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LINUX DVB API Version 3 Copyright 2002, 2003 Convergence GmbH Written by Dr. Ralph J.K. Metzler <rjkm@metzlerbros.de> and Dr. Marcus O.C. Metzler <mocm@metzlerbros.de> 24/07/2003 V 1.0.0 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license is included in the chapter entitled ”GNU Free Documentation License”.
<abbrev role="title-mark">1.1</abbrev>What you need to know The reader of this document is required to have some knowledge in the area of digital video broadcasting (DVB) and should be familiar with part I of the MPEG2 specification ISO/IEC 13818 (aka ITU-T H.222), i.e you should know what a program/transport stream (PS/TS) is and what is meant by a packetized elementary stream (PES) or an I-frame. Various DVB standards documents are available from http://www.dvb.org/ and/or http://www.etsi.org/. It is also necessary to know how to access unix/linux devices and how to use ioctl calls. This also includes the knowledge of C or C++.
<abbrev role="title-mark">1.2</abbrev>History The first API for DVB cards we used at Convergence in late 1999 was an extension of the Video4Linux API which was primarily developed for frame grabber cards. As such it was not really well suited to be used for DVB cards and their new features like recording MPEG streams and filtering several section and PES data streams at the same time. In early 2000, we were approached by Nokia with a proposal for a new standard Linux DVB API. As a commitment to the development of terminals based on open standards, Nokia and Convergence made it available to all Linux developers and published it on http://www.linuxtv.org/ in September 2000. Convergence is the maintainer of the Linux DVB API. Together with the LinuxTV community (i.e. you, the reader of this document), the Linux DVB API will be constantly reviewed and improved. With the Linux driver for the Siemens/Hauppauge DVB PCI card Convergence provides a first implementation of the Linux DVB API.
<abbrev role="title-mark">1.3</abbrev>Overview
<blockquote> <section role="center"><title/> <para><graphic width="306.14374pt" fileref="dvbstb.ps" ></graphic> <blockquote role="caption"><title role="caption">Figure 1.1 Components of a DVB card/STB
A DVB PCI card or DVB set-top-box (STB) usually consists of the following main hardware components: Frontend consisting of tuner and DVB demodulator Here the raw signal reaches the DVB hardware from a satellite dish or antenna or directly from cable. The frontend down-converts and demodulates this signal into an MPEG transport stream (TS). In case of a satellite frontend, this includes a facility for satellite equipment control (SEC), which allows control of LNB polarization, multi feed switches or dish rotors. Conditional Access (CA) hardware like CI adapters and smartcard slots The complete TS is passed through the CA hardware. Programs to which the user has access (controlled by the smart card) are decoded in real time and re-inserted into the TS. Demultiplexer which filters the incoming DVB stream The demultiplexer splits the TS into its components like audio and video streams. Besides usually several of such audio and video streams it also contains data streams with information about the programs offered in this or other streams of the same provider. MPEG2 audio and video decoder The main targets of the demultiplexer are the MPEG2 audio and video decoders. After decoding they pass on the uncompressed audio and video to the computer screen or (through a PAL/NTSC encoder) to a TV set. Figure ?? shows a crude schematic of the control and data flow between those components. On a DVB PCI card not all of these have to be present since some functionality can be provided by the main CPU of the PC (e.g. MPEG picture and sound decoding) or is not needed (e.g. for data-only uses like “internet over satellite”). Also not every card or STB provides conditional access hardware.
<abbrev role="title-mark">1.4</abbrev>Linux DVB Devices The Linux DVB API lets you control these hardware components through currently six Unix-style character devices for video, audio, frontend, demux, CA and IP-over-DVB networking. The video and audio devices control the MPEG2 decoder hardware, the frontend device the tuner and the DVB demodulator. The demux device gives you control over the PES and section filters of the hardware. If the hardware does not support filtering these filters can be implemented in software. Finally, the CA device controls all the conditional access capabilities of the hardware. It can depend on the individual security requirements of the platform, if and how many of the CA functions are made available to the application through this device. All devices can be found in the /dev tree under /dev/dvb. The individual devices are called /dev/dvb/adapterN/audioM, /dev/dvb/adapterN/videoM, /dev/dvb/adapterN/frontendM, /dev/dvb/adapterN/netM, /dev/dvb/adapterN/demuxM, /dev/dvb/adapterN/caM, where N enumerates the DVB PCI cards in a system starting from 0, and M enumerates the devices of each type within each adapter, starting from 0, too. We will omit the “/dev/dvb/adapterN/” in the further dicussion of these devices. The naming scheme for the devices is the same wheter devfs is used or not. More details about the data structures and function calls of all the devices are described in the following chapters.
<abbrev role="title-mark">1.5</abbrev>API include files For each of the DVB devices a corresponding include file exists. The DVB API include files should be included in application sources with a partial path like: #include <linux/dvb/frontend.h> To enable applications to support different API version, an additional include file linux/dvb/version.h exists, which defines the constant DVB_API_VERSION. This document describes DVB_API_VERSION 3.
DVB Frontend API The DVB frontend device controls the tuner and DVB demodulator hardware. It can be accessed through /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0. Data types and and ioctl definitions can be accessed by including linux/dvb/frontend.h in your application. DVB frontends come in three varieties: DVB-S (satellite), DVB-C (cable) and DVB-T (terrestrial). Transmission via the internet (DVB-IP) is not yet handled by this API but a future extension is possible. For DVB-S the frontend device also supports satellite equipment control (SEC) via DiSEqC and V-SEC protocols. The DiSEqC (digital SEC) specification is available from Eutelsat http://www.eutelsat.org/. Note that the DVB API may also be used for MPEG decoder-only PCI cards, in which case there exists no frontend device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1</abbrev>Frontend Data Types
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.1</abbrev>frontend type For historical reasons frontend types are named after the type of modulation used in transmission. typedef enum fe_type { FE_QPSK, /⋆ DVB-S ⋆/ FE_QAM, /⋆ DVB-C ⋆/ FE_OFDM /⋆ DVB-T ⋆/ } fe_type_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.2</abbrev>frontend capabilities Capabilities describe what a frontend can do. Some capabilities can only be supported for a specific frontend type. typedef enum fe_caps { FE_IS_STUPID = 0, FE_CAN_INVERSION_AUTO = 0x1, FE_CAN_FEC_1_2 = 0x2, FE_CAN_FEC_2_3 = 0x4, FE_CAN_FEC_3_4 = 0x8, FE_CAN_FEC_4_5 = 0x10, FE_CAN_FEC_5_6 = 0x20, FE_CAN_FEC_6_7 = 0x40, FE_CAN_FEC_7_8 = 0x80, FE_CAN_FEC_8_9 = 0x100, FE_CAN_FEC_AUTO = 0x200, FE_CAN_QPSK = 0x400, FE_CAN_QAM_16 = 0x800, FE_CAN_QAM_32 = 0x1000, FE_CAN_QAM_64 = 0x2000, FE_CAN_QAM_128 = 0x4000, FE_CAN_QAM_256 = 0x8000, FE_CAN_QAM_AUTO = 0x10000, FE_CAN_TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO = 0x20000, FE_CAN_BANDWIDTH_AUTO = 0x40000, FE_CAN_GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO = 0x80000, FE_CAN_HIERARCHY_AUTO = 0x100000, FE_CAN_MUTE_TS = 0x80000000, FE_CAN_CLEAN_SETUP = 0x40000000 } fe_caps_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.3</abbrev>frontend information Information about the frontend ca be queried with FE_GET_INFO (??). struct dvb_frontend_info { char name[128]; fe_type_t type; uint32_t frequency_min; uint32_t frequency_max; uint32_t frequency_stepsize; uint32_t frequency_tolerance; uint32_t symbol_rate_min; uint32_t symbol_rate_max; uint32_t symbol_rate_tolerance; /⋆ ppm ⋆/ uint32_t notifier_delay; /⋆ ms ⋆/ fe_caps_t caps; };
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.4</abbrev>diseqc master command A message sent from the frontend to DiSEqC capable equipment. struct dvb_diseqc_master_cmd { uint8_t msg [6]; /⋆ { framing, address, command, data[3] } ⋆/ uint8_t msg_len; /⋆ valid values are 3...6 ⋆/ };
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.5</abbrev>diseqc slave reply A reply to the frontend from DiSEqC 2.0 capable equipment. struct dvb_diseqc_slave_reply { uint8_t msg [4]; /⋆ { framing, data [3] } ⋆/ uint8_t msg_len; /⋆ valid values are 0...4, 0 means no msg ⋆/ int timeout; /⋆ return from ioctl after timeout ms with ⋆/ }; /⋆ errorcode when no message was received ⋆/
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.6</abbrev>SEC voltage The voltage is usually used with non-DiSEqC capable LNBs to switch the polarzation (horizontal/vertical). When using DiSEqC epuipment this voltage has to be switched consistently to the DiSEqC commands as described in the DiSEqC spec. typedef enum fe_sec_voltage { SEC_VOLTAGE_13, SEC_VOLTAGE_18 } fe_sec_voltage_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.7</abbrev>SEC continuous tone The continous 22KHz tone is usually used with non-DiSEqC capable LNBs to switch the high/low band of a dual-band LNB. When using DiSEqC epuipment this voltage has to be switched consistently to the DiSEqC commands as described in the DiSEqC spec. typedef enum fe_sec_tone_mode { SEC_TONE_ON, SEC_TONE_OFF } fe_sec_tone_mode_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.8</abbrev>SEC tone burst The 22KHz tone burst is usually used with non-DiSEqC capable switches to select between two connected LNBs/satellites. When using DiSEqC epuipment this voltage has to be switched consistently to the DiSEqC commands as described in the DiSEqC spec. typedef enum fe_sec_mini_cmd { SEC_MINI_A, SEC_MINI_B } fe_sec_mini_cmd_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.9</abbrev>frontend status Several functions of the frontend device use the fe_status data type defined by typedef enum fe_status { FE_HAS_SIGNAL = 0x01, /⋆ found something above the noise level ⋆/ FE_HAS_CARRIER = 0x02, /⋆ found a DVB signal ⋆/ FE_HAS_VITERBI = 0x04, /⋆ FEC is stable ⋆/ FE_HAS_SYNC = 0x08, /⋆ found sync bytes ⋆/ FE_HAS_LOCK = 0x10, /⋆ everything's working... ⋆/ FE_TIMEDOUT = 0x20, /⋆ no lock within the last ~2 seconds ⋆/ FE_REINIT = 0x40 /⋆ frontend was reinitialized, ⋆/ } fe_status_t; /⋆ application is recommned to reset ⋆/ to indicate the current state and/or state changes of the frontend hardware.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.10</abbrev>frontend parameters The kind of parameters passed to the frontend device for tuning depend on the kind of hardware you are using. All kinds of parameters are combined as a union in the FrontendParameters structure: struct dvb_frontend_parameters { uint32_t frequency; /⋆ (absolute) frequency in Hz for QAM/OFDM ⋆/ /⋆ intermediate frequency in kHz for QPSK ⋆/ fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion; union { struct dvb_qpsk_parameters qpsk; struct dvb_qam_parameters qam; struct dvb_ofdm_parameters ofdm; } u; }; For satellite QPSK frontends you have to use the QPSKParameters member defined by struct dvb_qpsk_parameters { uint32_t symbol_rate; /⋆ symbol rate in Symbols per second ⋆/ fe_code_rate_t fec_inner; /⋆ forward error correction (see above) ⋆/ }; for cable QAM frontend you use the QAMParameters structure struct dvb_qam_parameters { uint32_t symbol_rate; /⋆ symbol rate in Symbols per second ⋆/ fe_code_rate_t fec_inner; /⋆ forward error correction (see above) ⋆/ fe_modulation_t modulation; /⋆ modulation type (see above) ⋆/ }; DVB-T frontends are supported by the OFDMParamters structure struct dvb_ofdm_parameters { fe_bandwidth_t bandwidth; fe_code_rate_t code_rate_HP; /⋆ high priority stream code rate ⋆/ fe_code_rate_t code_rate_LP; /⋆ low priority stream code rate ⋆/ fe_modulation_t constellation; /⋆ modulation type (see above) ⋆/ fe_transmit_mode_t transmission_mode; fe_guard_interval_t guard_interval; fe_hierarchy_t hierarchy_information; }; In the case of QPSK frontends the Frequency field specifies the intermediate frequency, i.e. the offset which is effectively added to the local oscillator frequency (LOF) of the LNB. The intermediate frequency has to be specified in units of kHz. For QAM and OFDM frontends the Frequency specifies the absolute frequency and is given in Hz. The Inversion field can take one of these values: typedef enum fe_spectral_inversion { INVERSION_OFF, INVERSION_ON, INVERSION_AUTO } fe_spectral_inversion_t; It indicates if spectral inversion should be presumed or not. In the automatic setting (INVERSION_AUTO) the hardware will try to figure out the correct setting by itself. The possible values for the FEC_inner field are typedef enum fe_code_rate { FEC_NONE = 0, FEC_1_2, FEC_2_3, FEC_3_4, FEC_4_5, FEC_5_6, FEC_6_7, FEC_7_8, FEC_8_9, FEC_AUTO } fe_code_rate_t; which correspond to error correction rates of 1/2, 2/3, etc., no error correction or auto detection. For cable and terrestrial frontends (QAM and OFDM) one also has to specify the quadrature modulation mode which can be one of the following: typedef enum fe_modulation { QPSK, QAM_16, QAM_32, QAM_64, QAM_128, QAM_256, QAM_AUTO } fe_modulation_t; Finally, there are several more parameters for OFDM: typedef enum fe_transmit_mode { TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K, TRANSMISSION_MODE_8K, TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO } fe_transmit_mode_t; typedef enum fe_bandwidth { BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ, BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ, BANDWIDTH_6_MHZ, BANDWIDTH_AUTO } fe_bandwidth_t; typedef enum fe_guard_interval { GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_8, GUARD_INTERVAL_1_4, GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO } fe_guard_interval_t; typedef enum fe_hierarchy { HIERARCHY_NONE, HIERARCHY_1, HIERARCHY_2, HIERARCHY_4, HIERARCHY_AUTO } fe_hierarchy_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.1.11</abbrev>frontend events struct dvb_frontend_event { fe_status_t status; struct dvb_frontend_parameters parameters; };
