/* * * $Id: pvrusb2-i2c-core.c,v 1.4 2006/01/22 03:51:19 mcisely Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Isely * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "compat.h" #include "pvrusb2-i2c-core.h" #include "pvrusb2-hdw-internal.h" #include "pvrusb2-debug.h" #define trace_i2c(...) pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C,__VA_ARGS__) /* This module attempts to implement a compliant I2C adapter for the pvrusb2 device. By doing this we can then make use of existing functionality in V4L (e.g. tuner.c) rather than rolling our own. */ static unsigned int i2c_scan = 0; module_param(i2c_scan, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR); MODULE_PARM_DESC(i2c_scan,"scan i2c bus at insmod time"); static int pvr2_i2c_write(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw, /* Context */ u8 i2c_addr, /* I2C address we're talking to */ u8 *data, /* Data to write */ u16 length) /* Size of data to write */ { /* Return value - default 0 means success */ int ret; #ifdef notdef trace_i2c("pvr2_i2c_write"); #endif if (!data) length = 0; if (length > (sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer) - 3)) return -ENOTSUPP; LOCK_TAKE(hdw->ctl_lock); /* Clear the command buffer (likely to be paranoia) */ memset(hdw->cmd_buffer, 0, sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer)); /* Set up command buffer for an I2C write */ hdw->cmd_buffer[0] = 0x08; /* write prefix */ hdw->cmd_buffer[1] = i2c_addr; /* i2c addr of chip */ hdw->cmd_buffer[2] = length; /* length of what follows */ if (length) memcpy(hdw->cmd_buffer + 3, data, length); /* Do the operation */ ret = pvr2_send_request(hdw, hdw->cmd_buffer, length + 3, hdw->cmd_buffer, 1); if (!ret) { if (hdw->cmd_buffer[0] != 8) { ret = -EIO; if (hdw->cmd_buffer[0] != 7) { trace_i2c("unexpected status" " from i2_write[%d]: %d", i2c_addr,hdw->cmd_buffer[0]); } } } #ifdef notdef trace_i2c("i2c_write(%d) len=%d ret=%d stat=%d",i2c_addr,length,ret, hdw->cmd_buffer[0]); #endif LOCK_GIVE(hdw->ctl_lock); return ret; } static int pvr2_i2c_read(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw, /* Context */ u8 i2c_addr, /* I2C address we're talking to */ u8 *data, /* Data to write */ u16 dlen, /* Size of data to write */ u8 *res, /* Where to put data we read */ u16 rlen) /* Amount of data to read */ { /* Return value - default 0 means success */ int ret; #ifdef notdef trace_i2c("pvr2_i2c_read"); #endif if (!data) dlen = 0; if (dlen > (sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer) - 4)) return -ENOTSUPP; if (res && (rlen > (sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer) - 1))) return -ENOTSUPP; LOCK_TAKE(hdw->ctl_lock); /* Clear the command buffer (likely to be paranoia) */ memset(hdw->cmd_buffer, 0, sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer)); /* Set up command buffer for an I2C write followed by a read */ hdw->cmd_buffer[0] = 0x09; /* read prefix */ hdw->cmd_buffer[1] = dlen; /* arg length */ hdw->cmd_buffer[2] = rlen; /* answer length. Device will send one more byte (status). */ hdw->cmd_buffer[3] = i2c_addr; /* i2c addr of chip */ if (dlen) memcpy(hdw->cmd_buffer + 4, data, dlen); /* Do the operation */ ret = pvr2_send_request(hdw, hdw->cmd_buffer, 4 + dlen, hdw->cmd_buffer, rlen + 1); if (!ret) { if (hdw->cmd_buffer[0] != 8) { ret = -EIO; if (hdw->cmd_buffer[0] != 7) { trace_i2c("unexpected status" " from i2_read[%d]: %d", i2c_addr,hdw->cmd_buffer[0]); } } } #ifdef notdef trace_i2c("i2c_read(%d) wlen=%d rlen=%d ret=%d stat=%d", i2c_addr,dlen,rlen,ret,hdw->cmd_buffer[0]); #endif /* Copy back the result */ if (res && rlen) { if (ret) { /* Error, just blank out the return buffer */ memset(res, 0, rlen); } else { memcpy(res, hdw->cmd_buffer + 1, rlen); } } LOCK_GIVE(hdw->ctl_lock); return ret; } /* This is a very, very limited I2C adapter implementation. We can only support what we actually know will work on the device... */ static int pvr2_i2c_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap, struct i2c_msg msgs[], int num) { int ret = -ENOTSUPP; struct pvr2_hdw *hdw = (struct pvr2_hdw *)(i2c_adap->algo_data); if ((msgs[0].flags & I2C_M_NOSTART)) { trace_i2c("i2c refusing I2C_M_NOSTART"); goto done; } if (num == 1) { if (msgs[0].flags & I2C_M_RD) { /* Simple read */ u16 tcnt,bcnt,offs; if (!msgs[0].len) { /* Length == 0 read. This is a probe. */ if (pvr2_i2c_read(hdw,msgs[0].addr, 0,0,0,0)) { ret = -EIO; goto done; } ret = 1; goto done; } /* If the read is short enough we'll do the whole thing atomically. Otherwise we have no choice but to break apart the reads. */ tcnt = msgs[0].len; offs = 0; while (tcnt) { bcnt = tcnt; if (bcnt > sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer)-1) { bcnt = sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer)-1; } if (pvr2_i2c_read(hdw,msgs[0].addr, 0,0, msgs[0].buf+offs,bcnt)) { ret = -EIO; goto done; } offs += bcnt; tcnt -= bcnt; } ret = 1; goto done; } else { /* Simple write */ ret = 1; if (pvr2_i2c_write(hdw,msgs[0].addr, msgs[0].buf,msgs[0].len)) { ret = -EIO; } goto done; } } else if (num == 2) { if ((!((msgs[0].flags & I2C_M_RD))) && (msgs[1].flags & I2C_M_RD)) { u16 tcnt,bcnt,wcnt,offs; /* Write followed by atomic read. If the read portion is short enough we'll do the whole thing atomically. Otherwise we have no choice but to break apart the reads. */ tcnt = msgs[1].len; wcnt = msgs[0].len; offs = 0; while (tcnt || wcnt) { bcnt = tcnt; if (bcnt > sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer)-1) { bcnt = sizeof(hdw->cmd_buffer)-1; } if (pvr2_i2c_read(hdw,msgs[0].addr, msgs[0].buf,wcnt, msgs[1].buf+offs,bcnt)) { ret = -EIO; goto done; } offs += bcnt; tcnt -= bcnt; wcnt = 0; } ret = 2; goto done; } else { trace_i2c("i2c refusing complex transfer" " read0=%d read1=%d", (msgs[0].flags & I2C_M_RD), (msgs[1].flags & I2C_M_RD)); } } else { trace_i2c("i2c refusing %d phase transfer",num); } done: if (pvrusb2_debug & PVR2_TRACE_I2C_TRAF) { unsigned int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < num; idx++) { printk(KERN_INFO "pvrusb2 i2c xfer %u/%u:" " addr=0x%x len=%d %s%s", idx+1,num, msgs[idx].addr, msgs[idx].len, (msgs[idx].flags & I2C_M_RD ? "read" : "write"), (msgs[idx].flags & I2C_M_NOSTART ? " nostart" : "")); if (idx+1 == num) { printk(" result=%d",ret); } printk("\n"); } if (!num) { printk(KERN_INFO "pvrusb2 i2c xfer null transfer result=%d\n", ret); } } return ret; } static int pvr2_i2c_control(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { return 0; } static u32 pvr2_i2c_functionality(struct i2c_adapter *adap) { return I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_EMUL; } static int pvr2_i2c_core_singleton(struct i2c_client *cp, unsigned int cmd,void *arg) { int stat; if (!cp) return -EINVAL; if (!(cp->driver)) return -EINVAL; if (!(cp->driver->command)) return -EINVAL; #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,16) if (!try_module_get(cp->driver->owner)) return -EAGAIN; #else if (!try_module_get(cp->driver->driver.owner)) return -EAGAIN; #endif stat = cp->driver->command(cp,cmd,arg); #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,16) module_put(cp->driver->owner); #else module_put(cp->driver->driver.owner); #endif return stat; } int pvr2_i2c_client_cmd(struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp,unsigned int cmd,void *arg) { if (pvrusb2_debug & PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CMD) { char buf[100]; unsigned int cnt; cnt = pvr2_i2c_client_describe(cp,PVR2_I2C_DETAIL_DEBUG, buf,sizeof(buf)); pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CMD, "i2c COMMAND to %.*s",cnt,buf); } return pvr2_i2c_core_singleton(cp->client,cmd,arg); } int pvr2_i2c_core_cmd(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw,unsigned int cmd,void *arg) { struct list_head *item,*nc; struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp; int stat = -EINVAL; if (!hdw) return stat; down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); list_for_each_safe(item,nc,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item,struct pvr2_i2c_client,list); if (!cp->recv_enable) continue; up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); stat = pvr2_i2c_client_cmd(cp,cmd,arg); down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); } up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); return stat; } static int handler_check(struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp) { struct pvr2_i2c_handler *hp = cp->handler; if (!hp) return 0; if (!hp->func_table->check) return 0; return hp->func_table->check(hp->func_data) != 0; } #define BUFSIZE 500 void pvr2_i2c_core_sync(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw) { unsigned long msk; unsigned int idx; struct list_head *item,*nc; struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp; if (!hdw->i2c_linked) return; if (!