path: root/themes/indexfake.html
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index 222335b..0000000
--- a/themes/indexfake.html
+++ /dev/null
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- <li class="channellist"><a class="cube" href="#startstream" rel="TF1"><img src="logos/TF1.png"/><span class="name">TF1</span><span class="comment">Journal de 13h</span></a></li>
- <li class="channellist"><a class="cube" href="#startstream" rel="TF1"><img src="logos/TF1.png"/><span class="name">TF1</span><span class="comment">Journal de 13h</span></a></li>
- <li class="channellist"><a class="cube" href="#startstream" rel="TF1"><img src="logos/TF1.png"/><span class="name">TF1</span><span class="comment">Journal de 13h</span></a></li>
- <li class="channellist"><a class="cube" href="#startstream" rel="TF1"><img src="logos/TF1.png"/><span class="name">TF1</span><span class="comment">Journal de 13h</span></a></li>
- <li class="channellist"><a class="cube" href="#startstream" rel="TF1"><img src="logos/TF1.png"/><span class="name">TF1</span><span class="comment">Journal de 13h</span></a></li>
- </ul>
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- <!---------------------------------- /CHANNELS SCREEN ---------------------------------->
- <!---------------------------------- START STREAM ---------------------------------->
- <div id="startstream">
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- <h1>TF1</h1>
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- <center><ul class="thumb" style="width:90px"><img class="thumbnail" id="thumbnail" src="logos/TF1.png" /></ul></center>
- <ul class="streaminfo">
- <span class="epgtime">Now: 19h00-19h45</span>
- <span class="name">Tout le monde veut prendre sa place</span>
- <span class="desc">Jeu présenté par Nagui. Six candidats s'affrontent lors d'un quiz pour prendre la place du champion et remporter des gains.</span>
- <span class="epgtime">Next: 19h45-20h45</span>
- <span class="name">Informations</span>
- </ul>
- <center>
- <span class="streamButton"><a href="#streaming" class="cube">Edge</a></span><span class="streamButton"><a href="#streaming" class="cube"> 3G </a></span><span class="streamButton"><a href="#streaming" class="cube">Wifi</a></span><span class="recButton"><a href="#" class="cube">Rec.</a></span>
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- <h1>TF1</h1>
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- <center><ul class="thumb" id="player" style="width:90px"><img class="thumbnail" id="thumbnail" src="logos/TF1.png" /></ul></center>
- <ul class="streaminfo">
- <span class="epgtime">2010-03-02 19h00-19h45</span>
- <span class="name">Tout le monde veut prendre sa place</span>
- <span class="desc">Jeu présenté par Nagui. Six candidats s'affrontent lors d'un quiz pour prendre la place du champion et remporter des gains.</span>
- </ul>
- <ul class="streamstatus">
- <span class="title">Status</span>
- <span class="mode">Now streaming in 3G mode</span>
- </ul>
- <center>
- <span class="streamButton"><a href="#startstream" class="slide goback">Stop stream</a></span>
- <span class="recButton"><a href="#" class="cube">Rec.</a></span>
- <br><br>
- </center>
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- <li><a class="cube" href="#startstream"><img class="menuicon" src="img/video.png" /><span class="menuname">Starwars-Ep.1.avi</span></a></li>
- <li><a class="cube" href="#startstream"><img class="menuicon" src="img/video.png" /><span class="menuname">Starwars-Ep.2.avi</span></a></li>
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- <li><span class="menutitle">Current timers</span></li>
- <li class="arrow"><a class="cube" href="#edittimer"><img class="menuicon" src="img/timeron.png" /><span class="menuname">2010-03-08 La Ferme Célébrité</span></a></li>
- <li class="arrow"><a class="cube" href="#edittimer"><img class="menuicon" src="img/timeroff.png" /><span class="menuname">2010-03-12 Football</span></a></li>
- <li class="arrow"><a class="cube" href="#edittimer"><img class="menuicon" src="img/timerrec.png" /><span class="menuname">2010-03-05 Le Journal</span></a></li>
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- <li class="arrow"><a class="cube" href="#edittimer"><span class="menuname">New Timer</span></a></li>
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- <form name="timer" id="timer" action="">
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- <li><span class="timertitle">Active</span><span class="toggle"><input id="timer_active" name="timer_active" type="checkbox" checked/></span></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class="rounded">
- <li><span class="timertitle">Name</span></li>
- <li class="formerror" id="timer_name_error"><span class="formerrormsg">Recording name is missing</span></li>
- <li><input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Enter recording name" id="timer_name" style="color: #FFFFFF"/></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class="rounded">
- <li><span class="timertitle">Channel</span></li>
- <li><select id="timer_chan">
- <optgroup label="NATIONALES & TNT">
- <option value="1">TF1</option>
- <option value="2">FRANCE 2</option>
- <option value="3">FRANCE 3</option>
- <option value="4">FRANCE 4</option>
- <option value="5">TV5</option>
- <option value="6">M6</option>
- </optgroup>
- <optgroup label="DIVERTISSEMENT">
- <option value="11">COMEDIE!</option>
- <option value="12">13EME RUE</option>
- <option value="13">FOX LIFE</option>
- </optgroup>
- </select>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <ul class="rounded">
- <li><span class="timertitle">Date</span></li>
- <li class="formerror" id="timer_date_error"><span class="formerrormsg">Date is missing</span></li>
- <li class="arrow"><a id="a_date" class="abutton" href="javascript:openSelectDate(2010,03,05);" onClick="$('#timer_date_error').hide();"><span class="menuname" id="layer_date">Select date</span></a></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class="rounded">
- <li><span class="timertitle">Start time</span></li>
- <li class="formerror" id="timer_starttime_error"><span class="formerrormsg">Starting time is missing</span></li>
- <li class="arrow"><a id="a_starttime" class="abutton" href="javascript:openSelectTime('layer_starttime','20','30')" onClick="$('#timer_starttime_error').hide();"><span class="menuname" id="layer_starttime">Select start time</span></a></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class="rounded">
- <li><span class="timertitle">End time</span></li>
- <li class="formerror" id="timer_endtime_error"><span class="formerrormsg">Ending time is missing</span></li>
- <li class="arrow"><a id="a_endtime" class="abutton" href="javascript:openSelectTime('layer_endtime','20','30')" onClick="$('#timer_endtime_error').hide();"><span class="menuname" id="layer_endtime">Select end time</span></a></li>
- </ul>
- <input name="timer_date" type="hidden" id="timer_date" value="" \>
- <input name="timer_starttime" type="hidden" id="timer_starttime" value="" />
- <input name="timer_endtime" type="hidden" id="timer_endtime" value="" />
- <ul class="individual">
- <li><a class="submit_form" href="#">Edit</a></li>
- <li><a class="abutton" href="javascript:deletetimer('montimer');">Delete</a></li>
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