#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Date::Parse; ################################################################# # analyse diffs my $in = shift; my $line; my $subject; my $sub_ok=0; my $init=0; my $num=0; my $hgimport=0; my $mmimport=0; my $maint_ok=0; my $noblank=1; my $maintainer_name=$ENV{CHANGE_LOG_NAME}; my $maintainer_email=$ENV{CHANGE_LOG_EMAIL_ADDRESS}; my $from=""; my $body=""; my $signed=""; my $fromname=""; open IN, "<$in"; while ($line = <IN>) { if ($line =~ m/Index.*/) { last; } if ($line =~ m/^diff .*/) { last; } if ($line =~ m/^\-\-\- .*/) { last; } if ($line =~ m/^\-\-\-\-.*/) { $body=""; next; } if ($line =~ m/^\-\-\-.*/) { last; } if ($line =~ m/^\+\+\+ .*/) { last; } if ($line =~ m/^# Date\s*(.*)/) { print "#Date: $1\n"; } if ($line =~ m/^Date:\s*(.*)/) { my $time = str2time($1); if ($time) { print "#Date: $time 0\n"; } else { print "#Date: $1\n"; } next; } $line =~ s/^#\sUser/From:/; my $tag=$line; my $arg=$line; $tag =~ s/\s*([^\s]+:)(.*)\n/\1/; $arg =~ s/\s*([^\s]+:)(.*)\n/\2/; $tag =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($tag =~ m/^from:/) { if ($arg =~ m/^[\s\"]*([^\"]*)[\s\"]*<(.*)>/) { if ($1 eq "") { next; } my $name=$1; my $email=$2; $name =~ s/\s+$//; $email =~ s/\s+$//; $fromname="$name <$email>"; $from= "From: $fromname\n"; next; } if ($line =~ m/^From:\sakpm\@osdl.org/) { $mmimport=1; next; } print "Bad: author line have a wrong syntax: $line\n"; die; } if ($tag =~ m/^subject:/) { $subject="$arg\n"; next; } if ($line =~ m;^ .*\/.*\| *[0-9]*;) { next; } if ($line =~m/\d+\s*file.* changed, /) { next; } if ($tag =~ m/^signed-off-by:.*/) { $noblank=1; if ($line =~ m/$maintainer_name/) { $maint_ok=1; } $signed="$signed$line"; next; } if ( ($line =~ m/^\# HG changeset patch/) || ($line =~ m/^has been added to the -mm tree. Its filename is/) ) { $sub_ok=0; $init=0; $num=0; $maint_ok=0; $noblank=1; $from=""; $body=""; $subject=""; $hgimport=1; next; } if ($tag =~ m/^(acked-by|thanks-to|reviewed-by|cc):/) { $signed="$signed$line"; next; } if ($line =~ m/^[a-zA-Z\-]*:/) { if ($line =~ m/Changeset:\s*(.*)\n/) { $num=$1; } print "# $line"; next; } if ($line =~ m|^(V4L\/DVB\s*\(.+\)\s*:.*\n)|) { $subject=$1; $line="\n"; } if ($line =~ m/^#/) { next; } if ($sub_ok == 0) { if ($line =~ m/^\s*\n/) { next; } $sub_ok=1; substr( $subject, 0, 1 ) = uc (substr ($subject, 0, 1)); if ($subject =~ m|V4L\/DVB\s*(.+)|) { $subject=$1; } if ($hgimport) { $subject=$line; next; } if ($line =~ m/^\n/) { next; } } if ($noblank) { if ($line =~ m/^\n/) { next; } } if (!$init) { $init=1; $noblank=0; } $body="$body$line"; } close IN; if ($from eq "") { print "Bad: author doesn't exist!\n"; die; } if (!$maint_ok) { $signed=$signed."Signed-off-by: $maintainer_name <$maintainer_email>\n"; } if (!$signed =~ m/$from/) { print "Bad: Author didn't signed his patch!\n"; die; } $body="$from\n$body"; $body=~s/[\n\s]+$//; $body=~s/^[\n\s]+//; # First from is used by hg to recognize commiter name print "#Committer: $maintainer_name <$maintainer_email>\n"; print "$subject\n$body\n\n$signed";