path: root/includes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 2364 deletions
diff --git a/includes/inc_audio.php b/includes/inc_audio.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 2960aa5..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_audio.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-global $httppath;
-$mediapath = $_REQUEST['mediapath'];
-$subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
-/* Add last slash to dirs */
-if ($mediapath[strlen($mediapath)-1] != '/')
- $mediapath = $mediapath .'/';
-if ($subdir[strlen($subdir)-1] != '/')
- $subdir = $subdir .'/';
-print "<body class=\"ipodlist\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-if ($subdir == '/')
- print " <a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
- print " <a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
- print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
- print " <a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <ul>\r\n";
-$dir_handle = @opendir($mediapath .$subdir);
-if (!$dir_handle)
- print "Unable to open $mediapath .$subdir";
-else while ($medianame = readdir($dir_handle))
- // Add only mp3 files and dirs
- if($medianame == "." || $medianame == ".." || $medianame == 'lost+found')
- continue;
- $type = mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame);
- if (($type != 2) && ($type != 3))
- continue;
- $medianame_array[] = $medianame;
-if ($medianame_array[0])
- // Alphabetical sorting
- sort($medianame_array);
- $count = count($medianame_array);
- // Directories
- for ($cnt=0; $cnt < $count; $cnt++)
- {
- if (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt]) == 3)
- {
- $medianame2=addslashes($medianame_array[$cnt]);
- print " <li>\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('dir_$medianame2');\">\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">{$medianame_array[$cnt]}</span><span class=\"time\">></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print " </li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"dir_{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\" id=\"dir_{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"audio\"/>\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\" />\r\n";
- print " </form>\r\n";
- }
- }
- // Music files
- $idx = 1;
- for ($cnt=0; $cnt < $count; $cnt++)
- {
- $medianame2=addslashes($medianame_array[$cnt]);
- $mediapath2=addslashes($mediapath);
- $subdir2=addslashes($subdir);
- // Audio
- if (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt]) == 2)
- {
- print " <li>\r\n";
- unset($track);
- for ($cnt2=$cnt; $cnt2<$count; $cnt2++)
- {
- if (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt2]) == 2)
- $track[$cnt2-$cnt] = $httppath ."playlist/" .addslashes($medianame_array[$cnt2]);
- }
- $jsarray = php2js($track);
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:var myarray = new Array({$jsarray});addplayer('{$mediapath2}{$subdir2}','{$medianame2}',myarray);document.player.Play();\">\r\n";
- // Get song info
- list($name, $duration) = mediagetmusicinfo($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt]);
- print " <span class=\"number\">$idx</span><span class=\"stop\"></span><span class=\"name\">{$name}</span><span class=\"time\">{$duration}</span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print " </li>\r\n";
- $idx++;
- }
- }
-print "</div>\r\n";
-$upsubdir = dirname($subdir);
-print " <form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"audio\" />\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$upsubdir}\" />\r\n";
-print " </form>\r\n";
-print "<div style=\"position:absolute; left:0; top:0\" name=\"div_player\" id=\"div_player\">\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_auth.php b/includes/inc_auth.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 1545b7c..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_auth.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-global $user, $pass;
-if (isset($_COOKIE['istream']))
- if(sha1($pass) == $_COOKIE['istream'] ) {
- setcookie ("istream", sha1($pass), time()+60*60*24*30);
- $authorized = true;
- } else {
- $authorised = false;
- }
-# checkup login and password
-if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']))
- if (($user == $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && ($pass == ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) )
- {
- setcookie ("istream", sha1($pass), time()+60*60*24*30);
- $authorized = true;
- }
-# login
-if (!$authorized)
- header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm="Login please"');
- header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
- echo "Login";
- exit;
diff --git a/includes/inc_cat.php b/includes/inc_cat.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b107d3..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_cat.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Category</span>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " </ul>";
-print "</div>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_chan.php b/includes/inc_chan.php
deleted file mode 100755
index ff73df6..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_chan.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-$cat = $_REQUEST['cat'];
-$_SESSION['currentcat'] = $cat;
-print "<body class=\"list\" onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <ul><li class=\"title\">$cat</li>\r\n";
-print " </ul>";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print " <form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"listcategory\" /></form>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_edittimer.php b/includes/inc_edittimer.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8babf0c..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_edittimer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStream</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-$timer = $_REQUEST['timer'];
-if ($timer == -1)
- print "<div id=\"content\"> <span class=\"graytitle\">New Timer</span>\r\n";
- print "<div id=\"content\"> <span class=\"graytitle\">Edit Timer</span>\r\n";
-list($type, $channame, $date, $stime, $etime, $desc) = vdrgettimerinfo($timer);
-// Timer name
-print "<form name=\"timer\" id=\"timer\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\" onsubmit='return checkform()'>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-if ($type & 0x1)
- print " <li class=\"checkbox\"><span class=\"name\">Active</span><input name=\"timer_active\" type=\"checkbox\" checked/></li>\r\n";
- print " <li class=\"checkbox\"><span class=\"name\">Active</span><input name=\"timer_active\" type=\"checkbox\"/></li>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Recording name</span></li>\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"bigfield\">\r\n";
-if ($timer==-1)
-print " <input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Enter recording name\" name=\"timer_name\" value=\"\" />\r\n";
-print " <input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Enter recording name\" name=\"timer_name\" value=\"{$desc}\" />\r\n";
-print " </li>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Channel</span></li>\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"select\">\r\n";
-// Channel selection
-print " <select name=\"timer_chan\">\r\n";
-print " </select>\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"arrow\"></span>";
-print " </li>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-// Date selection
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Date</span></li>\r\n";
-$datearray = explode("-", $date);
-print " <li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:openSelectDate({$datearray[0]},{$datearray[1]},{$datearray[2]})\">\r\n";
-if ($timer == -1)
-print " <span class=\"name\" id=\"layer_date\">Select date</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a>";
-print " <span class=\"name\" id=\"layer_date\">{$date}</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a>";
-print " </li>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-// Start/End time selection
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Start time</span></li>\r\n";
-$smin = substr($stime, 0, 2);
-$ssec = substr($stime, 2);
-print " <li class=\"menu\">";
-print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:openSelectTime('layer_starttime',{$smin}, {$ssec})\">\r\n";
-if ($timer == -1)
-print " <span class=\"name\" id=\"layer_starttime\">Select start time</span>";
-print " <span class=\"name\" id=\"layer_starttime\">{$smin}h{$ssec}</span>";
-print " <span class=\"arrow\"></span>";
-print " </a>";
-print " </li>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">End time</span></li>\r\n";
-$emin = substr($etime, 0, 2);
-$esec = substr($etime, 2);
