/* * Driver for the Siano SMS1xxx USB dongle * * author: Anatoly Greenblat * * Copyright (c), 2005-2008 Siano Mobile Silicon, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include "smscoreapi.h" #include "sms-cards.h" DVB_DEFINE_MOD_OPT_ADAPTER_NR(adapter_nr); static struct list_head g_smsdvb_clients; static struct mutex g_smsdvb_clientslock; static int smsdvb_onresponse(void *context, struct smscore_buffer_t *cb) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = (struct smsdvb_client_t *) context; struct SmsMsgHdr_ST *phdr = (struct SmsMsgHdr_ST *)(((u8 *) cb->p) + cb->offset); switch (phdr->msgType) { case MSG_SMS_DVBT_BDA_DATA: dvb_dmx_swfilter(&client->demux, (u8 *)(phdr + 1), cb->size - sizeof(struct SmsMsgHdr_ST)); break; case MSG_SMS_RF_TUNE_RES: complete(&client->tune_done); break; case MSG_SMS_GET_STATISTICS_RES: { struct SmsMsgStatisticsInfo_ST *p = (struct SmsMsgStatisticsInfo_ST *)(phdr + 1); if (p->Stat.IsDemodLocked) { client->fe_status = FE_HAS_SIGNAL | FE_HAS_CARRIER | FE_HAS_VITERBI | FE_HAS_SYNC | FE_HAS_LOCK; client->fe_snr = p->Stat.SNR; client->fe_ber = p->Stat.BER; if (p->Stat.InBandPwr < -95) client->fe_signal_strength = 0; else if (p->Stat.InBandPwr > -29) client->fe_signal_strength = 100; else client->fe_signal_strength = (p->Stat.InBandPwr + 95) * 3 / 2; } else { client->fe_status = 0; client->fe_snr = client->fe_ber = client->fe_signal_strength = 0; } complete(&client->stat_done); break; } } smscore_putbuffer(client->coredev, cb); return 0; } static void smsdvb_unregister_client(struct smsdvb_client_t *client) { /* must be called under clientslock */ list_del(&client->entry); smscore_unregister_client(client->smsclient); dvb_unregister_frontend(&client->frontend); dvb_dmxdev_release(&client->dmxdev); dvb_dmx_release(&client->demux); dvb_unregister_adapter(&client->adapter); kfree(client); } static void smsdvb_onremove(void *context) { kmutex_lock(&g_smsdvb_clientslock); smsdvb_unregister_client((struct smsdvb_client_t *) context); kmutex_unlock(&g_smsdvb_clientslock); } static int smsdvb_start_feed(struct dvb_demux_feed *feed) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(feed->demux, struct smsdvb_client_t, demux); struct SmsMsgData_ST PidMsg; sms_debug("add pid %d(%x)", feed->pid, feed->pid); PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgSrcId = DVBT_BDA_CONTROL_MSG_ID; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgDstId = HIF_TASK; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgFlags = 0; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgType = MSG_SMS_ADD_PID_FILTER_REQ; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgLength = sizeof(PidMsg); PidMsg.msgData[0] = feed->pid; return smsclient_sendrequest(client->smsclient, &PidMsg, sizeof(PidMsg)); } static int smsdvb_stop_feed(struct dvb_demux_feed *feed) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(feed->demux, struct smsdvb_client_t, demux); struct SmsMsgData_ST PidMsg; sms_debug("remove pid %d(%x)", feed->pid, feed->pid); PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgSrcId = DVBT_BDA_CONTROL_MSG_ID; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgDstId = HIF_TASK; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgFlags = 0; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgType = MSG_SMS_REMOVE_PID_FILTER_REQ; PidMsg.xMsgHeader.msgLength = sizeof(PidMsg); PidMsg.msgData[0] = feed->pid; return smsclient_sendrequest(client->smsclient, &PidMsg, sizeof(PidMsg)); } static int smsdvb_sendrequest_and_wait(struct smsdvb_client_t *client, void *buffer, size_t size, struct completion *completion) { int rc = smsclient_sendrequest(client->smsclient, buffer, size); if (rc < 0) return rc; return wait_for_completion_timeout(completion, msecs_to_jiffies(2000)) ? 