//INIT jQT = new $.jQTouch({ icon: 'img/istreamdev.png', addGlossToIcon: true, useFastTouch: true, startupScreen: 'img/startup.png', statusBar: 'black', iconIsGlossy: true, fullscreen: true, preloadImages: [ 'themes/jqt/img/chevron.png', 'themes/jqt/img/back_button.png', 'themes/jqt/img/back_button_clicked.png', 'themes/jqt/img/button_clicked.png', 'themes/jqt/img/button.png', 'themes/jqt/img/button_clicked.png', 'themes/jqt/img/loading.gif', 'themes/jqt/img/toolbar.png', 'themes/jqt/img/on_off.png', 'img/loading.gif', 'img/audio.png', 'img/epg.png', 'img/media.png', 'img/record.png', 'img/timers.png', 'img/timeron.png', 'img/timeroff.png', 'img/timerrec.png', 'img/tv.png', 'img/video.png', 'img/stream.png', 'img/stream_clicked.png', 'img/istreamdev.png', 'img/mask.png', 'img/nologoTV.png', 'img/nologoREC.png', 'img/nologoMEDIA.png', 'img/rec.png', 'img/rec_clicked.png', 'img/sw-alpha.png', 'img/sw-button-cancel.png', 'img/sw-button-done.png', 'img/sw-header.png', 'img/sw-slot-border.png' ] }); // [GENERIC STUFF] // Global variable dataString = "action=getGlobals"; $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ streamdev_server = data.streamdev_server; rec_path = data.rec_path; video_path = data.video_path; audio_path = data.audio_path; } ); //streamdev_server = ""; //rec_path = "/video/"; //video_path = "/mnt/media/Video/"; //audio_path = "/mnt/media/Music/"; //Goto home $('#home_but').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQT.goTo('#home','flip'); }); //JSON query loading handler function json_start(button) { $(button).addClass('active'); $('#loader').addClass("loader"); } function json_complete(destination,effect) { $('#loader').removeClass("loader"); $('a').removeClass('active'); jQT.goTo(destination,effect); } function hide_loader() { $('#loader').removeClass("loader"); $('a').removeClass('active'); } // [/GENERIC STUFF] // [HOME SECTION] //buttons $('#categories_but').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); gen_categories(); return false; }); $('#recording_but').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); browser = 1; gen_browser(rec_path,browser,"Recordings","rec"); return false; }); $('#timers_but').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); gen_timers(); return false; }); $('#video_but').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); browser = 1; gen_browser(video_path,browser,"Videos","vid"); return false; }); $('#audio_but').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); browser = 1; gen_browser(audio_path,browser,"Audio","aud"); return false; }); // [/HOME SECTION] // [TV SECTION] //buttons $('#categories ul#cat_menu a').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); var category = $(this).html(); gen_channels(category); return false; }); $('#channels ul#chan_menu a').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); var channame = $(this).find('span[class="name"]').html(); var channumber = $(this).find('small[class="counter"]').html(); gen_streamchannel(channame,channumber); return false; }); //Gen Categories function gen_categories() { $("#cat_menu").html(''); var dataString = "action=getTvCat"; //Json call to get category array $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ $.each(data.categories, function(i,categories){ $("#cat_menu").append('
  • ' + categories.name + '' + categories.channels + '
  • '); }); json_complete('#categories','cube'); }) } //Gen Channels function gen_channels(category) { $("#chan_menu").html(''); var dataString = "action=getTvChan&cat=" + category; //Json call to get category array $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ $.each(data.channel,function(i,channel){ $("#chan_menu").append('
  • ' + channel.number + '' + channel.name + '' + channel.now_title + '
