Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab at infradead dot org> Updated on 2009 February 9 This file describes the general procedures used by the LinuxTV team (*) and by the v4l-dvb community. (*) This is just an aka for the main developers involved in V4L/DVB drivers. They are a volunteer and unremunerated group of people that have the common interest of providing a good support on Linux for receiving and capturing video streams from webcams, analog TV, digital TV and radio broadcast AM/FM. CONTENTS ======== 1. A brief introduction about patch management 2. Git trees' relationships with v4l/dvb development 3. Mercurial trees used for v4l/dvb development 4. Community best practices 5. Knowing about newer patches committed at master hg repository 6. Patch handling for kernel submission 7. Patch submission from the community 8. Identifying regressions with Mercurial 9. Creating a newer driver 1. A brief introduction about patch management ========================================== Current V4L/DVB development is based on a modern SCM system that fits better into kernel development model, called Mercurial (aka hg). Kernel development model is based on a similar SCM, called git. While very powerful for distributed development, git usage is not simple for final users. That's the reason why hg was selected for V4L/DVB development. There are some tutorials, FAQs and other valuable information at about hg usage. Mercurial is a distributed SCM, which means every developer gets his own full copy of the repository (including the complete revision history), and can work and commit locally without network connection. The resulting changesets can then be exchanged between repositories and finally merged into a common repository on A list of current available repositories is available at: 2. Git and Mercurial trees' relationships with v4l/dvb development =============================================================== The main kernel trees are hosted at Each tree is owned by a maintainer. The main kernel trees is owned by Linus Torvalds, being located at: The subsystem master tree is owned by the subsystem maintainer (Mauro Carvalho Chehab) being located at: A tree with development patches that aren't ready yet for upstream is handled at: There is also an experimental tree, that contains all experimental patches from subsystem trees, called linux-next. Its purpose is to check in advance if patches from different trees would conflict. The main tree for linux-next is owned by Stephen Rothwell and it is located at: Warning: linux-next is meant to be used by developers. As it may contain broken +++++++ patches on several subsystems, it may cause damage if used on production systems. The subsystem linux-next tree is also owned by Mauro Carvalho Chehab, and it is located at: Before committing into the master -git tree, the finished patches from each maintainers tree are added on a staging tree, owned by the subsystem maintainer, at: The main function of this tree is to merge patches from other repositories and to test the entire subsystem with the finished patches. This is also the recommended tree for users interested on testing newer V4L/DVB patches and drivers. Users are welcome to use, test and report any issues via the mailing lists or via the Kernel Bug Tracker, available at: Michael Krufky maintains a backport tree, containing a subset of the patches from the subsystem tree that are meant to be sent to kernel -stable team, at: 3. Other Mercurial trees used for v4l/dvb development ================================================== V4L/DVB driver development is hosted at There are a number of trees there each owned by a developer of the LinuxTV team. When a developer believes that he has patches done to be merged, he sends a request the developers' mailing list and to the subsystem maintainer. The patches are analyzed and, if they look ok, merged into the master repository. A script called is included that will generate this request, providing a list of patches that will be pulled, links to each patch, and a diffstat of the all patches. It will work best if Hg has been configured with the correct username (also used by the commit message generator) and push path. The script is designed to be easy to modify to produce text for a given contributor's style. It is good practice that each developer will have at least one tree called 'v4l-dvb', which keeps their patches, and periodically update this tree with the master tree's patches. 