-print " <li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:openSelectTime('layer_endtime',{$emin},{$esec})\">\r\n";
-if ($timer == -1)
-print " <span class=\"name\" id=\"layer_endtime\">Select end time</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"name\" id=\"layer_endtime\">{$emin}h{$esec}</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-print "<input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"addtimer\"/>\r\n";
-if ($timer == -1)
-print "<input name=\"timer_date\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer_date\" value=\"\" />\r\n";
-print "<input name=\"timer_starttime\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer_starttime\" value=\"\" />\r\n";
-print "<input name=\"timer_endtime\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer_endtime\" value=\"\" />\r\n";
-print "<input name=\"timer_date\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer_date\" value=\"{$date}\" />\r\n";
-print "<input name=\"timer_starttime\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer_starttime\" value=\"{$smin}{$ssec}\" />\r\n";
-print "<input name=\"timer_endtime\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer_endtime\" value=\"{$emin}{$esec}\" />\r\n";
-print "<input name=\"prevtimer\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"prevtimer\" value=\"{$timer}\" />\r\n";
-print "<ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print "<li class=\"button\">\r\n";
-if ($timer == -1){
- print " <input name=\"Update\" type=\"Submit\" value=\"Create\" /></li>\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"Update\" type=\"Submit\" value=\"Update\" /></li>\r\n";
-print "</ul>\r\n";
-print "</form>\r\n";
-if ($timer != -1)
- print "<form name=\"deltimer\" id=\"deltimer\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"deletetimer\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"timer\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer\" value=\"{$timer}\" />\r\n";
- print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
- print " <li class=\"button\">\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"Submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\" /></li>\r\n";
- print "</ul>\r\n";
- print "</form>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"timers\" /></form>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_epg.php b/includes/inc_epg.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 721cc9f..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_epg.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Program Guide</span>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Incoming feature</span";
-print " <p>To do...</p></li>";
-print "</div>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_files.php b/includes/inc_files.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 60bc4f2..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_files.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-$audiotypes='mp3 aac wav ';
-function mediagetinfostream($stream)
- // Get info
- $getid3 = new getID3;
- $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($stream);
- $title = "Media:";
- $info = "Duration: <i>" .sec2hms($fileinfo['playtime_seconds']) ."</i><br>";
- if ($fileinfo['fileformat'])
- $info .= "Format: <i>" .$fileinfo['fileformat'] ."</i><br>";
- if ($fileinfo['video']['codec'])
- $info .= "Video: <i>" .$fileinfo['video']['codec'] ."</i><br>";
- if ($fileinfo['audio']['codec'])
- $info .= "Audio: <i>" .$fileinfo['audio']['codec'] ."</i><br>";
- if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])
- $info .= "Resolution: <i>" .$fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] ."x" .$fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] ."</i><br>";
- return array($title, $info);
-function mediagentb($stream, $dest)
- global $ffmpegpath;
- // Get info
- $getid3 = new getID3;
- $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($stream);
- exec("rm " .$dest);
- $path = dirname($stream);
- if (file_exists(substr($stream, 0, -4) .".tbn"))
- $file = substr($stream, 0, -4) .".tbn";
- else if (file_exists($path ."/poster.jpg"))
- $file = $path ."/poster.jpg";
- else if (file_exists($path ."/folder.jpg"))
- $file = $path ."/folder.jpg";
- else
- $file = "";
- $resx = 180;
- $resy = 100;
- if ($file)
- {
- $getid3 = new getID3;
- $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file);
- }
- if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] && $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])
- {
- if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] < $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])
- {
- $resx = 180;
- $resy = round(($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] * 180) / $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']);
- }
- else
- {
- $resx = round (($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] * 100) / $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y']);
- $resy = 100;
- }
- }
- if ($file)
- exec("cp \"" .$file ."\" ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg; " .$ffmpegpath ." -y -i ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg -s " .$resx ."x" .$resy ." " .$dest ." ; rm ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg");
- else
- exec($ffmpegpath ." -y -i \"" .$stream ."\" -an -ss 00:00:05.00 -r 1 -vframes 1 -s " .$resx ."x" .$resy ." -f mjpeg " .$dest);
- if (!file_exists($dest))
- exec('cp logos/nologoMEDIA.png ' .$dest);
-function mediagetwidth($file)
- $getid3 = new getID3;
- $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file);
- return $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'];
-function mediagettype($file)
- global $videotypes, $audiotypes;
- // Get file extension
- $fileext = end(explode(".", $file));
- $file = str_replace("\\'", "'", $file);
- if (is_dir($file))
- return 3;
- else if (preg_match("$/$", $fileext))
- return 0;
- else if (preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $videotypes))
- return 1;
- else if (preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $audiotypes))
- return 2;
- else
- return 0;
-function mediadirhasaudio($dir)
- global $audiotypes;
- $audioextarray = explode(' ', $audiotypes);
- foreach ($audioextarray as $num => $audioext)
- {
- if (glob($dir .'*.' .$audioext))
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-function mediagetmusicinfo($file ="")
- // Get info
- $getid3 = new getID3;
- $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file);
- $name = $fileinfo['tags']['id3v2']['title'][0];
- if ($name == "")
- {
- $name = $fileinfo['tags']['id3v1']['title'][0];
- if ($name == "")
- {
- $name = $fileinfo['filename'];
- if ($name == "")
- $name = "unknown";
- }
- }
- if (!is_utf8($name))
- $name = utf8_encode($name);
- $duration = $fileinfo['playtime_string'];
- return array ($name, $duration);
-function generatelogo($type, $name, $dest)
- switch ($type)
- {
- case 1:
- $channoslash = preg_replace("$/$", " ", $name);
- $logopath = "logos/" .$channoslash .".png";
- if (!file_exists($logopath))
- $logopath = "logos/nologoTV.png";
- exec("cp \"" .$logopath ."\" " .$dest);
- break;
- case 2:
- $channoslash = preg_replace("$/$", " ", $name);
- $logopath = "logos/" .$channoslash .".png";
- if (!file_exists($logopath))
- $logopath = "logos/nologoREC.png";
- exec("cp \"" .$logopath ."\" " .$dest);
- break;
- case 3:
- // Generate TB
- mediagentb($name, $dest);
- break;
- }
diff --git a/includes/inc_home.php b/includes/inc_home.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f38518c..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_home.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-global $vdrenabled, $vdrrecpath, $mediasources;
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-$sessioncnt = 0;
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">SESSIONS</span>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-// Streaming in progress
-$dir_handle = @opendir('ram/');
-if ($dir_handle)
- while ($session = readdir($dir_handle))
- {
- if($session == "." || $session == ".." || $session == 'lost+found')
- continue;
- if (!is_dir('ram/' .$session))
- continue;
- // Get info
- list($type, $realname, $title, $desc, $mode, $category, $url, $mediapath, $subdir) = readinfostream($session);
- switch ($type)
- {
- case 1:
- $sessionname = "Live: ";
- $picto = "tv";
- break;
- case 2:
- $sessionname = "Rec: ";
- $picto = "record";
- break;
- case 3:
- $sessionname = "Media: ";
- $picto = "media";
- break;
- default:
- continue;
- }
- // Check if encoding
- if (file_exists('ram/' .$session .'/'))
- $sessionname = "*" .$sessionname;
- $sessioncnt++;
- $sessionname .= $realname;
- print " <li class=\"menu\">";
- print " <a href=\"javascript:sendForm('{$session}');\">";
- print " <img src=\"images/pictos/{$picto}.png\" />";