  • '); }); json_complete('#channels','cube'); }) } // [/TV SECTION] // [STREAM SECTION] //buttons $('#streamchannel span.streamButton a').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); var type = $("#streamchannel").find('span[rel="type"]').html(); var url = $("#streamchannel").find('span[rel="url"]').html(); var mode = $(this).attr('rel'); start_broadcast(type,url,mode); return false; }); $('#streamrec span.streamButton a').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); var type = $("#streamrec").find('span[rel="type"]').html(); var url = $("#streamrec").find('span[rel="url"]').html(); var mode = $(this).attr('rel'); start_broadcast(type,url,mode); return false; }); $('#streamvid span.streamButton a').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); var type = $("#streamvid").find('span[rel="type"]').html(); var url = $("#streamvid").find('span[rel="url"]').html(); var mode = $(this).attr('rel'); start_broadcast(type,url,mode); return false; }); $('#streaming span.streamButton a[rel="stopbroadcast"]').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); var session = $("#streaming").find('span[rel="session"]').html(); stop_broadcast(session); return false; }); //Gen tv start stream function gen_streamchannel(channame,channumber) { $('#streamchannel').find('h1').html( ' ' +channame); $('#streamchannel').find('#thumbnail').attr('src','logos/' + channame + ".png"); var dataString = "action=getChanInfo&chan=" + channumber; //Json call to get tv program info $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ var program = data.program; $("#streamchannel").find('span[class="name_now"]').html( 'Now: ' + program.now_title ); $("#streamchannel").find('span[class="epgtime_now"]').html( program.now_time ); $("#streamchannel").find('span[class="desc_now"]').html( program.now_desc ); $("#streamchannel").find('span[class="name_next"]').html( 'Next: ' + program.next_title ); $("#streamchannel").find('span[class="epgtime_next"]').html( program.next_time ); $("#streamchannel").find('span[rel="url"]').html(streamdev_server + channumber); $("#streamchannel").find('span[rel="type"]').html('tv'); json_complete('#streamchannel','cube'); }); } function gen_streamrec(folder,path) { var dataString = "action=getRecInfo&rec=" + path + folder; //Json call to get rec info $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ var program = data.program; $('#streamrec').find('h1').html(' ' + program.name); $('#streamrec').find('#thumbnail').attr('src','logos/' + program.channel + ".png"); $("#streamrec").find('span[class="name_now"]').html( program.name ); $("#streamrec").find('span[class="epgtime_now"]').html( 'Recorded: ' + program.recorded ); $("#streamrec").find('span[class="desc_now"]').html( program.desc ); $("#streamrec").find('span[rel="url"]').html( path + folder ); $("#streamrec").find('span[rel="type"]').html('rec'); json_complete('#streamrec','cube'); }); } function gen_streamvid(filename,path) { var dataString = "action=getVidInfo&file=" + path + filename; //Json call to get rec info $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ var program = data.program; $('#streamvid').find('h1').html(' ' + program.name); $('#streamvid').find('#thumbnail').attr('src','ram/temp-logo.png'); $("#streamvid").find('span[class="name_now"]').html( program.name ); $("#streamvid").find('span[class="epgtime_now"]').html( 'Duration: ' + program.duration ); desc='format: ' + program.format + '
    video: ' + program.video + '
    audio: ' + program.audio + '
    resolution: ' + program.resolution; $("#streamvid").find('span[class="desc_now"]').html( desc ); $("#streamvid").find('span[rel="url"]').html( path + filename ); $("#streamvid").find('span[rel="type"]').html('vid'); json_complete('#streamvid','cube'); }); } //Gen streaming page function gen_streaming(session) { $("#streaming").find('span[rel="session"]').html(session); var dataString = "action=getStreamInfo&session=" + session; //Json call to start streaming $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ var stream = data.stream; $('#streaming').find('#thumbnail').attr('src','ram/session' + stream.session + '/thumb.png'); $("#streaming").find('span[rel="thumbwidth"]').html(stream.thumbwidth); $("#streaming").find('span[rel="thumbheight"]').html(stream.thumbheight); if (stream.type == "tv") { $('#streaming').find('h1').html(' ' + stream.name ); $('#streaming').find('#player').css('width', '90px'); var streaminfo = '
  • Now: ' + stream.now_title + ''; streaminfo += '' + stream.now_time + ''; streaminfo += '' + stream.now_desc + '
  • '; streaminfo += '
  • Next: ' + stream.next_title + ''; streaminfo += '' + stream.next_time + '
  • '; $("#streaming").find('ul[class="streaminfo"]').html(streaminfo); } else if (stream.type == "rec") { $('#streaming').find('h1').html(' ' + stream.name ); $('#streaming').find('#player').css('width', '90px'); var streaminfo = '
  • ' + stream.name + ''; streaminfo += 'Recorded: ' + stream.recorded + ''; streaminfo += '' + stream.desc + '
