path: root/includes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes')
6 files changed, 260 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/includes/inc_audio.php b/includes/inc_audio.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..458689f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/inc_audio.php
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+global $httppath;
+print "<body class=\"ipodlist\">\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
+print " <a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a>\r\n";
+print "</div>\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
+print " <a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
+print "</div>\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
+print " <ul>\r\n";
+$dir_handle = @opendir($mediapath .$subdir);
+if (!$dir_handle)
+ print "Unable to open $mediapath .$subdir";
+else while ($medianame = readdir($dir_handle))
+ // Add only mp3 files and dirs
+ if($medianame == "." || $medianame == ".." || $medianame == 'lost+found')
+ continue;
+ $type = mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame);
+ if (($type != 2) && ($type != 3))
+ continue;
+ $medianame_array[] = $medianame;
+if ($medianame_array[0])
+ // Alphabetical sorting
+ sort($medianame_array);
+ exec('rm playlist/*.mp3');
+ exec('ln -s ' .addcslashes(quotemeta($mediapath .$subdir), " ") .'*.mp3 playlist');
+ $count = count($medianame_array);
+ for ($cnt=0; $cnt < $count; $cnt++)
+ {
+ // Dirs
+ if (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt]) == 3)
+ {
+ print " <li>\r\n";
+ print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('dir_{$medianame_array[$cnt]}');\">\r\n";
+ print " <span class=\"name\">{$medianame_array[$cnt]}</span><span class=\"time\">></span>\r\n";
+ print " </a>\r\n";
+ print " </li>\r\n";
+ print " <form name=\"dir_{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\" id=\"dir_{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
+ print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"media\"/>\r\n";
+ print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
+ print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\" />\r\n";
+ print " </form>\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $idx = 1;
+ for ($cnt=0; $cnt < $count; $cnt++)
+ {
+ // Audio
+ if (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt]) == 2)
+ {
+ print " <li>\r\n";
+ print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:document.s{$idx}.Play();\">\r\n";
+ print " <span class=\"number\">$idx</span><span class=\"stop\"></span><span class=\"name\">{$medianame_array[$cnt]}</span>\r\n";
+ print " </a>\r\n";
+ print " </li>\r\n";
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ print("</div>");
+ print "<div style=\"position:absolute; left:0; top:0\">\r\n";
+ $idx = 1;
+ for ($cnt=0; $cnt < $count; $cnt++)
+ {
+ // Audio files
+ if (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt]) == 2)
+ {
+ print "<embed enablejavascript=\"true\" autoplay=\"false\" height=\"0\" name=\"s{$idx}\"";
+ print " src=\"{$httppath}playlist/{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\"";
+ print " width=\"0\" loop=\"true\" controller=\"false\"";
+ $next=1;
+ for ($cnt2=$idx+1; $cnt2<$count; $cnt2++)
+ {
+ if (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$medianame_array[$cnt2]) == 2)
+ {
+ print " qtnext{$next}=\"<{$httppath}playlist/{$medianame_array[$cnt2]}>\"";
+ $next++;
+ }
+ }
+ print " />\r\n";
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ print("</div>");
+ print "</div>\r\n";
+$upsubdir = dirname($subdir);
+print " <form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
+print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"media\" />\r\n";
+print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
+print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$upsubdir}\" />\r\n";
+print " </form>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_files.php b/includes/inc_files.php
index f593ba9..7a6f5a8 100755
--- a/includes/inc_files.php
+++ b/includes/inc_files.php
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+$audiotypes='mp3 aac';
function mediagetinfostream($stream = "")
@@ -43,4 +45,30 @@ function mediagetinfostream($stream = "")
return array($title, $info);
+function mediagettype($file)
+ global $videotypes, $audiotypes;
+ // Get file extension
+ $fileext = end(explode(".", $file));
+ if (is_dir($file))
+ return 3;
+ if ( preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $videotypes) || preg_match("/" .$fileext ." $/", $videotypes) )
+ return 1;
+ else if ( preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $audiotypes) || preg_match("/" .$fileext ." $/", $audiotypes) )
+ return 2;
+ else
+ return 0;
+function mediadirhasaudio($dir)
+ global $audiotypes;
+ $audioextarray = explode(' ', $audiotypes);
+ foreach ($audioextarray as $num => $audioext)
+ if (glob($dir .'*.' .$audioext))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/includes/inc_media.php b/includes/inc_media.php
index eaed547..e0f7cb9 100755
--- a/includes/inc_media.php
+++ b/includes/inc_media.php
@@ -1,156 +1,17 @@
-global $videotypes;
-$audiotypes='mp3 aac';
-$subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
$mediapath = $_REQUEST['mediapath'];
+$subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
/* Add last slash to dirs */
if ($mediapath[strlen($mediapath)-1] != '/')
- $mediapath = $mediapath .'/';
+ $mediapath = $mediapath .'/';
if ($subdir[strlen($subdir)-1] != '/')
- $subdir = $subdir .'/';
+ $subdir = $subdir .'/';
-print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-if ($subdir == '/')
- print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
