runvdr extreme Revision History ------------------------------- XXXX-XX-XX: Version X.X.X - New: Replaced xinit with own, builtin, X server handling. Note: Please be sure to have the "-noreset" parameter in your "XSERVER" command line or the detach feature of softhddevice will fail. - New: Now it is possible to set "XSERVER" to "1" to get the X server started with recommended default parameters. Thanks to Copperhead for the hint. 2013-10-20: Version 0.5.0 - New: If VDRPRG is not given, runvdr-extreme defaults to "vdr" in $PATH - New: Support for --dirnames, --cachedir and --resdir - New: Documentation for runvdr.conf in POD format. See the first lines of runvdr.conf.pod for instructions on how to create man-page from it. - New: If runvdr is invoked as XYZ, check for ~/.XYZ.conf and /etc/XYZ.conf - Fix: Debian init script: Pull default locale - Fix: Fail to load if AddPlugin is last in runvdr.conf - Fix: Error message if runvdr.conf fails - Fix: VDR_CHARSET_OVERRIDE now is correctly exported to the VDR process - Fix: Fixed problem with closed STDOUT with newer versions of "ps" - Fix: runvdr-conf.d fixed for OSDServer 0.1.3. Thanks to iNOB. 2009-06-28: Version 0.4.2 - New: Support -i and --instance of VDR-1.7.4+ - New: Command line option to set VDR_CHARSET_OVERRIDE of VDR 1.5.18+ - New: Function-style callbacks for DVB load/unload commands (backwards compatible) - New: Option to always unload DVB drivers on exit - New: Callbacks for X-Server startup and shutdown to run additional programs - Fix: --lirc not working. Thx to caps! 2009-04-13: Version 0.4.1 - Fix: Parsing sysconfig file - Fix: --xserver option not working, some weired options bugs fixed - New: AddParams xxx replaces ADDPARAM="xxx" - New: Internally building command line in bash array 2008-09-14: Version 0.4.0 - New: Start own X server for VDR to run in - New: Experimental support to read sysconfig file from setup-plugin, thx to dad401 - New: Parameters to control automatic restart behavior - Fix: Made the init.d script LSB compliant, thx to Antonio for the hint. - Fix: Online help for runvdr-conf.d 2008-03-02: Version 0.3.0 - New: Support for the new VDR parameters --localedir and --userdump (LOCALEDIR="..." and USERDUMP="1") - New: Wildcard loading with INCLUDE, allows for example to INCLUDE /etc/runvdr/conf.d/* to load several one-file-per-plugin config files. - New: runvdr-conf.d, a plugin enable/disable service - New: osdserver frontend for runvdr-conf.d - New: Sample init.d script, Debian style - Fix: Clean up mess with USER= and VDRUSER=. VDRUSER still works, but is deprecated. 2007-02-18: Version 0.2.0 - New: Pass DVBLOAD and DVBUNLOAD to eval, allows to execute more than one command, thanks to Thomas Büschgens - New: Load ~/.runvdr.conf as default, load /etc/runvdr.conf as fallback - New: INCLUDE directive to load other config file - New: -P "-plugin" drops plugin from plugin load list. Same for -D. - Change: LANGUAGE now sets LC_ALL, not LANG. 2007-02-03: Version 0.1.1 - Fix: Set vfat option properly, thanks to Peter Bieringer - Fix: Stop dropping - file, thanks to Suur Karu - Fix: Pass parameter to -g option, thanks to JRx 2006-10-08: Version 0.1 - Initial revision.