/* Copyright (C) 2006 Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@infradead.org> The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "v4l2_driver.h" /**************************************************************************** Auxiliary routines ****************************************************************************/ static int xioctl (int fd, int request, void *arg) { int r; do r = ioctl (fd, request, arg); while (-1 == r && EINTR == errno); return r; } static void free_list(struct drv_list **list_ptr) { struct drv_list *prev,*cur; if (list_ptr==NULL) return; prev=*list_ptr; if (prev==NULL) return; do { cur=prev->next; if (prev->curr) free (prev->curr); // Free data free (prev); // Free list prev=cur; } while (prev); *list_ptr=NULL; } /**************************************************************************** Auxiliary Arrays to aid debug messages ****************************************************************************/ char *v4l2_field_names[] = { [V4L2_FIELD_ANY] = "any", [V4L2_FIELD_NONE] = "none", [V4L2_FIELD_TOP] = "top", [V4L2_FIELD_BOTTOM] = "bottom", [V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED] = "interlaced", [V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_TB] = "seq-tb", [V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_BT] = "seq-bt", [V4L2_FIELD_ALTERNATE] = "alternate", }; char *v4l2_type_names[] = { [V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE] = "video-cap", [V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OVERLAY] = "video-over", [V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT] = "video-out", [V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VBI_CAPTURE] = "vbi-cap", [V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VBI_OUTPUT] = "vbi-out", [V4L2_BUF_TYPE_SLICED_VBI_CAPTURE] = "sliced-vbi-cap", [V4L2_BUF_TYPE_SLICED_VBI_OUTPUT] = "slicec-vbi-out", }; static char *v4l2_memory_names[] = { [V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP] = "mmap", [V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR] = "userptr", [V4L2_MEMORY_OVERLAY] = "overlay", }; #define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr)) #define prt_names(a,arr) (((a)<ARRAY_SIZE(arr))?arr[a]:"unknown") char *prt_caps(uint32_t caps) { static char s[4096]=""; if (V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE & caps) strcat (s,"CAPTURE "); if (V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OUTPUT & caps) strcat (s,"OUTPUT "); if (V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OVERLAY & caps) strcat (s,"OVERLAY "); if (V4L2_CAP_VBI_CAPTURE & caps) strcat (s,"VBI_CAPTURE "); if (V4L2_CAP_VBI_OUTPUT & caps) strcat (s,"VBI_OUTPUT "); if (V4L2_CAP_SLICED_VBI_CAPTURE & caps) strcat (s,"SLICED_VBI_CAPTURE "); if (V4L2_CAP_SLICED_VBI_OUTPUT & caps) strcat (s,"SLICED_VBI_OUTPUT "); if (V4L2_CAP_RDS_CAPTURE & caps) strcat (s,"RDS_CAPTURE "); if (V4L2_CAP_TUNER & caps) strcat (s,"TUNER "); if (V4L2_CAP_AUDIO & caps) strcat (s,"AUDIO "); if (V4L2_CAP_RADIO & caps) strcat (s,"RADIO "); if (V4L2_CAP_READWRITE & caps) strcat (s,"READWRITE "); if (V4L2_CAP_ASYNCIO & caps) strcat (s,"ASYNCIO "); if (V4L2_CAP_STREAMING & caps) strcat (s,"STREAMING "); return s; } static void prt_buf_info(char *name,struct v4l2_buffer *p) { struct v4l2_timecode *tc=&p->timecode; printf ("%s: %02ld:%02d:%02d.%08ld index=%d, type=%s, " "bytesused=%d, flags=0x%08x, " "field=%s, sequence=%d, memory=%s, offset=0x%08x, length=%d\n", name, (p->timestamp.tv_sec/3600), (int)(p->timestamp.tv_sec/60)%60, (int)(p->timestamp.tv_sec%60), p->timestamp.tv_usec, p->index, prt_names(p->type,v4l2_type_names), p->bytesused,p->flags, prt_names(p->field,v4l2_field_names), p->sequence, prt_names(p->memory,v4l2_memory_names), p->m.offset, p->length); tc=&p->timecode; printf ("\tTIMECODE: %02d:%02d:%02d type=%d, " "flags=0x%08x, frames=%d, userbits=0x%08x\n", tc->hours,tc->minutes,tc->seconds, tc->type, tc->flags, tc->frames, *(uint32_t *) tc->userbits); } /**************************************************************************** Open V4L2 devices ****************************************************************************/ int v4l2_open (char *device, int debug, struct v4l2_driver *drv) { int ret; memset(drv,0,sizeof(*drv)); drv->debug=debug; if ((drv->fd = open(device, O_RDWR )) < 0) { return(-errno); } ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_QUERYCAP,(void *) &drv->cap); if (!ret && drv->debug) { printf ("driver=%s, card=%s, bus=%s, version=%d.