+// Use the right media type
+if (mediadirhasaudio($mediapath .$subdir))
+ include ('includes/inc_audio.php');
- print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
- print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
- print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Media</span>\r\n";
-print " <br>";
-print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">";
-print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Current path:</span><p>{$subdir}</p></li>";
-// Option to play dir
-$audioextarray = explode(' ', $audiotypes);
-$playlist = 0;
-foreach ($audioextarray as $num => $audioext)
- if (glob($mediapath .$subdir .'*.' .$audioext))
- $playlist = 1;
-if ($playlist)
- print " <li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('track_all');\">\r\n";
- print " <img src=\"images/pictos/playlist.png\" />\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">Play current dir</span>\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print " </li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"track_all\" id=\"track_all\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"playdir\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"play\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"play\" value= />";
- print "</form>";
-$dir_handle = @opendir($mediapath .$subdir);
-if (!$dir_handle)
- print "Unable to open $mediapath .$subdir";
-else while ($medianame = readdir($dir_handle))
- if($medianame == "." || $medianame == ".." || $medianame == 'lost+found')
- continue;
- $medianame_array[] = $medianame;
-if ($medianame_array[0])
- // Alphabetical sorting
- sort($medianame_array);
- $audiocnt=0;
- foreach($medianame_array as $value)
- {
- $medianame2=addslashes($value);
- // Directories
- if (is_dir($mediapath .$subdir .$value))
- {
- print "<li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$medianame2');\">\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">$value</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print "</li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"$value\" id=\"$value\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"media\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}{$value}\" />\r\n";
- print "</form>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- // Get file extension
- $fileext = end(explode(".", $value));
- // Check if it is supported
- if ( preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $videotypes) || preg_match("/" .$fileext ." $/", $videotypes) )
- {
- print "<li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$medianame2');\">\r\n";
- print " <img src=\"images/pictos/video.png\" />\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">$value</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print "</li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"$value\" id=\"$value\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"stream\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"type\" value=3 />";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />\r\n";
- print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"{$mediapath}{$subdir}{$value}\" />";
- print "</form>\r\n";
- }
- else if ( preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $audiotypes) || preg_match("/" .$fileext ."$/", $audiotypes) )
- {
- $audiocnt++;
- print "<li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('track_{$audiocnt}');\">\r\n";
- print " <img src=\"images/pictos/audio.png\" />\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"name\">$value</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print "</li>\r\n";
- print "<form name=\"track_{$audiocnt}\" id=\"track_{$audiocnt}\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
- print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"playdir\"/>";
- print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />";
- print " <input name=\"play\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"play\" value={$audiocnt} />";
- print "</form>";
- }
- }
- }
-$upsubdir = dirname($subdir);
-print "<form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"media\"/>\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$upsubdir}\" />\r\n";
-print "</form>\r\n";
-if ($dir_handle)
- closedir($dir_handle);
-print "</ul></div>\r\n";
+ include ('includes/inc_video.php');
diff --git a/includes/inc_mp3.php b/includes/inc_mp3.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 85553e6..0000000
--- a/includes/inc_mp3.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-$play =$_REQUEST['play'];
-if ($play == "")
- print "<body class=\"ipodlist\">\r\n";
- print "<body class=\"ipodlist\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
-print " <a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
-print " <a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
-global $httppath;
-print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
-print "</div>\r\n";
-print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
-print " <ul>\r\n";
-$mediapath = $_REQUEST['mediapath'];
-$subdir = $_REQUEST['subdir'];
-$dir_handle = @opendir($mediapath .$subdir);
-if (!$dir_handle)
- print "Unable to open $mediapath .$subdir";
-else while ($medianame = readdir($dir_handle))
- // Add only mp3 files
- if(strstr($medianame, ".mp3") != ".mp3")
- continue;
- $medianame_array[] = $medianame;
-if ($medianame_array[0])
- // Alphabetical sorting
- sort($medianame_array);
- exec('rm playlist/*.mp3');
- exec('ln -s ' .addcslashes(quotemeta($mediapath .$subdir), " ") .'*.mp3 playlist');
- $cnt = 1;
- foreach($medianame_array as $value)
- {
- $medianame2=addslashes($value);
- print " <li>\r\n";