  • '; $("#streaming").find('ul[class="streaminfo"]').html(streaminfo); } else if (stream.type == "vid") { $('#streaming').find('h1').html(' ' + stream.name ); $('#streaming').find('#player').css('width', '190px'); var streaminfo = '
  • ' + stream.name + ''; streaminfo += 'Duration: ' + stream.duration + ''; desc='format: ' + stream.format + '
    video: ' + stream.video + '
    audio: ' + stream.audio + '
    resolution: ' + stream.resolution; streaminfo += '' + desc + '
  • '; $("#streaming").find('ul[class="streaminfo"]').html(streaminfo); } $('ul[class="streamstatus"]').find('span[class="mode"]').html('Please wait.'); $("#streaming").find('span[rel="name"]').html(stream.name); json_complete('#streaming','cube'); }); } //Start broadcast function start_broadcast(type,url,mode) { var dataString = 'action=startBroadcast&type='+type+'&url='+url; $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ var session = data.session; gen_streaming(session); }); } //Stop broadcast function stop_broadcast(session) { var dataString = 'action=stopBroadcast&session='+session; $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data) { var status = data.status; var message = data.message; hide_loader(); jQT.goBack(); }); } //trick to prevent animation bug with object. $(document).ready(function(e){ $('#streaming').bind('pageAnimationEnd', function(event, info){ if (info.direction == 'in') { var session = $("#streaming").find('span[rel="session"]').html(); var name = $("#streaming").find('span[rel="name"]').html(); playvideo(session,name); } }) $('#streaming').bind('pageAnimationStart', function(event, info){ var session = $("#streaming").find('span[rel="session"]').html(); if (info.direction == 'out') { $('#player').html(''); } }) }); //Get server status & Play video function playvideo(session,name) { var prevmsg=""; var status_OnComplete = function(data) { var status = data.status; var message = data.message; var url = data.url; var thumbwidth = $('#streaming span[rel="thumbwidth"]').html(); var thumbheight = $('#streaming span[rel="thumbheight"]').html(); $('#streaming ul[class="streamstatus"]').find('span[class="mode"]').html(message); if ( status == "ready" ) { $('#player').html(''); return false; } prevmsg = message; status_Start(session,prevmsg); } var status_Start = function(session,prevmsg) { dataString = "action=getStreamStatus&session=" + session + "&msg=" + prevmsg; $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data){ status_OnComplete(data) }); } status_Start(session,prevmsg); } // [/STREAM SECTION] // [BROWSER SECTION] //buttons $('ul[rel="filelist"] li[class="arrow"] a').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); json_start(this); var type = $(this).attr('rel'); if ( type == 'audio' ) { var name = $(this).find('span[class="tracktitle"]').html(); } else { var name = $(this).find('span[class="menuname"]').html(); } var path = $(this).parents('div').find('span[rel="path"]').html(); var browser = $(this).parents('div').find('span[rel="currentbrowser"]').html(); var foldertype = $(this).parents('div').find('span[rel="foldertype"]').html(); browser = parseInt(browser); browser++; if ( type == "folder" ) { newpath=path+name; gen_browser(newpath,browser,name,foldertype); } else if ( type == "rec" ) { gen_streamrec(name,path); } else if ( type == "video" ) { gen_streamvid(name,path); } else if ( type == "rec" ) { gen_streamrec(name,path); } else if ( type == "audio" ) { var track = $(this).find('span[class="number"]').html(); addplayer(path,name,track,(browser-1)); } return false; }); $('div[rel="browser"] a[class="back"]').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).parents('div[rel="browser"]').remove(); }); $('div[rel="browser"] #home_but').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#home').bind('pageAnimationEnd', function(event, info){ $('#jqt div[rel="browser"]').remove(); $('#home').unbind('pageAnimationEnd'); }); }); //Generate browser div according to type function gen_browser(path,browser,name,foldertype) { browser_template = '
    '; browser_template += ''; browser_template += '
    ' browser_template += ''; browser_template += ''; browser_template += '' + foldertype + ''; browser_template += '
    '; $('#jqt').append('
    '), $('#browser'+browser).html(browser_template); if ( path == rec_path || path == video_path || path == audio_path ) { toolbar = 'Home'; if ( foldertype == 'rec' ){ toolbar += '