- print " <span class=\"name\">{$sessionname}</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>";
- print " </a>";
- print " </li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"{$session}\" id=\"{$session}\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"streaming\" />";
- print " <input name=\"session\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"session\" value=\"{$session}\" />";
- print " </form>\r\n";
- }
- closedir($dir_handle);
-if (!$sessioncnt)
- print " <li class=\"textbox\"><p>none</p></li>\r\n";
- print "</ul>\r\n";
- print "</ul>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"killall\" id=\"killall\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"stopallstreamings\" />\r\n";
- print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
- print " <li class=\"button\">\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"Submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete all sessions\" /></li>\r\n";
- print "</ul>\r\n";
- print "</form>\r\n";
-// VDR menus
-if ($vdrenabled)
- print " <span class=\"graytitle\">VDR</span>\r\n";
- print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
- print " <li class=\"menu\"><a href=\"javascript:sendForm('channels');\"><img src=\"images/pictos/tv.png\" /><span class=\"name\">Channels</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"channels\" id=\"channels\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"listcategory\" /></form>\r\n";
- print " <li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('recordings');\"><img src=\"images/pictos/record.png\" /><span class=\"name\">Recordings</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"recordings\" id=\"recordings\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"recordings\" /><input name=\"dir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"dir\" value=\"{$vdrrecpath}\" /></form>\r\n";
- print " <li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('epg');\"><img src=\"images/pictos/epg.png\" /><span class=\"name\">Program Guide</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"epg\" id=\"epg\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"epg\" /></form>\r\n";
- print " <li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('timers');\"><img src=\"images/pictos/timers.png\" /><span class=\"name\">Timers</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"timers\" id=\"timers\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"timers\" /></form>\r\n";
- print " </ul>";
-// Media menus
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">MEDIA</span>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-foreach($mediasources as $source)
- $stype = $source[0];
- $sname = $source[1];
- $spath = $source[2];
- print " <li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('media {$sname} {$spath}');\">\r\n";
- if ($stype == 1)
- print " <img src=\"images/pictos/video.png\" />\r\n";
- else
- print " <img src=\"images/pictos/audio.png\" />\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">{$sname}</span>\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print " </li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"media\" id=\"media {$sname} {$spath}\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
- if ($stype == 1)
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"video\" />\r\n";
- else
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"audio\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$spath}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"/\" />\r\n";
- print " </form>\r\n";
-print " </ul>";
-print "</div>";
diff --git a/includes/inc_rec.php b/includes/inc_rec.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 63b757e..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_rec.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-global $vdrrecpath;
-$dir = $_REQUEST['dir'];
-if ($dir == "")
- $dir = $vdrrecpath;
-// Get current subdir
-$subdir = preg_replace("'" .quotemeta($vdrrecpath) ."'", '', $dir);
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-if ($dir == $vdrrecpath)
- print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
- print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
-if ($dir != $vdrrecpath)
-print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Recordings</span>\r\n";
-print "<br>";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">" . stripslashes($subdir) . "</span>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">";
-$dir = stripslashes($dir);
-$dir_handle = @opendir($dir);
-if (!$dir_handle)
- print "Unable to open $dir";
-else while ($recname = readdir($dir_handle))
- if($recname == "." || $recname == ".." || $recname == "" || $recname == 'lost+found')
- continue;
- $recname2 = addslashes($recname);
- $date = preg_replace('/-/', '/', substr($recname2, 0, 10));
- $time = preg_replace('/\./', 'h', substr($recname2, 11, 5));
- $recnice = $date .' at ' .$time;
- if (strstr($recname, ".rec") == ".rec")
- {
- $date = preg_replace('/-/', '/', substr($recname, 0, 10));
- $time = preg_replace('/\./', 'h', substr($recname, 11, 5));
- $recnice = $date .' at ' .$time;
- print "<li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$recname2');\"><span class=\"name\">$recnice</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"$recname\" id=\"$recname\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"stream\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"type\" value=2 />";
- print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"{$dir}/{$recname}\" />";
- print "</form>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $recnice = $recname;
- if ($recnice[0] == '@')
- $recnice = substr($recnice, 1);
- $recnice = preg_replace('/\_/', ' ', $recnice);
- print "<li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$recname2');\"><span class=\"name\">$recnice</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"$recname\" id=\"$recname\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"recordings\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"dir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"dir\" value=\"{$dir}/{$recname}\" />";
- print "</form>\r\n";
- }
-$updir = dirname($dir);
-print "<form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"recordings\"/><input name=\"dir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"dir\" value=\"{$updir}/\" /></form>\r\n";
-if ($dir_handle)
- closedir($dir_handle);
-print "</ul></div>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_session.php b/includes/inc_session.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 2e10155..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_session.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-function sessioncreate($type, $name, $title, $desc, $qname, $qparams, $category, $url, $mediapath, $subdir)
- global $httppath, $ffmpegpath, $segmenterpath;
- // Get a free session
- $i=0;
- for ($i=0; $i<1000; $i++)
- {
- $session = "session" .$i;
- if (!file_exists('ram/' .$session))
- break;
- }
- // Create session
- exec('mkdir ram/' .$session);
- $url = str_replace("\\'", "'", $url);
- switch ($type)
- {
- case 1:
- $cmd = "export SHELL=\"/bin/sh\";printf \"./ \\\"" .$url ."\\\" " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 2 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \" | at now";
- break;
- case 2:
- $cmd = "export SHELL=\"/bin/sh\";printf \"cat \\\"" .$url ."\\\"/0* | ./ - " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 1260 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \" | at now";
- break;
- case 3:
- $cmd = "export SHELL=\"/bin/sh\";printf \"./ \\\"" .$url ."\\\" " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 1260 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \" | at now";
- break;
- default:
- $cmd = "";
- }
- $cmd = str_replace('%', '%%', $cmd);
- exec ($cmd);
- // Write streaminfo
- writeinfostream($session, $type, $name, $title, $desc, $qname, $category, $url, $mediapath, $subdir);
- // Create logo
- if ($type == 3)
- generatelogo($type, $url, 'ram/' .$session .'/logo.png');
- else
- generatelogo($type, $name, 'ram/' .$session .'/logo.png');
- return $session;
-function sessiondelete($session)
- if ($session == 'all')
- {
- $dir_handle = @opendir('ram/');
- if ($dir_handle)
- {
- while ($session = readdir($dir_handle))
- {
- if($session == "." || $session == ".." || $session == 'lost+found')
- continue;
- if (!is_dir('ram/' .$session))
- continue;
- // Get info
- list($type, $realname, $title, $desc, $mode, $category, $url, $mediapath, $subdir) = readinfostream($session);
- if ($type)
- sessiondeletesingle($session);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- return sessiondeletesingle($session);
-function sessiondeletesingle($session)
- $ram = "ram/" .$session ."/";
- // Get segmenter PID if any
- if (file_exists($ram .""))
