=for comment Compile me with: pod2man -s 5 -c runvdr -r runvdr runvdr.conf.pod | gzip > runvdr.conf.5.gz =head1 NAME runvdr.conf - Configuration file for runvdr-extreme =head1 SYNOPSIS /etc/runvdr.conf =head1 DESCRIPTION The file B configures the runvdr-extreme VDR startup script. =head1 OPTIONS VDRPRG= =over 5 The VDR binary to run =back VIDEODIR= =over 5 Use VIDEODIR as video directory. =back CONFIGDIR= =over 5 Read config files from directory CONFIGDIR =back LOCALEDIR= =over 5 Location of locale files for VDR. =back LIBDIR= =over 5 Search for plugins in directory LIBDIR. =back CACHEDIR= =over 5 Location where VDR and plugins save cache files =back RESDIR= =over 5 Location from where plugins read resource files =back USER= =over 5 Run as user VDRUSER in case vdr was started as user 'root'. Starting vdr as 'root' is necessary if the system time shall be set from the transponder data, but for security reasons vdr can switch to a lesser privileged user id during normal operation. =back EPGFILE= =over 5 Write the EPG data into EPGFILE. Use EPGFILE=- to disable this. If EPGFILE is a directory, the file epg.data will be created in that directory. =back RECORDCMD= =over 5 Call RECORDCMD before and after a recording. =back SHUTDOWN= =over 5 Call SHUTDOWN to shutdown the computer. =back AUDIO= =over 5 Send Dolby Digital audio to stdin of the command AUDIO =back DVBDEVICE=() =over 5 Use only the given DVB device. Set one or more DVB device numbers like this: (0 1 2). Defaults to all devices. =back LOGLEVEL= =over 5 Set logging to level. 0 = no logging, 1 = errors only, 2 = errors and info, 3 = errors, info and debug. The default logging level is 3. If logging should be done to LOG_LOCALn instead of LOG_USER, add '.n' to LEVEL, as in 3.7 (n=0..7). =back MUTE= =over 5 Mute audio of the primary DVB device at startup. Set to anything to mute, keep clear for not. =back SVDRPPORT= =over 5 Use SVDRPPORT port for SVDRP. A value of 0 turns off SVDRP. The default SVDRP port is 6419. You need to edit the file svdrphosts.conf in order to enable access to the SVDRP port. =back WATCHDOG= =over 5 Activate the watchdog timer with a timeout of sec seconds. A value of 0 (default) disables the watchdog. =back DAEMON= =over 5 Run in daemon mode (implies NOKBD=1). Set to anything to activate. =back GRAB= =over 5 Write images from the SVDRP command GRAB into the given directory. GRAB must be the full path name of an existing directory, without any "..", double '/' or symlinks. By default, or if GRAB=- is given, grabbing images to disk is disabled. =back LIRC= =over 5 Use a LIRC remote control device. If set to 1, vdr uses /var/run/lirc/lircd. If not set, or set to 0, don't use LIRC. =back NOKBD= =over 5 Don't use the keyboard as an input device. Set to anything. =back VFAT= =over 5 encode special characters in recording names to avoid problems with VFAT file systems for backwards compatibility (same as DIRNAMES=250,40,1) =back DIRNAMES=PATH[,NAME[,ENC]] =over 5 Set the maximum directory path length to PATH; if NAME is also given, it defines the maximum directory name length; the optional ENC can be 0 or 1, and controls whether special characters in directory names are encoded as hex values (default: 0); if PATH or NAME are left empty (as in ",,1" to only set ENC), the defaults apply =back USERDUMP="1" =over 5 Allow coredumps if USER= is given (debugging) =back RUNVDRPID=/var/run/runvdr.pid =over 5 Store PID of runvdr into a file? =back TERMINAL= =over 5 Set the controlling terminal. For example, /dev/tty8 =back SWITCHTERMINAL= =over 5 Switch console to some terminal? Needs terminal number. For example, SWITCHTERMINAL=8 =back LANGUAGE="de_DE@euro" =over 5 Set language for locale to run VDR on. This affects sort options in recordings. =back VDR_CHARSET_OVERRIDE="ISO-8859-15" =over 5 Set character set that VDR should use =back MAXRESTARTS= =over 5 If VDR restarts automatically, only do this number of restarts before giving up. Setting this to 0 will cancel any restart attempt of VDR. Default is 5. =back RESTARTTIME= =over 5 Only count restart attempts where VDR did not run longer than # seconds Setting this to 0 will never count restarts, and VDR can restart forever. Default is 10. =back DVBUNLOADONEXIT= =over 5 Should we unload the DVB driver when finally exiting runvdr? If not set, or set to 0, exit without unloading drivers =back WRAPPER= =over 5 Command wrapper. Will be placed in front of the VDR command. Example: WRAPPER="gdb --args" WRAPPER="valgrind" =back TERMTIMEOUT= KILLTIMEOUT= =over 5 Timeouts for SIGTERM and SIGKILL when stopping VDR. TERMTIMEOUT defaults to 20 secods, KILLTIMEOUT to 5 seconds. =back =head1 PLUGIN LOADING AddPlugin hello -b -a "A B C" =over 5 The command "AddPlugin" is used to load a plugin, defined by the given options. The first word in options must be the name of an existing vdr plugin, optionally followed by a blank separated list of command line options for that plugin. If options contains any blanks, you need to enclose it in quotes, like for example =back =head1 X SERVER HANDLING XSERVER="1" =over 5 Fire up own X server as output device using recommended default parameters. You may also set your own X startup command like this: XSERVER="/usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -config /etc/X11/xorg-runvdr.conf -noreset" Note: You need the "-noreset" parameter if you want to use the "detach" feature of the softhddevice output plugin =back function XSTARTUP() { while true ; do sleep 5; vdr-sxfe; done & SXFEPID=$! } =over 5 X startup commands, called within the X server. Please note, that commands, entered here, are called with root privileges! Be sure to use "su $USER -c" where applicable. =back function XSHUTDOWN() { kill $SXFEPID } =over 5 X shutdown commands, called within the X server. Again, as with XSTARTUP, commands are executed with root privileges! =back =head1 DVB DRIVER LOADING/RELOADING function DVBLOAD() { modprobe .... } =over 5 Command to load the DVB drivers. DVBLOAD will be launched before VDR starts and whenever the drivers need to be reloaded. =back function DVBUNLOAD() { rmmod .... } =over 5 Command to unload the DVB drivers. DVBUNLOAD will be launched whenever the drivers need to be reloaded. =back =head1 ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS AddParams --whatever --you --need =over 5 Additional parameters to pass to VDR directly, without parsing: Add them without extra quoting, like AddParams -a -b -c "Some Parameter" =back