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2</abbrev>Frontend Function Calls
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.1</abbrev>open() DESCRIPTION This system call opens a named frontend device (/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) for subsequent use. Usually the first thing to do after a successful open is to find out the frontend type with FE_GET_INFO. The device can be opened in read-only mode, which only allows monitoring of device status and statistics, or read/write mode, which allows any kind of use (e.g. performing tuning operations.) In a system with multiple front-ends, it is usually the case that multiple devices cannot be open in read/write mode simultaneously. As long as a front-end device is opened in read/write mode, other open() calls in read/write mode will either fail or block, depending on whether non-blocking or blocking mode was specified. A front-end device opened in blocking mode can later be put into non-blocking mode (and vice versa) using the F_SETFL command of the fcntl system call. This is a standard system call, documented in the Linux manual page for fcntl. When an open() call has succeeded, the device will be ready for use in the specified mode. This implies that the corresponding hardware is powered up, and that other front-ends may have been powered down to make that possible. SYNOPSIS int open(const char ⋆deviceName, int flags); PARAMETERS const char *deviceName Name of specific video device. int flags A bit-wise OR of the following flags: O_RDONLY read-only access O_RDWR read/write access O_NONBLOCK open in non-blocking mode (blocking mode is the default) ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EINTERNAL Internal error. EBUSY Device or resource busy. EINVAL Invalid argument.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.2</abbrev>close() DESCRIPTION This system call closes a previously opened front-end device. After closing a front-end device, its corresponding hardware might be powered down automatically. SYNOPSIS int close(int fd); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.3</abbrev>FE_READ_STATUS<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns status information about the front-end. This call only requires read-only access to the device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_READ_STATUS, fe_status_t ⋆status); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_READ_STATUS for this command. struct fe_status_t *status Points to the location where the front-end status word is to be stored. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT status points to invalid address.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.4</abbrev>FE_READ_BER<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns the bit error rate for the signal currently received/demodulated by the front-end. For this command, read-only access to the device is sufficient. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_READ_BER, uint32_t ⋆ber); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_READ_BER for this command. uint32_t *ber The bit error rate is stored into *ber. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT ber points to invalid address. ENOSIGNAL There is no signal, thus no meaningful bit error rate. Also returned if the front-end is not turned on. ENOSYS Function not available for this device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.5</abbrev>FE_READ_SNR<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns the signal-to-noise ratio for the signal currently received by the front-end. For this command, read-only access to the device is sufficient. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_READ_SNR, int16_t ⋆snr); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_READ_SNR for this command. int16_t *snr The signal-to-noise ratio is stored into *snr. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT snr points to invalid address. ENOSIGNAL There is no signal, thus no meaningful signal strength value. Also returned if front-end is not turned on. ENOSYS Function not available for this device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.6</abbrev>FE_READ_SIGNAL_STRENGTH<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns the signal strength value for the signal currently received by the front-end. For this command, read-only access to the device is sufficient. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = FE_READ_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, int16_t ⋆strength); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_READ_SIGNAL_STRENGTH for this command. int16_t *strength The signal strength value is stored into *strength. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT status points to invalid address. ENOSIGNAL There is no signal, thus no meaningful signal strength value. Also returned if front-end is not turned on. ENOSYS Function not available for this device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.7</abbrev>FE_READ_UNCORRECTED_BLOCKS<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns the number of uncorrected blocks detected by the device driver during its lifetime. For meaningful measurements, the increment in block count during a specific time interval should be calculated. For this command, read-only access to the device is sufficient. Note that the counter will wrap to zero after its maximum count has been reached. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = FE_READ_UNCORRECTED_BLOCKS, uint32_t ⋆ublocks); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_READ_UNCORRECTED_BLOCKS for this command. uint32_t *ublocks The total number of uncorrected blocks seen by the driver so far. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT ublocks points to invalid address. ENOSYS Function not available for this device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.8</abbrev>FE_SET_FRONTEND<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call starts a tuning operation using specified parameters. The result of this call will be successful if the parameters were valid and the tuning could be initiated. The result of the tuning operation in itself, however, will arrive asynchronously as an event (see documentation for FE_GET_EVENT and FrontendEvent.) If a new FE_SET_FRONTEND operation is initiated before the previous one was completed, the previous operation will be aborted in favor of the new one. This command requires read/write access to the device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_SET_FRONTEND, struct dvb_frontend_parameters ⋆p); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_SET_FRONTEND for this command. struct dvb_frontend_parameters *p Points to parameters for tuning operation. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT p points to invalid address. EINVAL Maximum supported symbol rate reached.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.9</abbrev>FE_GET_FRONTEND<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call queries the currently effective frontend parameters. For this command, read-only access to the device is sufficient. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_GET_FRONTEND, struct dvb_frontend_parameters ⋆p); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_SET_FRONTEND for this command. struct dvb_frontend_parameters *p Points to parameters for tuning operation. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT p points to invalid address. EINVAL Maximum supported symbol rate reached.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.10</abbrev>FE_GET_EVENT<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns a frontend event if available. If an event is not available, the behavior depends on whether the device is in blocking or non-blocking mode. In the latter case, the call fails immediately with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK. In the former case, the call blocks until an event becomes available. The standard Linux poll() and/or select() system calls can be used with the device file descriptor to watch for new events. For select(), the file descriptor should be included in the exceptfds argument, and for poll(), POLLPRI should be specified as the wake-up condition. Since the event queue allocated is rather small (room for 8 events), the queue must be serviced regularly to avoid overflow. If an overflow happens, the oldest event is discarded from the queue, and an error (EOVERFLOW) occurs the next time the queue is read. After reporting the error condition in this fashion, subsequent FE_GET_EVENT calls will return events from the queue as usual. For the sake of implementation simplicity, this command requires read/write access to the device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = QPSK_GET_EVENT, struct dvb_frontend_event ⋆ev); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_GET_EVENT for this command. struct dvb_frontend_event *ev Points to the location where the event, if any, is to be stored. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT ev points to invalid address. EWOULDBLOCK There is no event pending, and the device is in non-blocking mode. EOVERFLOW Overflow in event queue - one or more events were lost.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.11</abbrev>FE_GET_INFO<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns information about the front-end. This call only requires read-only access to the device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_GET_INFO, struct dvb_frontend_info ⋆info); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_GET_INFO for this command. struct dvb_frontend_info *info Points to the location where the front-end information is to be stored. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EFAULT info points to invalid address.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.12</abbrev>FE_DISEQC_RESET_OVERLOAD<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION If the bus has been automatically powered off due to power overload, this ioctl call restores the power to the bus. The call requires read/write access to the device. This call has no effect if the device is manually powered off. Not all DVB adapters support this ioctl. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_DISEQC_RESET_OVERLOAD); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_DISEQC_RESET_OVERLOAD for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EPERM Permission denied (needs read/write access). EINTERNAL Internal error in the device driver.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.13</abbrev>FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call is used to send a a DiSEqC command. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD, struct dvb_diseqc_master_cmd ⋆cmd); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD for this command. struct dvb_diseqc_master_cmd *cmd Pointer to the command to be transmitted. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EFAULT Seq points to an invalid address. EINVAL The data structure referred to by seq is invalid in some way. EPERM Permission denied (needs read/write access). EINTERNAL Internal error in the device driver.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.14</abbrev>FE_DISEQC_RECV_SLAVE_REPLY<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call is used to receive reply to a DiSEqC 2.0 command. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_DISEQC_RECV_SLAVE_REPLY, struct dvb_diseqc_slave_reply ⋆reply); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_DISEQC_RECV_SLAVE_REPLY for this command. struct dvb_diseqc_slave_reply *reply Pointer to the command to be received. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EFAULT Seq points to an invalid address. EINVAL The data structure referred to by seq is invalid in some way. EPERM Permission denied (needs read/write access). EINTERNAL Internal error in the device driver.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.15</abbrev>FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call is used to send a 22KHz tone burst. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST, fe_sec_mini_cmd_t burst); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST for this command. fe_sec_mini_cmd_t burst burst A or B. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EFAULT Seq points to an invalid address. EINVAL The data structure referred to by seq is invalid in some way. EPERM Permission denied (needs read/write access). EINTERNAL Internal error in the device driver.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.16</abbrev>FE_SET_TONE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This call is used to set the generation of the continuous 22kHz tone. This call requires read/write permissions. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_SET_TONE, fe_sec_tone_mode_t tone); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_SET_TONE for this command. fe_sec_tone_mode_t tone The requested tone generation mode (on/off). ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EBUSY Device or resource busy. EINVAL Invalid argument. EPERM File not opened with read permissions. EINTERNAL Internal error in the device driver.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.17</abbrev>FE_SET_VOLTAGE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This call is used to set the bus voltage. This call requires read/write permissions. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_SET_VOLTAGE, fe_sec_voltage_t voltage); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_SET_VOLTAGE for this command. fe_sec_voltage_t voltage The requested bus voltage. ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EBUSY Device or resource busy. EINVAL Invalid argument. EPERM File not opened with read permissions. EINTERNAL Internal error in the device driver.
<abbrev role="title-mark">2.2.18</abbrev>FE_ENABLE_HIGH_LNB_VOLTAGE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION If high != 0 enables slightly higher voltages instead of 13/18V (to compensate for long cables). This call requires read/write permissions. Not all DVB adapters support this ioctl. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_ENABLE_HIGH_LNB_VOLTAGE, int high); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals FE_SET_VOLTAGE for this command. int high The requested bus voltage. ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EBUSY Device or resource busy. EINVAL Invalid argument. EPERM File not opened with read permissions. EINTERNAL Internal error in the device driver.
