These are templates for various tables. Happy copy-and-pasting!

cs-str;  are colspecs for a struct table
cs-ustr; are colspecs for a struct table with substructs (four columns)
cs-def;  are colspecs for a defines or enums table

<table pgwide="1" frame="none" id="v4l2-">
  <title>struct <structname>v4l2_</structname></title>
  <tgroup cols="3">
    <tbody valign="top">

<table pgwide="1" frame="none" id="v4l2-">
  <title>struct <structname>v4l2_</structname></title>
  <tgroup cols="4">
    <tbody valign="top">

<table pgwide="1" frame="none" id="v4l2-">
  <title>enum v4l2_</title>
  <tgroup cols="3">
    <tbody valign="top">

<table pgwide="1" frame="none" id="">
  <title> Flags</title>
  <tgroup cols="3">
    <tbody valign="top">

<figure id="banana">
  <title>Banana Example</title>
      <imagedata fileref="banana.gif" format="gif">
      <phrase>A banana</phrase>

For EMACS, put that at the end of each sgml file.

Local Variables:
mode: sgml
sgml-parent-document: "v4l2.sgml"
indent-tabs-mode: nil