/* * flexcop.c - driver for digital TV devices equipped with B2C2 FlexcopII(b)/III * * Copyright (C) 2004-5 Patrick Boettcher <patrick.boettcher@desy.de> * * based on the skystar2-driver * Copyright (C) 2003 Vadim Catana, skystar@moldova.cc * * Acknowledgements: * John Jurrius from BBTI, Inc. for extensive support with * code examples and data books * * Bjarne Steinsbo, bjarne at steinsbo.com (some ideas for rewriting) * * Contributions to the skystar2-driver have been done by * Vincenzo Di Massa, hawk.it at tiscalinet.it (several DiSEqC fixes) * Roberto Ragusa, r.ragusa at libero.it (polishing, restyling the code) * Niklas Peinecke, peinecke at gdv.uni-hannover.de (hardware pid/mac filtering) * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "flexcop.h" #define DRIVER_NAME "B2C2 FlexcopII/II(b)/III digital TV receiver chip" #define DRIVER_AUTHOR "Patrick Boettcher <patrick.boettcher@desy.de" #ifdef CONFIG_DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP_DEBUG #define DEBSTATUS "" #else #define DEBSTATUS " (debugging is not enabled)" #endif int b2c2_flexcop_debug; module_param_named(debug, b2c2_flexcop_debug, int, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "set debug level (1=info,2=tuner,4=i2c,8=ts,16=sram (|-able))." DEBSTATUS); #undef DEBSTATUS /* global zero for ibi values */ flexcop_ibi_value ibi_zero; static int flexcop_dvb_start_feed(struct dvb_demux_feed *dvbdmxfeed) { struct flexcop_device *fc = dvbdmxfeed->demux->priv; return flexcop_pid_feed_control(fc,dvbdmxfeed,1); } static int flexcop_dvb_stop_feed(struct dvb_demux_feed *dvbdmxfeed) { struct flexcop_device *fc = dvbdmxfeed->demux->priv; return flexcop_pid_feed_control(fc,dvbdmxfeed,0); } static int flexcop_dvb_init(struct flexcop_device *fc) { int ret; if ((ret = dvb_register_adapter(&fc->dvb_adapter,"FlexCop Digital TV device",fc->owner)) < 0) { err("error registering DVB adapter"); return ret; } fc->dvb_adapter.priv = fc; fc->demux.dmx.capabilities = (DMX_TS_FILTERING | DMX_SECTION_FILTERING | DMX_MEMORY_BASED_FILTERING); fc->demux.priv = fc; fc->demux.filternum = fc->demux.feednum = FC_MAX_FEED; fc->demux.start_feed = flexcop_dvb_start_feed; fc->demux.stop_feed = flexcop_dvb_stop_feed; fc->demux.write_to_decoder = NULL; if ((ret = dvb_dmx_init(&fc->demux)) < 0) { err("dvb_dmx failed: error %d",ret); goto err_dmx; } fc->hw_frontend.source = DMX_FRONTEND_0; fc->dmxdev.filternum = fc->demux.feednum; fc->dmxdev.demux = &fc->demux.dmx; fc->dmxdev.capabilities = 0; if ((ret = dvb_dmxdev_init(&fc->dmxdev, &fc->dvb_adapter)) < 0) { err("dvb_dmxdev_init failed: error %d",ret); goto err_dmx_dev; } if ((ret = fc->demux.dmx.add_frontend(&fc->demux.dmx, &fc->hw_frontend)) < 0) { err("adding hw_frontend to dmx failed: error %d",ret); goto err_dmx_add_hw_frontend; } fc->mem_frontend.source = DMX_MEMORY_FE; if ((ret = fc->demux.dmx.add_frontend(&fc->demux.dmx, &fc->mem_frontend)) < 0) { err("adding mem_frontend to dmx failed: error %d",ret); goto err_dmx_add_mem_frontend; } if ((ret = fc->demux.dmx.connect_frontend(&fc->demux.dmx, &fc->hw_frontend)) < 0) { err("connect frontend failed: error %d",ret); goto err_connect_frontend; } dvb_net_init(&fc->dvb_adapter, &fc->dvbnet, &fc->demux.dmx); fc->init_state |= FC_STATE_DVB_INIT; goto success; err_connect_frontend: fc->demux.dmx.remove_frontend(&fc->demux.dmx,&fc->mem_frontend); err_dmx_add_mem_frontend: fc->demux.dmx.remove_frontend(&fc->demux.dmx,&fc->hw_frontend); err_dmx_add_hw_frontend: dvb_dmxdev_release(&fc->dmxdev); err_dmx_dev: dvb_dmx_release(&fc->demux); err_dmx: dvb_unregister_adapter(&fc->dvb_adapter); return ret; success: return 0; } static void flexcop_dvb_exit(struct