DVB Demux Device The DVB demux device controls the filters of the DVB hardware/software. It can be accessed through /dev/adapter0/demux0. Data types and and ioctl definitions can be accessed by including linux/dvb/dmx.h in your application.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1</abbrev>Demux Data Types
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.1</abbrev>dmx_output_t typedef enum { DMX_OUT_DECODER, DMX_OUT_TAP, DMX_OUT_TS_TAP } dmx_output_t; DMX_OUT_TAP delivers the stream output to the demux device on which the ioctl is called. DMX_OUT_TS_TAP routes output to the logical DVR device /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0, which delivers a TS multiplexed from all filters for which DMX_OUT_TS_TAP was specified.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.2</abbrev>dmx_input_t typedef enum { DMX_IN_FRONTEND, DMX_IN_DVR } dmx_input_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.3</abbrev>dmx_pes_type_t typedef enum { DMX_PES_AUDIO, DMX_PES_VIDEO, DMX_PES_TELETEXT, DMX_PES_SUBTITLE, DMX_PES_PCR, DMX_PES_OTHER } dmx_pes_type_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.4</abbrev>dmx_event_t typedef enum { DMX_SCRAMBLING_EV, DMX_FRONTEND_EV } dmx_event_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.5</abbrev>dmx_scrambling_status_t typedef enum { DMX_SCRAMBLING_OFF, DMX_SCRAMBLING_ON } dmx_scrambling_status_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.6</abbrev>struct dmx_filter typedef struct dmx_filter { uint8_t filter[DMX_FILTER_SIZE]; uint8_t mask[DMX_FILTER_SIZE]; } dmx_filter_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.7</abbrev>struct dmx_sct_filter_params struct dmx_sct_filter_params { uint16_t pid; dmx_filter_t filter; uint32_t timeout; uint32_t flags; #define DMX_CHECK_CRC 1 #define DMX_ONESHOT 2 #define DMX_IMMEDIATE_START 4 };
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.8</abbrev>struct dmx_pes_filter_params struct dmx_pes_filter_params { uint16_t pid; dmx_input_t input; dmx_output_t output; dmx_pes_type_t pes_type; uint32_t flags; };
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.9</abbrev>struct dmx_event struct dmx_event { dmx_event_t event; time_t timeStamp; union { dmx_scrambling_status_t scrambling; } u; };
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.1.10</abbrev>struct dmx_stc struct dmx_stc { unsigned int num; /⋆ input : which STC? 0..N ⋆/ unsigned int base; /⋆ output: divisor for stc to get 90 kHz clock ⋆/ uint64_t stc; /⋆ output: stc in 'base'⋆90 kHz units ⋆/ };
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2</abbrev>Demux Function Calls
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.1</abbrev>open() DESCRIPTION This system call, used with a device name of /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0, allocates a new filter and returns a handle which can be used for subsequent control of that filter. This call has to be made for each filter to be used, i.e. every returned file descriptor is a reference to a single filter. /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 is a logical device to be used for retrieving Transport Streams for digital video recording. When reading from this device a transport stream containing the packets from all PES filters set in the corresponding demux device (/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0) having the output set to DMX_OUT_TS_TAP. A recorded Transport Stream is replayed by writing to this device. The significance of blocking or non-blocking mode is described in the documentation for functions where there is a difference. It does not affect the semantics of the open() call itself. A device opened in blocking mode can later be put into non-blocking mode (and vice versa) using the F_SETFL command of the fcntl system call. SYNOPSIS int open(const char ⋆deviceName, int flags); PARAMETERS const char *deviceName Name of demux device. int flags A bit-wise OR of the following flags: O_RDWR read/write access O_NONBLOCK open in non-blocking mode (blocking mode is the default) ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EINVAL Invalid argument. EMFILE “Too many open files”, i.e. no more filters available. ENOMEM The driver failed to allocate enough memory.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.2</abbrev>close() DESCRIPTION This system call deactivates and deallocates a filter that was previously allocated via the open() call. SYNOPSIS int close(int fd); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.3</abbrev>read() DESCRIPTION This system call returns filtered data, which might be section or PES data. The filtered data is transferred from the driver’s internal circular buffer to buf. The maximum amount of data to be transferred is implied by count. When returning section data the driver always tries to return a complete single section (even though buf would provide buffer space for more data). If the size of the buffer is smaller than the section as much as possible will be returned, and the remaining data will be provided in subsequent calls. The size of the internal buffer is 2 * 4096 bytes (the size of two maximum sized sections) by default. The size of this buffer may be changed by using the DMX_SET_BUFFER_SIZE function. If the buffer is not large enough, or if the read operations are not performed fast enough, this may result in a buffer overflow error. In this case EOVERFLOW will be returned, and the circular buffer will be emptied. This call is blocking if there is no data to return, i.e. the process will be put to sleep waiting for data, unless the O_NONBLOCK flag is specified. Note that in order to be able to read, the filtering process has to be started by defining either a section or a PES filter by means of the ioctl functions, and then starting the filtering process via the DMX_START ioctl function or by setting the DMX_IMMEDIATE_START flag. If the reading is done from a logical DVR demux device, the data will constitute a Transport Stream including the packets from all PES filters in the corresponding demux device /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 having the output set to DMX_OUT_TS_TAP. SYNOPSIS size_t read(int fd, void ⋆buf, size_t count); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). void *buf Pointer to the buffer to be used for returned filtered data. size_t count Size of buf. ERRORS EWOULDBLOCK No data to return and O_NONBLOCK was specified. EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. ECRC Last section had a CRC error - no data returned. The buffer is flushed. EOVERFLOW The filtered data was not read from the buffer in due time, resulting in non-read data being lost. The buffer is flushed. ETIMEDOUT The section was not loaded within the stated timeout period. See ioctl DMX_SET_FILTER for how to set a timeout. EFAULT The driver failed to write to the callers buffer due to an invalid *buf pointer.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.4</abbrev>write() DESCRIPTION This system call is only provided by the logical device /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0, associated with the physical demux device that provides the actual DVR functionality. It is used for replay of a digitally recorded Transport Stream. Matching filters have to be defined in the corresponding physical demux device, /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0. The amount of data to be transferred is implied by count. SYNOPSIS ssize_t write(int fd, const void ⋆buf, size_t count); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). void *buf Pointer to the buffer containing the Transport Stream. size_t count Size of buf. ERRORS EWOULDBLOCK No data was written. This might happen if O_NONBLOCK was specified and there is no more buffer space available (if O_NONBLOCK is not specified the function will block until buffer space is available). EBUSY This error code indicates that there are conflicting requests. The corresponding demux device is setup to receive data from the front- end. Make sure that these filters are stopped and that the filters with input set to DMX_IN_DVR are started. EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.5</abbrev>DMX_START<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call is used to start the actual filtering operation defined via the ioctl calls DMX_SET_FILTER or DMX_SET_PES_FILTER. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = DMX_START); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals DMX_START for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EINVAL Invalid argument, i.e. no filtering parameters provided via the DMX_SET_FILTER or DMX_SET_PES_FILTER functions. EBUSY This error code indicates that there are conflicting requests. There are active filters filtering data from another input source. Make sure that these filters are stopped before starting this filter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.6</abbrev>DMX_STOP<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call is used to stop the actual filtering operation defined via the ioctl calls DMX_SET_FILTER or DMX_SET_PES_FILTER and started via the DMX_START command. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = DMX_STOP); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals DMX_STOP for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.7</abbrev>DMX_SET_FILTER<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call sets up a filter according to the filter and mask parameters provided. A timeout may be defined stating number of seconds to wait for a section to be loaded. A value of 0 means that no timeout should be applied. Finally there is a flag field where it is possible to state whether a section should be CRC-checked, whether the filter should be a ”one-shot” filter, i.e. if the filtering operation should be stopped after the first section is received, and whether the filtering operation should be started immediately (without waiting for a DMX_START ioctl call). If a filter was previously set-up, this filter will be canceled, and the receive buffer will be flushed. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = DMX_SET_FILTER, struct dmx_sct_filter_params ⋆params); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals DMX_SET_FILTER for this command. struct dmx_sct_filter_params *params Pointer to structure containing filter parameters. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EINVAL Invalid argument.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.8</abbrev>DMX_SET_PES_FILTER<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call sets up a PES filter according to the parameters provided. By a PES filter is meant a filter that is based just on the packet identifier (PID), i.e. no PES header or payload filtering capability is supported. The transport stream destination for the filtered output may be set. Also the PES type may be stated in order to be able to e.g. direct a video stream directly to the video decoder. Finally there is a flag field where it is possible to state whether the filtering operation should be started immediately (without waiting for a DMX_START ioctl call). If a filter was previously set-up, this filter will be cancelled, and the receive buffer will be flushed. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = DMX_SET_PES_FILTER, struct dmx_pes_filter_params ⋆params); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals DMX_SET_PES_FILTER for this command. struct dmx_pes_filter_params *params Pointer to structure containing filter parameters. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EINVAL Invalid argument. EBUSY This error code indicates that there are conflicting requests. There are active filters filtering data from another input source. Make sure that these filters are stopped before starting this filter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.9</abbrev>DMX_SET_BUFFER_SIZE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call is used to set the size of the circular buffer used for filtered data. The default size is two maximum sized sections, i.e. if this function is not called a buffer size of 2 * 4096 bytes will be used. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = DMX_SET_BUFFER_SIZE, unsigned long size); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals DMX_SET_BUFFER_SIZE for this command. unsigned long size Size of circular buffer. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. ENOMEM The driver was not able to allocate a buffer of the requested size.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.10</abbrev>DMX_GET_EVENT<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns an event if available. If an event is not available, the behavior depends on whether the device is in blocking or non-blocking mode. In the latter case, the call fails immediately with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK. In the former case, the call blocks until an event becomes available. The standard Linux poll() and/or select() system calls can be used with the device file descriptor to watch for new events. For select(), the file descriptor should be included in the exceptfds argument, and for poll(), POLLPRI should be specified as the wake-up condition. Only the latest event for each filter is saved. SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = DMX_GET_EVENT, struct dmx_event ⋆ev); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals DMX_GET_EVENT for this command. struct dmx_event *ev Pointer to the location where the event is to be stored. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EFAULT ev points to an invalid address. EWOULDBLOCK There is no event pending, and the device is in non-blocking mode.
<abbrev role="title-mark">3.2.11</abbrev>DMX_GET_STC<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns the current value of the system time counter (which is driven by a PES filter of type DMX_PES_PCR). Some hardware supports more than one STC, so you must specify which one by setting the num field of stc before the ioctl (range 0...n). The result is returned in form of a ratio with a 64 bit numerator and a 32 bit denominator, so the real 90kHz STC value is stc->stc / stc->base . SYNOPSIS int ioctl( int fd, int request = DMX_GET_STC, struct dmx_stc ⋆stc); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals DMX_GET_STC for this command. struct dmx_stc *stc Pointer to the location where the stc is to be stored. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid file descriptor. EFAULT stc points to an invalid address. EINVAL Invalid stc number.
DVB Video Device The DVB video device controls the MPEG2 video decoder of the DVB hardware. It can be accessed through /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0. Data types and and ioctl definitions can be accessed by including linux/dvb/video.h in your application. Note that the DVB video device only controls decoding of the MPEG video stream, not its presentation on the TV or computer screen. On PCs this is typically handled by an associated video4linux device, e.g. /dev/video, which allows scaling and defining output windows. Some DVB cards don’t have their own MPEG decoder, which results in the omission of the audio and video device as well as the video4linux device. The ioctls that deal with SPUs (sub picture units) and navigation packets are only supported on some MPEG decoders made for DVD playback.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1</abbrev>Video Data Types
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.1</abbrev>video_format_t The video_format_t data type defined by typedef enum { VIDEO_FORMAT_4_3, VIDEO_FORMAT_16_9 } video_format_t; is used in the VIDEO_SET_FORMAT function (??) to tell the driver which aspect ratio the output hardware (e.g. TV) has. It is also used in the data structures video_status (??) returned by VIDEO_GET_STATUS (??) and video_event (??) returned by VIDEO_GET_EVENT (??) which report about the display format of the current video stream.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.2</abbrev>video_display_format_t In case the display format of the video stream and of the display hardware differ the application has to specify how to handle the cropping of the picture. This can be done using the VIDEO_SET_DISPLAY_FORMAT call (??) which accepts typedef enum { VIDEO_PAN_SCAN, VIDEO_LETTER_BOX, VIDEO_CENTER_CUT_OUT } video_display_format_t; as argument.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.3</abbrev>video stream source The video stream source is set through the VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE call and can take the following values, depending on whether we are replaying from an internal (demuxer) or external (user write) source. typedef enum { VIDEO_SOURCE_DEMUX, VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY } video_stream_source_t; VIDEO_SOURCE_DEMUX selects the demultiplexer (fed either by the frontend or the DVR device) as the source of the video stream. If VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected the stream comes from the application through the write() system call.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.4</abbrev>video play state The following values can be returned by the VIDEO_GET_STATUS call representing the state of video playback. typedef enum { VIDEO_STOPPED, VIDEO_PLAYING, VIDEO_FREEZED } video_play_state_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.5</abbrev>struct video_event The following is the structure of a video event as it is returned by the VIDEO_GET_EVENT call. struct video_event { int32_t type; time_t timestamp; union { video_format_t video_format; } u; };
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.6</abbrev>struct video_status The VIDEO_GET_STATUS call returns the following structure informing about various states of the playback operation. struct video_status { boolean video_blank; video_play_state_t play_state; video_stream_source_t stream_source; video_format_t video_format; video_displayformat_t display_format; }; If video_blank is set video will be blanked out if the channel is changed or if playback is stopped. Otherwise, the last picture will be displayed. play_state indicates if the video is currently frozen, stopped, or being played back. The stream_source corresponds to the seleted source for the video stream. It can come either from the demultiplexer or from memory. The video_format indicates the aspect ratio (one of 4:3 or 16:9) of the currently played video stream. Finally, display_format corresponds to the selected cropping mode in case the source video format is not the same as the format of the output device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.7</abbrev>struct video_still_picture An I-frame displayed via the VIDEO_STILLPICTURE call is passed on within the following structure. /⋆ pointer to and size of a single iframe in memory ⋆/ struct video_still_picture { char ⋆iFrame; int32_t size; };
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.8</abbrev>video capabilities A call to VIDEO_GET_CAPABILITIES returns an unsigned integer with the following bits set according to the hardwares capabilities. /⋆ bit definitions for capabilities: ⋆/ /⋆ can the hardware decode MPEG1 and/or MPEG2? ⋆/ #define VIDEO_CAP_MPEG1 1 #define VIDEO_CAP_MPEG2 2 /⋆ can you send a system and/or program stream to video device? (you still have to open the video and the audio device but only send the stream to the video device) ⋆/ #define VIDEO_CAP_SYS 4 #define VIDEO_CAP_PROG 8 /⋆ can the driver also handle SPU, NAVI and CSS encoded data? (CSS API is not present yet) ⋆/ #define VIDEO_CAP_SPU 16 #define VIDEO_CAP_NAVI 32 #define VIDEO_CAP_CSS 64