- $cmd = "kill `cat " .$ram ."`; rm " .$ram ."; ";
- $cmd .= "rm -rf " .$ram;
- exec ($cmd);
diff --git a/includes/inc_stream.php b/includes/inc_stream.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 5837e22..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_stream.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-global $vdrstreamdev, $quality;
-$category = $_SESSION['currentcat'];
-$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
-$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
-$name = stripslashes($name);
-switch ($type)
- // Live TV
- case 1:
- list($title, $desc, $realname) = vdrgetinfostream($name, 1);
- $channum = vdrgetchannum($realname);
- break;
- // Recording
- case 2:
- $realname = $name;
- list($title, $desc, $realname) = vdrgetinfostream($name, 0);
- break;
- // Media
- case 3:
- list($title, $desc) = mediagetinfostream($name);
- $realname = basename($name);
- break;
- default:
- $realname = "";
- $title = "";
- $desc = "";
- $channame = "";
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Select stream mode</span>\r\n";
-// Print the right logo
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-// Get logo
-if ($type == 2)
- generatelogo($type, $realname, 'ram/tmp-logo.png');
- generatelogo($type, $name, 'ram/tmp-logo.png');
-print " <center><img src=\"ram/tmp-logo.png\"></img></center>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-print " <div id=\"tributton\">\r\n";
-print " <div class=\"links\">\r\n";
-foreach ($quality as $qname => $qparams)
- print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('$qname')\">{$qname}</a>";
-print "\r\n";
-print " </div></div>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">{$realname}</span><p><strong>{$title}</strong>\r\n";
-print " <br>{$desc}</p></li></ul>\r\n";
-print " </div>\r\n";
-foreach ($quality as $qname => $qparams)
- print " <form name=\"{$qname}\" id=\"{$qname}\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"startstream\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"type\" value={$type} />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"{$realname}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"title\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"title\" value=\"{$title}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"desc\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"desc\" value=\"{$desc}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"qname\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"qname\" value=\"{$qname}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"qparams\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"qparams\" value=\"{$qparams}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"category\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"category\" value=\"{$category}\" />\r\n";
- switch ($type)
- {
- case 1:
- print " <input name=\"url\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"url\" value=\"{$vdrstreamdev}{$channum}\" />\r\n";
- break;
- case 3:
- $mediapath = $_REQUEST['mediapath'];
- $subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
- $subdir = stripslashes($subdir);
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"" .stripslashes($subdir) ."\" />\r\n";
- case 2:
- print " <input name=\"url\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"url\" value=\"" .stripslashes($name) ."\" />\r\n";
- break;
- }
- print " </form>";
-print " <form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
-switch ($type)
- case 1:
- if ($category==null)
- {
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"listcategory\" />";
- }
- else
- {
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"listchannels\" />";
- print " <input name=\"cat\"type=\"hidden\" id=\"cat\" value=\"{$category}\" />";
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- $dir = dirname($name);
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"recordings\" />";
- print " <input name=\"dir\"type=\"hidden\" id=\"dir\" value=\"" . stripslashes($dir) . "\" />";
- break;
- case 3:
- $mediapath = $_REQUEST['mediapath'];
- $subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
- $subdir = stripslashes($subdir);
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"video\" />";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />\r\n";
- break;
-print " </form>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_streaminfo.php b/includes/inc_streaminfo.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 4124396..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_streaminfo.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- Types:
- 0 : Not running
- 1 : VDR live
- 2 : VDR recording
- 3 : Media
-function writeinfostream($session, $type=0, $name="", $title="", $desc="", $mode="", $category="", $url="", $mediapath="", $subdir="")
- $ram = "ram/" .$session ."/";
- $infofile = fopen($ram ."streaminfo", 'w');
- fwrite($infofile, "type=" .$type ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "name=" .$name ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "title=" .$title ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "desc=" .$desc ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "mode=" .$mode ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "category=" .$category ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "url=" .$url ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "mediapath=" .$mediapath ."\n");
- fwrite($infofile, "subdir=" .$subdir ."\n");
- fclose($infofile);
-function readinfostream($session)
- $ram = "ram/" .$session ."/";
- if (!file_exists($ram ."streaminfo"))
- return array(0, "", "", "", "");
- $infofile = fopen($ram ."streaminfo", 'r');
- if (!$infofile)
- return array(0, "", "", "", "");
- while ($line = fgets($infofile, 1024))
- {
- if (!strncmp($line, "type=", strlen("type=")))
- $type = substr($line, strlen("type="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "name=", strlen("name=")))
- $name = substr($line, strlen("name="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "title=", strlen("title=")))
- $title = substr($line, strlen("title="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "desc=", strlen("desc=")))
- $desc = substr($line, strlen("desc="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "mode=", strlen("mode=")))
- $mode = substr($line, strlen("mode="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "category=", strlen("category=")))
- $category = substr($line, strlen("category="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "url=", strlen("url=")))
- $url = substr($line, strlen("url="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "mediapath=", strlen("mediapath=")))
- $mediapath = substr($line, strlen("mediapath="), -1);
- else if (!strncmp($line, "subdir=", strlen("subdir=")))
- $subdir = substr($line, strlen("subdir="), -1);
- }
- fclose($infofile);
- return array($type, $name, $title, $desc, $mode, $category, $url, $mediapath, $subdir);
diff --git a/includes/inc_streaming.php b/includes/inc_streaming.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 913f28e..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_streaming.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-global $vdrstreamdev, $quality;
-// Get $session if we are not directly included from startstream
-if ($session == "")
- $session = $_REQUEST['session'];
-$ram = "ram/" .$session ."/";
-// Get current stream info
-list($type, $realname, $title, $desc, $mode, $category, $url, $mediapath, $subdir) = readinfostream($session);
