#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2  -*-

# Perl script to create a ChangeLog entry with names of files
# and functions from a hg diff.
# Darin Adler <darin@eazel.com>, started 20 April 2000
# Java support added by Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@eazel.com>
# last updated 28 December 2000
# Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@brturbo.com.br>: modified to
# allow signed-off-by tags, GMT Time and V4L format.
# CHANVE_LOG Env variables now are mandatory.
# Updated at 15 January 2005
# Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@brturbo.com.br>: modified to
# work with Mercurial
# Updated at 29 August 2005
# Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@brturbo.com.br>: modified to
# just generate a changelog entry
# Updated at 01 January 2006
# (Someone put a license in here, like maybe GPL.)
#   Provide option to put new ChangeLog into a separate file
#     instead of editing the ChangeLog.
#   For new files, just say "New file" instead of listing
#     function names.
#   List functions that have been removed too.
#   Decide what a good logical order is for the changed files
#     other than a normal text "sort" (top level first?)
#     (group directories?) (.h before .c?)
#   Leave a diff file behind if asked, but in unified format.
#   Handle C++ and yacc source files too (other languages?).
#   Help merge when there are ChangeLog conflicts or if there's
#     already a partly written ChangeLog entry.
#   Find appropriate ChangeLog to edit for each changed file
#     instead of always using ChangeLog in current directory.
#   Add command line option to put the ChangeLog into a separate
#     file or just spew it out stdout.
#   Figure out how to allow -z options from .cvsrc to work without
#     letting other bad options work. Currently the -f disables
#     everything from the .cvsrc.
#   Add CVS version numbers for each file too (can't do that until
#     the changes are checked in, though).
#   Work around diff stupidity where deleting a function that starts
#     with a comment makes diff think that the following function
#     has been changed (if the following function starts with a comment
#     with the same first line, such as /**)
#   Work around diff stupidity where deleting an entire function and
#     the blank lines before it makes diff think you've changed the
#     previous function.

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use English;
use Text::Wrap;

# Get environment variables required.
my $name = $ENV{CHANGE_LOG_NAME};
my $email_address = $ENV{CHANGE_LOG_EMAIL_ADDRESS};
my $login = $ENV{CHANGE_LOG_LOGIN};

my $outfile = shift || "";

if (!defined $name)
    print STDERR "Please, define env var CHANGE_LOG_NAME.\n";
if (!defined $email_address)
    print STDERR "Please, define env var CHANGE_LOG_EMAIL_ADDRESS.\n";
if (!defined $login)
    print STDERR "Please, define env var CHANGE_LOG_LOGIN.\n";

# For each file, build a list of modified lines.
# Use line numbers from the "after" side of each diff.
print STDERR "  Running hg diff to find changes.\n";
my %changed_line_ranges;
my $file;
open DIFF, "hg diff |" or die "The hg diff failed: $OS_ERROR.\n";
while (<DIFF>)
    $file = $1 if /^diff -r .* (\S+)$/;
    if (defined $file)
        push @{$changed_line_ranges{$file}}, [ $2, $4 || $2 ];
close DIFF;
if (!%changed_line_ranges)
    print STDERR "  No changes found.\n";

# For each ".c" file, convert line range to function list.
print STDERR "  Extracting affected function names from C source files.\n";
my %function_lists;
foreach my $file (keys %changed_line_ranges)
    # An empty function list still indicates that something changed.
    $function_lists{$file} = "";

    # Only look for function names in .c files.
    next unless $file =~ /\.(c|java)/;

    # Find all the functions in the file.
    open SOURCE, $file or next;
    my @function_ranges = get_function_line_ranges(\*SOURCE, $file);
    close SOURCE;

    # Find all the modified functions.
    my @functions;
    my %saw_function;
    my @change_ranges = (@{$changed_line_ranges{$file}}, []);
    my @change_range = (0, 0);
    FUNCTION: foreach my $function_range_ref (@function_ranges)
        my @function_range = @$function_range_ref;

        # Advance to successive change ranges.
        for (;; @change_range = @{shift @change_ranges})
            last FUNCTION unless @change_range;