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.9</abbrev>video system A call to VIDEO_SET_SYSTEM sets the desired video system for TV output. The following system types can be set: typedef enum { VIDEO_SYSTEM_PAL, VIDEO_SYSTEM_NTSC, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALN, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALNc, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALM, VIDEO_SYSTEM_NTSC60, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PAL60, VIDEO_SYSTEM_PALM60 } video_system_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.10</abbrev>struct video_highlight Calling the ioctl VIDEO_SET_HIGHLIGHTS posts the SPU highlight information. The call expects the following format for that information: typedef struct video_highlight { boolean active; /⋆ 1=show highlight, 0=hide highlight ⋆/ uint8_t contrast1; /⋆ 7- 4 Pattern pixel contrast ⋆/ /⋆ 3- 0 Background pixel contrast ⋆/ uint8_t contrast2; /⋆ 7- 4 Emphasis pixel-2 contrast ⋆/ /⋆ 3- 0 Emphasis pixel-1 contrast ⋆/ uint8_t color1; /⋆ 7- 4 Pattern pixel color ⋆/ /⋆ 3- 0 Background pixel color ⋆/ uint8_t color2; /⋆ 7- 4 Emphasis pixel-2 color ⋆/ /⋆ 3- 0 Emphasis pixel-1 color ⋆/ uint32_t ypos; /⋆ 23-22 auto action mode ⋆/ /⋆ 21-12 start y ⋆/ /⋆ 9- 0 end y ⋆/ uint32_t xpos; /⋆ 23-22 button color number ⋆/ /⋆ 21-12 start x ⋆/ /⋆ 9- 0 end x ⋆/ } video_highlight_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.11</abbrev>video SPU Calling VIDEO_SET_SPU deactivates or activates SPU decoding, according to the following format: typedef struct video_spu { boolean active; int stream_id; } video_spu_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.12</abbrev>video SPU palette The following structure is used to set the SPU palette by calling VIDEO_SPU_PALETTE: typedef struct video_spu_palette{ int length; uint8_t ⋆palette; } video_spu_palette_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.13</abbrev>video NAVI pack In order to get the navigational data the following structure has to be passed to the ioctl VIDEO_GET_NAVI: typedef struct video_navi_pack{ int length; /⋆ 0 ... 1024 ⋆/ uint8_t data[1024]; } video_navi_pack_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.1.14</abbrev>video attributes The following attributes can be set by a call to VIDEO_SET_ATTRIBUTES: typedef uint16_t video_attributes_t; /⋆ bits: descr. ⋆/ /⋆ 15-14 Video compression mode (0=MPEG-1, 1=MPEG-2) ⋆/ /⋆ 13-12 TV system (0=525/60, 1=625/50) ⋆/ /⋆ 11-10 Aspect ratio (0=4:3, 3=16:9) ⋆/ /⋆ 9- 8 permitted display mode on 4:3 monitor (0=both, 1=only pan-sca ⋆/ /⋆ 7 line 21-1 data present in GOP (1=yes, 0=no) ⋆/ /⋆ 6 line 21-2 data present in GOP (1=yes, 0=no) ⋆/ /⋆ 5- 3 source resolution (0=720x480/576, 1=704x480/576, 2=352x480/57 ⋆/ /⋆ 2 source letterboxed (1=yes, 0=no) ⋆/ /⋆ 0 film/camera mode (0=camera, 1=film (625/50 only)) ⋆/
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2</abbrev>Video Function Calls
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.1</abbrev>open() DESCRIPTION This system call opens a named video device (e.g. /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0) for subsequent use. When an open() call has succeeded, the device will be ready for use. The significance of blocking or non-blocking mode is described in the documentation for functions where there is a difference. It does not affect the semantics of the open() call itself. A device opened in blocking mode can later be put into non-blocking mode (and vice versa) using the F_SETFL command of the fcntl system call. This is a standard system call, documented in the Linux manual page for fcntl. Only one user can open the Video Device in O_RDWR mode. All other attempts to open the device in this mode will fail, and an error-code will be returned. If the Video Device is opened in O_RDONLY mode, the only ioctl call that can be used is VIDEO_GET_STATUS. All other call will return an error code. SYNOPSIS int open(const char ⋆deviceName, int flags); PARAMETERS const char *deviceName Name of specific video device. int flags A bit-wise OR of the following flags: O_RDONLY read-only access O_RDWR read/write access O_NONBLOCK open in non-blocking mode (blocking mode is the default) ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EINTERNAL Internal error. EBUSY Device or resource busy. EINVAL Invalid argument.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.2</abbrev>close() DESCRIPTION This system call closes a previously opened video device. SYNOPSIS int close(int fd); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.3</abbrev>write() DESCRIPTION This system call can only be used if VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected in the ioctl call VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE. The data provided shall be in PES format, unless the capability allows other formats. If O_NONBLOCK is not specified the function will block until buffer space is available. The amount of data to be transferred is implied by count. SYNOPSIS size_t write(int fd, const void ⋆buf, size_t count); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). void *buf Pointer to the buffer containing the PES data. size_t count Size of buf. ERRORS EPERM Mode VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY not selected. ENOMEM Attempted to write more data than the internal buffer can hold. EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.4</abbrev>VIDEO_STOP<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Video Device to stop playing the current stream. Depending on the input parameter, the screen can be blanked out or displaying the last decoded frame. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_STOP, boolean mode); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_STOP for this command. Boolean mode Indicates how the screen shall be handled. TRUE: Blank screen when stop. FALSE: Show last decoded frame. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.5</abbrev>VIDEO_PLAY<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Video Device to start playing a video stream from the selected source. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_PLAY); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_PLAY for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.6</abbrev>VIDEO_FREEZE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call suspends the live video stream being played. Decoding and playing are frozen. It is then possible to restart the decoding and playing process of the video stream using the VIDEO_CONTINUE command. If VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected in the ioctl call VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE, the DVB subsystem will not decode any more data until the ioctl call VIDEO_CONTINUE or VIDEO_PLAY is performed. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_FREEZE); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_FREEZE for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.7</abbrev>VIDEO_CONTINUE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call restarts decoding and playing processes of the video stream which was played before a call to VIDEO_FREEZE was made. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_CONTINUE); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_CONTINUE for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.8</abbrev>VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call informs the video device which source shall be used for the input data. The possible sources are demux or memory. If memory is selected, the data is fed to the video device through the write command. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE, video_stream_source_t source); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE for this command. video_stream_source_t source Indicates which source shall be used for the Video stream. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.9</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_BLANK<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Video Device to blank out the picture. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_BLANK, boolean mode); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_BLANK for this command. boolean mode TRUE: Blank screen when stop. FALSE: Show last decoded frame. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem. EINVAL Illegal input parameter
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.10</abbrev>VIDEO_GET_STATUS<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Video Device to return the current status of the device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_GET_STATUS, struct video_status ⋆status); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_GET_STATUS for this command. struct video_status *status Returns the current status of the Video Device. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error, possibly in the communication with the DVB subsystem. EFAULT status points to invalid address
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.11</abbrev>VIDEO_GET_EVENT<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call returns an event of type video_event if available. If an event is not available, the behavior depends on whether the device is in blocking or non-blocking mode. In the latter case, the call fails immediately with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK. In the former case, the call blocks until an event becomes available. The standard Linux poll() and/or select() system calls can be used with the device file descriptor to watch for new events. For select(), the file descriptor should be included in the exceptfds argument, and for poll(), POLLPRI should be specified as the wake-up condition. Read-only permissions are sufficient for this ioctl call. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_GET_EVENT, struct video_event ⋆ev); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_GET_EVENT for this command. struct video_event *ev Points to the location where the event, if any, is to be stored. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EFAULT ev points to invalid address EWOULDBLOCK There is no event pending, and the device is in non-blocking mode. EOVERFLOW Overflow in event queue - one or more events were lost.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.12</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_DISPLAY_FORMAT<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Video Device to select the video format to be applied by the MPEG chip on the video. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_DISPLAY_FORMAT, video_display_format_t format); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_DISPLAY_FORMAT for this command. video_display_format_t format Selects the video format to be used. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Illegal parameter format.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.13</abbrev>VIDEO_STILLPICTURE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Video Device to display a still picture (I-frame). The input data shall contain an I-frame. If the pointer is NULL, then the current displayed still picture is blanked. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_STILLPICTURE, struct video_still_picture ⋆sp); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_STILLPICTURE for this command. struct video_still_picture *sp Pointer to a location where an I-frame and size is stored. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error. EFAULT sp points to an invalid iframe.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.14</abbrev>VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Video Device to skip decoding of N number of I-frames. This call can only be used if VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD, int nFrames); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD for this command. int nFrames The number of frames to skip. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error. EPERM Mode VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY not selected. EINVAL Illegal parameter format.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.15</abbrev>VIDEO_SLOWMOTION<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the video device to repeat decoding frames N number of times. This call can only be used if VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SLOWMOTION, int nFrames); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SLOWMOTION for this command. int nFrames The number of times to repeat each frame. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error. EPERM Mode VIDEO_SOURCE_MEMORY not selected. EINVAL Illegal parameter format.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.16</abbrev>VIDEO_GET_CAPABILITIES<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the video device about its decoding capabilities. On success it returns and integer which has bits set according to the defines in section ??. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_GET_CAPABILITIES, unsigned int ⋆cap); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_GET_CAPABILITIES for this command. unsigned int *cap Pointer to a location where to store the capability information. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EFAULT cap points to an invalid iframe.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.17</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_ID<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl selects which sub-stream is to be decoded if a program or system stream is sent to the video device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_ID, int id); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_ID for this command. int id video sub-stream id ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Invalid sub-stream id.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.18</abbrev>VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call clears all video buffers in the driver and in the decoder hardware. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.19</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl tells the driver which kind of stream to expect being written to it. If this call is not used the default of video PES is used. Some drivers might not support this call and always expect PES. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE, int type); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE for this command. int type stream type ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL type is not a valid or supported stream type.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.20</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_FORMAT<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl sets the screen format (aspect ratio) of the connected output device (TV) so that the output of the decoder can be adjusted accordingly. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_FORMAT, video_format_t format); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_FORMAT for this command. video_format_t format video format of TV as defined in section ??. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL format is not a valid video format.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.21</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_SYSTEM<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl sets the television output format. The format (see section ??) may vary from the color format of the displayed MPEG stream. If the hardware is not able to display the requested format the call will return an error. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_SYSTEM , video_system_t system); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_FORMAT for this command. video_system_t system video system of TV output. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL system is not a valid or supported video system.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.22</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_HIGHLIGHT<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl sets the SPU highlight information for the menu access of a DVD. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_HIGHLIGHT ,video_highlight_t ⋆vhilite) PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_HIGHLIGHT for this command. video_highlight_t *vhilite SPU Highlight information according to section ??. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINVAL input is not a valid highlight setting.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.23</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_SPU<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl activates or deactivates SPU decoding in a DVD input stream. It can only be used, if the driver is able to handle a DVD stream. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_SPU , video_spu_t ⋆spu) PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_SPU for this command. video_spu_t *spu SPU decoding (de)activation and subid setting according to section ??. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL input is not a valid spu setting or driver cannot handle SPU.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.24</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_SPU_PALETTE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl sets the SPU color palette. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_SPU_PALETTE ,video_spu_palette_t ⋆palette ) PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_SPU_PALETTE for this command. video_spu_palette_t *palette SPU palette according to section ??. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL input is not a valid palette or driver doesn’t handle SPU.
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.25</abbrev>VIDEO_GET_NAVI<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl returns navigational information from the DVD stream. This is especially needed if an encoded stream has to be decoded by the hardware. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_GET_NAVI , video_navi_pack_t ⋆navipack) PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_GET_NAVI for this command. video_navi_pack_t *navipack PCI or DSI pack (private stream 2) according to section ??. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EFAULT driver is not able to return navigational information
<abbrev role="title-mark">4.2.26</abbrev>VIDEO_SET_ATTRIBUTES<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl is intended for DVD playback and allows you to set certain information about the stream. Some hardware may not need this information, but the call also tells the hardware to prepare for DVD playback. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = VIDEO_SET_ATTRIBUTE ,video_attributes_t vattr) PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals VIDEO_SET_ATTRIBUTE for this command. video_attributes_t vattr video attributes according to section ??. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL input is not a valid attribute setting.
DVB Audio Device The DVB audio device controls the MPEG2 audio decoder of the DVB hardware. It can be accessed through /dev/dvb/adapter0/audio0. Data types and and ioctl definitions can be accessed by including linux/dvb/video.h in your application. Please note that some DVB cards don’t have their own MPEG decoder, which results in the omission of the audio and video device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1</abbrev>Audio Data Types This section describes the structures, data types and defines used when talking to the audio device.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.1</abbrev>audio_stream_source_t The audio stream source is set through the AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE call and can take the following values, depending on whether we are replaying from an internal (demux) or external (user write) source. typedef enum { AUDIO_SOURCE_DEMUX, AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY } audio_stream_source_t; AUDIO_SOURCE_DEMUX selects the demultiplexer (fed either by the frontend or the DVR device) as the source of the video stream. If AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected the stream comes from the application through the write() system call.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.2</abbrev>audio_play_state_t The following values can be returned by the AUDIO_GET_STATUS call representing the state of audio playback. typedef enum { AUDIO_STOPPED, AUDIO_PLAYING, AUDIO_PAUSED } audio_play_state_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.3</abbrev>audio_channel_select_t The audio channel selected via AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT is determined by the following values. typedef enum { AUDIO_STEREO, AUDIO_MONO_LEFT, AUDIO_MONO_RIGHT, } audio_channel_select_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.4</abbrev>struct audio_status The AUDIO_GET_STATUS call returns the following structure informing about various states of the playback operation. typedef struct audio_status { boolean AV_sync_state; boolean mute_state; audio_play_state_t play_state; audio_stream_source_t stream_source; audio_channel_select_t channel_select; boolean bypass_mode; } audio_status_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.5</abbrev>struct audio_mixer The following structure is used by the AUDIO_SET_MIXER call to set the audio volume. typedef struct audio_mixer { unsigned int volume_left; unsigned int volume_right; } audio_mixer_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.6</abbrev>audio encodings A call to AUDIO_GET_CAPABILITIES returns an unsigned integer with the following bits set according to the hardwares capabilities. #define AUDIO_CAP_DTS 1 #define AUDIO_CAP_LPCM 2 #define AUDIO_CAP_MP1 4 #define AUDIO_CAP_MP2 8 #define AUDIO_CAP_MP3 16 #define AUDIO_CAP_AAC 32 #define AUDIO_CAP_OGG 64 #define AUDIO_CAP_SDDS 128 #define AUDIO_CAP_AC3 256