%d.%d, " "capabilities=%s\n", drv->cap.driver,drv->cap.card,drv->cap.bus_info, (drv->cap.version >> 16) & 0xff, (drv->cap.version >> 8) & 0xff, drv->cap.version & 0xff, prt_caps(drv->cap.capabilities)); } return ret; } /**************************************************************************** V4L2 Eumberations ****************************************************************************/ int v4l2_enum_stds (struct v4l2_driver *drv) { struct v4l2_standard *p=NULL; struct drv_list *list; int ok=0,ret,i; v4l2_std_id id; free_list(&drv->stds); list=drv->stds=calloc(1,sizeof(*drv->stds)); assert (list!=NULL); for (i=0; ok==0; i++) { p=calloc(1,sizeof(*p)); assert (p); p->index=i; ok=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_ENUMSTD,p); if (ok<0) { ok=errno; free(p); break; } if (drv->debug) { printf ("STANDARD: index=%d, id=0x%08x, name=%s, fps=%.3f, " "framelines=%d\n", p->index, (unsigned int)p->id, p->name, 1.*p->frameperiod.denominator/p->frameperiod.numerator, p->framelines); } if (list->curr) { list->next=calloc(1,sizeof(*list->next)); list=list->next; assert (list!=NULL); } list->curr=p; } if (i>0 && ok==-EINVAL) return 0; return ok; } int v4l2_enum_input (struct v4l2_driver *drv) { struct v4l2_input *p=NULL; struct drv_list *list; int ok=0,ret,i; v4l2_std_id id; free_list(&drv->inputs); list=drv->inputs=calloc(1,sizeof(*drv->inputs)); assert (list!=NULL); for (i=0; ok==0; i++) { p=calloc(1,sizeof(*p)); assert (p); p->index=i; ok=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT,p); if (ok<0) { ok=errno; free(p); break; } if (drv->debug) { printf ("INPUT: index=%d, name=%s, type=%d, audioset=%d, " "tuner=%d, std=%08x, status=%d\n", p->index,p->name,p->type,p->audioset, p->tuner, (unsigned int)p->std, p->status); } if (list->curr) { list->next=calloc(1,sizeof(*list->next)); list=list->next; assert (list!=NULL); } list->curr=p; } if (i>0 && ok==-EINVAL) return 0; return ok; } int v4l2_enum_fmt (struct v4l2_driver *drv, enum v4l2_buf_type type) { struct v4l2_fmtdesc *p=NULL; struct v4l2_format fmt; struct drv_list *list; int ok=0,ret,i; v4l2_std_id id; free_list(&drv->fmt_caps); list=drv->fmt_caps=calloc(1,sizeof(*drv->fmt_caps)); assert (list!=NULL); for (i=0; ok==0; i++) { p=calloc(1,sizeof(*p)); assert (p!=NULL); p->index=i; p->type =type; ok=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT,p); if (ok<0) { ok=errno; free(p); break; } if (drv->debug) { printf ("FORMAT: index=%d, type=%d, flags=%d, description='%s'\n\t" "fourcc=%c%c%c%c\n", p->index, p->type, p->flags,p->description, p->pixelformat & 0xff, (p->pixelformat >> 8) & 0xff, (p->pixelformat >> 16) & 0xff, (p->pixelformat >> 24) & 0xff ); } if (list->curr) { list->next=calloc(1,sizeof(*list->next)); list=list->next; assert (list!=NULL); } list->curr=p; } if (i>0 && ok==-EINVAL) return 0; return ok; } /**************************************************************************** Set routines - currently, it also checks results with Get ****************************************************************************/ int v4l2_setget_std (struct v4l2_driver *drv, enum v4l2_direction dir, v4l2_std_id *id) { v4l2_std_id s_id=*id; int ret=0; char s[256]; if (dir & V4L2_SET) { ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_S_STD,&s_id); if (ret<0) { ret=errno; sprintf (s,"while trying to set STD to %08x", (unsigned int) *id); perror(s); } } if (dir & V4L2_GET) { ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_G_STD,&s_id); if (ret<0) { ret=errno; perror ("while trying to get STD id"); } } if (dir == V4L2_SET_GET) { if (*id & s_id) { if (*id != s_id) { printf ("Warning: Received a std subset (%08x" " std) while trying to adjust to %08x\n", (unsigned int) s_id,(unsigned int) *id); } } else { fprintf (stderr,"Error: Received %08x std while trying" " to adjust to %08x\n", (unsigned int) s_id,(unsigned int) *id); } } return ret; } int v4l2_setget_input (struct v4l2_driver *drv, enum v4l2_direction dir, struct v4l2_input *input) { int ok=0,ret,i; unsigned int inp=input->index; char