Connect(); $ret = $svdrp->Command($cmd); $svdrp->Disconnect(); return $ret; } function vdrgetcategories() { global $vdrchannels; $catlist = array(); if (!file_exists($vdrchannels)) { print "Error: channels file not found"; return $catlist; } $fp = fopen ($vdrchannels,"r"); if (!fp) { print "Unable to open channels file"; return $catlist; } $curcat = ""; $curcatchancount = 0; while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024)) { // Check if it is a categorie if ($line[0] == ":") { // Close current category if ($curcat != "") { $tmpcat = array(); $tmpcat['name'] = $curcat; $tmpcat['channels'] = $curcatchancount; $catlist[] = $tmpcat; $curcatchancount = 0; } // Remove : and @ $curcat = substr($line, 1, -1); if($curcat[0] == '@') { $catarray = explode(' ', $curcat); $curcat = substr($curcat, strlen($catarray[0])+1); } if (!is_utf8($curcat)) $curcat = utf8_encode($curcat); // $curcat = rawurlencode($curcat); } else if ($line[0] != "") $curcatchancount++; } // Close last cat if ($curcat != "") { $tmpcat = array(); $tmpcat['name'] = $curcat; $tmpcat['channels'] = $curcatchancount; $catlist[] = $tmpcat; } fclose($fp); return $catlist; } function vdrgetchannels($category, $now) { global $vdrchannels; $chanlist=array(); if (!file_exists($vdrchannels)) { print "Error: channels file not found"; return $chanlist; } $fp = fopen ($vdrchannels,"r"); if (!fp) { print "Unable to open channels file"; return $chanlist; } $cat_found = 0; // Get NOW epg if ($now) $epgnow = vdrsendcommand("LSTE NOW"); while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024)) { if (!$cat_found) { if ($line[0] != ":") continue; // Get category name $cat = substr($line, 1, -1); if($cat[0] == '@') { $catarray = explode(' ', $cat); $cat = substr($cat, strlen($catarray[0])+1); } if (!is_utf8($cat)) $cat = utf8_encode($cat); if ($cat == $category) $cat_found = 1; } else if ($line[0] != "") { if ($line[0] == ":") break; $channame = explode(":", $line); $channame = explode(";", $channame[0]); $channame = $channame[0]; $tmpchan = array(); $tmpchan['name'] = $channame; $tmpchan['number'] = vdrgetchannum($channame); if ($now) { // Extract now $chanfound = 0; $count = count($epgnow); $info = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { // Find the right chan (take the first one) if ($chanfound == 0) { if (strstr($epgnow[$i], $channame) == $channame) $chanfound = 1; } else { // Now find T or C if(ereg("^C", $epgnow[$i])) { if (!strstr($epgnow[$i], $channame) == $channame) { $chanfound = 0; continue; } } else if(ereg("^T", $epgnow[$i])) { $info=substr($epgnow[$i], 2); if (!is_utf8($info)) $info = utf8_encode($info); break; } } } $tmpchan['now_title'] = $info; } if (!is_utf8($tmpchan['name'])) $tmpchan['name'] = utf8_encode($tmpchan['name']); // $tmpchan['name'] = rawurlencode($tmpchan['name']); $chanlist[] = $tmpchan; } } fclose($fp); return $chanlist; } function vdrgetchannum($chan) { global $channels; if ($channels == "") $channels = vdrsendcommand("LSTC"); // Get channel number $chans = preg_grep(quotemeta('"'.$chan.';|'.$chan.':"'), $channels); $chans = explode(" ", $chans[key($chans)]); $channum = $chans[0]; return $channum; } function vdrgetchanname($channum) { $channel = vdrsendcommand("LSTC " .$channum); // Get channel name $chanarray = explode(":", $channel); $chanarray = explode(";", $chanarray[0]); $channame = $chanarray[0]; $channame = substr($channame, strlen($channum)+1); if(!is_utf8($channame)) $channame = utf8_encode($channame); return $channame; } function vdrgetchaninfo($channum) { $info = array(); $info['name'] = vdrgetchanname($channum); $info['number'] = $channum; list($info['now_time'], $info['now_title'], $info['now_desc']) = vdrgetchanepg($channum, 1); list($info['next_time'], $info['next_title'], $info['next_desc']) = vdrgetchanepg($channum, 0); return $info; } function vdrgetchanepg($channum, $now) { if ($now) $cmd = "LSTE " .$channum ." NOW"; else $cmd = "LSTE " .