runvdr extreme Written by: Udo Richter Project's homepage: See the file COPYING for license information. About -------------------------------------------------------------------------- runvdr extreme is a runvdr script, just like the runvdr script included in the VDR distribution. Its just roughly 17 times bigger. Some of the features of runvdr extreme: - Loads default configuration from runvdr.conf - All configuration accessible and overrideable from command line - All VDR options handled - Handles file, acts on signals - Restarts VDR in case of errors - Commands to restart VDR and reload DVB - Configuration file re-read on VDR restart - Avoids endless loops if VDR crashes instantly - Resets terminal to defaults after VDR terminated - Add wrapper commands to VDR for debugging - Waiting for the VDR process to be killed completey, hard killing after timeout - Command line help - Can switch console terminal - Can set locale for VDR daemon - Optionally supports pluginsetup-plugin Quick-start -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Copy runvdr to /usr/local/bin/ or whereever you like - Copy runvdr.conf.example to /etc/runvdr.conf if you want to run VDR as server, or ~/.runvdr.conf if you want to run it as user. - Edit the runvdr.conf to match your needs The runvdr.conf is pretty much self-explaining. All runvdr.conf options are also available on command line, see --help. Details -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options take this precedence: 1. Command line options have highest precedence 2. runvdr.conf file specified by -C or --runvdr-conf 3. If no -C and no --runvdr-conf specified, use ~/.runvdr.conf 4. If no -C and no --runvdr-conf and no ~/.runvdr.conf, use /etc/runvdr.conf 5. If none of the above, runvdr built-in defaults are used. Only one of the runvdr.conf files is loaded by default, and only one -C option is evaluated. However, you can load the contents of another runvdr.conf file from a runvdr.conf by using the INCLUDE directive. For example, you can load /etc/runvdr.conf from within ~/.runvdr.conf to just override some of the settings for the current user. Plugins added by the AddPlugin directive in the conf file and the --plugin and -P command line option can be removed again from the list of plugins by specifying "AddPlugin -name", --plugin="-name" or -P-name. The name part acts as a pattern to the beginning of the plugin name, all plugins matching "name*" will be dropped. Especially "AddPlugin -" and -P- will drop all plugins from the list. The same mechanism works for the -D device parameter. To pass parameters to VDR without parsing by runvdr, use -- as paramenter. All parameters after -- will be directly passed to VDR. For erxample, "runvdr -- --help" will show the command line help of VDR instead of runvdr. Dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unix commands, that runvdr uses: Command Debian packet pgrep procps ps procps kill procps sleep coreutils date coreutils chvt console-tools getopt util-linux setterm util-linux Examples -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assuming you've set up your defaults in /etc/runvdr.conf, here are some cool things you can do now: Start VDR in background (for example with TERMINAL=/dev/tty8 in conf file): runvdr & Stop VDR and the runvdr script: runvdr --terminate Dito, but wait until VDR is killed: runvdr --terminate --wait Restart the already running VDR process because it is hanging, or because the runvdr.conf has changed: runvdr --restart Dito, but also reload the DVB drivers: runvdr --dvb-restart Use the new fresh compiled VDR for the first time: runvdr --vdr=/usr/src/vdr-1.5.0/vdr --lib=/usr/src/vdr-1.5.0/PLUGINS/lib For debugging, start VDR with no terminal redirection: runvdr --terminal="" --switchterminal="" Load all plugins and also the hello plugin: runvdr -P hello Load only the hello plugin: runvdr -P- -P hello Load all plugins, but not the hello-plugin: runvdr -P-hello Do a dry-run of runvdr: runvdr --wrapper=echo Do a debugging session: runvdr --wrapper="gdb --args" Start with a completely different setup: runvdr --runvdr-conf="/etc/runvdr-debugging.conf"