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"ajax('{$session}');\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('stopstream');\">Stop Stream</a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Now streaming</span>\r\n";
-// Print the right logo
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-$logopath=$ram ."/logo.png";
-$logowidth = mediagetwidth($logopath);
-print " <center><video id=\"videofeed\" width=\"{$logowidth}\" poster=\"{$logopath}\" ></video></center>\r\n";
-print " </ul>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">{$realname}</span><p><strong>" .stripslashes($title). "</strong>\r\n";
-print " <br>{$desc}</p></li></ul>\r\n";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">\r\n";
-print " <li id=\"modetext\" class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Mode</span>\r\n";
-print " <p id='streamtitle'>{$mode}</p></li></ul>\r\n";
-print " </div>\r\n";
-print " <form name=\"stopstream\" id=\"stopstream\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
-print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"stopstream\" />";
-print " <input name=\"session\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"session\" value=\"{$session}\" />";
-print " <input name=\"type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"type\" value={$type} />";
-switch ($type)
- case 1:
- print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"{$realname}\" />";
- break;
- case 3:
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />\r\n";
- case 2:
- print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"{$url}\" />";
- break;
-print " </form>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_svdrp.php b/includes/inc_svdrp.php
deleted file mode 100755
index da83b49..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_svdrp.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-// SVDRP is a class do communicate with a vdr via svdrp
-class SVDRP
- var $cfgServer;
- var $cfgPort;
- var $cfgTimeOut;
- var $handle;
- var $debug;
- function SVDRP($server = "localhost", $port=2001, $timeout = 30, $debug = 0)
- {
- $this->cfgServer = $server;
- $this->cfgPort = $port;
- $this->cfgTimeOut = $timeout;
- $this->debug = $debug;
- $this->handle = 0;
- }
- function DebugMessage($msg)
- {
- if($this->debug) echo ($msg);
- }
- function Connect()
- {
- if($this->handle) Disconnect();
- $errno = 0;
- $errstr = "";
- $this->handle = fsockopen($this->cfgServer, $this->cfgPort, &$errno, &$errstr, $this->cfgTimeOut);
- if(!$this->handle)
- {
- $this->DebugMessage("error $errno: $errstr");
- return false;
- }
- $this->DebugMessage("handle: $this->handle<br>\n");
- $input = fgets($this->handle,128);
- if(!preg_match("/^220 /", $input) || $input == "")
- {
- $this->DebugMessage("wrong welcome message: '$input'<br>\n");
- $this->Disconnect();
- return false;
- }
- $this->DebugMessage("Welcome message: $input<br><br>\n");
- return true;
- }
- function Command($cmd)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $ret = array();
- $this->DebugMessage("Kommando $cmd<br><pr"."e>");
- fputs($this->handle, $cmd . "\n");
- $s = "";
- $nline = 0;
- while($s .= fgets($this->handle,4096))
- {
- $nline++;
- $this->DebugMessage($s);
- if(!preg_match("/^(\\d{3})([ -])(.*)$/", $s, $data))
- {
- continue;
- }
- $number = $data[1];
- // TODO: Fehlernummer bearbeiten
- $ret[] = $data[3];
- if($data[2] != "-" && $nline == 1) $ret = $data[3] ;
- if($data[2] != "-") break;
- $s = "";
- }
- $this->DebugMessage("</pr"."e>");
- return $ret;
- }
- function ListChannels($numberorname="")
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $channels = array();
- $lines = $this->Command("LSTC$numberorname");
- if(!$lines) return false;
- foreach($lines as $a => $l)
- {
- $a = split(":", $l);
- $name = $a[0];
- $freq = $a[1];
- $b = split(";", $name);
- $name = $b[0];
- if(!isset($b[1])) $b[1] = $name;
- $group = $b[1];
- $c["name"] = $name;
- $c["group"] = $group;
- $c["frequency"] = $freq;
- $channels[] = $c;
- }
- return $channels;
- }
- function Help()
- {
- return $this->Command("HELP");
- }
- function Disconnect()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return;
- $this->Command("QUIT");
- fclose($this->handle);
- $this->handle = 0;
- $this->DebugMessage("disconnected");
- }
- function ClearEpg()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("CLRE");
- return true;
- }
- function SwitchUp()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("CHAN +");
- return true;
- }
- function SwitchDown()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("CHAN -");
- return true;
- }
- function SwitchChannel($channel)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("CHAN $channel");
- return true;
- }
- function DeleteChannel($id)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("DELC $id");
- return true;
- }
- function DeleteRecord($id)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("DELR $id");
- return true;
- }
- function GrabImage($filename, $type="jpeg", $quality="", $width="", $height)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("GRAB $filename $type $quality $width $height");
- return true;
- }
- function HitKey($key)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("HITK $key");
- return true;
- }
- function PowerOff()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("HITK Power");
- return true;
- }
- function GetKeys()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $lines = $this->Command("HITK");
- $keys = array();
- foreach($lines as $l)
- {
- if(!preg_match("/^ {4}(.*)$/", $l, $m)) continue;
- $keys[] = $m[1];
- }
- return $keys;
- }
- function ListEPG($pStrChannel="", $pStrTime="")
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $lines = $this->Command("LSTE");
- $epg = array ();
- $channel = array();
- $event = array();
- $channelname = "";
- foreach($lines as $l)
- {
- preg_match("/^(.)\\s*(.*)$/", $l, $m);
- $type = $m[1];
- $text = $m[2];
- switch($type)
- {
- case 'C': // Channel
- list( $channeldata, $channelname ) = explode( ' ', $text, 2 );
- break;
- case 'E': // new Event
- sscanf($text, "%u %ld %d %X", $event["EventID"], $event["StartTime"], $event["Duration"], $event["TableID"]);
- break;
- case 'T': // Title
- $event["Title"] = $text;
- break;
- case 'S': // Short text
- $event["Shottext"] = $text;
- break;
- case 'D': // Description
- $event["Desc"] = $text;
- break;
- case 'V': // VPS
- $event["VPS"] = $text;
- break;
- case 'e': // Event end
- if ((trim($pStrTime) != '') && (( $event['StartTime'] > $pStrTime ) || ($event['StartTime'] + $event["Duration"] < $pStrTime)))
- continue;
- $channel[] = $event;
- $event = array();
- break;
- case 'c': // Channel end
- if ((trim($pStrChannel) != '') && ($channelname != $pStrChannel))
- continue;
- $epg[$channelname] = $channel;
- $channel = array();
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((trim($pStrTime) == '') || (( $event['StartTime'] < $pStrTime ) && ($event['StartTime'] + $event["Duration"] > $pStrTime)))
- $channel[] = $event;
- if ((trim($pStrChannel) != '') || ($channelname == $pStrChannel))
- $epg[$channelname] = $channel;
- return $epg;
- }
- function Message($msg)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("MESG $msg");
- return true;
- }
- // Volume commands
- function ToggleMute()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("VOLU mute");
- return true;
- }
- function VolumeUp()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("VOLU +");