$channum ." NEXT"; $epg = vdrsendcommand($cmd); $time=""; $title=""; $desc=""; // For all epg $count = count($epg); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if(ereg("^T ", $epg[$i])) $title = substr($epg[$i], 2); else if(ereg("^D ", $epg[$i])) $desc = substr($epg[$i], 2); else if(ereg("^E ", $epg[$i])) { $time = substr($epg[$i], 2); $timearray = explode(" ", $time); $time = date('H\hi', $timearray[1]) ."-" .date('H\hi', $timearray[1]+$timearray[2]); } } // Convert if needed if (!is_utf8($title)) $title = utf8_encode(title); if (!is_utf8($desc)) $desc = utf8_encode($desc); return array($time, $title, $desc); } function vdrgetrecinfo($rec) { $infofile = $rec ."/info"; if (file_exists($infofile)) $info= file_get_contents($infofile); else { $infofile = $rec ."/info.vdr"; if (file_exists($infofile)) $info= file_get_contents($infofile); else $info=""; } $allepg = explode("\n", $info); $epgtitle=""; $epgdesc=""; // For all epg $count = count($allepg); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { // Now find T or C if(ereg("^C", $allepg[$i])) { $channame = substr($allepg[$i], 2); $channames = explode(" ", $channame); $channame = substr($channame, strlen($channames[0])+1); } else if(ereg("^T", $allepg[$i])) $epgtitle=substr($allepg[$i], 2); else if(ereg("^D", $allepg[$i])) $epgdesc=substr($allepg[$i], 2); } // Convert if needed if (!is_utf8($epgtitle)) $epgtitle = utf8_encode($epgtitle); if (!is_utf8($epgdesc)) $epgdesc = utf8_encode($epgdesc); return array($channame, epgtitle, $epgdesc); } function vdrgetinfostream($stream = "NULL", $ischan = 1) { global $allepg, $allepgfilled; $stream=stripslashes($stream); if ($ischan) { // Fill epg if not yet done if ($allepgfilled == 0) { $allepg = vdrsendcommand("LSTE NOW"); $allepgfilled = 1; } $channame = $stream; } else { $infofile = $stream ."/info"; if (file_exists($infofile)) $info= file_get_contents($infofile); else { $infofile = $stream ."/info.vdr"; if (file_exists($infofile)) $info= file_get_contents($infofile); else $info=""; } $allepg = explode("\n", $info); } if ($ischan) $chanfound = 0; else $chanfound = 1; $epgtitlefound = 0; $epgtitle=""; $epgdesc=""; // For all epg $count = count($allepg); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { // Find the right chan (take the first one) if ($chanfound == 0) { $streamArray = explode(";",$stream); if (strstr($allepg[$i], $streamArray[0]) == $streamArray[0]) $chanfound = 1; } else { // Now find T or C if(ereg("^C", $allepg[$i])) { // Check if it is our chan too, else search again if ($ischan) { if(!ereg("$stream$", $allepg[$i])) { $chanfound = 0; continue; } } else { $channame = substr($allepg[$i], 2); $channames = explode(" ", $channame); $channame = substr($channame, strlen($channames[0])+1); } } else if(ereg("^T", $allepg[$i])) $epgtitle=substr($allepg[$i], 2); else if(ereg("^D", $allepg[$i])) $epgdesc=substr($allepg[$i], 2); } } // Convert if needed if (!is_utf8($epgtitle)) $epgtitle = utf8_encode($epgtitle); if (!is_utf8($epgdesc)) $epgdesc = utf8_encode($epgdesc); return array($epgtitle, $epgdesc, $channame); } function vdrgettimerinfo($timernum=-1) { if ($timernum != -1) { $timer = vdrsendcommand("LSTT " .$timernum); $timerarray = explode(":", $timer); $typearray = explode(" ", $timerarray[0]); $type = $typearray[1]; $channel = $timerarray[1]; $date = $timerarray[2]; $stime = $timerarray[3]; $etime = $timerarray[4]; $desc = $timerarray[7]; } else { $type = 1; $channel = 1; $date = date('Y-m-d'); $stime = date('Hi'); $etime = date('Hi'); $desc = "New timer"; } $channame = vdrgetchanname($channel); return array($type, $channame, $date, $stime, $etime, $desc); } function vdrlistchannels($category = "NULL") { global $epgtitle; global $vdrchannels; if ($category == "All") $cat_found=1; else $cat_found=0; if (!file_exists($vdrchannels)) { print "Error: channels file not found"; return; } $fp = fopen ($vdrchannels,"r"); if (!fp) { print "Unable to open channels file"; return; } while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024)) { if ($cat_found) { if ($line[0] == ":") { if ($category == "All") continue; else break; } $channels = explode(":", $line); $channels = explode(";", $channels[0]); $chan = $channels[0]; // Get EPG title $epgtitle = NULL; list($epgtitle, $epgdesc, $channame) = vdrgetinfostream($chan, 1); print "