            # If past this function, move on to the next one.
            next FUNCTION if $change_range[0] > $function_range[1];
            # If an overlap with this function range, record the function name.
            if ($change_range[1] >= $function_range[0]
                and $change_range[0] <= $function_range[1])
                if (!$saw_function{$function_range[2]})
                    $saw_function{$function_range[2]} = 1;
                    push @functions, $function_range[2]; 
                next FUNCTION;

    # Format the list of functions now.
    $function_lists{$file} = " (" . join("), (", @functions) . "):" if @functions;

# Write out a new ChangeLog file.
print STDERR "  Editing the ChangeLog file.\n";
my $date = sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d",
  1900 + (gmtime $BASETIME)[5], # year
  1 + (gmtime $BASETIME)[4], # month
  (gmtime $BASETIME)[3], # day within month
  (gmtime $BASETIME)[2], # hour
  (gmtime $BASETIME)[1]; # min

if ($outfile eq "") {
} else {
	open CHANGE_LOG, "> $outfile" or die "Could not write to $outfile\n.";
print CHANGE_LOG "$date  $login\n\n";
foreach my $file (sort keys %function_lists)
    my $lines = wrap("\t", "\t", "XX$file:$function_lists{$file}");
    $lines =~ s/^\tXX/\t* /;
    print CHANGE_LOG "$lines\n";
print CHANGE_LOG "\n\tSigned-off-by: $name <$email_address>\n";

# Done.
print STDERR "  Done editing ChangeLog.\n";

sub get_function_line_ranges
    my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;

    if ($file_name =~ /\.c$/) {
        return get_function_line_ranges_for_c ($file_handle, $file_name);
    } elsif ($file_name =~ /\.java$/) {
        return get_function_line_ranges_for_java ($file_handle, $file_name);
    return ();

# Read a file and get all the line ranges of the things that look like C functions.
# A function name is the last word before an open parenthesis before the outer
# level open brace. A function starts at the first character after the last close
# brace or semicolon before the function name and ends at the close brace.
# Comment handling is simple-minded but will work for all but pathological cases.
# Result is a list of triples: [ start_line, end_line, function_name ].

sub get_function_line_ranges_for_c
    my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;

    my @ranges;

    my $in_comment = 0;
    my $in_macro = 0;
    my $in_parentheses = 0;
    my $in_braces = 0;
    my $word = "";

    my $potential_start = 0;
    my $potential_name = "";
    my $start = 0;
    my $name = "";
    while (<$file_handle>)
        # Handle continued multi-line comment.
        if ($in_comment)
            next unless s-.*\*/--;
            $in_comment = 0;

        # Handle continued macro.
        if ($in_macro)
            $in_macro = 0 unless /\\$/;

        # Handle start of macro (or any preprocessor directive).
        if (/^\s*\#/)
            $in_macro = 1 if /^([^\\]|\\.)*\\$/;

        # Handle comments and quoted text.
        while (m-(/\*|//|\'|\")-) # \' and \" keep emacs perl mode happy
            my $match = $1;
            if ($match eq "/*")
                if (!s-/\*.*?\*/--)
                    $in_comment = 1;
            elsif ($match eq "//")
            else # ' or "
                if (!s-$match([^\\]|\\.)*?$match--)
                    warn "mismatched quotes at line $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER in $file_name\n";
        # Find function names.
        while (m-(\w+|[(){};])-g)
            # Open parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq "(")
                $potential_name = $word unless $in_parentheses;

            # Close parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq ")")

            # Open brace.
            if ($1 eq "{")
                # Promote potiential name to real function name at the
                # start of the outer level set of braces (function body?).
                if (!$in_braces and $potential_start)
                    $start = $potential_start;
                    $name = $potential_name;


            # Close brace.
            if ($1 eq "}")

                # End of an outer level set of braces.
                # This could be a function body.
                if (!$in_braces and $name)
                    push @ranges, [ $start, $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER, $name ];
                    $name = "";

                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";

            # Semicolon.
            if ($1 eq ";")
                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";

            # Word.
            $word = $1;
            if (!$in_parentheses)
                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";
            if (!$potential_start)
                $potential_start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER;
                $potential_name = "";

    warn "mismatched braces in $file_name\n" if $in_braces;
    warn "mismatched parentheses in $file_name\n" if $in_parentheses;

    return @ranges;