- print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:document.s{$cnt}.Play();\">\r\n";
- print " <span class=\"number\">$cnt</span><span class=\"stop\"></span><span class=\"name\">{$value}</span>\r\n";
- print " </a>\r\n";
- print " </li>\r\n";
- $cnt++;
- }
- print "</div>\r\n";
- print "<div style=\"position:absolute; left:0; top:0\">\r\n";
- $count = count($medianame_array);
- for ($cnt=0; $cnt < $count; $cnt++)
- {
- $idx=$cnt+1;
- print "<embed enablejavascript=\"true\" autoplay=\"false\" height=\"0\" name=\"s{$idx}\"";
-// print " src=\"streammusic.php?mediapath={$mediapath}&subdir={$subdir}&file={$medianame_array[$cnt]}\"";
- print " src=\"{$httppath}playlist/{$medianame_array[$cnt]}\"";
- print " width=\"0\" loop=\"true\" controller=\"false\"";
- $next=1;
- for ($cnt2=$cnt+1; $cnt2<$count; $cnt2++)
- {
-// print " qtnext{$next}=\"<streammusic.php?mediapath={$mediapath}&subdir={$subdir}&file={$medianame_array[$cnt2]}\"";
- print " qtnext{$next}=\"<{$httppath}playlist/{$medianame_array[$cnt2]}>\"";
- $next++;
- }
- print " />\r\n";
- }
- print "</div>";
- print "</div>\r\n";
-print " <form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
-print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"media\" />";
-print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
-print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />\r\n";
-print " </form>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/inc_video.php b/includes/inc_video.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d933a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/inc_video.php
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+print "<body onorientationchange=\"updateOrientation();\" onload=\"updateOrientation();\">\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"topbar\" class=\"transparent\">\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"leftnav\">\r\n";
+if ($subdir == '/')
+ print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
+ print "<a href=\"javascript:sendForm('getback')\">Back</a></div>\r\n";
+ print "<div id=\"rightnav\">\r\n";
+ print "<a href=\"index.php\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"images/home.png\" /></a></div>\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"title\">iStreamdev</div>\r\n";
+print "</div>\r\n";
+print "<div id=\"content\">\r\n";
+print " <span class=\"graytitle\">Media</span>\r\n";
+print " <br>";
+print " <ul class=\"pageitem\">";
+print " <li class=\"textbox\"><span class=\"header\">Current path:</span><p>{$subdir}</p></li>";
+$dir_handle = @opendir($mediapath .$subdir);
+if (!$dir_handle)
+ print "Unable to open $mediapath .$subdir";
+else while ($medianame = readdir($dir_handle))
+ if($medianame == "." || $medianame == ".." || $medianame == 'lost+found')
+ continue;
+ $medianame_array[] = $medianame;
+if ($medianame_array[0])
+ // Alphabetical sorting
+ sort($medianame_array);
+ $audiocnt=0;
+ foreach($medianame_array as $value)
+ {
+ $medianame2=addslashes($value);
+ switch (mediagettype($mediapath .$subdir .$value))
+ {
+ // Dir
+ case 3:
+ {
+ print "<li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
+ print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$medianame2');\">\r\n";
+ print " <span class=\"name\">$value</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
+ print " </a>\r\n";
+ print "</li>\r\n";
+ print "<form name=\"$value\" id=\"$value\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
+ print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"media\"/>";
+ print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
+ print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}{$value}\" />\r\n";
+ print "</form>\r\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Video
+ case 1:
+ {
+ print "<li class=\"menu\">\r\n";
+ print " <a class=\"noeffect\" href=\"javascript:sendForm('$medianame2');\">\r\n";
+ print " <img src=\"images/pictos/video.png\" />\r\n";
+ print " <span class=\"name\">$value</span><span class=\"arrow\"></span>\r\n";
+ print " </a>\r\n";
+ print "</li>\r\n";
+ print "<form name=\"$value\" id=\"$value\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">";
+ print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"stream\"/>";
+ print " <input name=\"type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"type\" value=3 />";
+ print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />";
+ print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$subdir}\" />\r\n";
+ print " <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"name\" value=\"{$mediapath}{$subdir}{$value}\" />";
+ print "</form>\r\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Rest of files
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+$upsubdir = dirname($subdir);
+print "<form name=\"getback\" id=\"getback\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">\r\n";
+print " <input name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" value=\"media\"/>\r\n";
+print " <input name=\"mediapath\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"mediapath\" value=\"{$mediapath}\" />\r\n";
+print " <input name=\"subdir\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"subdir\" value=\"{$upsubdir}\" />\r\n";
+print "</form>\r\n";
+if ($dir_handle)
+ closedir($dir_handle);
+print "</ul></div>\r\n";
diff --git a/includes/include.php b/includes/include.php
index f8819dd..a409f45 100755
--- a/includes/include.php
+++ b/includes/include.php
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ include ('includes/inc_vdr.php');
include ('includes/inc_files.php');
include ('includes/inc_streaminfo.php');
+$audiotypes='mp3 aac';
function selectpage()
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];