    ' + name + '

    '; } else if ( foldertype == 'vid' ){ toolbar += '

    ' + name + '

    '; } else if ( foldertype == 'aud' ){ toolbar += '

    ' + name + '

    '; } $('#browser' + browser + ' div[class="toolbar"]').html(toolbar); } else { toolbar = 'Back'; toolbar += 'Home'; if ( foldertype == 'rec' ){ toolbar += '

    ' + name + '

    '; } else if ( foldertype == 'vid' ){ toolbar += '

    ' + name + '

    '; } else if ( foldertype == 'aud' ){ toolbar += '

    ' + name + '

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  • ' + list.name + '
  • '); } else if (list.type == "rec") { $("#browser" + browser).find('ul').append('
  • ' + list.name + '
  • '); } else if ( list.type == "video" ) { $("#browser" + browser).find('ul').append('
  • ' + list.name + '
  • '); } else if ( list.type == "audio" ) { $("#browser" + browser).find('ul').append('
  • ' + list.number + '
    ' + list.name + '
    ' + list.length +'
  • '); } }); json_complete('#browser' + browser,'cube'); }); } //Add audio player code when needed function addplayer(button) { json_start(button); var name = $(button).find('span[class="tracktitle"]').html(); var path = $(button).parents('div').find('span[rel="path"]').html(); var browser = $(button).parents('div').find('span[rel="currentbrowser"]').html(); browser = parseInt(browser); $('#browser'+browser+' #div_player').remove(); $('#browser'+browser).append('
    '); //get playlist data dataString = 'action=streamAudio&path=' + path + '&file=' + name; $.ajax({ url: "bin/backend.php", dataType: 'json', data: dataString, async: false, success: function(json) { var track = json.track; playercode = "'"; playercode += "qtnext" + i + "=" + qtattr; } playercode += ">"; $('#div_player').html(playercode); hide_loader(); return true; } }); } // [/BROWSER SECTION] // [TIMER SECTION] //get fullchannel list onload $(document).ready(function(e){ gen_formchanlist(); }); // buttons $('#timers li[class="arrow"] a').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('active'); if ( $(this).attr('rel') == "new" ) { gen_edittimer(); } else { timerid = $(this).attr('rel'); timerdata = $('#timers ul[rel="timers"] li a[rel="' + timerid + '"]').data("timerdata"); id = timerdata.id; name = timerdata.name; active = timerdata.active; channumber = timerdata.channumber; channame = timerdata.channame; date = timerdata.date; starttime = timerdata.starttime; endtime = timerdata.endtime; gen_edittimer(id,name,active,channumber,channame,date,starttime,endtime); } }); // gen Timers function gen_timers(edit) { $('#timers ul[rel="timers"]').html(''); var dataString = 'action=getTimers'; $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data) { $('#timers ul[rel="timers"]').append('
  • Current timers
  • '); $.each(data.timer, function(i,timer){ if ( timer.running == "1" ) { timerli = '
  • ' + timer.date + ' ' + timer.name + '
  • '; } else { if ( timer.active == "1" ) { timerli = '
  • ' + timer.date + ' ' + timer.name + '
  • '; } else { timerli = '
  • ' + timer.date + ' ' + timer.name + '
  • '; } } $('#timers ul[rel="timers"]').append(timerli); $('#timers ul[rel="timers"] li a[rel="' + timer.id + '"]').data("timerdata", timer); }); if ( edit ) { hide_loader(); jQT.goBack(); } else { json_complete('#timers','cube'); } }); } function gen_edittimer(id,name,active,channumber,channame,date,starttime,endtime) { $('ul[ref="submitbut"]').remove(); if (id) { $('#edittimer h1').html(' EDIT TIMER'); if (active = 1) { $('#timer_active').attr("checked", "checked"); } $('#timer_id').val(id); $('#timer_name').val(name); $('#timer_chan option[value="' + channumber + '"]').attr("selected", "selected"); $('#timer_date').val(date); var wheeldate = date; while (wheeldate.indexOf("-") > -1) wheeldate = wheeldate.replace("-", ","); $('#a_date').attr('href', "javascript:openSelectDate(" + wheeldate + ");"); $('#layer_date').html(date); $('#timer_starttime').val(starttime); $('#timer_endtime').val(endtime); wheelstart_h = starttime.substring(0,2); wheelstart_m = starttime.substring(2,4); $('#layer_starttime').html(wheelstart_h + 'h' + wheelstart_m); $('#a_starttime').attr('href', "javascript:openSelectTime('layer_starttime','" + wheelstart_h + "','" + wheelstart_m + "')"); wheelend_h = endtime.substring(0,2); wheelend_m = endtime.substring(2,4); $('#layer_endtime').html(wheelend_h + 'h' + wheelend_m); $('#a_endtime').attr('href', "javascript:openSelectTime('layer_endtime','" + wheelend_h + "','" + wheelend_m + "')"); submitbuttons = ''; $('#timer').append(submitbuttons); } else { $('#edittimer h1').html(' NEW TIMER'); $('#timer_active').attr("checked", "checked"); $('#timer_id').val(null); $('#timer_name').val(null); $('#timer_chan option').removeAttr("selected"); $('#timer_chan option[value="1"]').attr("selected", "selected"); $('#a_date').attr('href', "javascript:openSelectDate();"); $('#layer_date').html("Select date"); $('#timer_date').val(null); $('#timer_starttime').val(null); $('#timer_endtime').val(null); $('#a_starttime').attr('href', "javascript:openSelectTime('layer_starttime')"); $('#layer_starttime').html('Select start time'); $('#a_endtime').attr('href', "javascript:openSelectTime('layer_endtime')"); $('#layer_endtime').html('select end time'); submitbutton = ''; $('#timer').append(submitbutton); } $('.formerror').hide(); json_complete('#edittimer','cube'); } //get full chanlist for timer page ( doing it one time on document load ). function gen_formchanlist() { var dataString = 'action=getFullChanList'; $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data) { $.each(data.category, function(i,category){ $('#timer_chan').append(''); var catname = category.name; $.each(category.channel, function(j, channel){ $('#timer_chan optgroup[label="' + catname +'"]').append(''); }); $('#timer_chan').append(''); }); }); } // TIMER FORM VALIDATION & SUBMIT $('.submit_form').tap(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('.formerror').hide(); $(this).removeClass('active'); var timer_name = $("input#timer_name").val(); if (timer_name == "") { $("li#timer_name_error").show(); $.scrollTo('#edittimer #ul[rel="name"]'); return false; } var timer_date = $("input#timer_date").val(); if (timer_date == "") { $("li#timer_date_error").show(); $.scrollTo('#edittimer #timer_date_error'); return false; } var timer_starttime = $("input#timer_starttime").val(); if (timer_starttime == "") { $("li#timer_starttime_error").show(); $.scrollTo('#edittimer #timer_starttime_error'); return false; } var timer_endtime = $("input#timer_endtime").val(); if (timer_endtime == "") { $("li#timer_endtime_error").show(); $.scrollTo('#edittimer #timer_endtime_error'); return false; } var timer_id = $("input#timer_id").val(); var timer_chan = $("select#timer_chan").val(); var timer_active = $("input#timer_active").val(); var dataString = 'action=editTimer&id=' + timer_id + '&active=' + timer_active + '&channumber=' + timer_chan + '&date=' + timer_date + '&starttime=' + timer_starttime + '&endtime=' + timer_endtime; $.getJSON("bin/backend.php", dataString, function(data) { message = data.status + ": " + data.message; gen_timers("true"); json_start(this); showStatus( 0,message ); return false; }); return false; }); function showStatus( timeout, message ) { if( timeout == 0 ) { $('#timer_status').html(message); $('#timer_status').show(); setTimeout( function() { showStatus( 1, message ); }, 4000 ); } else if( timeout == 1 ) { $('#timer_status').hide(); } } // [/TIMER SECTION]