(hdw->i2c_pend_types & PVR2_I2C_PEND_ALL)) { return; } down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); do { pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE,"i2c: core_sync BEGIN"); if (hdw->i2c_pend_types & PVR2_I2C_PEND_DETECT) { /* One or more I2C clients have attached since we last synced. So scan the list and identify the new clients. */ char *buf; unsigned int cnt; unsigned long amask = 0; buf = kmalloc(BUFSIZE,GFP_KERNEL); pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE,"i2c: PEND_DETECT"); hdw->i2c_pend_types &= ~PVR2_I2C_PEND_DETECT; list_for_each(item,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item,struct pvr2_i2c_client, list); if (!cp->detected_flag) { cp->ctl_mask = 0; pvr2_i2c_probe(hdw,cp); cp->detected_flag = !0; msk = cp->ctl_mask; cnt = 0; if (buf) { cnt = pvr2_i2c_client_describe( cp, PVR2_I2C_DETAIL_ALL, buf,BUFSIZE); } trace_i2c("Probed: %.*s",cnt,buf); if (handler_check(cp)) { hdw->i2c_pend_types |= PVR2_I2C_PEND_CLIENT; } cp->pend_mask = msk; hdw->i2c_pend_mask |= msk; hdw->i2c_pend_types |= PVR2_I2C_PEND_REFRESH; } amask |= cp->ctl_mask; } hdw->i2c_active_mask = amask; if (buf) kfree(buf); } if (hdw->i2c_pend_types & PVR2_I2C_PEND_STALE) { /* Need to do one or more global updates. Arrange for this to happen. */ unsigned long m2; pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE, "i2c: PEND_STALE (0x%lx)", hdw->i2c_stale_mask); hdw->i2c_pend_types &= ~PVR2_I2C_PEND_STALE; list_for_each(item,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item,struct pvr2_i2c_client, list); m2 = hdw->i2c_stale_mask; m2 &= cp->ctl_mask; m2 &= ~cp->pend_mask; if (m2) { pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE, "i2c: cp=%p setting 0x%lx", cp,m2); cp->pend_mask |= m2; } } hdw->i2c_pend_mask |= hdw->i2c_stale_mask; hdw->i2c_stale_mask = 0; hdw->i2c_pend_types |= PVR2_I2C_PEND_REFRESH; } if (hdw->i2c_pend_types & PVR2_I2C_PEND_CLIENT) { /* One or more client handlers are asking for an update. Run through the list of known clients and update each one. */ pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE,"i2c: PEND_CLIENT"); hdw->i2c_pend_types &= ~PVR2_I2C_PEND_CLIENT; list_for_each_safe(item,nc,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item,struct pvr2_i2c_client, list); if (!cp->handler) continue; if (!cp->handler->func_table->update) continue; pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE, "i2c: cp=%p update",cp); up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); cp->handler->func_table->update( cp->handler->func_data); down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); /* If client's update function set some additional pending bits, account for that here. */ if (cp->pend_mask & ~hdw->i2c_pend_mask) { hdw->i2c_pend_mask |= cp->pend_mask; hdw->i2c_pend_types |= PVR2_I2C_PEND_REFRESH; } } } if (hdw->i2c_pend_types & PVR2_I2C_PEND_REFRESH) { const struct pvr2_i2c_op *opf; unsigned long pm; /* Some actual updates are pending. Walk through each update type and perform it. */ pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE,"i2c: PEND_REFRESH" " (0x%lx)",hdw->i2c_pend_mask); hdw->i2c_pend_types &= ~PVR2_I2C_PEND_REFRESH; pm = hdw->i2c_pend_mask; hdw->i2c_pend_mask = 0; for (idx = 0, msk = 1; pm; idx++, msk <<= 1) { if (!