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.7</abbrev>struct audio_karaoke The ioctl AUDIO_SET_KARAOKE uses the following format: typedef struct audio_karaoke{ int vocal1; int vocal2; int melody; } audio_karaoke_t; If Vocal1 or Vocal2 are non-zero, they get mixed into left and right t at 70% each. If both, Vocal1 and Vocal2 are non-zero, Vocal1 gets mixed into the left channel and Vocal2 into the right channel at 100% each. Ff Melody is non-zero, the melody channel gets mixed into left and right.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.1.8</abbrev>audio attributes The following attributes can be set by a call to AUDIO_SET_ATTRIBUTES: typedef uint16_t audio_attributes_t; /⋆ bits: descr. ⋆/ /⋆ 15-13 audio coding mode (0=ac3, 2=mpeg1, 3=mpeg2ext, 4=LPCM, 6=DTS, ⋆/ /⋆ 12 multichannel extension ⋆/ /⋆ 11-10 audio type (0=not spec, 1=language included) ⋆/ /⋆ 9- 8 audio application mode (0=not spec, 1=karaoke, 2=surround) ⋆/ /⋆ 7- 6 Quantization / DRC (mpeg audio: 1=DRC exists)(lpcm: 0=16bit, ⋆/ /⋆ 5- 4 Sample frequency fs (0=48kHz, 1=96kHz) ⋆/ /⋆ 2- 0 number of audio channels (n+1 channels) ⋆/
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2</abbrev>Audio Function Calls
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.1</abbrev>open() DESCRIPTION This system call opens a named audio device (e.g. /dev/dvb/adapter0/audio0) for subsequent use. When an open() call has succeeded, the device will be ready for use. The significance of blocking or non-blocking mode is described in the documentation for functions where there is a difference. It does not affect the semantics of the open() call itself. A device opened in blocking mode can later be put into non-blocking mode (and vice versa) using the F_SETFL command of the fcntl system call. This is a standard system call, documented in the Linux manual page for fcntl. Only one user can open the Audio Device in O_RDWR mode. All other attempts to open the device in this mode will fail, and an error code will be returned. If the Audio Device is opened in O_RDONLY mode, the only ioctl call that can be used is AUDIO_GET_STATUS. All other call will return with an error code. SYNOPSIS int open(const char ⋆deviceName, int flags); PARAMETERS const char *deviceName Name of specific audio device. int flags A bit-wise OR of the following flags: O_RDONLY read-only access O_RDWR read/write access O_NONBLOCK open in non-blocking mode (blocking mode is the default) ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EINTERNAL Internal error. EBUSY Device or resource busy. EINVAL Invalid argument.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.2</abbrev>close() DESCRIPTION This system call closes a previously opened audio device. SYNOPSIS int close(int fd); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.3</abbrev>write() DESCRIPTION This system call can only be used if AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected in the ioctl call AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE. The data provided shall be in PES format. If O_NONBLOCK is not specified the function will block until buffer space is available. The amount of data to be transferred is implied by count. SYNOPSIS size_t write(int fd, const void ⋆buf, size_t count); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). void *buf Pointer to the buffer containing the PES data. size_t count Size of buf. ERRORS EPERM Mode AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY not selected. ENOMEM Attempted to write more data than the internal buffer can hold. EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.4</abbrev>AUDIO_STOP<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to stop playing the current stream. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_STOP); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_STOP for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.5</abbrev>AUDIO_PLAY<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to start playing an audio stream from the selected source. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_PLAY); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_PLAY for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINTERNAL Internal error.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.6</abbrev>AUDIO_PAUSE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call suspends the audio stream being played. Decoding and playing are paused. It is then possible to restart again decoding and playing process of the audio stream using AUDIO_CONTINUE command. If AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected in the ioctl call AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE, the DVB-subsystem will not decode (consume) any more data until the ioctl call AUDIO_CONTINUE or AUDIO_PLAY is performed. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_PAUSE); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_PAUSE for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.7</abbrev>AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call informs the audio device which source shall be used for the input data. The possible sources are demux or memory. If AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected, the data is fed to the Audio Device through the write command. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE, audio_stream_source_t source); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE for this command. audio_stream_source_t source Indicates the source that shall be used for the Audio stream. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Illegal input parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.8</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_MUTE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the audio device to mute the stream that is currently being played. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_MUTE, boolean state); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_MUTE for this command. boolean state Indicates if audio device shall mute or not. TRUE Audio Mute FALSE Audio Un-mute ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Illegal input parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.9</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_AV_SYNC<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to turn ON or OFF A/V synchronization. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_AV_SYNC, boolean state); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_AV_SYNC for this command. boolean state Tells the DVB subsystem if A/V synchronization shall be ON or OFF. TRUE AV-sync ON FALSE AV-sync OFF ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Illegal input parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.10</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to bypass the Audio decoder and forward the stream without decoding. This mode shall be used if streams that can’t be handled by the DVB system shall be decoded. Dolby DigitalTM streams are automatically forwarded by the DVB subsystem if the hardware can handle it. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE, boolean mode); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE for this command. boolean mode Enables or disables the decoding of the current Audio stream in the DVB subsystem. TRUE Bypass is disabled FALSE Bypass is enabled ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Illegal input parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.11</abbrev>AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to select the requested channel if possible. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT, audio_channel_select_t); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT for this command. audio_channel_select_t ch Select the output format of the audio (mono left/right, stereo). ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Illegal input parameter ch.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.12</abbrev>AUDIO_GET_STATUS<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to return the current state of the Audio Device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_GET_STATUS, struct audio_status ⋆status); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_GET_STATUS for this command. struct audio_status *status Returns the current state of Audio Device. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EFAULT status points to invalid address.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.13</abbrev>AUDIO_GET_CAPABILITIES<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to tell us about the decoding capabilities of the audio hardware. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_GET_CAPABILITIES, unsigned int ⋆cap); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_GET_CAPABILITIES for this command. unsigned int *cap Returns a bit array of supported sound formats. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EFAULT cap points to an invalid address.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.14</abbrev>AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl call asks the Audio Device to clear all software and hardware buffers of the audio decoder device. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER for this command. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.15</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_ID<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl selects which sub-stream is to be decoded if a program or system stream is sent to the video device. If no audio stream type is set the id has to be in [0xC0,0xDF] for MPEG sound, in [0x80,0x87] for AC3 and in [0xA0,0xA7] for LPCM. More specifications may follow for other stream types. If the stream type is set the id just specifies the substream id of the audio stream and only the first 5 bits are recognized. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_ID, int id); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_ID for this command. int id audio sub-stream id ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EINVAL Invalid sub-stream id.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.16</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_MIXER<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl lets you adjust the mixer settings of the audio decoder. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(int fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_MIXER, audio_mixer_t ⋆mix); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_ID for this command. audio_mixer_t *mix mixer settings. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor. EINTERNAL Internal error. EFAULT mix points to an invalid address.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.17</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_STREAMTYPE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl tells the driver which kind of audio stream to expect. This is useful if the stream offers several audio sub-streams like LPCM and AC3. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_STREAMTYPE, int type); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_STREAMTYPE for this command. int type stream type ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL type is not a valid or supported stream type.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.18</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_EXT_ID<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl can be used to set the extension id for MPEG streams in DVD playback. Only the first 3 bits are recognized. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_EXT_ID, int id); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_EXT_ID for this command. int id audio sub_stream_id ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL id is not a valid id.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.19</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_ATTRIBUTES<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl is intended for DVD playback and allows you to set certain information about the audio stream. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_ATTRIBUTES, audio_attributes_t attr ); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_ATTRIBUTES for this command. audio_attributes_t attr audio attributes according to section ?? ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL attr is not a valid or supported attribute setting.
<abbrev role="title-mark">5.2.20</abbrev>AUDIO_SET_KARAOKE<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This ioctl allows one to set the mixer settings for a karaoke DVD. SYNOPSIS int ioctl(fd, int request = AUDIO_SET_STREAMTYPE, audio_karaoke_t ⋆karaoke); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). int request Equals AUDIO_SET_STREAMTYPE for this command. audio_karaoke_t *karaoke karaoke settings according to section ??. ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor EINVAL karaoke is not a valid or supported karaoke setting.
DVB CA Device The DVB CA device controls the conditional access hardware. It can be accessed through /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0. Data types and and ioctl definitions can be accessed by including linux/dvb/ca.h in your application.
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.1</abbrev>CA Data Types
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.1.1</abbrev>ca_slot_info_t /⋆ slot interface types and info ⋆/ typedef struct ca_slot_info_s { int num; /⋆ slot number ⋆/ int type; /⋆ CA interface this slot supports ⋆/ #define CA_CI 1 /⋆ CI high level interface ⋆/ #define CA_CI_LINK 2 /⋆ CI link layer level interface ⋆/ #define CA_CI_PHYS 4 /⋆ CI physical layer level interface ⋆/ #define CA_SC 128 /⋆ simple smart card interface ⋆/ unsigned int flags; #define CA_CI_MODULE_PRESENT 1 /⋆ module (or card) inserted ⋆/ #define CA_CI_MODULE_READY 2 } ca_slot_info_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.1.2</abbrev>ca_descr_info_t typedef struct ca_descr_info_s { unsigned int num; /⋆ number of available descramblers (keys) ⋆/ unsigned int type; /⋆ type of supported scrambling system ⋆/ #define CA_ECD 1 #define CA_NDS 2 #define CA_DSS 4 } ca_descr_info_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.1.3</abbrev>ca_cap_t typedef struct ca_cap_s { unsigned int slot_num; /⋆ total number of CA card and module slots ⋆/ unsigned int slot_type; /⋆ OR of all supported types ⋆/ unsigned int descr_num; /⋆ total number of descrambler slots (keys) ⋆/ unsigned int descr_type;/⋆ OR of all supported types ⋆/ } ca_cap_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.1.4</abbrev>ca_msg_t /⋆ a message to/from a CI-CAM ⋆/ typedef struct ca_msg_s { unsigned int index; unsigned int type; unsigned int length; unsigned char msg[256]; } ca_msg_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.1.5</abbrev>ca_descr_t typedef struct ca_descr_s { unsigned int index; unsigned int parity; unsigned char cw[8]; } ca_descr_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.2</abbrev>CA Function Calls
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.2.1</abbrev>open() DESCRIPTION This system call opens a named ca device (e.g. /dev/ost/ca) for subsequent use. When an open() call has succeeded, the device will be ready for use. The significance of blocking or non-blocking mode is described in the documentation for functions where there is a difference. It does not affect the semantics of the open() call itself. A device opened in blocking mode can later be put into non-blocking mode (and vice versa) using the F_SETFL command of the fcntl system call. This is a standard system call, documented in the Linux manual page for fcntl. Only one user can open the CA Device in O_RDWR mode. All other attempts to open the device in this mode will fail, and an error code will be returned. SYNOPSIS int open(const char ⋆deviceName, int flags); PARAMETERS const char *deviceName Name of specific video device. int flags A bit-wise OR of the following flags: O_RDONLY read-only access O_RDWR read/write access O_NONBLOCK open in non-blocking mode (blocking mode is the default) ERRORS ENODEV Device driver not loaded/available. EINTERNAL Internal error. EBUSY Device or resource busy. EINVAL Invalid argument.
<abbrev role="title-mark">6.2.2</abbrev>close() DESCRIPTION This system call closes a previously opened audio device. SYNOPSIS int close(int fd); PARAMETERS int fd File descriptor returned by a previous call to open(). ERRORS EBADF fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
DVB Network API The DVB net device enables feeding of MPE (multi protocol encapsulation) packets received via DVB into the Linux network protocol stack, e.g. for internet via satellite applications. It can be accessed through /dev/dvb/adapter0/net0. Data types and and ioctl definitions can be accessed by including linux/dvb/net.h in your application.
<abbrev role="title-mark">7.1</abbrev>DVB Net Data Types To be written…
Kernel Demux API The kernel demux API defines a driver-internal interface for registering low-level, hardware specific driver to a hardware independent demux layer. It is only of interest for DVB device driver writers. The header file for this API is named demux.h and located in drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core. Maintainer note: This section must be reviewed. It is probably out of date.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.1</abbrev>Kernel Demux Data Types
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.1.1</abbrev>dmx_success_t typedef enum { DMX_OK = 0, /⋆ Received Ok ⋆/ DMX_LENGTH_ERROR, /⋆ Incorrect length ⋆/ DMX_OVERRUN_ERROR, /⋆ Receiver ring buffer overrun ⋆/ DMX_CRC_ERROR, /⋆ Incorrect CRC ⋆/ DMX_FRAME_ERROR, /⋆ Frame alignment error ⋆/ DMX_FIFO_ERROR, /⋆ Receiver FIFO overrun ⋆/ DMX_MISSED_ERROR /⋆ Receiver missed packet ⋆/ } dmx_success_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.1.2</abbrev>TS filter types /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ /⋆ TS packet reception ⋆/ /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ /⋆ TS filter type for set_type() ⋆/ #define TS_PACKET 1 /⋆ send TS packets (188 bytes) to callback (default) ⋆/ #define TS_PAYLOAD_ONLY 2 /⋆ in case TS_PACKET is set, only send the TS payload (<=184 bytes per packet) to callback ⋆/ #define TS_DECODER 4 /⋆ send stream to built-in decoder (if present) ⋆/
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.1.3</abbrev>dmx_ts_pes_t The structure typedef enum { DMX_TS_PES_AUDIO, /⋆ also send packets to audio decoder (if it exists) ⋆/ DMX_TS_PES_VIDEO, /⋆ ... ⋆/ DMX_TS_PES_TELETEXT, DMX_TS_PES_SUBTITLE, DMX_TS_PES_PCR, DMX_TS_PES_OTHER, } dmx_ts_pes_t; describes the PES type for filters which write to a built-in decoder. The correspond (and should be kept identical) to the types in the demux device. struct dmx_ts_feed_s { int is_filtering; /⋆ Set to non-zero when filtering in progress ⋆/ struct dmx_demux_s⋆ parent; /⋆ Back-pointer ⋆/ void⋆ priv; /⋆ Pointer to private data of the API client ⋆/ int (⋆set) (struct dmx_ts_feed_s⋆ feed, __u16 pid, size_t callback_length, size_t circular_buffer_size, int descramble, struct timespec timeout); int (⋆start_filtering) (struct dmx_ts_feed_s⋆ feed); int (⋆stop_filtering) (struct dmx_ts_feed_s⋆ feed); int (⋆set_type) (struct dmx_ts_feed_s⋆ feed, int type, dmx_ts_pes_t pes_type); }; typedef struct dmx_ts_feed_s dmx_ts_feed_t; /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ /⋆ PES packet reception (not supported yet) ⋆/ /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ typedef struct dmx_pes_filter_s { struct dmx_pes_s⋆ parent; /⋆ Back-pointer ⋆/ void⋆ priv; /⋆ Pointer to private data of the API client ⋆/ } dmx_pes_filter_t; typedef struct dmx_pes_feed_s { int is_filtering; /⋆ Set to non-zero when filtering in progress ⋆/ struct dmx_demux_s⋆ parent; /⋆ Back-pointer ⋆/ void⋆ priv; /⋆ Pointer to private data of the API client ⋆/ int (⋆set) (struct dmx_pes_feed_s⋆ feed, __u16 pid, size_t circular_buffer_size, int descramble, struct timespec timeout); int (⋆start_filtering) (struct dmx_pes_feed_s⋆ feed); int (⋆stop_filtering) (struct dmx_pes_feed_s⋆ feed); int (⋆allocate_filter) (struct dmx_pes_feed_s⋆ feed, dmx_pes_filter_t⋆⋆ filter); int (⋆release_filter) (struct dmx_pes_feed_s⋆ feed, dmx_pes_filter_t⋆ filter); } dmx_pes_feed_t; typedef struct { __u8 filter_value [DMX_MAX_FILTER_SIZE]; __u8 filter_mask [DMX_MAX_FILTER_SIZE]; struct dmx_section_feed_s⋆ parent; /⋆ Back-pointer ⋆/ void⋆ priv; /⋆ Pointer to private data of the API client ⋆/ } dmx_section_filter_t; struct dmx_section_feed_s { int is_filtering; /⋆ Set to non-zero when filtering in progress ⋆/ struct dmx_demux_s⋆ parent; /⋆ Back-pointer ⋆/ void⋆ priv; /⋆ Pointer to private data of the API client ⋆/ int (⋆set) (struct dmx_section_feed_s⋆ feed, __u16 pid, size_t circular_buffer_size, int descramble, int check_crc); int (⋆allocate_filter) (struct dmx_section_feed_s⋆ feed, dmx_section_filter_t⋆⋆ filter); int (⋆release_filter) (struct dmx_section_feed_s⋆ feed, dmx_section_filter_t⋆ filter); int (⋆start_filtering) (struct dmx_section_feed_s⋆ feed); int (⋆stop_filtering) (struct dmx_section_feed_s⋆ feed); }; typedef struct dmx_section_feed_s dmx_section_feed_t; /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ /⋆ Callback functions ⋆/ /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ typedef int (⋆dmx_ts_cb) ( __u8 ⋆ buffer1, size_t buffer1_length, __u8 ⋆ buffer2, size_t buffer2_length, dmx_ts_feed_t⋆ source, dmx_success_t success); typedef int (⋆dmx_section_cb) ( __u8 ⋆ buffer1, size_t buffer1_len, __u8 ⋆ buffer2, size_t buffer2_len, dmx_section_filter_t ⋆ source, dmx_success_t success); typedef int (⋆dmx_pes_cb) ( __u8 ⋆ buffer1, size_t buffer1_len, __u8 ⋆ buffer2, size_t buffer2_len, dmx_pes_filter_t⋆ source, dmx_success_t success); /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ /⋆ DVB Front-End ⋆/ /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ typedef enum { DMX_OTHER_FE = 0, DMX_SATELLITE_FE, DMX_CABLE_FE, DMX_TERRESTRIAL_FE, DMX_LVDS_FE, DMX_ASI_FE, /⋆ DVB-ASI interface ⋆/ DMX_MEMORY_FE } dmx_frontend_source_t; typedef struct { /⋆ The following char⋆ fields point to NULL terminated strings ⋆/ char⋆ id; /⋆ Unique front-end identifier ⋆/ char⋆ vendor; /⋆ Name of the front-end vendor ⋆/ char⋆ model; /⋆ Name of the front-end model ⋆/ struct list_head connectivity_list; /⋆ List of front-ends that can be connected to a particular demux ⋆/ void⋆ priv; /⋆ Pointer to private data of the API client ⋆/ dmx_frontend_source_t source; } dmx_frontend_t; /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ /⋆ MPEG-2 TS Demux ⋆/ /⋆--------------------------------------------------------------------------⋆/ /⋆ ⋆ Flags OR'ed in the capabilites field of struct dmx_demux_s. ⋆/ #define DMX_TS_FILTERING 1 #define DMX_PES_FILTERING 2 #define DMX_SECTION_FILTERING 4 #define DMX_MEMORY_BASED_FILTERING 8 /⋆ write() available ⋆/ #define DMX_CRC_CHECKING 16 #define DMX_TS_DESCRAMBLING 32 #define DMX_SECTION_PAYLOAD_DESCRAMBLING 64 #define DMX_MAC_ADDRESS_DESCRAMBLING 128
