analyze($stream); $info['name'] = basename($stream); $info['desc'] = ""; $info['duration'] = sec2hms($fileinfo['playtime_seconds']); if ($fileinfo['fileformat']) $info['format'] = $fileinfo['fileformat']; else $info['format'] = "unkown"; if ($fileinfo['video']['codec']) $info['video'] = $fileinfo['video']['codec']; else $info['video'] = "unkown"; if ($fileinfo['audio']['codec']) $info['audio'] = $fileinfo['audio']['codec']; else $info['audio'] = "unkown"; $info['resolution'] = $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] ."x" .$fileinfo['video']['resolution_y']; return $info; } function mediagentb($stream, $dest) { global $ffmpegpath; addlog("Generating thumbnail for stream " .$stream ." to " .$dest); // Get info $getid3 = new getID3; $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($stream); exec("rm " .$dest); $path = dirname($stream); if (file_exists(substr($stream, 0, -4) .".tbn")) $file = substr($stream, 0, -4) .".tbn"; else if (file_exists($path ."/poster.jpg")) $file = $path ."/poster.jpg"; else if (file_exists($path ."/folder.jpg")) $file = $path ."/folder.jpg"; else $file = ""; $resx = 180; $resy = 100; if ($file) { $getid3 = new getID3; $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file); } if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] && $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']) { if ($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] < $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']) { $resx = 180; $resy = round(($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] * 180) / $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']); } else { $resx = round (($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] * 100) / $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y']); $resy = 100; } } if ($file) $cmd = "cp \"" .$file ."\" ../ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg; " .$ffmpegpath ." -y -i ../ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg -s " .$resx ."x" .$resy ." " .$dest ." ; rm ../ram/stream-tb-tmp.jpg"; else $cmd = $ffmpegpath ." -y -i \"" .$stream ."\" -an -ss 00:00:05.00 -r 1 -vframes 1 -s " .$resx ."x" .$resy ." -f mjpeg " .$dest; addlog("Thumbnail generation command: " .$cmd); exec($cmd); if (!file_exists($dest)) exec('cp ../logos/nologoMEDIA.png ' .$dest); } function filegettype($file) { global $videotypes, $audiotypes; // Get file extension $fileext = end(explode(".", $file)); $file = str_replace("\\'", "'", $file); if (is_dir($file)) { if ($fileext == "rec") return "rec"; else return 'folder'; } else if (preg_match("$/$", $fileext)) return 'none'; else if (preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $videotypes)) return 'video'; else if (preg_match("/" .$fileext ." /", $audiotypes)) return 'audio'; else return 'unknown'; } function mediagetmusicinfo($file) { addlog("Getting info for music file: " .$file); // Get info $getid3 = new getID3; $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze($file); $name = $fileinfo['tags']['id3v2']['title'][0]; if ($name == "") { $name = $fileinfo['tags']['id3v1']['title'][0]; if ($name == "") { $name = $fileinfo['filename']; if ($name == "") $name = "unknown"; } } if (!is_utf8($name)) $name = utf8_encode($name); $duration = $fileinfo['playtime_string']; return array ($name, $duration); } function generatelogo($type, $name, $dest) { addlog("Generating stream logo for file " .$name ." of type " .$type); switch ($type) { case 'tv': $channoslash = preg_replace("$/$", " ", $name); $logopath = "../logos/" .$channoslash .".png"; if (!file_exists($logopath)) $logopath = "../logos/nologoTV.png"; exec("cp \"" .$logopath ."\" " .$dest); break; case 'rec': $channoslash = preg_replace("$/$", " ", $name); $logopath = "../logos/" .$channoslash .".png"; if (!file_exists($logopath)) $logopath = "../logos/nologoREC.png"; exec("cp \"" .$logopath ."\" " .$dest); break; case 'vid': // Generate TB mediagentb($name, $dest); break; } } function filesgetlisting($dir) { addlog("Listing dir: " .$dir); $filelisting = array(); $folderlisting = array(); // Check dir if (!isurlvalid($dir, "media") && !isurlvalid($dir, "rec")) return array(); // Dont allow .. if (preg_match("$\.\.$", $dir)) return array(); $dir_handle = @opendir($dir); if (!$dir_handle) return array(); while ($medianame = readdir($dir_handle)) { if($medianame == "." || $medianame == ".." || $medianame == 'lost+found') continue; $medianame_array[] = $medianame; } if ($medianame_array[0] == NULL) return array(); // Alphabetical sorting sort($medianame_array); $number = 1; // List files and folders foreach($medianame_array as $value) { $type = filegettype($dir ."/" .$value); $newentry = array(); $newentry['name'] = $value; $newentry['path'] = $dir .$value; $newentry['type'] = $type; switch ($type) { case 'audio': list($newentry['trackname'], $newentry['length']) = mediagetmusicinfo($dir ."/" .$value); $newentry['number'] = $number; $number++; $filelisting[] = $newentry; break; case 'video': $filelisting[] = $newentry; break; case 'folder': $newentry['path'] = $newentry['path'] .'/'; // Skip emtpy dirs if (glob(quotemeta($newentry['path']) .'*')) $folderlisting[] = $newentry; break; case 'rec': $date = preg_replace('/-/', '/', substr($value, 0, 10)); $time = preg_replace('/\./', 'h', substr($value, 11, 5)); $recnice = $date .' at ' .$time; $newentry['name'] = $recnice; $folderlisting[] = $newentry; break; default: } } return array_merge($folderlisting, $filelisting); } ?>