- return true;
- }
- function VolumeDown()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("VOLU -");
- return true;
- }
- function SetVolume($v)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("VOLU $v");
- return true;
- }
- function GetVolume()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $v = $this->Command("VOLU");
- if($v == "Audio is mute") return 0;
- if(!preg_match("/Audio volume is (.*)/", $v, $m)) return false;
- return $m[1];
- }
- function GetDiskStat()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $stat = $this->Command("STAT DISK");
- sscanf($stat, "%dMB %dMB %d%%", $FreeMUsedMB, $FreeMB, $Percent);
- $ret["FreeMB + UsedMB"] = $FreeMUsedMB;
- $ret["FreeMB"] = $FreeMB;
- $ret["UsedMB"] = $FreeMUsedMB - $FreeMB;
- $ret["Percent"] = $Percent;
- return $ret;
- }
- function StartScan()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("SCAN");
- return true;
- }
- function MoveChannel($number, $to)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("MOVC $number $to");
- return true;
- }
- function DeleteTimer($id)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("DELT $id");
- return true;
- }
- function MoveTimer($number, $to)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $this->Command("MOVT $number $to");
- return true;
- }
- function TimerOnOff($n, $state = "on")
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- //if($state == "1") $state = "on";
- //if($state == "0") $state = "off";
- //if($state == false) $state = "off";
- // if($state == true) $state = "on";
- switch($state)
- {
- case false:
- case "off":
- case "0":
- $state = "off";
- break;
- default:
- $state = "on";
- break;
- }
- return $this->Command("MODT $n $state");
- }
- function ListTimers()
- {
- }
- function ShowMessage($msg = "")
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- return $this->Command("MESG $msg");
- }
- function ListRecords()
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $lines = $this->Command("LSTR");
- $records = array();
- foreach($lines as $l)
- {
- if(!preg_match("/^(\\d)\s(\\d*)\\.(\\d*)\\.(\\d*) (\\d*)\\:(\\d*).\s(.*)$/", $l, $m)) continue;
- $id = $m[1];
- $m["id"] = $m[1];
- $m["day"] = $m[2];
- $m["month"] = $m[3];
- $m["year"] = $m[4];
- $m["hour"] = $m[5];
- $m["minute"] = $m[6];
- $m["desc"] = $m[7];
- $records[$id] = $m;
- }
- return $records;
- }
- // TODO: perhaps better implementation
- function ListRecord($n)
- {
- if(!$this->handle) return false;
- $m = $this->Command("LSTR $n");
- return $m[0];
- }
- //TODO: Implement following commands:
- /*
- */
-// Small Example
-echo "<pr"."e>";
-$a = new SVDRP();
diff --git a/includes/inc_timers.php b/includes/inc_timers.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 5190494..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_timers.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Timers</span>\r\n";
-// Status display
-if ($message != "")
- print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">";
- print $message;
- print " </ul>";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\">";
-print " <span class=\"header\">Current timers</span>";
-print " </li>";
-print "</ul>";
-print "<ul class=\"pageitem\">";
-print " <li class=\"menu\">";
-print " <a href=\"javascript:sendForm('new_timer')\">";
-print " <span class=\"name\">New Timer</span>";
-print " <span class=\"arrow\"></span>";
-print " </a>";
-print " </li>";
-print " <form name=\"new_timer\" id=\"new_timer\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
-print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"edittimer\"/>";
-print " <input name=\"timer\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer\" value=\"-1\" />";
-print " </form>";
-print "</ul>";
-print "</div>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_utils.php b/includes/inc_utils.php
deleted file mode 100755
index e748c64..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_utils.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-function is_utf8($str)
- $c=0; $b=0;
- $bits=0;
- $len=strlen($str);
- for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++)
- {
- $c=ord($str[$i]);
- if($c > 128)
- {
- if(($c >= 254)) return false;
- elseif($c >= 252) $bits=6;
- elseif($c >= 248) $bits=5;
- elseif($c >= 240) $bits=4;
- elseif($c >= 224) $bits=3;
- elseif($c >= 192) $bits=2;
- else return false;
- if(($i+$bits) > $len) return false;
- while($bits > 1)
- {
- $i++;
- $b=ord($str[$i]);
- if($b < 128 || $b > 191) return false;
- $bits--;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-function php2js ($var)
- if (is_array($var))
- {
- $array = array();
- foreach ($var as $a_var)
- $array[] = php2js($a_var);
- return str_replace("\"", "'", join(",", $array));
- }
- elseif (is_bool($var))
- return ($var ? "true" : "false");
- elseif (is_int($var) || is_integer($var) || is_double($var) || is_float($var))
- return $var;
- elseif (is_string($var))
- return "\"" .$var . "\"";
- else
- return false;
-function sec2hms ($sec, $padHours = false)
- // holds formatted string
- $hms = "";
- // there are 3600 seconds in an hour, so if we
- // divide total seconds by 3600 and throw away
- // the remainder, we've got the number of hours
- $hours = intval(intval($sec) / 3600);
- // add to $hms, with a leading 0 if asked for
- $hms .= ($padHours)
- ? str_pad($hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). ':'
- : $hours. ':';
- // dividing the total seconds by 60 will give us
- // the number of minutes, but we're interested in
- // minutes past the hour: to get that, we need to
- // divide by 60 again and keep the remainder
- $minutes = intval(($sec / 60) % 60);
- // then add to $hms (with a leading 0 if needed)
- $hms .= str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). ':';
- // seconds are simple - just divide the total
- // seconds by 60 and keep the remainder
- $seconds = intval($sec % 60);
- // add to $hms, again with a leading 0 if needed
- $hms .= str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
- // done!
- return $hms;
diff --git a/includes/inc_vdr.php b/includes/inc_vdr.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 6dee5dc..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_vdr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-include ('includes/inc_svdrp.php');
-function vdrsendcommand($cmd)
- global $svdrpip, $svdrpport;
- $svdrp = new SVDRP($svdrpip, $svdrpport);
- $svdrp->Connect();
- $ret = $svdrp->Command($cmd);
- $svdrp->Disconnect();
- return $ret;
-function vdrgetinfostream($stream = "NULL", $ischan = 1)
- global $allepg, $allepgfilled;
- $stream=stripslashes($stream);
- if ($ischan)
- {
- // Fill epg if not yet done
- if ($allepgfilled == 0)
- {
- $allepg = vdrsendcommand("LSTE NOW");
- $allepgfilled = 1;
- }
- $channame = $stream;
- }
- else
- {
- $infofile = $stream ."/info";
- if (file_exists($infofile))
- $info= file_get_contents($infofile);
- else
- {
- $infofile = $stream ."/info.vdr";
- if (file_exists($infofile))
- $info= file_get_contents($infofile);
- else
- $info="";
- }
- $allepg = explode("\n", $info);
- }
- if ($ischan)
- $chanfound = 0;
- else
- $chanfound = 1;
- $epgtitlefound = 0;
- $epgtitle="";
- $epgdesc="";
- // For all epg
- $count = count($allepg);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
- {
- // Find the right chan (take the first one)
- if ($chanfound == 0)
- {
- $streamArray = explode(";",$stream);
- if (strstr($allepg[$i], $streamArray[0]) == $streamArray[0])