s[256]; if (dir & V4L2_SET) { ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_S_INPUT,input); if (ret<0) { ret=errno; sprintf (s,"while trying to set INPUT to %d\n", inp); perror(s); } } if (dir & V4L2_GET) { ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_G_INPUT,input); if (ret<0) { perror ("while trying to get INPUT id\n"); } } if (dir & V4L2_SET_GET) { if (input->index != inp) { printf ("Input is different than expected (received %i, set %i)\n", inp, input->index); } } return ok; } int v4l2_gettryset_fmt_cap (struct v4l2_driver *drv, enum v4l2_direction dir, struct v4l2_format *fmt,uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t pixelformat, enum v4l2_field field) { struct v4l2_pix_format *pix=&(fmt->fmt.pix); int ret=0; fmt->type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; if (dir == V4L2_GET) { ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_G_FMT,fmt); if (ret < 0) { ret=errno; perror("VIDIOC_G_FMT failed\n"); } return ret; } else if (dir & (~(V4L2_TRY|V4L2_SET)) ) { perror ("Invalid direction\n"); return EINVAL; } if (dir & (V4L2_TRY|V4L2_SET)) { pix->width = width; pix->height = height; pix->pixelformat = pixelformat; pix->field = field; /* enum v4l2_colorspace colorspace; */ if (dir & V4L2_TRY) { ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_TRY_FMT,fmt); if (ret < 0) { perror("VIDIOC_TRY_FMT failed\n"); } } if (dir & V4L2_SET) { ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_S_FMT,fmt); if (ret < 0) { perror("VIDIOC_S_FMT failed\n"); } drv->sizeimage=pix->sizeimage; } if (pix->pixelformat != pixelformat) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: asked for format %d, received %d",pixelformat, pix->pixelformat); } if (pix->width != width) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: asked for format %d, received %d\n",width, pix->width); } if (pix->height != height) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: asked for format %d, received %d\n",height, pix->height); } if (pix->bytesperline == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: bytesperline = 0\n"); } if (pix->sizeimage == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: sizeimage = 0\n"); } } if (drv->debug) printf( "FMT SET: %dx%d, fourcc=%c%c%c%c, %d bytes/line," " %d bytes/frame, colorspace=0x%08x\n", pix->width,pix->height, pix->pixelformat & 0xff, (pix->pixelformat >> 8) & 0xff, (pix->pixelformat >> 16) & 0xff, (pix->pixelformat >> 24) & 0xff, pix->bytesperline, pix->sizeimage, pix->colorspace); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** Get routines ****************************************************************************/ int v4l2_get_parm (struct v4l2_driver *drv) { int ret; struct v4l2_captureparm *c; drv->parm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; if ((ret=xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_G_PARM,&drv->parm))>=0) { c=&drv->parm.parm.capture; printf ("PARM: capability=%d, capturemode=%d, %.3f fps " "ext=%x, readbuf=%d\n", c->capability, c->capturemode, c->timeperframe.denominator*1./c->timeperframe.numerator, c->extendedmode, c->readbuffers); } else { ret=errno; perror ("VIDIOC_G_PARM"); } return ret; } /**************************************************************************** Queue and stream control ****************************************************************************/ int v4l2_free_bufs(struct v4l2_driver *drv) { unsigned int i; if (!drv->n_bufs) return 0; /* Requests the driver to free all buffers */ drv->reqbuf.count = 0; drv->reqbuf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; drv->reqbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; /* stop capture */ if (xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_STREAMOFF,&drv->reqbuf.type)<0) return errno; sleep (1); // FIXME: Should check if all buffers are stopped /* V4L2 API says REQBUFS with count=0 should be used to release buffer. However, video-buf.c doesn't implement it. */ #if 0 if (xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS,&drv->reqbuf)<0) { perror("reqbufs while freeing buffers"); return errno; } #endif if (drv->reqbuf.count != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"REQBUFS returned %d buffers while asking for freeing it!