4. Community best practices ======================== From accumulated experience, there are some basic rules that should be followed by the community: a) Every developer should follow the "rules of thumb" of kernel development stated at Linux source code, especially those stated at kernel, under: Documentation/HOWTO Documentation/SubmittingPatches Documentation/SubmittingDrivers Documentation/SubmitChecklist Documentation/CodingStyle b) All commits at Mercurial trees should have a consistent message, describing the patch. This is done by using: make commit This will run some scripts that check changed files, correct bad whitespace and prepare the last Signed-off-by: field, as described below. A good comment will have a brief description at the first line, up to 68 characters wide, a blank line, the patch author's name on the third line, a blank line, and then a brief description, with no more than 80 chars per line, e. g.: This patch does nothing From: nowhere <> This is just a sample commit comment, just for reference purposes. This "patch" does nothing. Priority: normal Signed-off-by: nowhere <> All lines starting with # and all lines starting with HG: will be removed from the Mercurial commit log. *WARNING* Be careful not to leave the first line blank, otherwise hg will leave subject blank. From: line shouldn't be omitted, since it will be used for the patch author when converting to -git. Priority: meta-tag will be used as a hint to the subsystem maintainer, to help him to identify if the patch is an improvement or board addition ("normal"), that will follow the normal lifecycle of a patch (e.g. will be sent upstream on the next merge tree), if the patch is a bug fix tree for a while without merging upstream ("low"). Valid values for "Priority:" are "low", "normal" and "high". c) All patches are requested to have their coding style validated by using script/ This check runs automatically by using "make commit". By default, it will try to use the newest version of the script, between the kernel one and a copy at v4l-dvb development tree. It is always a good idea to use in-kernel version, since additional tests are performed (like checking for the usage of deprecated API's that are about to be removed). It is possible to override the in-kernel location, by using the CHECKPATCH shell environment var to something like: CHECKPATCH="/usr/src/linux/scripts/" d) For "make commit" to work properly, the HGUSER shell environment var should be defined (replacing the names at the left): HGUSER="My Name <>" If HGUSER is not set, then, if present, the username defined in the user's ~/.hgrc file will be used. Use of the .hgrc file is preferred over the HGUSER variable according to the hg man page. This name will be used for both the user metadata in the Hg commit log and the initial values of the "From:" and "Signed-off-by:" lines in the pre-made commit message. It is also possible to use a different login name at the site hosting the repository, by using: CHANGE_LOG_LOGIN=my_log_name With this, "make push" will use my_log_name, instead of the name for the current Unix user. Don't forget to export the vars at shell, with something like: export CHANGE_LOG_LOGIN HGUSER It is strongly recommended to have those lines in .bashrc or .profile. e) All patches shall have a Developer's Certificate of Origin version 1.1 in the commit log or the email description, signed by the patch authors, as postulated in the Linux kernel source at: Documentation/SubmittingPatches This is done by adding Signed-off-by: fields to the commit message. It is not acceptable to use fake signatures, e.g.: Signed-off-by: Fake me <> The email must be a valid one. The author that is submitting the email should be at the button of the author's signed-off-by (SOB) block. Other SOBs or Acked-by: will be added at the bottom, marking that somebody else reviewed the patch. Each person who is in the kernel patch submission chain (driver author and/or driver maintainer, subsystem/core maintainers, etc) will review each patch. If they agree, the patch will be added to their trees and signed. Otherwise, they may comment on the patch, asking for some review. f) Although not documented at kernel's Documentation/, a common kernel practice is to use Acked-by: tag. An Acked-by: tag usually means that the acked person didn't write the patch, nor is in the chain responsible for sending the patch to kernel, but tested or reviewed the patch and agreed that it was good. A patch acked-by can be added at hg trees, if received by each tree maintainer. It is also common to receive acks after having a patch inserted at master repository. In this case, the ack will be added only at -git tree. g) Another kernel's practice that is agreed to be good is that a patchset should be reviewed/tested by other developers. So, a new tag should be used by testers/reviewers. So, reviewers are welcome. After reviewing a patchset, please send an e-mail indicating that, if possible, with some additional data about the testing, with the tag: Reviewed-by: My Name <> This is particularly important for Kernel to userspace ABI changes. h) If the patch also affects other parts of kernel (like ALSA or i2c), it is required that, when submitting upstream, the patch also goes to the maintainers of that subsystem. To do this, the developer shall copy the interested parties. At Mercurial tree, this can be handled automatically by the LinuxTV scripts, by using the cc: meta tag, together with the Signed-off-by lines. Something like: CC: someotherkerneldeveloper@someplace Signed-off-by: nowhere <> This way, when a patch arrives Mercurial hg tree, a mailbomb script will copy the proper interested parties. When submitting a patch via e-mail, it is better to copy all interested parties directly, by adding them as cc's to the email itself. Please note that those changes generally require ack from the other subsystem maintainers. So, the best practice is to first ask for their acks, then commit to the development tree or send the patch via email with their Acked-by: already included. i) If the patch modifies the include/linux/videodev2.h file, then you must also run 'make spec' to verify that the V4L2 specification document still builds. Of course, any changes you make to the public V4L2 API must be documented anyway. j) Sometimes, mainstream changes affect the v4l-dvb tree, and must be backported to the v4l-dvb tree. This kind of commit to the Mercurial tree should follow the rules above and should also have the line: kernel-sync: Patches with this line will not be submitted upstream. k) Sometimes it is necessary to introduce some testing code inside a module or remove parts that are not yet finished. Also, compatibility tests may be required to provide backporting. To allow compatibility tests, linux/version.h is automatically included by the building system. This allows adding tests like: #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 16) #include <linux/mutex.h> #else #include <asm/semaphore.h> #endif It should be noticed, however, that an explicit inclusion of linux/version.h is required if it is needed to use KERNEL_VERSION() macro (this is required, for example, by V4L2 VIDIOC_QUERYCAP ioctl), otherwise, the driver won't compile when submitted to kernel. There are several compatibility procedures already defined in "compat.h" file. If needed, it is better to include it after all other kernel standard headers, and before any specific header for that file. Something like: #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/module.h> ... #include <linux/videodev2.h> #include <media/v4l2-common.h> #include "compat.h" #include "mydriver-header.h" should be included at the files under v4l-dvb tree. This header also includes linux/version.h. To include testing code, #if 0 or #if 1 may be used. If this code is meant to go also to kernel, a comment with the word "keep" should be used, e.g: #if 0 /* keep */ or #if 1 /* keep */ The kernel submit scripts will remove the compatibility codes, the tests for specific kernel versions and the #if 0/1 that doesn't have the "keep meta tag". See the file v4l/scripts/ for a more complete description of what kind of code will be kept and what kind will be removed. l) To import contributed stuff to a developer's, a script is provided. This allows an easy import of mbox-based patch emails. This is done with (called from the root tree directory): ./mailimport <mbox file> For it to work properly, git tools need to be installed on the local machine, since git has a gitimport script that is used by mailimport. There's also a helper script to make easier to retrieve patches from other Mercurial repositories. The syntax is: ./hgimport <URL> Also, hg has a feature, called mqueue, that allows having several patches that can be applied/unapplied for testing. mailimport trusts on it to work, so, this extension should be enabled for mailimport script to work. m) By submitting a patch to the subsystem maintainer, either via email or via pull request, the patch author(s) are agreeing that the submitted code will be added on Kernel, and that the submitted code are being released as GPLv2. The author may grant additional licenses to the submitted code (for example, using dual GPL/BSD) or GPLv2 or later. If no specific clause are added, the added code will be assumed as GPLv2 only. n) "Commit earlier and commit often". This is a common used rule at Kernel. This means that a sooner submission of a patch will mean that a review can happen sooner, and help the develop to address the comments. This helps to reduce the life-cycle for having a changeset committed at kernel at the proper time. It also means that the one changeset should ideally address just one issue. So, mixing different things at the same patch should be avoided. o) Sometimes, the maintainer may need to slightly modify patches you receive in order to merge them, because the code is not exactly the same in your tree and the submitters'. In order to save time, it may do the changes and add a line before his SOB, as stated on Documentation/SubmittingPatches, describing what he did to merge it. Something like: Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <> [ struct foo moved from foo.c to foo.h] Signed-off-by: Lucky K Maintainer <> 5. Knowing