flexcop_device *fc) { if (fc->init_state & FC_STATE_DVB_INIT) { dvb_net_release(&fc->dvbnet); fc->demux.dmx.close(&fc->demux.dmx); fc->demux.dmx.remove_frontend(&fc->demux.dmx,&fc->mem_frontend); fc->demux.dmx.remove_frontend(&fc->demux.dmx,&fc->hw_frontend); dvb_dmxdev_release(&fc->dmxdev); dvb_dmx_release(&fc->demux); dvb_unregister_adapter(&fc->dvb_adapter); deb_info("deinitialized dvb stuff\n"); } fc->init_state &= ~FC_STATE_DVB_INIT; } /* these methods are necessary to achieve the long-term-goal of hiding the * struct flexcop_device from the bus-parts */ void flexcop_pass_dmx_data(struct flexcop_device *fc, u8 *buf, u32 len) { dvb_dmx_swfilter(&fc->demux, buf, len); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(flexcop_pass_dmx_data); void flexcop_pass_dmx_packets(struct flexcop_device *fc, u8 *buf, u32 no) { dvb_dmx_swfilter_packets(&fc->demux, buf, no); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(flexcop_pass_dmx_packets); static void flexcop_reset(struct flexcop_device *fc) { flexcop_ibi_value v210,v204; /* reset the flexcop itself */ fc->write_ibi_reg(fc,ctrl_208,ibi_zero); v210.raw = 0; v210.sw_reset_210.reset_blocks = 0xff; v210.sw_reset_210.Block_reset_enable = 0xb2; fc->write_ibi_reg(fc,sw_reset_210,v210); /* reset the periphical devices */ v204 = fc->read_ibi_reg(fc,misc_204); v204.misc_204.Per_reset_sig = 0; fc->write_ibi_reg(fc,misc_204,v204); v204.misc_204.Per_reset_sig = 1; fc->write_ibi_reg(fc,misc_204,v204); } struct flexcop_device *flexcop_device_kmalloc(size_t bus_specific_len) { void *bus; struct flexcop_device *fc = kmalloc(sizeof(struct flexcop_device), GFP_KERNEL); if (!fc) { err("no memory"); return NULL; } memset(fc, 0, sizeof(struct flexcop_device)); bus = kmalloc(bus_specific_len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!bus) { err("no memory"); kfree(fc); return NULL; } memset(bus, 0, bus_specific_len); fc->bus_specific = bus; return fc; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(flexcop_device_kmalloc); void flexcop_device_kfree(struct flexcop_device *fc) { kfree(fc->bus_specific); kfree(fc); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(flexcop_device_kfree); int flexcop_device_initialize(struct flexcop_device *fc) { int ret; ibi_zero.raw = 0; flexcop_reset(fc); flexcop_determine_revision(fc); flexcop_sram_init(fc); flexcop_hw_filter_init(fc); flexcop_smc_ctrl(fc, 0); if ((ret = flexcop_dvb_init(fc))) goto error; /* do the MAC address reading after initializing the dvb_adapter */ if (fc->get_mac_addr(fc, 0) == 0) { u8 *b = fc->dvb_adapter.proposed_mac; info("MAC address = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3],b[4],b[5]); flexcop_set_mac_filter(fc,b); flexcop_mac_filter_ctrl(fc,1); } else warn("reading of MAC address failed.\n"); if ((ret = flexcop_i2c_init(fc))) goto error; if ((ret = flexcop_frontend_init(fc))) goto error; flexcop_device_name(fc,"initialization of","complete"); ret = 0; goto success; error: flexcop_device_exit(fc); success: return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(flexcop_device_initialize); void flexcop_device_exit(struct flexcop_device *fc) { flexcop_frontend_exit(fc); flexcop_i2c_exit(fc); flexcop_dvb_exit(fc); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(flexcop_device_exit); static int flexcop_module_init(void) { info(DRIVER_NAME " loaded successfully"); return 0; } static void flexcop_module_cleanup(void) { info(DRIVER_NAME " unloaded successfully"); } module_init(flexcop_module_init); module_exit(flexcop_module_cleanup); MODULE_AUTHOR(DRIVER_AUTHOR); MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRIVER_NAME); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");