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.1.4</abbrev>demux_demux_t /⋆ ⋆ DMX_FE_ENTRY(): Casts elements in the list of registered ⋆ front-ends from the generic type struct list_head ⋆ to the type ⋆ dmx_frontend_t ⋆. ⋆/ #define DMX_FE_ENTRY(list) list_entry(list, dmx_frontend_t, connectivity_list) struct dmx_demux_s { /⋆ The following char⋆ fields point to NULL terminated strings ⋆/ char⋆ id; /⋆ Unique demux identifier ⋆/ char⋆ vendor; /⋆ Name of the demux vendor ⋆/ char⋆ model; /⋆ Name of the demux model ⋆/ __u32 capabilities; /⋆ Bitfield of capability flags ⋆/ dmx_frontend_t⋆ frontend; /⋆ Front-end connected to the demux ⋆/ struct list_head reg_list; /⋆ List of registered demuxes ⋆/ void⋆ priv; /⋆ Pointer to private data of the API client ⋆/ int users; /⋆ Number of users ⋆/ int (⋆open) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux); int (⋆close) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux); int (⋆write) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, const char⋆ buf, size_t count); int (⋆allocate_ts_feed) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_ts_feed_t⋆⋆ feed, dmx_ts_cb callback); int (⋆release_ts_feed) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_ts_feed_t⋆ feed); int (⋆allocate_pes_feed) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_pes_feed_t⋆⋆ feed, dmx_pes_cb callback); int (⋆release_pes_feed) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_pes_feed_t⋆ feed); int (⋆allocate_section_feed) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_section_feed_t⋆⋆ feed, dmx_section_cb callback); int (⋆release_section_feed) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_section_feed_t⋆ feed); int (⋆descramble_mac_address) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, __u8⋆ buffer1, size_t buffer1_length, __u8⋆ buffer2, size_t buffer2_length, __u16 pid); int (⋆descramble_section_payload) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, __u8⋆ buffer1, size_t buffer1_length, __u8⋆ buffer2, size_t buffer2_length, __u16 pid); int (⋆add_frontend) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_frontend_t⋆ frontend); int (⋆remove_frontend) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_frontend_t⋆ frontend); struct list_head⋆ (⋆get_frontends) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux); int (⋆connect_frontend) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, dmx_frontend_t⋆ frontend); int (⋆disconnect_frontend) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux); /⋆ added because js cannot keep track of these himself ⋆/ int (⋆get_pes_pids) (struct dmx_demux_s⋆ demux, __u16 ⋆pids); }; typedef struct dmx_demux_s dmx_demux_t;
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.1.5</abbrev>Demux directory /⋆ ⋆ DMX_DIR_ENTRY(): Casts elements in the list of registered ⋆ demuxes from the generic type struct list_head⋆ to the type dmx_demux_t ⋆. ⋆/ #define DMX_DIR_ENTRY(list) list_entry(list, dmx_demux_t, reg_list) int dmx_register_demux (dmx_demux_t⋆ demux); int dmx_unregister_demux (dmx_demux_t⋆ demux); struct list_head⋆ dmx_get_demuxes (void);
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.2</abbrev>Demux Directory API The demux directory is a Linux kernel-wide facility for registering and accessing the MPEG-2 TS demuxes in the system. Run-time registering and unregistering of demux drivers is possible using this API. All demux drivers in the directory implement the abstract interface dmx_demux_t.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.2.1</abbrev>dmx_register_demux()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function makes a demux driver interface available to the Linux kernel. It is usually called by the init_module() function of the kernel module that contains the demux driver. The caller of this function is responsible for allocating dynamic or static memory for the demux structure and for initializing its fields before calling this function. The memory allocated for the demux structure must not be freed before calling dmx_unregister_demux(), SYNOPSIS int dmx_register_demux ( dmx_demux_t ⋆demux ) PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux structure. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EEXIST A demux with the same value of the id field already stored in the directory. -ENOSPC No space left in the directory.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.2.2</abbrev>dmx_unregister_demux()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function is called to indicate that the given demux interface is no longer available. The caller of this function is responsible for freeing the memory of the demux structure, if it was dynamically allocated before calling dmx_register_demux(). The cleanup_module() function of the kernel module that contains the demux driver should call this function. Note that this function fails if the demux is currently in use, i.e., release_demux() has not been called for the interface. SYNOPSIS int dmx_unregister_demux ( dmx_demux_t ⋆demux ) PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux structure which is to be unregistered. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. ENODEV The specified demux is not registered in the demux directory. EBUSY The specified demux is currently in use.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.2.3</abbrev>dmx_get_demuxes()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Provides the caller with the list of registered demux interfaces, using the standard list structure defined in the include file linux/list.h. The include file demux.h defines the macro DMX_DIR_ENTRY() for converting an element of the generic type struct list_head* to the type dmx_demux_t*. The caller must not free the memory of any of the elements obtained via this function call. SYNOPSIS struct list_head ⋆dmx_get_demuxes () PARAMETERS none RETURNS struct list_head * A list of demux interfaces, or NULL in the case of an empty list.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3</abbrev>Demux API The demux API should be implemented for each demux in the system. It is used to select the TS source of a demux and to manage the demux resources. When the demux client allocates a resource via the demux API, it receives a pointer to the API of that resource. Each demux receives its TS input from a DVB front-end or from memory, as set via the demux API. In a system with more than one front-end, the API can be used to select one of the DVB front-ends as a TS source for a demux, unless this is fixed in the HW platform. The demux API only controls front-ends regarding their connections with demuxes; the APIs used to set the other front-end parameters, such as tuning, are not defined in this document. The functions that implement the abstract interface demux should be defined static or module private and registered to the Demux Directory for external access. It is not necessary to implement every function in the demux_t struct, however (for example, a demux interface might support Section filtering, but not TS or PES filtering). The API client is expected to check the value of any function pointer before calling the function: the value of NULL means “function not available”. Whenever the functions of the demux API modify shared data, the possibilities of lost update and race condition problems should be addressed, e.g. by protecting parts of code with mutexes. This is especially important on multi-processor hosts. Note that functions called from a bottom half context must not sleep, at least in the 2.2.x kernels. Even a simple memory allocation can result in a kernel thread being put to sleep if swapping is needed. For example, the Linux kernel calls the functions of a network device interface from a bottom half context. Thus, if a demux API function is called from network device code, the function must not sleep.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.1</abbrev>open() DESCRIPTION This function reserves the demux for use by the caller and, if necessary, initializes the demux. When the demux is no longer needed, the function close() should be called. It should be possible for multiple clients to access the demux at the same time. Thus, the function implementation should increment the demux usage count when open() is called and decrement it when close() is called. SYNOPSIS int open ( demux_t⋆ demux ); PARAMETERS demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EUSERS Maximum usage count reached. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.2</abbrev>close() DESCRIPTION This function reserves the demux for use by the caller and, if necessary, initializes the demux. When the demux is no longer needed, the function close() should be called. It should be possible for multiple clients to access the demux at the same time. Thus, the function implementation should increment the demux usage count when open() is called and decrement it when close() is called. SYNOPSIS int close(demux_t⋆ demux); PARAMETERS demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENODEV The demux was not in use. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.3</abbrev>write() DESCRIPTION This function provides the demux driver with a memory buffer containing TS packets. Instead of receiving TS packets from the DVB front-end, the demux driver software will read packets from memory. Any clients of this demux with active TS, PES or Section filters will receive filtered data via the Demux callback API (see 0). The function returns when all the data in the buffer has been consumed by the demux. Demux hardware typically cannot read TS from memory. If this is the case, memory-based filtering has to be implemented entirely in software. SYNOPSIS int write(demux_t⋆ demux, const char⋆ buf, size_t count); PARAMETERS demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. const char* buf Pointer to the TS data in kernel-space memory. size_t length Length of the TS data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENOSYS The command is not implemented. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.4</abbrev>allocate_ts_feed()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Allocates a new TS feed, which is used to filter the TS packets carrying a certain PID. The TS feed normally corresponds to a hardware PID filter on the demux chip. SYNOPSIS int allocate_ts_feed(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, dmx_ts_feed_t⋆⋆ feed, dmx_ts_cb callback); PARAMETERS demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. dmx_ts_feed_t** feed Pointer to the TS feed API and instance data. dmx_ts_cb callback Pointer to the callback function for passing received TS packet RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EBUSY No more TS feeds available. -ENOSYS The command is not implemented. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.5</abbrev>release_ts_feed()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Releases the resources allocated with allocate_ts_feed(). Any filtering in progress on the TS feed should be stopped before calling this function. SYNOPSIS int release_ts_feed(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, dmx_ts_feed_t⋆ feed); PARAMETERS demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. dmx_ts_feed_t* feed Pointer to the TS feed API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.6</abbrev>allocate_section_feed()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Allocates a new section feed, i.e. a demux resource for filtering and receiving sections. On platforms with hardware support for section filtering, a section feed is directly mapped to the demux HW. On other platforms, TS packets are first PID filtered in hardware and a hardware section filter then emulated in software. The caller obtains an API pointer of type dmx_section_feed_t as an out parameter. Using this API the caller can set filtering parameters and start receiving sections. SYNOPSIS int allocate_section_feed(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, dmx_section_feed_t ⋆⋆feed, dmx_section_cb callback); PARAMETERS demux_t *demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. dmx_section_feed_t **feed Pointer to the section feed API and instance data. dmx_section_cb callback Pointer to the callback function for passing received sections. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EBUSY No more section feeds available. -ENOSYS The command is not implemented. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.7</abbrev>release_section_feed()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Releases the resources allocated with allocate_section_feed(), including allocated filters. Any filtering in progress on the section feed should be stopped before calling this function. SYNOPSIS int release_section_feed(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, dmx_section_feed_t ⋆feed); PARAMETERS demux_t *demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. dmx_section_feed_t *feed Pointer to the section feed API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.8</abbrev>descramble_mac_address()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function runs a descrambling algorithm on the destination MAC address field of a DVB Datagram Section, replacing the original address with its un-encrypted version. Otherwise, the description on the function descramble_section_payload() applies also to this function. SYNOPSIS int descramble_mac_address(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, __u8 ⋆buffer1, size_t buffer1_length, __u8 ⋆buffer2, size_t buffer2_length, __u16 pid); PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t *demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. __u8 *buffer1 Pointer to the first byte of the section. size_t buffer1_length Length of the section data, including headers and CRC, in buffer1. __u8* buffer2 Pointer to the tail of the section data, or NULL. The pointer has a non-NULL value if the section wraps past the end of a circular buffer. size_t buffer2_length Length of the section data, including headers and CRC, in buffer2. __u16 pid The PID on which the section was received. Useful for obtaining the descrambling key, e.g. from a DVB Common Access facility. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENOSYS No descrambling facility available. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.9</abbrev>descramble_section_payload()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function runs a descrambling algorithm on the payload of a DVB Datagram Section, replacing the original payload with its un-encrypted version. The function will be called from the demux API implementation; the API client need not call this function directly. Section-level scrambling algorithms are currently standardized only for DVB-RCC (return channel over 2-directional cable TV network) systems. For all other DVB networks, encryption schemes are likely to be proprietary to each data broadcaster. Thus, it is expected that this function pointer will have the value of NULL (i.e., function not available) in most demux API implementations. Nevertheless, it should be possible to use the function pointer as a hook for dynamically adding a “plug-in” descrambling facility to a demux driver. While this function is not needed with hardware-based section descrambling, the descramble_section_payload function pointer can be used to override the default hardware-based descrambling algorithm: if the function pointer has a non-NULL value, the corresponding function should be used instead of any descrambling hardware. SYNOPSIS int descramble_section_payload(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, __u8 ⋆buffer1, size_t buffer1_length, __u8 ⋆buffer2, size_t buffer2_length, __u16 pid); PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t *demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. __u8 *buffer1 Pointer to the first byte of the section. size_t buffer1_length Length of the section data, including headers and CRC, in buffer1. __u8 *buffer2 Pointer to the tail of the section data, or NULL. The pointer has a non-NULL value if the section wraps past the end of a circular buffer. size_t buffer2_length Length of the section data, including headers and CRC, in buffer2. __u16 pid The PID on which the section was received. Useful for obtaining the descrambling key, e.g. from a DVB Common Access facility. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENOSYS No descrambling facility available. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.10</abbrev>add_frontend()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Registers a connectivity between a demux and a front-end, i.e., indicates that the demux can be connected via a call to connect_frontend() to use the given front-end as a TS source. The client of this function has to allocate dynamic or static memory for the frontend structure and initialize its fields before calling this function. This function is normally called during the driver initialization. The caller must not free the memory of the frontend struct before successfully calling remove_frontend(). SYNOPSIS int add_frontend(dmx_demux_t ⋆demux, dmx_frontend_t ⋆frontend); PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. dmx_frontend_t* frontend Pointer to the front-end instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EEXIST A front-end with the same value of the id field already registered. -EINUSE The demux is in use. -ENOMEM No more front-ends can be added. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.11</abbrev>remove_frontend()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Indicates that the given front-end, registered by a call to add_frontend(), can no longer be connected as a TS source by this demux. The function should be called when a front-end driver or a demux driver is removed from the system. If the front-end is in use, the function fails with the return value of -EBUSY. After successfully calling this function, the caller can free the memory of the frontend struct if it was dynamically allocated before the add_frontend() operation. SYNOPSIS int remove_frontend(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, dmx_frontend_t⋆ frontend); PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. dmx_frontend_t* frontend Pointer to the front-end instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter. -EBUSY The front-end is in use, i.e. a call to connect_frontend() has not been followed by a call to disconnect_frontend().
