= $maxencodingprocesses) { addlog("Error: Cannot create sesssion, too much sessions already encoding"); return ""; } // Get a free session $i=0; for ($i=0; $i<1000; $i++) { $session = "session" .$i; if (!file_exists('../ram/' .$session)) break; } if ($i == 1000) { addlog("Error: Cannot find a new session name"); return ""; } // Default $qparams = $quality['3g']; // Get parameters foreach ($quality as $qn => $qp) { if ($qn == $mode) { $qparams = $qp; break; } } // Create session addlog("Creating new session dir ram/" .$session); exec('mkdir ../ram/' .$session); // Extract $channame if needed switch ($type) { case 'tv': $urlarray = explode("/", $url); $channum = $urlarray[count($urlarray)-1]; $channame = vdrgetchanname($channum); break; case 'rec': list($channame, $title, $desc, $recorded) = vdrgetrecinfo($url); break; default: $channame = ""; break; } // Create logo if ($type == 'vid') generatelogo($type, $url, '../ram/' .$session .'/thumb.png'); else generatelogo($type, $channame, '../ram/' .$session .'/thumb.png'); // FFMPEG debug if ($ffmpegdebug) $ffdbg = $ffmpegdebugfile; else $ffdbg = ""; // Start encoding $url = str_replace("\\'", "'", $url); switch ($type) { case 'tv': $cmd = "./istream.sh \"" .$url ."\" " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 2 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \"" .$ffdbg ."\" >/dev/null &"; break; case 'rec': $cmd = "cat \"" .$url ."\"/0* | ./istream.sh - " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 1260 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \"" .$ffdbg ."\" >/dev/null &"; break; case 'vid': $cmd = "./istream.sh \"" .$url ."\" " .$qparams ." " .$httppath ." 1260 " .$ffmpegpath ." " .$segmenterpath ." " .$session ." \"" .$ffdbg ."\" >/dev/null &"; break; default: $cmd = ""; } addlog("Sending encoding command: " .$cmd); $cmd = str_replace('%', '%%', $cmd); exec ($cmd); // Write streaminfo writeinfostream($session, $type, $mode, $url, $channame); return $session; } function sessiondelete($session) { $ret = array(); if ($session == 'all') { $dir_handle = @opendir('../ram/'); if ($dir_handle) { while ($session = readdir($dir_handle)) { if($session == "." || $session == ".." || $session == 'lost+found') continue; if (!is_dir('../ram/' .$session)) continue; // Get info list($type, $mode, $url, $channame) = readinfostream($session); if ($type != "none") sessiondeletesingle($session); } } } else sessiondeletesingle($session); $ret['status'] = "ok"; $ret['message'] = "Successfully stopped broadcast"; return $ret; } function sessiongetinfo($session) { $info = array(); addlog("Getting info for session " .$session); // Get some info list($type, $mode, $url, $channame) = readinfostream($session); // Fill common info $info['session'] = $session; $info['type'] = $type; $info['mode'] = $mode; // Get info $getid3 = new getID3; $fileinfo = $getid3->analyze('../ram/' .$session .'/thumb.png'); $info['thumbwidth'] = $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']; $info['thumbheight'] = $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y']; // Type info switch ($type) { case 'tv': $info['name'] = $channame; $channum = vdrgetchannum($channame); list($date, $info['now_time'], $info['now_title'], $info['now_desc']) = vdrgetepgat($channum, "now"); list($date, $info['next_time'], $info['next_title'], $info['next_desc']) = vdrgetepgat($channum, "next"); break; case 'rec': $info['channel'] = $channame; list($channame, $info['name'], $info['desc'], $info['recorded']) = vdrgetrecinfo($url); break; case 'vid': $infovid = mediagetinfostream($url); $info['name'] = basename($url); $info['desc'] = $infovid['desc']; $info['duration'] = $infovid['duration']; $info['format'] = $infovid['format']; $info['video'] = $infovid['video']; $info['audio'] = $infovid['audio']; $info['resolution'] = $infovid['resolution']; break; } return $info; } function sessiondeletesingle($session) { addlog("Deleting session " .$session); $ram = "../ram/" .$session ."/"; $cmd = ""; // First kill ffmpeg if (file_exists($ram ."ffmpeg.pid")) $cmd .= " kill `cat " .$ram ."ffmpeg.pid`; rm " .$ram ."ffmpeg.pid; "; // Then kill segmenter if (file_exists($ram ."segmenter.pid")) $cmd .= " kill `cat " .$ram ."segmenter.pid`; rm " .$ram ."segmenter.pid; "; addlog("Sending session kill command: " .$cmd); $cmd .= "rm -rf " .$ram; exec ($cmd); } function getstreamingstatus($session) { global $maxencodingprocesses, $httppath; $status = array(); $path = '../ram/' .$session; // Check that session exists if (!count(glob($path))) { $status['status'] = "error"; $nbencprocess = exec("find ../ram/ -name segmenter.pid | wc | awk '{ print $1 }'"); if ($nbencprocess >= $maxencodingprocesses) $status['message'] = "Error: too much sessions"; else $status['message'] = "Error: could not create session folder"; } else { // Get stream info list($type, $mode, $url, $channame) = readinfostream($session); if (count(glob($path . '/*.ts')) < 2) { if (!file_exists($path .'/segmenter.pid')) { $status['status'] = "error"; $status['message'] = "Error: segmenter did not start correclty"; } else { $status['status'] = "wait"; switch ($type) { case 'tv': $status['message'] = "Live: requesting " .$channame .""; break; case 'rec': $status['message'] = "Rec: requesting " .$channame .""; break; case 'vid': $status['message'] = "Vid: requesting " .$url .""; break; } $status['message'] .= "
"; $status['message'] .= "
* Segmenter: "; if (file_exists($path .'/segmenter.pid')) $status['message'] .= "running"; else $status['message'] .= "stopped"; $status['message'] .= "
* Segments: "; $status['message'] .= count(glob($path . '/*.ts')) ."/2"; } } else { $status['status'] = "ready"; $status['message'] = "Broadcast ready
"; $status['message'] .= "
* Quality: " .$mode .""; $status['message'] .= "
* Status: "; if (file_exists($path .'/segmenter.pid')) $status['message'] .= "encoding..."; else $status['message'] .= "fully encoded"; $status['url'] = $httppath ."ram/" .$session ."/stream.m3u8"; } } return $status; } function sessiongetstatus($session, $prevmsg) { $time = time(); // Check if we need to timeout on the sesssion creation */ $checkstart = preg_match("/requesting/", $prevmsg); while((time() - $time) < 29) { // Get current status $status = getstreamingstatus($session); // Alway return ready if ($status['status'] == "ready") { addlog("Returning status: " .$status['message']); return $status; } // Status change if ($status['message'] != $prevmsg) { addlog("Returning status: " .$status['message']); return $status; } // Check session creation timeout if ($checkstart && ((time() - $time) >= 10)) { $status['status'] = "error"; $status['message'] = "Error: session could not start"; addlog("Returning status: " .$status['message']); return $status; } usleep(10000); } /* Time out */ $status['status'] = "wait"; $status['message'] = $prevmsg; addlog("Returning status: " .$status['message']); return $status; } function sessiongetlist() { $sessions = array(); addlog("Listing sessions"); $dir_handle = @opendir('../ram/'); if ($dir_handle) { while ($session = readdir($dir_handle)) { if($session == "." || $session == ".." || $session == 'lost+found') continue; if (!is_dir('../ram/' .$session)) continue; // Get info list($type, $mode, $url, $channame) = readinfostream($session); if ($type == "none") continue; // Get status $status = getstreamingstatus($session); $newsession = array(); $newsession['session'] = substr($session, strlen("session")); $newsession['type'] = $type; if ($type == "vid") $newsession['name'] = basename($url); else $newsession['name'] = $channame; if ($status['status'] == "error") $newsession['name'] = "Error: " .$newsession['name']; // Check if encoding if (file_exists('../ram/' .$session .'/segmenter.pid') && ($status['status'] != "error")) $newsession['encoding'] = 1; else $newsession['encoding'] = 0; $sessions[] = $newsession; } } return $sessions; } function streammusic($path, $file) { global $httppath; addlog("Streaming music from path \"" .$path ."\""); if (!isurlvalid($path, "media")) return array(); $files = array(); // Create all symlinks exec('mkdir ../playlist'); exec('rm ../playlist/*'); exec('ln -s ' .addcslashes(quotemeta($path), " &'") .'/* ../playlist'); // Generate files // Get listing $filelisting = filesgetlisting($path); $addfiles = 0; foreach ($filelisting as $f) { if ($f['type'] != 'audio') continue; if ($f['name'] == $file) $addfiles = 1; if ($addfiles) { $newfile = array(); $newfile['file'] = $httppath ."playlist/" . $f['name']; $files[] = $newfile; } } return $files; } ?>