- $chanfound = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- // Now find T or C
- if(ereg("^C", $allepg[$i]))
- {
- // Check if it is our chan too, else search again
- if ($ischan)
- {
- if(!ereg("$stream$", $allepg[$i]))
- {
- $chanfound = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $channame = substr($allepg[$i], 2);
- $channames = explode(" ", $channame);
- $channame = substr($channame, strlen($channames[0])+1);
- }
- }
- else if(ereg("^T", $allepg[$i]))
- $epgtitle=substr($allepg[$i], 2);
- else if(ereg("^D", $allepg[$i]))
- $epgdesc=substr($allepg[$i], 2);
- }
- }
- // Convert if needed
- if (!is_utf8($epgtitle))
- $epgtitle = utf8_encode($epgtitle);
- if (!is_utf8($epgdesc))
- $epgdesc = utf8_encode($epgdesc);
- return array($epgtitle, $epgdesc, $channame);
-function vdrgettimerinfo($timernum=-1)
- if ($timernum != -1)
- {
- $timer = vdrsendcommand("LSTT " .$timernum);
- $timerarray = explode(":", $timer);
- $typearray = explode(" ", $timerarray[0]);
- $type = $typearray[1];
- $channel = $timerarray[1];
- $date = $timerarray[2];
- $stime = $timerarray[3];
- $etime = $timerarray[4];
- $desc = $timerarray[7];
- }
- else
- {
- $type = 1;
- $channel = 1;
- $date = date('Y-m-d');
- $stime = date('Hi');
- $etime = date('Hi');
- $desc = "New timer";
- }
- $channame = vdrgetchanname($channel);
- return array($type, $channame, $date, $stime, $etime, $desc);
-function vdrgetchannum($chan = "NULL")
- $channels = vdrsendcommand("LSTC");
- // Get channel number
- $channels = preg_grep(quotemeta('"'.$chan.';|'.$chan.':"'), $channels);
- reset($channels);
- $channels = explode(" ", $channels[key($channels)]);
- $channum = $channels[0];
- return $channum;
-function vdrgetchanname($channum = 0)
- $channel = vdrsendcommand("LSTC " .$channum);
- // Get channel name
- $chanarray = explode(":", $channel);
- $chanarray = explode(";", $chanarray[0]);
- $channame = $chanarray[0];
- $channame = substr($channame, strlen($channum)+1);
- return $channame;
-function vdrlistcategories()
- global $vdrchannels;
- // All chans
- print "<li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('All');\"><span class=\"name\">All channels</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"All channels\" id=\"All\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"listchannels\"/><input name=\"cat\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"cat\" value=\"All\" /></form>\r\n";
- if (!file_exists($vdrchannels))
- {
- print "Error: channels file not found";
- return;
- }
- $fp = fopen ($vdrchannels,"r");
- if (!fp)
- {
- print "Unable to open channels file";
- return;
- }
- while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024))
- {
- // Check if it is a categorie
- if ($line[0] == ":")
- {
- // Remove : and @
- $cat = substr($line, 1, -1);
- if($cat[0] == '@')
- {
- $cat_array = explode(' ', $cat);
- $cat = substr($cat, strlen($cat_array[0])+1);
- }
- $cat2 = addslashes($cat);
- print "<li class=\"menu\"><a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$cat2');\"><span class=\"name\">$cat</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a></li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"$cat\" id=\"$cat\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\"><input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"listchannels\"/><input name=\"cat\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"cat\" value=\"$cat\" /></form>\r\n";
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
-function vdrlistchannels($category = "NULL")
- global $epgtitle;
- global $vdrchannels;
- if ($category == "All")
- $cat_found=1;
- else
- $cat_found=0;
- if (!file_exists($vdrchannels))
- {
- print "Error: channels file not found";
- return;
- }
- $fp = fopen ($vdrchannels,"r");
- if (!fp)
- {
- print "Unable to open channels file";
- return;
- }
- while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024))
- {
- if ($cat_found)
- {
- if ($line[0] == ":")
- {
- if ($category == "All")
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- $channels = explode(":", $line);
- $channels = explode(";", $channels[0]);
- $chan = $channels[0];
- // Get EPG title
- $epgtitle = NULL;
- list($epgtitle, $epgdesc, $channame) = vdrgetinfostream($chan, 1);
- print "<li class=\"withimage\">";
- $chan2=addslashes($chan);
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$chan2');\">\r\n";
- $channoslash = preg_replace("$/$", " ", $chan);
- if (!file_exists('logos/'.$channoslash.'.png'))
- print " <img src=\"logos/nologoTV.png\" />\r\n";
- else
- print " <img src=\"logos/{$channoslash}.png\" />\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">$chan</span>\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"comment\">$epgtitle</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span></a>\r\n</li>\r\n";
- print " <form name=\"$chan\" id=\"$chan\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"stream\" />";
- print " <input name=\"type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"type\" value=1 />";
- print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"$chan\" />";
- print " </form>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- if ($line[0] == ":")
- {
- // Remove : and @
- $cat = substr($line, 1, -1);
- if($cat[0] == '@')
- {
- $cat_array = explode(' ', $cat);
- $cat = substr($cat, strlen($cat_array[0])+1);
- }
- // Check category
- if ("$cat" == "$category")
- $cat_found = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
-function vdrlistchannelsdrop($chansel = "")
- global $vdrchannels;
- $chanselected = 0;
- if (!file_exists($vdrchannels))
- {
- print "Error: channels file not found";
- return;
- }
- $fp = fopen ($vdrchannels,"r");
- if (!fp)
- {
- print "Unable to open channels file";
- return;
- }
- while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024))
- {
- if ($line[0] == ":")
- continue;
- $channels = explode(":", $line);
- $channels = explode(";", $channels[0]);
- $chan = $channels[0];
- if (($chan == $chansel) && !$chanselected)
- {
- print "<option selected value=\"{$chan}\">{$chan}</option>";
- $chanselected = 1;
- }
- else
- print "<option value=\"{$chan}\">{$chan}</option>";
- }
-function vdrlisttimers()
- $timers = vdrsendcommand("LSTT");
- if (gettype($timers) == "string")
- {
- if (!is_numeric(substr($timers,0,1)))
- {
- print "<li class=\"textbox\"><p>none</p></li>\r\n";
- return;
- }
- else
- $timersarray[] = $timers;
- }
- else
- $timersarray = $timers;
- foreach($timersarray as $timer)
- {
- // Extract timer #
- $timerarray = explode(" ", $timer);
- $timernum = $timerarray[0];
- list($type, $channame, $date, $starthour, $endhour, $desc) = vdrgettimerinfo($timernum);
- print "<li class=\"menu\">";
- print " <a href=\"javascript:sendForm('timer {$timernum}')\">\r\n";
- if ($type & 0x8)
- print " <img alt=\"list\" src=\"images/pictos/timerrec.png\" />\r\n";
- else if ($type & 0x1)
- print " <img alt=\"list\" src=\"images/pictos/timeron.png\" />\r\n";
- else
- print " <img alt=\"list\" src=\"images/pictos/timeroff.png\" />\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">{$date}: {$desc}</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print "</li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"timer {$timernum}\" id=\"timer {$timernum}\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"edittimer\"/>\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"timer\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"timer\" value=\"{$timernum}\" />\r\n";
