." || $session == 'lost+found')
+ continue;
+ if (!is_dir('../ram/' .$session))
+ continue;
+ // Get info
+ list($type, $mode, $url, $channame) = readinfostream($session);
+ if ($type)
+ sessiondeletesingle($session);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return sessiondeletesingle($session);
+function sessiondeletesingle($session)
+ $ram = "../ram/" .$session ."/";
+ // Get segmenter PID if any
+ if (file_exists($ram .""))
+ $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/fw;kill `cat " .$ram ."`; rm " .$ram ."; ";
+ $cmd .= "rm -rf " .$ram;
+ exec ($cmd);
diff --git a/bin/streaminfo.php b/bin/streaminfo.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f102226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/streaminfo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Types:
+ 0 : Not running
+ tv : VDR live
+ rec : VDR recording
+ vid : Media
+function writeinfostream($session, $type, $mode, $url, $channame)
+ $ram = "../ram/" .$session ."/";
+ $infofile = fopen($ram ."streaminfo", 'w');
+ fwrite($infofile, "type=" .$type ."\n");
+ fwrite($infofile, "mode=" .$mode ."\n");
+ fwrite($infofile, "url=" .$url ."\n");
+ fwrite($infofile, "channame=" .$channame ."\n");
+ fclose($infofile);
+function readinfostream($session)
+ $ram = "../ram/" .$session ."/";
+ if (!file_exists($ram ."streaminfo"))
+ return array(0);
+ $infofile = fopen($ram ."streaminfo", 'r');
+ if (!$infofile)
+ return array(0);
+ while ($line = fgets($infofile, 1024))
+ {
+ if (!strncmp($line, "type=", strlen("type=")))
+ $type = substr($line, strlen("type="), -1);
+ else if (!strncmp($line, "mode=", strlen("mode=")))
+ $mode = substr($line, strlen("mode="), -1);
+ else if (!strncmp($line, "url=", strlen("url=")))
+ $url = substr($line, strlen("url="), -1);
+ else if (!strncmp($line, "channame=", strlen("channame=")))
+ $channame = substr($line, strlen("channame="), -1);
+ }
+ fclose($infofile);
+ return array($type, $mode, $url, $channame);
diff --git a/bin/svdrp.php b/bin/svdrp.php
index 401d6d5..401d6d5 100644..100755
--- a/bin/svdrp.php
+++ b/bin/svdrp.php
diff --git a/bin/vdr.php b/bin/vdr.php
index fc03c12..0b401a8 100755
--- a/bin/vdr.php
+++ b/bin/vdr.php
@@ -1,73 +1,6 @@
include ('./svdrp_old.php');
-function getGlobals()
- global $vdrstreamdev, $vdrrecpath, $mediasource;
- $ret = array();
- $ret['streamdev_server'] = $vdrstreamdev;
- $ret['rec_path'] = $vdrrecpath;
- $ret['video_path'] = "/mnt/media/Video/";
- $ret['audio_path'] = "/mnt/media/Music/";
- return json_encode($ret);
-function getTvCat()
- $ret = array();
- $ret['categories'] = vdrgetcategories();
- return json_encode($ret);
-function getFullChanList()
- $catlist = array();
- // Get all categories
- $categories = vdrgetcategories();
- // For all categories
- $count = count($categories);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
- {
- $tmpcat = array();
- $tmpcat['name'] = $categories[$i]['name'];
- $tmpcat['channel'] = vdrgetchannels($tmpcat['name'], 0);
- $catlist[] = $tmpcat;
- }
- $ret = array();
- $ret['category'] = $catlist;
- return json_encode($ret);
-function getTvChan($cat)
- $ret = array();
- $ret['channel'] = vdrgetchannels($cat, 1);
- return json_encode($ret);
-function getChanInfo($channum)
- $ret = array();
- $info = array();
- $ret['program'] = vdrgetchaninfo($channum);
- return json_encode($ret);
-/********************* LOCAL ************************/
function vdrsendcommand($cmd)
global $svdrpip, $svdrpport;
@@ -325,7 +258,51 @@ function vdrgetchanepg($channum, $now)
return array($time, $title, $desc);
+function vdrgetrecinfo($rec)
+ $infofile = $rec ."/info";
+ if (file_exists($infofile))
+ $info= file_get_contents($infofile);
+ else
+ {
+ $infofile = $rec ."/info.vdr";
+ if (file_exists($infofile))
+ $info= file_get_contents($infofile);
+ else
+ $info="";
+ }
+ $allepg = explode("\n", $info);
+ $epgtitle="";
+ $epgdesc="";
+ // For all epg
+ $count = count($allepg);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
+ {
+ // Now find T or C
+ if(ereg("^C", $allepg[$i]))
+ {
+ $channame = substr($allepg[$i], 2);
+ $channames = explode(" ", $channame);
+ $channame = substr($channame, strlen($channames[0])+1);
+ }
+ else if(ereg("^T", $allepg[$i]))
+ $epgtitle=substr($allepg[$i], 2);
+ else if(ereg("^D", $allepg[$i]))
+ $epgdesc=substr($allepg[$i], 2);
+ }
+ // Convert if needed
+ if (!is_utf8($epgtitle))
+ $epgtitle = utf8_encode($epgtitle);
+ if (!is_utf8($epgdesc))
+ $epgdesc = utf8_encode($epgdesc);
+ return array($channame, epgtitle, $epgdesc);