(pm & msk)) continue; pm &= ~msk; list_for_each(item,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item, struct pvr2_i2c_client, list); if (cp->pend_mask & msk) { cp->pend_mask &= ~msk; cp->recv_enable = !0; } else { cp->recv_enable = 0; } } opf = pvr2_i2c_get_op(idx); if (!opf) continue; up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); opf->update(hdw); down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); } } pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE,"i2c: core_sync END"); } while (0); up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); } int pvr2_i2c_core_check_stale(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw) { unsigned long msk,sm,pm; unsigned int idx; const struct pvr2_i2c_op *opf; struct list_head *item; struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp; unsigned int pt = 0; pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE,"pvr2_i2c_core_check_stale BEGIN"); pm = hdw->i2c_active_mask; sm = 0; for (idx = 0, msk = 1; pm; idx++, msk <<= 1) { if (!(msk & pm)) continue; pm &= ~msk; opf = pvr2_i2c_get_op(idx); if (!opf) continue; if (opf->check(hdw)) { sm |= msk; } } if (sm) pt |= PVR2_I2C_PEND_STALE; list_for_each(item,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item,struct pvr2_i2c_client,list); if (!handler_check(cp)) continue; pt |= PVR2_I2C_PEND_CLIENT; } if (pt) { down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); do { hdw->i2c_pend_types |= pt; hdw->i2c_stale_mask |= sm; hdw->i2c_pend_mask |= hdw->i2c_stale_mask; } while (0); up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); } pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE, "i2c: types=0x%x stale=0x%lx pend=0x%lx", hdw->i2c_pend_types, hdw->i2c_stale_mask, hdw->i2c_pend_mask); pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_I2C_CORE,"pvr2_i2c_core_check_stale END"); return (hdw->i2c_pend_types & PVR2_I2C_PEND_ALL) != 0; } unsigned int pvr2_i2c_client_describe(struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp, unsigned int detail, char *buf,unsigned int maxlen) { unsigned int ccnt,bcnt; int spcfl = 0; const struct pvr2_i2c_op *opf; ccnt = 0; if (detail & PVR2_I2C_DETAIL_DEBUG) { bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen, "ctxt=%p ctl_mask=0x%lx", cp,cp->ctl_mask); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; spcfl = !0; } bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen, "%s%s @ 0x%x", (spcfl ? " " : ""), cp->client->name, cp->client->addr); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; if ((detail & PVR2_I2C_DETAIL_HANDLER) && cp->handler && cp->handler->func_table->describe) { bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen," ("); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; bcnt = cp->handler->func_table->describe( cp->handler->func_data,buf,maxlen); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen,")"); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; } if ((detail & PVR2_I2C_DETAIL_CTLMASK) && cp->ctl_mask) { unsigned int idx; unsigned long msk,sm; int spcfl; bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen," ["); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; sm = 0; spcfl = 0; for (idx = 0, msk = 1; msk; idx++, msk <<= 1) { if (!(cp->ctl_mask & msk)) continue; opf = pvr2_i2c_get_op(idx); if (opf) { bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen,"%s%s", spcfl ? " " : "", opf->name); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; spcfl = !0; } else { sm |= msk; } } if (sm) { bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen,"%s%lx", idx != 0 ? " " : "",sm); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; } bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen,"]"); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; } return ccnt; } unsigned int pvr2_i2c_report(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw, char *buf,unsigned int maxlen) { unsigned int ccnt,bcnt; struct list_head *item; struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp; ccnt = 0; down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); do { list_for_each(item,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item,struct pvr2_i2c_client,list); bcnt = pvr2_i2c_client_describe( cp, (PVR2_I2C_DETAIL_HANDLER| PVR2_I2C_DETAIL_CTLMASK), buf,maxlen); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; bcnt = scnprintf(buf,maxlen,"\n"); ccnt += bcnt; buf += bcnt; maxlen -= bcnt; } } while (0); up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); return ccnt; } static int pvr2_i2c_attach_inform(struct i2c_client *client) { struct pvr2_hdw *hdw = (struct pvr2_hdw *)(client->adapter->algo_data); struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp; int fl = !