0 : -ETIME; } static int smsdvb_send_statistics_request(struct smsdvb_client_t *client) { struct SmsMsgHdr_ST Msg = { MSG_SMS_GET_STATISTICS_REQ, DVBT_BDA_CONTROL_MSG_ID, HIF_TASK, sizeof(struct SmsMsgHdr_ST), 0 }; return smsdvb_sendrequest_and_wait(client, &Msg, sizeof(Msg), &client->stat_done); } static int smsdvb_read_status(struct dvb_frontend *fe, fe_status_t *stat) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(fe, struct smsdvb_client_t, frontend); int rc = smsdvb_send_statistics_request(client); if (!rc) *stat = client->fe_status; return rc; } static int smsdvb_read_ber(struct dvb_frontend *fe, u32 *ber) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(fe, struct smsdvb_client_t, frontend); int rc = smsdvb_send_statistics_request(client); if (!rc) *ber = client->fe_ber; return rc; } static int smsdvb_read_signal_strength(struct dvb_frontend *fe, u16 *strength) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(fe, struct smsdvb_client_t, frontend); int rc = smsdvb_send_statistics_request(client); if (!rc) *strength = client->fe_signal_strength; return rc; } static int smsdvb_read_snr(struct dvb_frontend *fe, u16 *snr) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(fe, struct smsdvb_client_t, frontend); int rc = smsdvb_send_statistics_request(client); if (!rc) *snr = client->fe_snr; return rc; } static int smsdvb_get_tune_settings(struct dvb_frontend *fe, struct dvb_frontend_tune_settings *tune) { sms_debug(""); tune->min_delay_ms = 400; tune->step_size = 250000; tune->max_drift = 0; return 0; } static int smsdvb_set_frontend(struct dvb_frontend *fe, struct dvb_frontend_parameters *fep) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(fe, struct smsdvb_client_t, frontend); struct { struct SmsMsgHdr_ST Msg; u32 Data[3]; } Msg; Msg.Msg.msgSrcId = DVBT_BDA_CONTROL_MSG_ID; Msg.Msg.msgDstId = HIF_TASK; Msg.Msg.msgFlags = 0; Msg.Msg.msgType = MSG_SMS_RF_TUNE_REQ; Msg.Msg.msgLength = sizeof(Msg); Msg.Data[0] = fep->frequency; Msg.Data[2] = 12000000; sms_debug("freq %d band %d", fep->frequency, fep->u.ofdm.bandwidth); switch (fep->u.ofdm.bandwidth) { case BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ: Msg.Data[1] = BW_8_MHZ; break; case BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ: Msg.Data[1] = BW_7_MHZ; break; case BANDWIDTH_6_MHZ: Msg.Data[1] = BW_6_MHZ; break; #if 0 case BANDWIDTH_5_MHZ: Msg.Data[1] = BW_5_MHZ; break; #endif case BANDWIDTH_AUTO: return -EOPNOTSUPP; default: return -EINVAL; } return smsdvb_sendrequest_and_wait(client, &Msg, sizeof(Msg), &client->tune_done); } static int smsdvb_get_frontend(struct dvb_frontend *fe, struct dvb_frontend_parameters *fep) { struct smsdvb_client_t *client = container_of(fe, struct smsdvb_client_t, frontend); sms_debug(""); /* todo: */ memcpy(fep, &client->fe_params, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_parameters)); return 0; } static void smsdvb_release(struct dvb_frontend *fe) { /* do nothing */ } static struct dvb_frontend_ops smsdvb_fe_ops = { .info = { .name = "Siano Mobile Digital SMS1xxx", .type = FE_OFDM, .frequency_min = 44250000, .frequency_max = 867250000, .frequency_stepsize = 250000, .caps = FE_CAN_INVERSION_AUTO | FE_CAN_FEC_1_2 | FE_CAN_FEC_2_3 | FE_CAN_FEC_3_4 | FE_CAN_FEC_5_6 | FE_CAN_FEC_7_8 | FE_CAN_FEC_AUTO | FE_CAN_QPSK | FE_CAN_QAM_16 | FE_CAN_QAM_64 | FE_CAN_QAM_AUTO | FE_CAN_TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO | FE_CAN_GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO | FE_CAN_RECOVER | FE_CAN_HIERARCHY_AUTO, }, .release = smsdvb_release, .set_frontend = smsdvb_set_frontend, .get_frontend = smsdvb_get_frontend, .get_tune_settings = smsdvb_get_tune_settings, .read_status = smsdvb_read_status, .read_ber = smsdvb_read_ber, .read_signal_strength = smsdvb_read_signal_strength, .read_snr = smsdvb_read_snr, }; static int smsdvb_hotplug(struct smscore_device_t *coredev, struct device *device, int arrival) { struct smsclient_params_t params; struct smsdvb_client_t *client; int rc; /* device removal handled by onremove callback */ if (!arrival) return 0; if (smscore_get_device_mode(coredev) != 4) { #if 1 /* new siano drop (1.2.17) does this -- yuck */ sms_err("SMS Device mode is not set for " "DVB operation."); return 0; #else rc = smscore_set_device_mode(coredev, 4); if (rc < 0) return rc; #endif } client = kzalloc(sizeof(struct smsdvb_client_t), GFP_KERNEL); if (!client) { sms_err("kmalloc() failed"); return -ENOMEM; } /* register dvb adapter */ rc = dvb_register_adapter(&client->adapter, sms_get_board( smscore_get_board_id(coredev))->name, THIS_MODULE, device, adapter_nr); if (rc < 0) { sms_err("dvb_register_adapter() failed %d", rc); goto adapter_error; } /* init dvb demux */ client->demux.dmx.capabilities = DMX_TS_FILTERING; client->demux.filternum = 32; /* todo: nova ??? */ client->demux.feednum = 32; client->demux.start_feed = smsdvb_start_feed; client->demux.stop_feed = smsdvb_stop_feed; rc = dvb_dmx_init(&client->demux); if (rc < 0) { sms_err("dvb_dmx_init failed %d", rc); goto dvbdmx_error; } /* init dmxdev */ client->dmxdev.filternum = 32; client->dmxdev.demux = &client->demux.dmx; client->dmxdev.capabilities = 0; rc = dvb_dmxdev_init(&client->dmxdev, &client->adapter); if (rc < 0) { sms_err("dvb_dmxdev_init failed %d", rc); goto dmxdev_error; } /* init and register frontend */ memcpy(&client->frontend.ops, &smsdvb_fe_ops, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_ops)); rc = dvb_register_frontend(&client->adapter, &client->frontend); if (rc < 0) { sms_err("frontend registration failed %d", rc); goto frontend_error; } params.initial_id = 1; params.data_type = MSG_SMS_DVBT_BDA_DATA; params.onresponse_handler = smsdvb_onresponse; params.onremove_handler = smsdvb_onremove; params.context = client; rc = smscore_register_client(coredev, ¶ms, &client->smsclient); if (rc < 0) { sms_err("smscore_register_client() failed %d", rc); goto client_error; } client->coredev = coredev; init_completion(&client->tune_done); init_completion(&client->stat_done); kmutex_lock(&g_smsdvb_clientslock); list_add(&client->entry, &g_smsdvb_clients); kmutex_unlock(&g_smsdvb_clientslock); sms_info("success"); return 0; client_error: dvb_unregister_frontend(&client->frontend); frontend_error: dvb_dmxdev_release(&client->dmxdev); dmxdev_error: dvb_dmx_release(&client->demux); dvbdmx_error: dvb_unregister_adapter(&client->adapter); adapter_error: kfree(client); return rc; } int smsdvb_register(void) { int rc; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&g_smsdvb_clients); kmutex_init(&g_smsdvb_clientslock); rc = smscore_register_hotplug(smsdvb_hotplug); sms_debug(""); return rc; } void smsdvb_unregister(void) { smscore_unregister_hotplug(smsdvb_hotplug); kmutex_lock(&g_smsdvb_clientslock); while (!list_empty(&g_smsdvb_clients)) smsdvb_unregister_client( (struct smsdvb_client_t *) g_smsdvb_clients.next); kmutex_unlock(&g_smsdvb_clientslock); }