# Read a file and get all the line ranges of the things that look like Java
# classes, interfaces and methods.
# A class or interface name is the word that immediately follows
# `class' or `interface' when followed by an open curly brace and not
# a semicolon. It can appear at the top level, or inside another class
# or interface block, but not inside a function block
# A class or interface starts at the first character after the first close
# brace or after the function name and ends at the close brace.
# A function name is the last word before an open parenthesis before
# an open brace rather than a semicolon. It can appear at top level or
# inside a class or interface block, but not inside a function block.
# A function starts at the first character after the first close
# brace or after the function name and ends at the close brace.
# Comment handling is simple-minded but will work for all but pathological cases.
# Result is a list of triples: [ start_line, end_line, function_name ].

sub get_function_line_ranges_for_java
    my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;

    my @current_scopes;

    my @ranges;

    my $in_comment = 0;
    my $in_macro = 0;
    my $in_parentheses = 0;
    my $in_braces = 0;
    my $in_non_block_braces = 0;
    my $class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;

    my $word = "";

    my $potential_start = 0;
    my $potential_name = "";
    my $potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
    my $start = 0;
    my $name = "";
    my $current_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
    while (<$file_handle>)
        # Handle continued multi-line comment.
        if ($in_comment)
            next unless s-.*\*/--;
            $in_comment = 0;

        # Handle continued macro.
        if ($in_macro)
            $in_macro = 0 unless /\\$/;

        # Handle start of macro (or any preprocessor directive).
        if (/^\s*\#/)
            $in_macro = 1 if /^([^\\]|\\.)*\\$/;

        # Handle comments and quoted text.
        while (m-(/\*|//|\'|\")-) # \' and \" keep emacs perl mode happy
            my $match = $1;
            if ($match eq "/*")
                if (!s-/\*.*?\*/--)
                    $in_comment = 1;
            elsif ($match eq "//")
            else # ' or "
                if (!s-$match([^\\]|\\.)*?$match--)
                    warn "mismatched quotes at line $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER in $file_name\n";
        # Find function names.
        while (m-(\w+|[(){};])-g)
            # Open parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq "(")
                if (!$in_parentheses) {
                    $potential_name = $word;
                    $potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;

            # Close parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq ")")

            # Open brace.
            if ($1 eq "{")
                # Promote potiential name to real function name at the
                # start of the outer level set of braces (function/class/interface body?).
                if (!$in_non_block_braces
                    and (!$in_braces or $current_name_is_class_or_interface) 
                    and $potential_start)
                    if ($name)
                          push @ranges, [ $start, ($INPUT_LINE_NUMBER - 1), 
                                          join ('.', @current_scopes) ];

                    $current_name_is_class_or_interface = $potential_name_is_class_or_interface;
                    $start = $potential_start;
                    $name = $potential_name;

                    push (@current_scopes, $name);
                  } else {

                $potential_name = "";
                $potential_start = 0;

            # Close brace.
            if ($1 eq "}")
                # End of an outer level set of braces.
                # This could be a function body.
                if (!$in_non_block_braces) 
                    if ($name)
                        push @ranges, [ $start, $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER, 
                                        join ('.', @current_scopes) ];
                        pop (@current_scopes);                        

                        if (@current_scopes) 
                            $current_name_is_class_or_interface = 1;
                            $start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER + 1;
                            $name =  $current_scopes[$#current_scopes-1];
                            $current_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
                            $start = 0;
                            $name =  "";
                    $in_non_block_braces-- if $in_non_block_braces;

                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";

            # Semicolon.
            if ($1 eq ";")
                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";
            if ($1 eq "class" or $1 eq "interface") {
                $class_or_interface_just_seen = 1;

            # Word.
            $word = $1;
            if (!$in_parentheses)
                if ($class_or_interface_just_seen) {
                    $potential_name = $word;
                    $potential_start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER;
                    $class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;
                    $potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 1;
            if (!$potential_start)
                $potential_start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER;
                $potential_name = "";
            $class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;

    warn "mismatched braces in $file_name\n" if $in_braces;
    warn "mismatched parentheses in $file_name\n" if $in_parentheses;

    return @ranges;