\n", drv->reqbuf.count); } for (i = 0; i < drv->n_bufs; i++) { if (drv->bufs[i].length) munmap(drv->bufs[i].start, drv->bufs[i].length); if (drv->v4l2_bufs[i]) free (drv->v4l2_bufs[i]); } free(drv->v4l2_bufs); free(drv->bufs); drv->v4l2_bufs=NULL; drv->bufs=NULL; drv->n_bufs=0; return 0; } int v4l2_mmap_bufs(struct v4l2_driver *drv, unsigned int num_buffers) { /* Frees previous allocations, if required */ v4l2_free_bufs(drv); if (drv->sizeimage==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Image size is zero! Can't proceed\n"); return -1; } /* Requests the specified number of buffers */ drv->reqbuf.count = num_buffers; drv->reqbuf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; drv->reqbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; if (xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS,&drv->reqbuf)<0) { perror("reqbufs"); return errno; } if (drv->debug) printf ("REQBUFS: count=%d, type=%s, memory=%s\n", drv->reqbuf.count, prt_names(drv->reqbuf.type,v4l2_type_names), prt_names(drv->reqbuf.memory,v4l2_memory_names)); /* Allocates the required number of buffers */ drv->v4l2_bufs=calloc(drv->reqbuf.count, sizeof(*drv->v4l2_bufs)); assert(drv->v4l2_bufs!=NULL); drv->bufs=calloc(drv->reqbuf.count, sizeof(*drv->bufs)); assert(drv->bufs!=NULL); for (drv->n_bufs = 0; drv->n_bufs < drv->reqbuf.count; drv->n_bufs++) { struct v4l2_buffer *p; struct v4l2_timecode *tc; /* Requests kernel buffers to be mmapped */ p=drv->v4l2_bufs[drv->n_bufs]=calloc(1,sizeof(*p)); assert (p!=NULL); p->index = drv->n_bufs; p->type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; p->memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; if (xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_QUERYBUF,p)<0) { int ret=errno; perror("querybuf"); free (drv->v4l2_bufs[drv->n_bufs]); v4l2_free_bufs(drv); return ret; } if (drv->debug) prt_buf_info("QUERYBUF",p); if (drv->sizeimage != p->length) { if (drv->sizeimage < p->length) { fprintf (stderr, "QUERYBUF: ERROR: VIDIOC_S_FMT said buffer should have %d size, but received %d from QUERYBUF!\n", drv->sizeimage, p->length); } else { fprintf (stderr, "QUERYBUF: Expecting %d size, received %d buff length\n", drv->sizeimage, p->length); } } drv->bufs[drv->n_bufs].length = p->length; drv->bufs[drv->n_bufs].start = mmap (NULL, /* start anywhere */ p->length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, /* required */ MAP_SHARED, /* recommended */ drv->fd, p->m.offset); if (MAP_FAILED == drv->bufs[drv->n_bufs].start) { perror("mmap"); free (drv->v4l2_bufs[drv->n_bufs]); v4l2_free_bufs(drv); return errno; } } return 0; } int v4l2_rcvbuf(struct v4l2_driver *drv, v4l2_recebe_buffer *rec_buf) { int ret; struct v4l2_buffer buf; memset (&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; if (-1 == xioctl (drv->fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buf)) { switch (errno) { case EAGAIN: return 0; case EIO: /* Could ignore EIO, see spec. */ /* fall through */ default: perror ("dqbuf"); return errno; } } prt_buf_info("DQBUF",&buf); assert (buf.index < drv->n_bufs); ret = rec_buf (&buf,&drv->bufs[buf.index]); if (ret) { v4l2_free_bufs(drv); return ret; } if (-1 == xioctl (drv->fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf)) { perror ("qbuf"); return errno; } return 0; } int v4l2_start_streaming(struct v4l2_driver *drv) { uint32_t i; struct v4l2_buffer buf; if (drv->debug) printf("Activating %d queues\n", drv->n_bufs); for (i = 0; i < drv->n_bufs; i++) { int res; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; buf.index = i; res = xioctl (drv->fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf); if (!res) prt_buf_info("QBUF",&buf); else { perror("qbuf"); return errno; } } /* Activates stream */ if (drv->debug) printf("Enabling streaming\n"); if (xioctl(drv->fd,VIDIOC_STREAMON,&drv->reqbuf.type)<0) return errno; return 0; } int v4l2_stop_streaming(struct v4l2_driver *drv) { v4l2_free_bufs(drv); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** Close V4L2, disallocating all structs ****************************************************************************/ int v4l2_close (struct v4l2_driver *drv) { v4l2_free_bufs(drv); free_list(&drv->stds); free_list(&drv->inputs); free_list(&drv->fmt_caps); return (close(drv->fd)); }