#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $kdir=shift or die "should specify a kernel dir"; my $infile=shift or die "should specify an input config file"; my $outfile=shift or die "should specify an output config file"; my $out; sub check_spin_lock() { my $file = "$kdir/include/linux/netdevice.h"; my $old_syntax = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/netif_tx_lock_bh/) { $old_syntax = 0; last; } } if ($old_syntax) { $out.= "\n#define OLD_XMIT_LOCK 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_sound_driver_h() { my $file = "$kdir/include/sound/driver.h"; my $old_syntax = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or return; while () { if (m/This file is deprecated/) { $old_syntax = 0; last; } } if ($old_syntax) { $out.= "\n#define NEED_SOUND_DRIVER_H 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_snd_pcm_rate_to_rate_bit() { my $file = "$kdir/include/sound/pcm.h"; my $old_syntax = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/snd_pcm_rate_to_rate_bit/) { $old_syntax = 0; last; } } if ($old_syntax) { $out.= "\n#define COMPAT_PCM_TO_RATE_BIT 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info() { my $file = "$kdir/include/sound/control.h"; my $old_syntax = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info/) { $old_syntax = 0; last; } } if ($old_syntax) { $out.= "\n#define COMPAT_SND_CTL_BOOLEAN_MONO 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_bool() { my $file = "$kdir/include/linux/types.h"; my $old_syntax = 1; open INDEP, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/^\s*typedef.*bool;/) { $old_syntax = 0; last; } } if ($old_syntax) { $out.= "\n#define NEED_BOOL_TYPE 1\n"; } close INDEP; } sub check_is_singular() { my $file = "$kdir/include/linux/list.h"; my $need_compat = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/list_is_singular/) { $need_compat = 0; last; } } if ($need_compat) { $out.= "\n#define NEED_IS_SINGULAR 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_clamp() { my $file = "$kdir/include/linux/kernel.h"; my $need_compat = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/define\s+clamp/) { $need_compat = 0; last; } } if ($need_compat) { $out.= "\n#define NEED_CLAMP 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_proc_create() { my $file = "$kdir/include/linux/proc_fs.h"; my $need_compat = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/proc_create/) { $need_compat = 0; last; } } if ($need_compat) { $out.= "\n#define NEED_PROC_CREATE 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_pcm_lock() { my $file = "$kdir/include/sound/pcm.h"; my $need_compat = 1; open INNET, "<$file" or die "File not found: $file"; while () { if (m/pcm_stream_lock/) { $need_compat = 0; last; } } if ($need_compat) { $out.= "\n#define NO_PCM_LOCK 1\n"; } close INNET; } sub check_other_dependencies() { check_spin_lock(); check_sound_driver_h(); check_snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info(); check_snd_pcm_rate_to_rate_bit(); check_bool(); check_is_singular(); check_clamp(); check_proc_create(); check_pcm_lock(); } # Do the basic rules open IN, "<$infile" or die "File not found: $infile"; $out.= "#ifndef __CONFIG_COMPAT_H__\n"; $out.= "#define __CONFIG_COMPAT_H__\n\n"; $out.= "#include \n\n"; while() { next unless /^(\S+)\s*:= (\S+)$/; $out.= "#undef $1\n"; $out.= "#undef $1_MODULE\n"; if($2 eq "n") { next; } elsif($2 eq "m") { $out.= "#define $1_MODULE 1\n"; } elsif($2 eq "y") { $out.= "#define $1 1\n"; } else { $out.= "#define $1 $2\n"; } } close IN; check_other_dependencies(); open OUT, ">$outfile" or die 'Unable to write $outfile'; print OUT "$out\n#endif\n"; close OUT