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.12</abbrev>get_frontends()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Provides the APIs of the front-ends that have been registered for this demux. Any of the front-ends obtained with this call can be used as a parameter for connect_frontend(). The include file demux.h contains the macro DMX_FE_ENTRY() for converting an element of the generic type struct list_head* to the type dmx_frontend_t*. The caller must not free the memory of any of the elements obtained via this function call. SYNOPSIS struct list_head⋆ get_frontends(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux); PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. RETURNS dmx_demux_t* A list of front-end interfaces, or NULL in the case of an empty list.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.13</abbrev>connect_frontend()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Connects the TS output of the front-end to the input of the demux. A demux can only be connected to a front-end registered to the demux with the function add_frontend(). It may or may not be possible to connect multiple demuxes to the same front-end, depending on the capabilities of the HW platform. When not used, the front-end should be released by calling disconnect_frontend(). SYNOPSIS int connect_frontend(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux, dmx_frontend_t⋆ frontend); PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. dmx_frontend_t* frontend Pointer to the front-end instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter. -EBUSY The front-end is in use.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.3.14</abbrev>disconnect_frontend()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Disconnects the demux and a front-end previously connected by a connect_frontend() call. SYNOPSIS int disconnect_frontend(dmx_demux_t⋆ demux); PARAMETERS dmx_demux_t* demux Pointer to the demux API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.4</abbrev>Demux Callback API This kernel-space API comprises the callback functions that deliver filtered data to the demux client. Unlike the other APIs, these API functions are provided by the client and called from the demux code. The function pointers of this abstract interface are not packed into a structure as in the other demux APIs, because the callback functions are registered and used independent of each other. As an example, it is possible for the API client to provide several callback functions for receiving TS packets and no callbacks for PES packets or sections. The functions that implement the callback API need not be re-entrant: when a demux driver calls one of these functions, the driver is not allowed to call the function again before the original call returns. If a callback is triggered by a hardware interrupt, it is recommended to use the Linux “bottom half” mechanism or start a tasklet instead of making the callback function call directly from a hardware interrupt.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.4.1</abbrev>dmx_ts_cb()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function, provided by the client of the demux API, is called from the demux code. The function is only called when filtering on this TS feed has been enabled using the start_filtering() function. Any TS packets that match the filter settings are copied to a circular buffer. The filtered TS packets are delivered to the client using this callback function. The size of the circular buffer is controlled by the circular_buffer_size parameter of the set() function in the TS Feed API. It is expected that the buffer1 and buffer2 callback parameters point to addresses within the circular buffer, but other implementations are also possible. Note that the called party should not try to free the memory the buffer1 and buffer2 parameters point to. When this function is called, the buffer1 parameter typically points to the start of the first undelivered TS packet within a circular buffer. The buffer2 buffer parameter is normally NULL, except when the received TS packets have crossed the last address of the circular buffer and ”wrapped” to the beginning of the buffer. In the latter case the buffer1 parameter would contain an address within the circular buffer, while the buffer2 parameter would contain the first address of the circular buffer. The number of bytes delivered with this function (i.e. buffer1_length + buffer2_length) is usually equal to the value of callback_length parameter given in the set() function, with one exception: if a timeout occurs before receiving callback_length bytes of TS data, any undelivered packets are immediately delivered to the client by calling this function. The timeout duration is controlled by the set() function in the TS Feed API. If a TS packet is received with errors that could not be fixed by the TS-level forward error correction (FEC), the Transport_error_indicator flag of the TS packet header should be set. The TS packet should not be discarded, as the error can possibly be corrected by a higher layer protocol. If the called party is slow in processing the callback, it is possible that the circular buffer eventually fills up. If this happens, the demux driver should discard any TS packets received while the buffer is full. The error should be indicated to the client on the next callback by setting the success parameter to the value of DMX_OVERRUN_ERROR. The type of data returned to the callback can be selected by the new function int (*set_type) (struct dmx_ts_feed_s* feed, int type, dmx_ts_pes_t pes_type) which is part of the dmx_ts_feed_s struct (also cf. to the include file ost/demux.h) The type parameter decides if the raw TS packet (TS_PACKET) or just the payload (TS_PACKET—TS_PAYLOAD_ONLY) should be returned. If additionally the TS_DECODER bit is set the stream will also be sent to the hardware MPEG decoder. In this case, the second flag decides as what kind of data the stream should be interpreted. The possible choices are one of DMX_TS_PES_AUDIO, DMX_TS_PES_VIDEO, DMX_TS_PES_TELETEXT, DMX_TS_PES_SUBTITLE, DMX_TS_PES_PCR, or DMX_TS_PES_OTHER. SYNOPSIS int dmx_ts_cb(__u8⋆ buffer1, size_t buffer1_length, __u8⋆ buffer2, size_t buffer2_length, dmx_ts_feed_t⋆ source, dmx_success_t success); PARAMETERS __u8* buffer1 Pointer to the start of the filtered TS packets. size_t buffer1_length Length of the TS data in buffer1. __u8* buffer2 Pointer to the tail of the filtered TS packets, or NULL. size_t buffer2_length Length of the TS data in buffer2. dmx_ts_feed_t* source Indicates which TS feed is the source of the callback. dmx_success_t success Indicates if there was an error in TS reception. RETURNS 0 Continue filtering. -1 Stop filtering - has the same effect as a call to stop_filtering() on the TS Feed API.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.4.2</abbrev>dmx_section_cb()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function, provided by the client of the demux API, is called from the demux code. The function is only called when filtering of sections has been enabled using the function start_filtering() of the section feed API. When the demux driver has received a complete section that matches at least one section filter, the client is notified via this callback function. Normally this function is called for each received section; however, it is also possible to deliver multiple sections with one callback, for example when the system load is high. If an error occurs while receiving a section, this function should be called with the corresponding error type set in the success field, whether or not there is data to deliver. The Section Feed implementation should maintain a circular buffer for received sections. However, this is not necessary if the Section Feed API is implemented as a client of the TS Feed API, because the TS Feed implementation then buffers the received data. The size of the circular buffer can be configured using the set() function in the Section Feed API. If there is no room in the circular buffer when a new section is received, the section must be discarded. If this happens, the value of the success parameter should be DMX_OVERRUN_ERROR on the next callback. SYNOPSIS int dmx_section_cb(__u8⋆ buffer1, size_t buffer1_length, __u8⋆ buffer2, size_t buffer2_length, dmx_section_filter_t⋆ source, dmx_success_t success); PARAMETERS __u8* buffer1 Pointer to the start of the filtered section, e.g. within the circular buffer of the demux driver. size_t buffer1_length Length of the filtered section data in buffer1, including headers and CRC. __u8* buffer2 Pointer to the tail of the filtered section data, or NULL. Useful to handle the wrapping of a circular buffer. size_t buffer2_length Length of the filtered section data in buffer2, including headers and CRC. dmx_section_filter_t* filter Indicates the filter that triggered the callback. dmx_success_t success Indicates if there was an error in section reception. RETURNS 0 Continue filtering. -1 Stop filtering - has the same effect as a call to stop_filtering() on the Section Feed API.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.5</abbrev>TS Feed API A TS feed is typically mapped to a hardware PID filter on the demux chip. Using this API, the client can set the filtering properties to start/stop filtering TS packets on a particular TS feed. The API is defined as an abstract interface of the type dmx_ts_feed_t. The functions that implement the interface should be defined static or module private. The client can get the handle of a TS feed API by calling the function allocate_ts_feed() in the demux API.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.5.1</abbrev>set()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function sets the parameters of a TS feed. Any filtering in progress on the TS feed must be stopped before calling this function. SYNOPSIS int set ( dmx_ts_feed_t⋆ feed, __u16 pid, size_t callback_length, size_t circular_buffer_size, int descramble, struct timespec timeout); PARAMETERS dmx_ts_feed_t* feed Pointer to the TS feed API and instance data. __u16 pid PID value to filter. Only the TS packets carrying the specified PID will be passed to the API client. size_t callback_length Number of bytes to deliver with each call to the dmx_ts_cb() callback function. The value of this parameter should be a multiple of 188. size_t circular_buffer_size Size of the circular buffer for the filtered TS packets. int descramble If non-zero, descramble the filtered TS packets. struct timespec timeout Maximum time to wait before delivering received TS packets to the client. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENOMEM Not enough memory for the requested buffer size. -ENOSYS No descrambling facility available for TS. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.5.2</abbrev>start_filtering()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Starts filtering TS packets on this TS feed, according to its settings. The PID value to filter can be set by the API client. All matching TS packets are delivered asynchronously to the client, using the callback function registered with allocate_ts_feed(). SYNOPSIS int start_filtering(dmx_ts_feed_t⋆ feed); PARAMETERS dmx_ts_feed_t* feed Pointer to the TS feed API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.5.3</abbrev>stop_filtering()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Stops filtering TS packets on this TS feed. SYNOPSIS int stop_filtering(dmx_ts_feed_t⋆ feed); PARAMETERS dmx_ts_feed_t* feed Pointer to the TS feed API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.6</abbrev>Section Feed API A section feed is a resource consisting of a PID filter and a set of section filters. Using this API, the client can set the properties of a section feed and to start/stop filtering. The API is defined as an abstract interface of the type dmx_section_feed_t. The functions that implement the interface should be defined static or module private. The client can get the handle of a section feed API by calling the function allocate_section_feed() in the demux API. On demux platforms that provide section filtering in hardware, the Section Feed API implementation provides a software wrapper for the demux hardware. Other platforms may support only PID filtering in hardware, requiring that TS packets are converted to sections in software. In the latter case the Section Feed API implementation can be a client of the TS Feed API.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.6.1</abbrev>set()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function sets the parameters of a section feed. Any filtering in progress on the section feed must be stopped before calling this function. If descrambling is enabled, the payload_scrambling_control and address_scrambling_control fields of received DVB datagram sections should be observed. If either one is non-zero, the section should be descrambled either in hardware or using the functions descramble_mac_address() and descramble_section_payload() of the demux API. Note that according to the MPEG-2 Systems specification, only the payloads of private sections can be scrambled while the rest of the section data must be sent in the clear. SYNOPSIS int set(dmx_section_feed_t⋆ feed, __u16 pid, size_t circular_buffer_size, int descramble, int check_crc); PARAMETERS dmx_section_feed_t* feed Pointer to the section feed API and instance data. __u16 pid PID value to filter; only the TS packets carrying the specified PID will be accepted. size_t circular_buffer_size Size of the circular buffer for filtered sections. int descramble If non-zero, descramble any sections that are scrambled. int check_crc If non-zero, check the CRC values of filtered sections. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENOMEM Not enough memory for the requested buffer size. -ENOSYS No descrambling facility available for sections. -EINVAL Bad parameters.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.6.2</abbrev>allocate_filter()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function is used to allocate a section filter on the demux. It should only be called when no filtering is in progress on this section feed. If a filter cannot be allocated, the function fails with -ENOSPC. See in section ?? for the format of the section filter. The bitfields filter_mask and filter_value should only be modified when no filtering is in progress on this section feed. filter_mask controls which bits of filter_value are compared with the section headers/payload. On a binary value of 1 in filter_mask, the corresponding bits are compared. The filter only accepts sections that are equal to filter_value in all the tested bit positions. Any changes to the values of filter_mask and filter_value are guaranteed to take effect only when the start_filtering() function is called next time. The parent pointer in the struct is initialized by the API implementation to the value of the feed parameter. The priv pointer is not used by the API implementation, and can thus be freely utilized by the caller of this function. Any data pointed to by the priv pointer is available to the recipient of the dmx_section_cb() function call. While the maximum section filter length (DMX_MAX_FILTER_SIZE) is currently set at 16 bytes, hardware filters of that size are not available on all platforms. Therefore, section filtering will often take place first in hardware, followed by filtering in software for the header bytes that were not covered by a hardware filter. The filter_mask field can be checked to determine how many bytes of the section filter are actually used, and if the hardware filter will suffice. Additionally, software-only section filters can optionally be allocated to clients when all hardware section filters are in use. Note that on most demux hardware it is not possible to filter on the section_length field of the section header – thus this field is ignored, even though it is included in filter_value and filter_mask fields. SYNOPSIS int allocate_filter(dmx_section_feed_t⋆ feed, dmx_section_filter_t⋆⋆ filter); PARAMETERS dmx_section_feed_t* feed Pointer to the section feed API and instance data. dmx_section_filter_t** filter Pointer to the allocated filter. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENOSPC No filters of given type and length available. -EINVAL Bad parameters.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.6.3</abbrev>release_filter()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION This function releases all the resources of a previously allocated section filter. The function should not be called while filtering is in progress on this section feed. After calling this function, the caller should not try to dereference the filter pointer. SYNOPSIS int release_filter ( dmx_section_feed_t⋆ feed, dmx_section_filter_t⋆ filter); PARAMETERS dmx_section_feed_t* feed Pointer to the section feed API and instance data. dmx_section_filter_t* filter I/O Pointer to the instance data of a section filter. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -ENODEV No such filter allocated. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.6.4</abbrev>start_filtering()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Starts filtering sections on this section feed, according to its settings. Sections are first filtered based on their PID and then matched with the section filters allocated for this feed. If the section matches the PID filter and at least one section filter, it is delivered to the API client. The section is delivered asynchronously using the callback function registered with allocate_section_feed(). SYNOPSIS int start_filtering ( dmx_section_feed_t⋆ feed ); PARAMETERS dmx_section_feed_t* feed Pointer to the section feed API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
<abbrev role="title-mark">8.6.5</abbrev>stop_filtering()<indexterm role="printindex" /> DESCRIPTION Stops filtering sections on this section feed. Note that any changes to the filtering parameters (filter_value, filter_mask, etc.) should only be made when filtering is stopped. SYNOPSIS int stop_filtering ( dmx_section_feed_t⋆ feed ); PARAMETERS dmx_section_feed_t* feed Pointer to the section feed API and instance data. RETURNS 0 The function was completed without errors. -EINVAL Bad parameter.