about newer patches committed at master hg repository ============================================================= There's a patchbomb script at that will send one copy of each patch applied to -hg tree to: 1) The subscribers of the linuxtv-commits mailing list, hosted on; 2) The patch author (as stated on the From: field in the patch comments); 3) The patch committer (the "user" at hg metadata); 4) All people with Signed-off-by:, Acked-by:, or CC: metadata clause in the patch's comment. If, for some reason, there's no "From:" metatag (or it is on the first line, instead of the second one), sometimes the script may fail, maybe filling patch authorship wrongly. So people should take care to properly commit patches with "From:". 6. Patch handling for kernel submission ==================================== The subsystem maintainer, when preparing the kernel patches to be sent to mainstream (or to -mm series), uses some scripts and a manual procedure, based on a quilt-like procedure, where a patch series file is generated, and patches can be handled one by one. This means that -git patches can be properly fixed, when required, if not already sent to mainstream, to fulfill the best practices and resolve conflicts with other patches directly merged in mainstream. There's a delay between updating a patch at master and sending it to mainstream. During this period, it is possible to review a patch. The common situations are: 1) If a patch at master tree receives a late Acked-by: or a Reviewed-by:, this can be added at -git tree; 2) If somebody fully nacks a patch applied at -hg, A reverse patch can be applied at -hg, and the original patch can be removed -git; 3) If somebody partially nacks a patch or sends a reviewing patch, the -git patch may be a result of the merger of the two patches. By merging both patches at -git will allow avoiding storing unnecessary patch history details at -git and at Mainstream. Those changes will require some manual sync between -git and -hg, it is better to avoid those circumstances. During the procedure of generating kernel patches, the maintainer uses to do a diff between the kernel tree and v4l-dvb Mercurial tree (without any backport code there). If there are discrepancies, a backport patch from mainstream to v4l-dvb is generally applied by the maintainer. 8. Commit windows ============== Kernel development occurs on some cycles, according with the following picture: ------------ 2 week ------------ --------------- --------- | 2.6.(x-1) | ---------> | 2.6.x-rc1 | .. | 2.6.x-rc[n] | --> | 2.6.x | ------------ ------------ --------------- --------- Submission Window Once a kernel release is done (for example, 2.6.(x-1) version), a submission window for the newer features and board additions to the next kernel release should start. This means that the subsystem maintainer will use this window to submit the work that were done during 2.6.(x-2) time. For this to happen, patches for 2.6.x should be already at the subsystem maintainers -hg tree before the release of 2.6.(x-1), to allow proper testing. After the submission window, only patches with bug fixes should be sent to mainstream. This means that the subsystem maintainer will separate those patches from the submitted ones for kernel submission during -rc cycle. Generally, the stabilization process (rc kernels) takes from 5 to 7 weeks. To make life easier for the subsystem maintainer, please add: [FIX] at the subject of the submitted emails or at the commit first lines. 7. Patch submission from the community =================================== Patch submission is open to all the Free Software community. The general procedure to have a patch accepted in the v4l/dvb subsystem and in the kernel is the following: a. Post your patches to the corresponding mailing list for review and test by other people, at: This mailing list doesn't require subscription, although it is recommended to subscribe, expecially if you're developing V4L/DVB drivers. b. Use [PATCH] and a brief description in the email's subject. This will help the LinuxTV team to better handle it. c. Please include a brief description in the headers of your patch, like described above. Something like: This is just a sample commit comment, just for reference purposes. This does nothing. Signed-off-by: nowhere <> d. Every patch shall have a Developer's Certificate of Origin and should be submitted by one of its authors. All the patch authors should sign it. e. People will eventually comment about the patch. In this case, please fix problems and repeat until everyone is happy ;) f. If the patch is fixing an existing maintained driver, the low-level driver maintainer will apply to his tree, and at some later time, ask the subsystem maintainer to pull it. It is a good idea to send the patch to the maintainer C/C the mailing list for him to know that you're expecting him to forward the patch. g. If it is a newer driver (not yet in one of the development trees), please send the patch to the subsystem maintainer, C/C the proper mailing lists. 8. Identifying regressions with Mercurial ====================================== The better way for you to identify regressions with Mercurial is to use hg bisect. This is an extension provided with the current Mercurial versions. For it to work, you need to have the proper setup at an hgrc file. To test if bisect is working, you can do: hg bisect help If Mercurial answers with hg: unknown command 'bisect' You will need to add the following lines to your ~/.hgrc file: [extensions] hgext.hbisect=/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/hgext/ (assuming that is installed under python2.5 default dir) The first step is to initialize bisect for a newer regression testing session. This is done with: hg bisect init If the bisect were previously initialized, you should, instead do: hg bisect reset Supposing that the latest kernel version have some regression, you should do something like: hg update -C (This will clean any changes you had on your tree, and will update to the latest patch) Then, you will mark the latest version as "bad": hg bisect bad The next step is to find one version where the your board is properly working. Supposing that review "4000" is ok, you would do: hg update 4000 Test if the review is really ok. If so, you should mark it as good: hg bisect good If everything is ok, it should print something like: Testing changeset 4481:a53c7904e47d (944 changesets remaining, ~9 tests) 405 files updated, 0 files merged, 8 files removed, 0 files unresolved The above line shows that Mercurial selected another revision for you to test. Redo your tests. If this version is ok, you would do: hg bisect good otherwise, if the version is broken, you should do: hg bisect bad This should be repeated until you have an answer like: The first bad revision is: changeset: 4593:26d1ce012c5e user: Someone <Someone@somewhere> date: Thu Feb 31 17:52:53 2006 -0300 summary: This is the broken patch that we should find If, in the middle of the process, you need to know on what revision you are, you can do something like: hg log -r `hg id|cut -d' ' -f 1` 9. Creating a newer driver ======================= This quick HOWTO explains how to create a new driver using v4l-dvb tree. The v4l-dvb tree have a the following basic structure: / |-- Documentation | |-- dvb <== DVB drivers documentation | `-- video4linux <== V4L drivers documentation |-- drivers | `-- media | |-- common <== Common stuff, like IR | |-- dvb <== DVB only drivers | |-- radio <== V4L Radio only drivers | `-- video <== V4L Analog TV (plus radio and/or | DVB) drivers `-- include |-- linux <== V4L userspace API files | `-- dvb <== DVB userspace API files `-- media <== V4L internal API files 9.1 - simple drivers ==================== For very simple drivers that have only one .c and one .h file, the recommended way is not to create a newer directory, but keep the driver into an existing one. Assuming that the will be V4L+DVB, the better place for it to be is under /linux/drivers/media/video. Assuming also that the newer driver will be called as "newdevice", you need to do: a) add at /linux/drivers/media/video/Kconfig something like: config VIDEO_NEWDEVICE tristate "newdevice driver" select VIDEO_V4L2 select VIDEO_BUF help Support for newdevice Device Say Y if you own such a device and want to use it. b) add at /linux/drivers/media/video/Makefile something like: obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_NEWDEVICE) += newdevice.o EXTRA_CFLAGS = -Idrivers/media/video 9.2 - bigger drivers ==================== In this case, a driver will be splitted into several different source codes. Ideally, a source file should have up to 1000 source code lines. After that, you should consider splitting it into smaller files. In this case, assuming that the will be V4L+DVB, and that the driver is called "newdevice", all that is needed to add the newer driver is: a) create a newer dir with your driver, for example: /linux/drivers/media/video/newdevice b) create /linux/drivers/media/video/newdevice/Kconfig with something like: config VIDEO_NEWDEVICE tristate "newdevice driver" select VIDEO_V4L2 select VIDEO_BUF help Support for new device Device Say Y if you own such a device and want to use it. c) create /linux/drivers/media/video/newdevice/Makefile with something like: obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_NEWDEVICE) += newdevice.o EXTRA_CFLAGS = -Idrivers/media/video d) Add your driver directory at /linux/drivers/media/Makefile: obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_NEWDEVICE) += newdevice/ e) Add your driver directory at /linux/drivers/media/Kconfig: source "drivers/media/video/newdevice/Kconfig" After that, you will be able to use v4l-dvb Makefile to compile your driver. With: make help you'll see some useful syntax that may help your development.