- print "</form>\r\n";
- }
-function vdrdeltimer($timer=0)
- return vdrsendcommand("DELT " .$timer);
-function vdrsettimer($prevtimer, $channame, $date, $stime, $etime, $desc, $active)
- $channum = vdrgetchannum($channame);
- if ($active)
- $type = "1";
- else
- $type = "0";
- if ($prevtimer == -1)
- $command = "NEWT " .$type .":" .$channum .":" .$date .":" .$stime .":" .$etime .":99:99:" .$desc;
- else
- $command = "MODT " .$prevtimer ." " .$type .":" .$channum .":" .$date .":" .$stime .":" .$etime .":99:99:" .$desc;
- return vdrsendcommand($command);
diff --git a/includes/inc_video.php b/includes/inc_video.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8fc9208..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_video.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-$mediapath = $_REQUEST['mediapath'];
-$subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
-$mediapath = stripslashes($mediapath);
-$subdir = stripslashes($subdir);
-/* Add last slash to dirs */
-if ($mediapath[strlen($mediapath)-1] != '/')
- $mediapath = $mediapath .'/';
-if ($subdir[strlen($subdir)-1] != '/')
- $subdir = $subdir .'/';
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-if ($subdir == '/')
- print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
- print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
- print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
- print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Media</span>\r\n";
-print " <br>";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Current path:</span><p>" . stripslashes($subdir) . "</p></li>";
-$noslashdir = stripslashes($mediapath.$subdir);
-$dir_handle = @opendir($noslashdir);
-if (!$dir_handle)
- print "Unable to open $mediapath .$subdir";
-else while ($medianame = readdir($dir_handle))
- if($medianame == "." || $medianame == ".." || $medianame == 'lost+found')
- continue;
- $medianame_array[] = $medianame;
-if ($medianame_array[0])
- // Alphabetical sorting
- sort($medianame_array);
- $audiocnt=0;
- foreach($medianame_array as $value)
- {
- $medianame2=addslashes($value);
- switch (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$value))
- {
- // Dir
- case 3:
- {
- print "<li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$medianame2');\">\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">$value</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print "</li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"$value\" id=\"$value\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"video\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"" .stripslashes($subdir) .stripslashes($value) ."\" />\r\n";
- print "</form>\r\n";
- break;
- }
- // Video
- case 1:
- {
- print "<li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$medianame2');\">\r\n";
- print " <img src=\"images/pictos/video.png\" />\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">$value</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print "</li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"$value\" id=\"$value\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"stream\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"type\" value=3 />";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"{$mediapath}{$subdir}{$value}\" />";
- print "</form>\r\n";
- break;
- }
- // Rest of files
- default:
- continue;
- }
- }
-$upsubdir = dirname($subdir);
-print "<form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"video\"/>\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$upsubdir}\" />\r\n";
-print "</form>\r\n";
-if ($dir_handle)
- closedir($dir_handle);
-print "</ul></div>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/include.php b/includes/include.php
deleted file mode 100755
index de9cfa4..0000000
--- a/includes/include.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-if (file_exists('config.php'))
- include ('config.php');
- include ('config_default.php');
-include ('includes/inc_session.php');
-include ('includes/inc_utils.php');
-include ('includes/inc_auth.php');
-include ('includes/inc_vdr.php');
-include ('includes/inc_files.php');
-include ('includes/inc_streaminfo.php');
-include ('getid3/getid3.php');
-function selectpage()
- global $maxencodingprocesses;
- // Sanity check
- if (!file_exists('ram'))
- die("Error: 'ram/' directory is missing, please create it!");
- $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
- switch ($action)
- {
- case ("streaming"):
- include('includes/inc_streaming.php');
- break;
- case ("startstream"):
- // Dont create a session if too much are running already
- $nbencprocess = exec("find ram/ -name | wc | awk '{ print $1 }'");
- if ($nbencprocess < $maxencodingprocesses)
- {
- $type = $_REQUEST['type'];
- $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
- $title = $_REQUEST['title'];
- $desc = stripslashes ($_REQUEST['desc']);
- $qname = $_REQUEST['qname'];
- $qparams = $_REQUEST['qparams'];
- $category = $_REQUEST['category'];
- $url = $_REQUEST['url'];
- $mediapath = $_REQUEST['mediapath'];
- $subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
- $session = sessioncreate($type, $name, $title, $desc, $qname, $qparams, $category, $url, $mediapath, $subdir);
- include('includes/inc_streaming.php');
- }
- else
- include('includes/inc_streaming.php');
- break;
- case ("stopstream"):
- sessiondelete($_REQUEST['session']);
- // NO BREAK;
- case ("stream"):
- include('includes/inc_stream.php');
- break;
- case ("stopallstreamings"):
- sessiondelete('all');
- $_SESSION['currentcat'] = NULL;
- include('includes/inc_home.php');
- break;
- case ("listcategory"):
- include('includes/inc_cat.php');
- break;
- case ("listchannels"):
- include('includes/inc_chan.php');
- break;
- case ("recordings"):
- include('includes/inc_rec.php');
- break;
- case ("video"):
- include('includes/inc_video.php');
- break;
- case ("audio"):
- include('includes/inc_audio.php');
- break;
- case ("epg"):
- include('includes/inc_epg.php');
- break;
- case ("timers"):
- include('includes/inc_timers.php');
- break;
- case ("edittimer"):
- include('includes/inc_edittimer.php');
- break;
- case ("deletetimer"):
- $timer = $_REQUEST['timer'];
- delete_timer($timer);
- include('includes/inc_timers.php');
- break;
- case ("addtimer"):
- $active = $_REQUEST['timer_active'];
- $channame = $_REQUEST['timer_chan'];
- $date = $_REQUEST['timer_date'];
- $stime = $_REQUEST['timer_starttime'];
- $etime = $_REQUEST['timer_endtime'];
- $desc = $_REQUEST['timer_name'];
- $prevtimer = $_REQUEST['prevtimer'];
- set_timer($active, $channame, $date, $stime, $etime, $desc, $prevtimer);
- include('includes/inc_timers.php');
- break;
- case ("playdir"):
- include('includes/inc_mp3.php');
- break;
- default:
- $_SESSION['currentcat'] = NULL;
- include('includes/inc_home.php');
- break;
- }
-function delete_timer($timer)
- $ret = vdrdeltimer($timer);
- $message = " <li class=\"textbox\"><p><font color='black'>Timer deleted successfully</font></p></li>";
-function set_timer($active, $channame, $date, $stime, $etime, $desc, $prevtimer)
- $ret = vdrsettimer($prevtimer, $channame, $date, $stime, $etime, $desc, $active);
- if ($prevtimer == -1)
- $settype = "creat";
- else
- $settype = "edit";
- $retarray = explode(":", $ret);
- if (!is_numeric(substr($retarray[0], 0, 1)))
- $message = " <li class=\"textbox\"><p><font color='red'>{$retarray[0]}</font></p></li>";
- else
- $message = " <li class=\"textbox\"><p>Timer {$settype}ed successfully</p></li>";