\devsec{DVB Video Device} The DVB video device controls the MPEG2 video decoder of the DVB hardware. It can be accessed through \texttt{/dev/ost/video}. The include file \texttt{ost/video.h} defines the data types and lists all I/O calls. \devsubsec{Video Data Types} \devsubsubsec{videoFormat\_t} \label{videoformat} The \texttt{videoFormat\_t} data type defined by \begin{verbatim} typedef enum { VIDEO_FORMAT_4_3, VIDEO_FORMAT_16_9 } videoFormat_t; \end{verbatim} is used in the VIDEO\_SET\_FORMAT function (\ref{videosetformat}) to tell the driver which aspect ratio the output hardware (e.g. TV) has. It is also used in the data structures videoStatus (\ref{videostatus}) returned by VIDEO\_GET\_STATUS (\ref{videogetstatus}) and videoEvent (\ref{videoevent}) returned by VIDEO\_GET\_EVENT (\ref{videogetevent}) which report about the display format of the current video stream. \devsubsubsec{videoDisplayFormat\_t} \label{videodispformat} In case the display format of the video stream and of the display hardware differ the application has to specify how to handle the cropping of the picture. This can be done using the VIDEO\_SET\_DISPLAY\_FORMAT call (\ref{videosetdisplayformat}) which accepts \begin{verbatim} typedef enum { VIDEO_PAN_SCAN, VIDEO_LETTER_BOX, VIDEO_CENTER_CUT_OUT } videoDisplayFormat_t; \end{verbatim} as argument. \devsubsubsec{video stream source} \label{videostreamsource} The video stream source is set through the VIDEO\_SELECT\_SOURCE call and can take the following values, depending on whether we are replaying from an internal (demuxer) or external (user write) source. \begin{verbatim} typedef enum { VIDEO_SOURCE_DEMUX, VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY } videoStreamSource_t; \end{verbatim} VIDEO\_SOURCE\_DEMUX selects the demultiplexer (fed either by the frontend or the DVR device) as the source of the video stream. If VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY is selected the stream comes from the application through the \texttt{write()} system call. \devsubsubsec{video play state} \label{videoplaystate} The following values can be returned by the VIDEO\_GET\_STATUS call representing the state of video playback. \begin{verbatim} typedef enum { VIDEO_STOPPED, VIDEO_PLAYING, VIDEO_FREEZED } videoPlayState_t; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video event} \label{videoevent} The following is the structure of a video event as it is returned by the VIDEO\_GET\_EVENT call. \begin{verbatim} struct videoEvent { int32_t type; time_t timestamp; union { videoFormat_t videoFormat; } u; }; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video status} \label{videostatus} The VIDEO\_GET\_STATUS call returns the following structure informing about various states of the playback operation. \begin{verbatim} struct videoStatus { boolean videoBlank; videoPlayState_t playState; videoStreamSource_t streamSource; videoFormat_t videoFormat; videoDisplayFormat_t displayFormat; }; \end{verbatim} If videoBlank is set video will be blanked out if the channel is changed or if playback is stopped. Otherwise, the last picture will be displayed. playState indicates if the video is currently frozen, stopped, or being played back. The streamSource corresponds to the seleted source for the video stream. It can come either from the demultiplexer or from memory. The videoFormat indicates the aspect ratio (one of 4:3 or 16:9) of the currently played video stream. Finally, displayFormat corresponds to the selected cropping mode in case the source video format is not the same as the format of the output device. \devsubsubsec{video display still picture} \label{videostill} An I-frame displayed via the VIDEO\_STILLPICTURE call is passed on within the following structure. \begin{verbatim} /* pointer to and size of a single iframe in memory */ struct videoDisplayStillPicture { char *iFrame; int32_t size; }; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video capabilities} \label{videocaps} A call to VIDEO\_GET\_CAPABILITIES returns an unsigned integer with the following bits set according to the hardwares capabilities. \begin{verbatim} /* bit definitions for capabilities: */ /* can the hardware decode MPEG1 and/or MPEG2? */ #define VIDEO_CAP_MPEG1 1 #define VIDEO_CAP_MPEG2 2 /* can you send a system and/or program stream to video device? (you still have to open the video and the audio device but only send the stream to the video device) */ #define VIDEO_CAP_SYS 4 #define VIDEO_CAP_PROG 8 /* can the driver also handle SPU, NAVI and CSS encoded data? (CSS API is not present yet) */ #define VIDEO_CAP_SPU 16 #define VIDEO_CAP_NAVI 32 #define VIDEO_CAP_CSS 64 \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video system} \label{videosys} A call to VIDEO\_SET\_SYSTEM sets the desired video system for TV output. The following system types can be set: \begin{verbatim} typedef enum { VIDEO_SYSTEM_PAL, VIDEO_SYSTEM_NTSC, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALN, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALNc, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALM, VIDEO_SYSTEM_NTSC60, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PAL60, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALM60 } videoSystem_t; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video highlights} \label{vhilite} Calling the ioctl VIDEO\_SET\_HIGHLIGHTS posts the SPU highlight information. The call expects the following format for that information: \begin{verbatim} typedef struct videoHighlight { boolean active; /* 1=show highlight, 0=hide highlight */ uint8_t contrast1; /* 7- 4 Pattern pixel contrast */ /* 3- 0 Background pixel contrast */ uint8_t contrast2; /* 7- 4 Emphasis pixel-2 contrast */ /* 3- 0 Emphasis pixel-1 contrast */ uint8_t color1; /* 7- 4 Pattern pixel color */ /* 3- 0 Background pixel color */ uint8_t color2; /* 7- 4 Emphasis pixel-2 color */ /* 3- 0 Emphasis pixel-1 color */ uint32_t