(hdw->i2c_pend_types & PVR2_I2C_PEND_ALL); cp = kmalloc(sizeof(*cp),GFP_KERNEL); trace_i2c("i2c_attach [client=%s @ 0x%x ctxt=%p]", client->name, client->addr,cp); if (!cp) return -ENOMEM; memset(cp,0,sizeof(*cp)); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cp->list); cp->client = client; down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); do { list_add_tail(&cp->list,&hdw->i2c_clients); hdw->i2c_pend_types |= PVR2_I2C_PEND_DETECT; } while (0); up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); if (fl) pvr2_hdw_poll_trigger_unlocked(hdw); return 0; } static int pvr2_i2c_detach_inform(struct i2c_client *client) { struct pvr2_hdw *hdw = (struct pvr2_hdw *)(client->adapter->algo_data); struct pvr2_i2c_client *cp; struct list_head *item,*nc; unsigned long amask = 0; int foundfl = 0; down(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); do { list_for_each_safe(item,nc,&hdw->i2c_clients) { cp = list_entry(item,struct pvr2_i2c_client,list); if (cp->client == client) { trace_i2c("pvr2_i2c_detach" " [client=%s @ 0x%x ctxt=%p]", client->name, client->addr,cp); if (cp->handler && cp->handler->func_table->detach) { cp->handler->func_table->detach( cp->handler->func_data); } list_del(&cp->list); kfree(cp); foundfl = !0; continue; } amask |= cp->ctl_mask; } hdw->i2c_active_mask = amask; } while (0); up(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); if (!foundfl) { trace_i2c("pvr2_i2c_detach [client=%s @ 0x%x ctxt=]", client->name, client->addr); } return 0; } static struct i2c_algorithm pvr2_i2c_algo_template = { #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,14) .id = I2C_ALGO_BIT | I2C_HW_B_BT848, #endif .master_xfer = pvr2_i2c_xfer, .algo_control = pvr2_i2c_control, .functionality = pvr2_i2c_functionality, }; static struct i2c_adapter pvr2_i2c_adap_template = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .class = I2C_CLASS_TV_ANALOG, #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,14) .id = I2C_ALGO_BIT | I2C_HW_B_BT848, #else .id = I2C_HW_B_BT848, #endif .client_register = pvr2_i2c_attach_inform, .client_unregister = pvr2_i2c_detach_inform, }; static void do_i2c_scan(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw) { struct i2c_msg msg[1]; int i,rc; msg[0].addr = 0; msg[0].flags = I2C_M_RD; msg[0].len = 0; msg[0].buf = 0; printk("%s: i2c scan beginning\n",hdw->name); for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { msg[0].addr = i; rc = i2c_transfer(&hdw->i2c_adap,msg, sizeof(msg)/sizeof(msg[0])); if (rc != 1) continue; printk("%s: i2c scan: found device @ 0x%x\n",hdw->name,i); } printk("%s: i2c scan done.\n",hdw->name); } void pvr2_i2c_core_init(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw) { memcpy(&hdw->i2c_adap,&pvr2_i2c_adap_template,sizeof(hdw->i2c_adap)); memcpy(&hdw->i2c_algo,&pvr2_i2c_algo_template,sizeof(hdw->i2c_algo)); strlcpy(hdw->i2c_adap.name,hdw->name,sizeof(hdw->i2c_adap.name)); #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,14) strlcpy(hdw->i2c_algo.name,hdw->name,sizeof(hdw->i2c_algo.name)); #endif hdw->i2c_adap.algo = &hdw->i2c_algo; hdw->i2c_adap.algo_data = hdw; hdw->i2c_pend_mask = 0; hdw->i2c_stale_mask = 0; hdw->i2c_active_mask = 0; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hdw->i2c_clients); init_MUTEX(&hdw->i2c_list_lock); hdw->i2c_linked = !0; i2c_add_adapter(&hdw->i2c_adap); if (i2c_scan) do_i2c_scan(hdw); } void pvr2_i2c_core_done(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw) { if (hdw->i2c_linked) { i2c_del_adapter(&hdw->i2c_adap); hdw->i2c_linked = 0; } } /* Stuff for Emacs to see, in order to encourage consistent editing style: *** Local Variables: *** *** mode: c *** *** fill-column: 75 *** *** tab-width: 8 *** *** c-basic-offset: 8 *** *** End: *** */