Examples In this section we would like to present some examples for using the DVB API. Maintainer note: This section is out of date. Please refer to the sample programs packaged with the driver distribution from http://linuxtv.org/.
<abbrev role="title-mark">9.1</abbrev>Tuning We will start with a generic tuning subroutine that uses the frontend and SEC, as well as the demux devices. The example is given for QPSK tuners, but can easily be adjusted for QAM. #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <linux/dvb/dmx.h> #include <linux/dvb/frontend.h> #include <linux/dvb/sec.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #define DMX "/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux1" #define FRONT "/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1" #define SEC "/dev/dvb/adapter0/sec1" /⋆ routine for checking if we have a signal and other status information⋆/ int FEReadStatus(int fd, fe_status_t ⋆stat) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_READ_STATUS,stat) < 0)){ perror("FE READ STATUS: "); return -1; } if (⋆stat & FE_HAS_POWER) printf("FE HAS POWER\n"); if (⋆stat & FE_HAS_SIGNAL) printf("FE HAS SIGNAL\n"); if (⋆stat & FE_SPECTRUM_INV) printf("SPEKTRUM INV\n"); return 0; } /⋆ tune qpsk ⋆/ /⋆ freq: frequency of transponder ⋆/ /⋆ vpid, apid, tpid: PIDs of video, audio and teletext TS packets ⋆/ /⋆ diseqc: DiSEqC address of the used LNB ⋆/ /⋆ pol: Polarisation ⋆/ /⋆ srate: Symbol Rate ⋆/ /⋆ fec. FEC ⋆/ /⋆ lnb_lof1: local frequency of lower LNB band ⋆/ /⋆ lnb_lof2: local frequency of upper LNB band ⋆/ /⋆ lnb_slof: switch frequency of LNB ⋆/ int set_qpsk_channel(int freq, int vpid, int apid, int tpid, int diseqc, int pol, int srate, int fec, int lnb_lof1, int lnb_lof2, int lnb_slof) { struct secCommand scmd; struct secCmdSequence scmds; struct dmx_pes_filter_params pesFilterParams; FrontendParameters frp; struct pollfd pfd[1]; FrontendEvent event; int demux1, demux2, demux3, front; frequency = (uint32_t) freq; symbolrate = (uint32_t) srate; if((front = open(FRONT,O_RDWR)) < 0){ perror("FRONTEND DEVICE: "); return -1; } if((sec = open(SEC,O_RDWR)) < 0){ perror("SEC DEVICE: "); return -1; } if (demux1 < 0){ if ((demux1=open(DMX, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0){ perror("DEMUX DEVICE: "); return -1; } } if (demux2 < 0){ if ((demux2=open(DMX, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0){ perror("DEMUX DEVICE: "); return -1; } } if (demux3 < 0){ if ((demux3=open(DMX, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0){ perror("DEMUX DEVICE: "); return -1; } } if (freq < lnb_slof) { frp.Frequency = (freq - lnb_lof1); scmds.continuousTone = SEC_TONE_OFF; } else { frp.Frequency = (freq - lnb_lof2); scmds.continuousTone = SEC_TONE_ON; } frp.Inversion = INVERSION_AUTO; if (pol) scmds.voltage = SEC_VOLTAGE_18; else scmds.voltage = SEC_VOLTAGE_13; scmd.type=0; scmd.u.diseqc.addr=0x10; scmd.u.diseqc.cmd=0x38; scmd.u.diseqc.numParams=1; scmd.u.diseqc.params[0] = 0xF0 | ((diseqc ⋆ 4) & 0x0F) | (scmds.continuousTone == SEC_TONE_ON ? 1 : 0) | (scmds.voltage==SEC_VOLTAGE_18 ? 2 : 0); scmds.miniCommand=SEC_MINI_NONE; scmds.numCommands=1; scmds.commands=&scmd; if (ioctl(sec, SEC_SEND_SEQUENCE, &scmds) < 0){ perror("SEC SEND: "); return -1; } if (ioctl(sec, SEC_SEND_SEQUENCE, &scmds) < 0){ perror("SEC SEND: "); return -1; } frp.u.qpsk.SymbolRate = srate; frp.u.qpsk.FEC_inner = fec; if (ioctl(front, FE_SET_FRONTEND, &frp) < 0){ perror("QPSK TUNE: "); return -1; } pfd[0].fd = front; pfd[0].events = POLLIN; if (poll(pfd,1,3000)){ if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN){ printf("Getting QPSK event\n"); if ( ioctl(front, FE_GET_EVENT, &event) == -EOVERFLOW){ perror("qpsk get event"); return -1; } printf("Received "); switch(event.type){ case FE_UNEXPECTED_EV: printf("unexpected event\n"); return -1; case FE_FAILURE_EV: printf("failure event\n"); return -1; case FE_COMPLETION_EV: printf("completion event\n"); } } } pesFilterParams.pid = vpid; pesFilterParams.input = DMX_IN_FRONTEND; pesFilterParams.output = DMX_OUT_DECODER; pesFilterParams.pes_type = DMX_PES_VIDEO; pesFilterParams.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; if (ioctl(demux1, DMX_SET_PES_FILTER, &pesFilterParams) < 0){ perror("set_vpid"); return -1; } pesFilterParams.pid = apid; pesFilterParams.input = DMX_IN_FRONTEND; pesFilterParams.output = DMX_OUT_DECODER; pesFilterParams.pes_type = DMX_PES_AUDIO; pesFilterParams.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; if (ioctl(demux2, DMX_SET_PES_FILTER, &pesFilterParams) < 0){ perror("set_apid"); return -1; } pesFilterParams.pid = tpid; pesFilterParams.input = DMX_IN_FRONTEND; pesFilterParams.output = DMX_OUT_DECODER; pesFilterParams.pes_type = DMX_PES_TELETEXT; pesFilterParams.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; if (ioctl(demux3, DMX_SET_PES_FILTER, &pesFilterParams) < 0){ perror("set_tpid"); return -1; } return has_signal(fds); } The program assumes that you are using a universal LNB and a standard DiSEqC switch with up to 4 addresses. Of course, you could build in some more checking if tuning was successful and maybe try to repeat the tuning process. Depending on the external hardware, i.e. LNB and DiSEqC switch, and weather conditions this may be necessary.
<abbrev role="title-mark">9.2</abbrev>The DVR device The following program code shows how to use the DVR device for recording. #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <linux/dvb/dmx.h> #include <linux/dvb/video.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #define DVR "/dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr1" #define AUDIO "/dev/dvb/adapter0/audio1" #define VIDEO "/dev/dvb/adapter0/video1" #define BUFFY (188⋆20) #define MAX_LENGTH (1024⋆1024⋆5) /⋆ record 5MB ⋆/ /⋆ switch the demuxes to recording, assuming the transponder is tuned ⋆/ /⋆ demux1, demux2: file descriptor of video and audio filters ⋆/ /⋆ vpid, apid: PIDs of video and audio channels ⋆/ int switch_to_record(int demux1, int demux2, uint16_t vpid, uint16_t apid) { struct dmx_pes_filter_params pesFilterParams; if (demux1 < 0){ if ((demux1=open(DMX, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0){ perror("DEMUX DEVICE: "); return -1; } } if (demux2 < 0){ if ((demux2=open(DMX, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0){ perror("DEMUX DEVICE: "); return -1; } } pesFilterParams.pid = vpid; pesFilterParams.input = DMX_IN_FRONTEND; pesFilterParams.output = DMX_OUT_TS_TAP; pesFilterParams.pes_type = DMX_PES_VIDEO; pesFilterParams.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; if (ioctl(demux1, DMX_SET_PES_FILTER, &pesFilterParams) < 0){ perror("DEMUX DEVICE"); return -1; } pesFilterParams.pid = apid; pesFilterParams.input = DMX_IN_FRONTEND; pesFilterParams.output = DMX_OUT_TS_TAP; pesFilterParams.pes_type = DMX_PES_AUDIO; pesFilterParams.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; if (ioctl(demux2, DMX_SET_PES_FILTER, &pesFilterParams) < 0){ perror("DEMUX DEVICE"); return -1; } return 0; } /⋆ start recording MAX_LENGTH , assuming the transponder is tuned ⋆/ /⋆ demux1, demux2: file descriptor of video and audio filters ⋆/ /⋆ vpid, apid: PIDs of video and audio channels ⋆/ int record_dvr(int demux1, int demux2, uint16_t vpid, uint16_t apid) { int i; int len; int written; uint8_t buf[BUFFY]; uint64_t length; struct pollfd pfd[1]; int dvr, dvr_out; /⋆ open dvr device ⋆/ if ((dvr = open(DVR, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0){ perror("DVR DEVICE"); return -1; } /⋆ switch video and audio demuxes to dvr ⋆/ printf ("Switching dvr on\n"); i = switch_to_record(demux1, demux2, vpid, apid); printf("finished: "); printf("Recording %2.0f MB of test file in TS format\n", MAX_LENGTH/(1024.0⋆1024.0)); length = 0; /⋆ open output file ⋆/ if ((dvr_out = open(DVR_FILE,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT |O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR |S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH| S_IWOTH)) < 0){ perror("Can't open file for dvr test"); return -1; } pfd[0].fd = dvr; pfd[0].events = POLLIN; /⋆ poll for dvr data and write to file ⋆/ while (length < MAX_LENGTH ) { if (poll(pfd,1,1)){ if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN){ len = read(dvr, buf, BUFFY); if (len < 0){ perror("recording"); return -1; } if (len > 0){ written = 0; while (written < len) written += write (dvr_out, buf, len); length += len; printf("written %2.0f MB\r", length/1024./1024.); } } } } return 0; }
GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.1, March 2000 Copyright � 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Preamble The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other written document “free” in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
<abbrev role="title-mark">A.1</abbrev>Applicability and Definitions This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language. A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them. The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”. Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output purposes only. The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
<abbrev role="title-mark">A.2</abbrev>Verbatim Copying You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.
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<abbrev role="title-mark">A.4</abbrev>Modifications You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less than five). State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice. Include an unaltered copy of this License. Preserve the section entitled “History”, and its title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. In any section entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, preserve the section’s title, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles. Delete any section entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. Do not retitle any existing section as “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties – for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
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<abbrev role="title-mark">A.8</abbrev>Translation Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License provided that you also include the original English version of this License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original English version of this License, the original English version will prevail.
<abbrev role="title-mark">A.9</abbrev>Termination You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
<abbrev role="title-mark">A.10</abbrev>Future Revisions of This License The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/. Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License ”or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.
ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page: Copyright � YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”. If you have no Invariant Sections, write “with no Invariant Sections” instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no Front-Cover Texts, write “no Front-Cover Texts” instead of “Front-Cover Texts being LIST”; likewise for Back-Cover Texts. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.