ypos; /* 23-22 auto action mode */ /* 21-12 start y */ /* 9- 0 end y */ uint32_t xpos; /* 23-22 button color number */ /* 21-12 start x */ /* 9- 0 end x */ } videoHighlight_t; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video SPU} \label{videospu} Calling VIDEO\_SET\_SPU deactivates or activates SPU decoding, according to the following format: \begin{verbatim} typedef struct videoSPU { boolean active; int streamID; } videoSPU_t; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video SPU palette} \label{vspupal} The following structure is used to set the SPU palette by calling VIDEO\_SPU\_PALETTE: \begin{verbatim} typedef struct videoSPUPalette{ /* SPU Palette information */ int length; uint8_t *palette; } videoSPUPalette_t; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video NAVI pack} \label{videonavi} In order to get the navigational data the following structure has to be passed to the ioctl VIDEO\_GET\_NAVI: \begin{verbatim} typedef struct videoNaviPack{ int length; /* 0 ... 1024 */ uint8_t data[1024]; } videoNaviPack_t; \end{verbatim} \devsubsubsec{video attributes} \label{vattrib} The following attributes can be set by a call to VIDEO\_SET\_ATTRIBUTES: \begin{verbatim} typedef uint16_t videoAttributes_t; /* bits: descr. */ /* 15-14 Video compression mode (0=MPEG-1, 1=MPEG-2) */ /* 13-12 TV system (0=525/60, 1=625/50) */ /* 11-10 Aspect ratio (0=4:3, 3=16:9) */ /* 9- 8 permitted display mode on 4:3 monitor (0=both, 1=only pan-sca */ /* 7 line 21-1 data present in GOP (1=yes, 0=no) */ /* 6 line 21-2 data present in GOP (1=yes, 0=no) */ /* 5- 3 source resolution (0=720x480/576, 1=704x480/576, 2=352x480/57 */ /* 2 source letterboxed (1=yes, 0=no) */ /* 0 film/camera mode (0=camera, 1=film (625/50 only)) */ \end{verbatim} \clearpage \devsubsec{Video Function Calls} \function{open()}{ int open(const char *deviceName, int flags);}{ This system call opens a named video device (e.g. /dev/ost/video) for subsequent use. When an open() call has succeeded, the device will be ready for use. The significance of blocking or non-blocking mode is described in the documentation for functions where there is a difference. It does not affect the semantics of the open() call itself. A device opened in blocking mode can later be put into non-blocking mode (and vice versa) using the F\_SETFL command of the fcntl system call. This is a standard system call, documented in the Linux manual page for fcntl. Only one user can open the Video Device in O\_RDWR mode. All other attempts to open the device in this mode will fail, and an error-code will be returned. If the Video Device is opened in O\_RDONLY mode, the only ioctl call that can be used is VIDEO\_GET\_STATUS. All other call will return an error code. }{ const char *deviceName & Name of specific video device.\\ int flags & A bit-wise OR of the following flags:\\ & \hspace{1em} O\_RDONLY read-only access\\ & \hspace{1em} O\_RDWR read/write access\\ & \hspace{1em} O\_NONBLOCK open in non-blocking mode \\ & \hspace{1em} (blocking mode is the default)\\ }{ ENODEV & Device driver not loaded/available.\\ EINTERNAL & Internal error.\\ EBUSY & Device or resource busy.\\ EINVAL & Invalid argument.\\ } \function{close()}{ int close(int fd);}{ This system call closes a previously opened video device. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ }{ EBADF & fd is not a valid open file descriptor.\\ } \function{write()}{ size\_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size\_t count);}{ This system call can only be used if VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY is selected in the ioctl call VIDEO\_SELECT\_SOURCE. The data provided shall be in PES format, unless the capability allows other formats. If O\_NONBLOCK is not specified the function will block until buffer space is available. The amount of data to be transferred is implied by count. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ void *buf & Pointer to the buffer containing the PES data.\\ size\_t count& Size of buf.\\ }{ EPERM& Mode VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY not selected.\\ ENOMEM& Attempted to write more data than the internal buffer can hold.\\ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_STOP}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_STOP, boolean mode);}{ This ioctl call asks the Video Device to stop playing the current stream. Depending on the input parameter, the screen can be blanked out or displaying the last decoded frame. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). \\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_STOP for this command. \\ Boolean mode & Indicates how the screen shall be handled. \\ & TRUE: Blank screen when stop. \\ & FALSE: Show last decoded frame.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_PLAY}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_PLAY);}{ This ioctl call asks the Video Device to start playing a video stream from the selected source. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). \\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_PLAY for this command. \\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_FREEZE}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_FREEZE);}{ This ioctl call suspends the live video stream being played. Decoding and playing are frozen. It is then possible to restart the decoding and playing process of the video stream using the VIDEO\_CONTINUE command. If VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY is selected in the ioctl call VIDEO\_SELECT\_SOURCE, the DVB subsystem will not decode any more data until the ioctl call VIDEO\_CONTINUE or VIDEO\_PLAY is performed. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). \\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_FREEZE for this command. \\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_CONTINUE}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_CONTINUE);}{ This ioctl call restarts decoding and playing processes of the video stream which was played before a call to VIDEO\_FREEZE was made. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). \\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_CONTINUE for this command. \\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SELECT\_SOURCE}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SELECT\_SOURCE, videoStreamSource\_t source);}{ This ioctl call informs the video device which source shall be used for the input data. The possible sources are demux or memory. If memory is selected, the data is fed to the video device through the write command. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request& Equals VIDEO\_SELECT\_SOURCE for this command. \\ videoStreamSource\_t source&Indicates which source shall be used for the Video stream.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_BLANK}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_BLANK, boolean mode);}{ This ioctl call asks the Video Device to blank out the picture. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request& Equals VIDEO\_SET\_BLANK for this command. \\ boolean mode&TRUE: Blank screen when stop.\\ &FALSE: Show last decoded frame.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.\\ EINVAL & Illegal input parameter\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_GET\_STATUS}{ \label{videogetstatus} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_GET\_STATUS, struct videoStatus *status);}{ This ioctl call asks the Video Device to return the current status of the device. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request& Equals VIDEO\_GET\_STATUS for this command.\\ struct videoStatus *status & Returns the current status of the Video Device.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.\\ EFAULT & status points to invalid address\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_GET\_EVENT}{ \label{videogetevent} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_GET\_EVENT, struct videoEvent *ev);}{ This ioctl call returns an event of type videoEvent if available. If an event is not available, the behavior depends on whether the device is in blocking or non-blocking mode. In the latter case, the call fails immediately with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK. In the former case, the call blocks until an event becomes available. The standard Linux poll() and/or select() system calls can be used with the device file descriptor to watch for new events. For select(), the file descriptor should be included in the exceptfds argument, and for poll(), POLLPRI should be specified as the wake-up condition. Read-only permissions are sufficient for this ioctl call. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request& Equals VIDEO\_GET\_EVENT for this command.\\ struct videoEvent *ev & Points to the location where the event, if any, is to be stored.\\ }{ EBADF & fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EFAULT & ev points to invalid address \\ EWOULDBLOCK & There is no event pending, and the device is in non-blocking mode.\\ EBUFFEROVERFLOW & \\ &Overflow in event queue - one or more events were lost.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_DISPLAY\_FORMAT}{ \label{videosetdisplayformat} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_DISPLAY\_FORMAT, videoDisplayFormat\_t format);}{ This ioctl call asks the Video Device to select the video format to be applied by the MPEG chip on the video. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_DISPLAY\_FORMAT for this command.\\ videoDisplayFormat\_t format & Selects the video format to be used.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error.\\ EINVAL & Illegal parameter format.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_STILLPICTURE}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_STILLPICTURE, struct videoDisplayStillPicture *sp);}{ This ioctl call asks the Video Device to display a still picture (I-frame). The input data shall contain an I-frame. If the pointer is NULL, then the current displayed still picture is blanked. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_STILLPICTURE for this command.\\ struct videoDisplayStillPicture *sp& Pointer to a location where an I-frame and size is stored.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error.\\ EFAULT & sp points to an invalid iframe.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_FAST\_FORWARD}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_FAST\_FORWARD, int nFrames);}{ This ioctl call asks the Video Device to skip decoding of N number of I-frames. This call can only be used if VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY is selected. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_FAST\_FORWARD for this command.\\ int nFrames & The number of frames to skip.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error.\\ EPERM & Mode VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY not selected.\\ EINVAL & Illegal parameter format.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SLOWMOTION}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SLOWMOTION, int nFrames);}{ This ioctl call asks the video device to repeat decoding frames N number of times. This call can only be used if VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY is selected. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SLOWMOTION for this command.\\ int nFrames & The number of times to repeat each frame.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINTERNAL & Internal error.\\ EPERM & Mode VIDEO\_SOURCE\_MEMORY not selected.\\ EINVAL & Illegal parameter format.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_GET\_CAPABILITIES}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_GET\_CAPABILITIES, unsigned int *cap);}{ This ioctl call asks the video device about its decoding capabilities. On success it returns and integer which has bits set according to the defines in section \ref{videocaps}. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_GET\_CAPABILITIES for this command.\\ unsigned int *cap & Pointer to a location where to store the capability information.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EFAULT & cap points to an invalid iframe.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_ID}{ int ioctl(int fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_ID, int id);}{ This ioctl selects which sub-stream is to be decoded if a program or system stream is sent to the video device. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_ID for this command.\\ int id& video sub-stream id }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor.\\ EINTERNAL & Internal error.\\ EINVAL & Invalid sub-stream id. } \ifunction{VIDEO\_CLEAR\_BUFFER}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_CLEAR\_BUFFER);}{ This ioctl call clears all video buffers in the driver and in the decoder hardware. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_CLEAR\_BUFFER for this command.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_STREAMTYPE}{ int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_STREAMTYPE, int type);}{ This ioctl tells the driver which kind of stream to expect being written to it. If this call is not used the default of video PES is used. Some drivers might not support this call and always expect PES. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_STREAMTYPE for this command.\\ int type & stream type\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINVAL& type is not a valid or supported stream type.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_FORMAT}{ \label{videosetformat} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_FORMAT, videoFormat\_t format); }{ This ioctl sets the screen format (aspect ratio) of the connected output device (TV) so that the output of the decoder can be adjusted accordingly. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_FORMAT for this command.\\ videoFormat\_t format& video format of TV as defined in section \ref{videoformat}.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINVAL& format is not a valid video format.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_SYSTEM}{ \label{videosetsystem} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_SYSTEM , videoSystem\_t system); }{ This ioctl sets the television output format. The format (see section \ref{videosys}) may vary from the color format of the displayed MPEG stream. If the hardware is not able to display the requested format the call will return an error. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_FORMAT for this command.\\ videoSystem\_t system& video system of TV output.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINVAL& system is not a valid or supported video system.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_HIGHLIGHT}{ \label{videosethighlight} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_HIGHLIGHT ,videoHighlight\_t *vhilite) }{ This ioctl sets the SPU highlight information for the menu access of a DVD. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_HIGHLIGHT for this command.\\ videoHighlight\_t *vhilite& SPU Highlight information according to section \ref{vhilite}.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor. \\ EINVAL& input is not a valid highlight setting.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_SPU}{ \label{videosetspu} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_SPU , videoSPU\_t *spu) }{ This ioctl activates or deactivates SPU decoding in a DVD input stream. It can only be used, if the driver is able to handle a DVD stream. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_SPU for this command.\\ videoSPU\_t *spu& SPU decoding (de)activation and subid setting according to section \ref{videospu}.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINVAL& input is not a valid spu setting or driver cannot handle SPU.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_SPU\_PALETTE}{ \label{videosetspupalette} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_SPU\_PALETTE ,videoSPUPalette\_t *palette ) }{ This ioctl sets the SPU color palette. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_SPU\_PALETTE for this command.\\ videoSPUPalette\_t *palette& SPU palette according to section \ref{vspupal}.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINVAL& input is not a valid palette or driver doesn't handle SPU.\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_GET\_NAVI}{ \label{videosetnavi} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_GET\_NAVI , videoNaviPack\_t *navipack) }{ This ioctl returns navigational information from the DVD stream. This is especially needed if an encoded stream has to be decoded by the hardware. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_GET\_NAVI for this command.\\ videoNaviPack\_t *navipack& PCI or DSI pack (private stream 2) according to section \ref{videonavi}.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EFAULT& driver is not able to return navigational information\\ } \ifunction{VIDEO\_SET\_ATTRIBUTES}{ \label{videosetattributes} int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO\_SET\_ATTRIBUTE ,videoAttributes\_t vattr) }{ This ioctl is intended for DVD playback and allows you to set certain information about the stream. Some hardware may not need this information, but the call also tells the hardware to prepare for DVD playback. }{ int fd & File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().\\ int request & Equals VIDEO\_SET\_ATTRIBUTE for this command.\\ videoAttributes\_t vattr& video attributes according to section \ref{vattrib}.\\ }{ EBADF& fd is not a valid open file descriptor \\ EINVAL& input is not a valid attribute setting.\\ } %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "dvbapi" %%% End: