#!/bin/bash # # runvdr extreme # # configurable vdr launcher script # # by Udo Richter <udo_richter(a)gmx.de> # http://www.richter-udo.de/vdr/scripts.html#runvdr # RUNVDRCONF="" # Some unix commands being used: PGREP="pgrep" PS="ps" GETOPT="getopt" KILL="kill" SLEEP="sleep" CHVT="chvt" DATE="date" SETTERM="setterm" # Options summary and conf file entries of runvdr: # # -C # --runvdr-conf=# RUNVDRCONF location of runvdr config file # -- ADDPARAMS Additional parameters to pass to VDR # --pluginsetup-conf=# PLUGINSETUPCONF location of plugin-setup-runvdr.conf # --setupplugin-conf=# SETUPPLUGINCONF location of setup-plugin sysconfig # --vdr=# VDRPRG location and name of the vdr binary # --switchterminal=# SWITCHTERMINAL console terminal to switch to # --xserver=# XSERVER start X server for VDR # --xserver-proxy=# runvdr internal use only # --runvdr-pid=# RUNVDRPID location of runvdr.pid file # --dvb-load=# DVBLOAD command to load DVB drivers # --dvb-unload=# DVBUNLOAD command to unload DVB drivers # --wrapper=# WRAPPER wrapper command for calling vdr # --terminate[=#] TERMINATE Terminate runvdr by pid # --wait[=#] WAIT Wait # seconds for --terminate to finish # --restart[=#] RESTART Send restart signal by pid # --dvb-restart[=#] DVBRESTART Send dvb-restart signal by pid # --term-timeout=# TERMTIMEOUT Timeout for VDR to react on SIGTERM # --kill-timeout=# KILLTIMEOUT Timeout for VDR to react on SIGKILL # --maxrestarts=# MAXRESTARTS Max number of rapid restarts before give-up # --restarttime=# RESTARTTIME Max time for restart to be rapid # --language=# LANGUAGE Locale to set for VDR # -V --version VERSION print version information and exit # -h --help HELP print this help and exit # # Supported options of VDR # # -a # --audio # AUDIO send Dolby Digital audio to stdin of command # # -c # --config # CONFIGDIR read config files from DIR # -d --daemon DAEMON run in daemon mode # -D # --device # DVBDEVICE use only the given DVB device (NUM = 0, 1, 2...) # -E # --epgfile # EPGFILE write the EPG data into the given FILE. - to disable. # -g # --grab # GRAB write images from the SVDRP command GRAB into the given DIR; # -L # --lib # LIBDIR search for plugins in DIR (default is %s) # --lirc #? LIRC use a LIRC remote control device, attached to PATH # --localedir # LOCALEDIR search for locale files in DIR # -l # --log # LOGLEVEL set log level (default: 3) # -m --mute MUTE mute audio of the primary DVB device at startup # --no-kbd NOKBD don't use the keyboard as an input device # -P # --plugin # PLUGINS load a plugin defined by the given options # -p # --port # SVDRPPORT use PORT for SVDRP # --rcu #? RCU use a remote control device, attached to PATH # -r # --record # RECORDCMD call CMD before and after a recording # -s # --shutdown # SHUTDOWN call CMD to shutdown the computer # -t # --terminal # TERMINAL controlling tty # -u # --user # USER run as user USER; only applicable if started as root # --userdump USERDUMP allow coredumps if -u is given (debugging) # --vfat VFAT encode special characters in recording names # -v # --video # VIDEODIR use DIR as video directory # -w # --watchdog # WATCHDOG activate the watchdog timer with a timeout of SEC which $PGREP >/dev/null || { echo missing $PGREP... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } which $PS >/dev/null || { echo missing $PS... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } which $GETOPT >/dev/null || { echo missing $GETOPT... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } which $KILL >/dev/null || { echo missing $KILL... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } which $SLEEP >/dev/null || { echo missing $SLEEP... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } which $CHVT >/dev/null || { echo missing $CHVT... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } which $DATE >/dev/null || { echo missing $DATE... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } which $SETTERM >/dev/null || { echo missing $SETTERM... >&2 ; exit 1 ; } function ParseCommandLine_Step1() { # Parse command line, step 1 # Stores pre-processed options in $OPTIONS # evaluates -C, --runvdr-conf and --xserver-proxy only SHORTOPT="a:c:C:dD:E:g:hl:L:mp:P:r:s:t:u:v:Vw:" LONGOPT="runvdr-conf:,xserver-proxy:,pluginsetup-conf:,setupplugin-conf:,vdr:,\ switchterminal:,maxrestarts:,restarttime:,xserver:,\ runvdr-pid:,dvb-load:,dvb-unload:,language:,wrapper:,\ term-timeout:,kill-timeout:,terminate::,restart::,dvb-restart::,\ wait::,audio:,config:,daemon,device:,epgfile:,grab:,help,lib:,lirc::,\ log:,localedir:,mute,no-kbd,plugin:,port:,rcu::,record:,shutdown:,\ terminal:,user:,userdump,version,vfat,video:,watchdog:" # prepare all optios for later processing OPTIONS=`$GETOPT -o "$SHORTOPT" --long "$LONGOPT" -n "$0" -- "$@"` || exit 1 eval set -- "$OPTIONS" XSERVERPROXY= while true ; do case "$1" in -C|--runvdr-conf) RUNVDRCONF="$2"; shift 2;; --xserver-proxy) XSERVERPROXY="$2"; shift 2;; --pluginsetup-conf) shift 2;; --setupplugin-conf) shift 2;; --vdr) shift 2;; --switchterminal) shift 2;; --xserver) shift 2;; --runvdr-pid) shift 2;; --dvb-load) shift 2;; --dvb-unload) shift 2;; --language) shift 2;; --wrapper) shift 2;; --term-timeout) shift 2;; --kill-timeout) shift 2;; --terminate) shift 2;; --wait) shift 2;; --restart) shift 2;; --dvb-restart) shift 2;; --maxrestarts) shift 2;; --restarttime) shift 2;; -h|--help) shift ;; -V|--version) shift ;; -a|--audio) shift 2;; -c|--config) shift 2;; -d|--daemon) shift ;; -D|--device) shift 2;; -E|--epgfile) shift 2;; -g|--grab) shift ;; -l|--log) shift 2;; -L|--lib) shift 2;; --lirc) shift 2;; --localedir) shift 2;; -m|--mute) shift ;; --no-kbd) shift ;; -p|--port) shift 2;; -P|--plugin) shift 2;; --rcu) shift 2;; -r|--record) shift 2;; -s|--shutdown) shift 2;; -t|--terminal) shift 2;; -u|--user) shift 2;; --userdump) shift ;; -v|--video) shift 2;; --vfat) shift ;; -w|--watchdog) shift 2;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Internal error!" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac ; done } function Clean() { # Clean all config variables ADDPARAM= ADDPARAMS=() PLUGINSETUPCONF= SETUPPLUGINCONF= VDRPRG= SWITCHTERMINAL= XSERVER= RUNVDRPID= DVBLOAD= DVBUNLOAD= LANGUAGE= WRAPPER= TERMTIMEOUT= KILLTIMEOUT= TERMINATE= RESTART= DVBRESTART= MAXRESTARTS=5 RESTARTTIME=10 WAIT=0 HELP= VERSION= AUDIO= CONFIGDIR= DAEMON= DVBDEVICE=() EPGFILE= GRAB= LIBDIR= LIRC= LOGLEVEL= LOCALEDIR= MUTE= NOKBD= PLUGINS=() SVDRPPORT= RECORDCMD= RCU= SHUTDOWN= TERMINAL= USER= USERDUMP= VFAT= VIDEODIR= WATCHDOG= } # Helper functions function AddPluginString() { # add $1 as plugin if [ -n "$1" -a -z "${1##-*}" ] ; then local pattern="${1#-}*" local -a plugins1 plugins1=("${PLUGINS[@]}") PLUGINS=() for i in "${plugins1[@]}" ; do [ -n "${i##$pattern}" ] && PLUGINS[${#PLUGINS[*]}]="$i"; done else [ -n "$1" ] && PLUGINS[${#PLUGINS[*]}]="$1"; fi } function AddPlugin() { # add $* as plugin, do shell quoting local plugin="" while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do # regexp magic # quote '\' to '\\' local par="$1" par="${par//'\'/\\\\}" # work around bash bug: double quoted '\' par="${par//'\\'/\\\\}" # quote '"' to '\"' par="${par//\"/\\\"}" # check if this splits into words local -a arr=($par) # if yes, wrap in quotes [ ${#arr[*]} -ne 1 ] && par="\"$par\"" # add to plugin string if [ -n "$plugin" ] ; then plugin="$plugin $par" ; else plugin="$par" ; fi # next, please shift done AddPluginString "$plugin" } function AddDevice() { if [ -n "$1" -a -z "${1##-*}" ] ; then local pattern="${1#-}*" local -a devices1 devices1=("${DVBDEVICE[@]}") DVBDEVICE=() for i in "${devices1[@]}" ; do [ -n "${i##$pattern}" ] && DVBDEVICE[${#DVBDEVICE[*]}]="$i"; done else [ -n "$1" ] && DVBDEVICE[${#DVBDEVICE[*]}]="$1"; fi } function AddParams() { # Add to unparsed parameter list for i ; do ADDPARAMS[${#ADDPARAMS[*]}]="$i" done } function INCLUDE() { # include different conf file(s) for file ; do if [ -r "$file" ] ; then . "$file" || exit 1 else echo "runvdr: $file not found." >&2 fi done } function LoadConfFile() { # Load configuration file VDRUSER="" # Old option, supported for compatibility only if [ -z "$RUNVDRCONF" -a -r ~/.runvdr.conf ] ; then RUNVDRCONF=~/.runvdr.conf fi if [ -z "$RUNVDRCONF" -a -r /etc/runvdr.conf ] ; then RUNVDRCONF=/etc/runvdr.conf fi if [ -n "$RUNVDRCONF" ] ; then if [ -r "$RUNVDRCONF" ] ; then . "$RUNVDRCONF" || exit 1 else echo "runvdr: $RUNVDRCONF not found." >&2 fi fi if [ -n "$VDRUSER" ] ; then echo "runvdr: VDRUSER is deprecated. Use USER= instead." [ -n "$USER" ] && USER="$VDRUSER" fi # Transform some defaults, so empty parameters can have a # non-default meaning [ -z "$LIRC" ] && LIRC=0 [ -z "$RCU" ] && RCU=0 [ -z "$TERMINATE" ] && TERMINATE=0 [ -z "$RESTART" ] && RESTART=0 [ -z "$DVBRESTART" ] && DVBRESTART=0 [ -z "$MAXRESTARTS" ] && MAXRESTARTS=5 [ -z "$RESTARTTIME" ] && RESTARTTIME=10 # Compatibility: Map old ADDPARAM to new AddParams [ -n "$ADDPARAM" ] && eval "AddParams $ADDPARAM" return 0 } function ParseCommandLine_Step2() { # Parse command line, step 2 # Process all options in $OPTIONS, override # all options that are set by now eval set -- "$OPTIONS" while true ; do case "$1" in -C|--runvdr-conf) shift 2;; --xserver-proxy) shift 2;; --pluginsetup-conf) PLUGINSETUPCONF="$2"; shift 2;; --setupplugin-conf) SETUPPLUGINCONF="$2"; shift 2;; --vdr) VDRPRG="$2"; shift 2;; --switchterminal) SWITCHTERMINAL="$2"; shift 2;; --xserver) XSERVER="$2"; shift 2;; --runvdr-pid) RUNVDRPID="$2"; shift 2;; --dvb-load) DVBLOAD="$2"; shift 2;; --dvb-unload) DVBUNLOAD="$2"; shift 2;; --language) LANGUAGE="$2"; shift 2;; --wrapper) WRAPPER="$2"; shift 2;; --term-timeout) TERMTIMEOUT="$2"; shift 2;; --kill-timeout) KILLTIMEOUT="$2"; shift 2;; --terminate) TERMINATE="$2"; shift 2;; --wait) WAIT="$2"; shift 2;; --restart) RESTART="$2"; shift 2;; --dvb-restart) DVBRESTART="$2"; shift 2;; --maxrestarts) MAXRESTARTS="$2"; shift 2;; --restarttime) RESTARTTIME="$2"; shift 2;; -h|--help) HELP=1; shift ;; -V|--version) VERSION=1; shift ;; -a|--audio) AUDIO="$2"; shift 2;; -c|--config) CONFIGDIR="$2"; shift 2;; -d|--daemon) DAEMON=1; shift ;; -D|--device) AddDevice "$2"; shift 2;; -E|--epgfile) EPGFILE="$2"; shift 2;; -g|--grab) GRAB="1"; shift ;; -l|--log) LOGLEVEL="$2"; shift 2;; -L|--lib) LIBDIR="$2"; shift 2;; --lirc) LIRC="$2"; shift 2;; --localedir) LOCALEDIR="$2"; shift 2;; -m|--mute) MUTE=1; shift ;; --no-kbd) NOKBD=1; shift ;; -p|--port) SVDRPPORT="$2"; shift 2;; -P|--plugin) AddPluginString "$2"; shift 2;; --rcu) RCU="$2"; shift 2;; -r|--record) RECORDCMD="$2"; shift 2;; -s|--shutdown) SHUTDOWN="$2"; shift 2;; -t|--terminal) TERMINAL="$2"; shift 2;; -u|--user) USER="$2"; shift 2;; --userdump) USERDUMP="$2"; shift ;; -v|--video) VIDEODIR="$2"; shift 2;; --vfat) VFAT=1; shift ;; -w|--watchdog) WATCHDOG="$2"; shift 2;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Internal error!" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac ; done # Add all remaining options directly to additional params AddParams "$@" return 0 } function OnlineHelp() { cat <<END-OF-HELP Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] runvdr Options: -C #, --runvdr-conf=# location of runvdr config file --pluginsetup-conf=# location of plugin-setup-runvdr.conf --setupplugin-conf=# setup-plugin sysconfig --vdr=# location and name of the vdr binary --switchterminal=# console terminal number to switch to --xserver=# fire up own X server for VDR --runvdr-pid=# location of runvdr.pid file --dvb-load=# command to load DVB drivers --dvb-unload=# command to unload DVB drivers --wrapper=# wrapper command for calling vdr --language=# Locale to set for VDR --terminate[=#] Terminate runvdr by pid --wait[=#] Wait # seconds for --terminate to finish --restart[=#] Send restart signal by pid --dvb-restart[=#] Send dvb-restart signal by pid --term-timeout=# Timeout for VDR to react on SIGTERM --kill-timeout=# Timeout for VDR to react on SIGKILL --maxrestarts=# Max number of rapid restarts before give-up --restarttime=# Max time for restart to be rapid -V, --version print version information and exit -h, --help print this help and exit Parsed VDR options: -a # --audio=# send Dolby Digital audio to stdin of command CMD -c # --config=# read config files from DIR -d --daemon run in daemon mode -D # --device=# use only the given DVB device (NUM = 0, 1, 2...) Use '-' to override devices from config file Use '-x' to ignore device x from config file -E # --epgfile=# write the EPG data into the given FILE. - to disable. -g # --grab=# write images from the SVDRP command GRAB into the given DIR -L # --lib=# search for plugins in DIR --lirc[=#] use a LIRC remote control device, attached to PATH --localedir=# search for locale files in DIR -l # --log=# set log level -m --mute mute audio of the primary DVB device at startup --no-kbd don't use the keyboard as an input device -P # --plugin=# load a plugin defined by the given options Use '-' to ignore all plugins from config file Use '-xx' to ignore plugin xx from config file -p # --port=# use PORT for SVDRP --rcu[=#] use a remote control device, attached to PATH -r # --record=# call CMD before and after a recording -s # --shutdown=# call CMD to shutdown the computer -t # --terminal=# controlling tty -u # --user=# run as user USER; only applicable if started as root --userdump allow coredumps if -u is given (debugging) --vfat encode special characters in recording names -v # --video=# use DIR as video directory -w # --watchdog=# activate the watchdog timer with a timeout of SEC All runvdr parameters after '--' will be passed to VDR without modification END-OF-HELP } function AddCommandLine() { # Add all parameters to command line array for params ; do VDRCOMMAND[${#VDRCOMMAND[*]}]="$params" done } function BuildCommand() { # Based on all options, build command line in ${VDRCOMMAND[]} VDRCOMMAND=() # complete command with path VDRPRG=`which "$VDRPRG"` if [ -z "$VDRPRG" ] ; then echo "VDR command binary not found." exit 1 fi # Build up command line: [ -n "$WRAPPER" ] && AddCommandLine $WRAPPER # No quotes around $WRAPPER! AddCommandLine "$VDRPRG" [ "${#ADDPARAMS[*]}" -gt 0 ] && AddCommandLine "${ADDPARAMS[@]}" [ -n "$AUDIO" ] && AddCommandLine -a "$AUDIO" [ -n "$CONFIGDIR" ] && AddCommandLine -c "$CONFIGDIR" [ -n "$DAEMON" ] && AddCommandLine -d for i in "${DVBDEVICE[@]}" ; do [ -n "$i" ] && AddCommandLine -D "$i" done [ -n "$EPGFILE" ] && AddCommandLine -E "$EPGFILE" [ -n "$GRAB" ] && AddCommandLine -g "$GRAB" [ -n "$LOGLEVEL" ] && AddCommandLine -l "$LOGLEVEL" [ -n "$LIBDIR" ] && AddCommandLine -L "$LIBDIR" case "$LIRC" in 1|"") AddCommandLine --lirc";; 0) ;; *) AddCommandLine --lirc=\"$LIRC\"";; esac [ -n "$LOCALEDIR" ] && AddCommandLine --localedir "$LOCALEDIR" [ -n "$MUTE" ] && AddCommandLine -m [ -n "$NOKBD" ] && AddCommandLine --no-kbd [ -n "$SVDRPPORT" ] && AddCommandLine -p "$SVDRPPORT" for p in "${PLUGINS[@]}" ; do if [ -n "$p" ] ; then AddCommandLine -P "$p" fi done if [ -n "$PLUGINSETUPCONF" ] ; then eval "AddCommandLine `< $PLUGINSETUPCONF`" fi if [ -n "$SETUPPLUGINCONF" ] ; then while read -r line ; do [ "${line:0:11}" == "PLUGINLIST=" ] && eval "eval \"AddCommandLine ${line:11}\"" done < "$SETUPPLUGINCONF" fi [ -n "$RECORDCMD" ] && AddCommandLine -r "$RECORDCMD" case "$RCU" in 1|"") AddCommandLine --rcu;; 0) ;; *) AddCommandLine --rcu="$RCU";; esac [ -n "$SHUTDOWN" ] && AddCommandLine -s "$SHUTDOWN" [ -n "$TERMINAL" ] && AddCommandLine -t "$TERMINAL" [ -n "$USER" ] && AddCommandLine -u "$USER" [ -n "$USERDUMP" ] && AddCommandLine --userdump [ -n "$VFAT" ] && AddCommandLine --vfat [ -n "$VIDEODIR" ] && AddCommandLine -v "$VIDEODIR" [ -n "$WATCHDOG" ] && AddCommandLine -w "$WATCHDOG" [ -z "$TERMTIMEOUT" ] && TERMTIMEOUT=20 [ -z "$KILLTIMEOUT" ] && KILLTIMEOUT=5 return 0 } function GetChilds() { # Get PIDs of all forked childs of PID=$1, binary executable=$2 # Returns list of PIDs in childlist child="$1" childlist=($child) IFSBACKUP="$IFS" for ((i=0;i<10;i++)) do len=${#childlist[*]} IFS="," child=`{ echo "$child" ; $PGREP -f "^$2 " -P "${childlist[*]}" ; } | sort -u` IFS="$IFSBACKUP" childlist=($child) [ "$len" -eq "${#childlist[*]}" ] && break done } function WaitKill() { # Terminates/Kills process $1, binary $2, timeout1 $3, timeout2 $4 GetChilds "$1" "$2" echo -n "Sending ${#childlist[*]} processes the TERM signal." $KILL -TERM ${childlist[*]} >&- 2>&- for ((i=0;i<$3;i++)) ; do $PS ${childlist[*]} >&- 2>&- || { echo terminated. ; return ; } echo -n . $SLEEP 1 done echo echo -n "Sending ${#childlist[*]} processes the KILL signal." $KILL -KILL ${childlist[*]} >&- 2>&- for ((i=0;i<$4;i++)) ; do $PS ${childlist[*]} >&- 2>&- || { echo terminated. ; return ; } echo -n . $SLEEP 1 done echo failed. } #### --------------- #### Main script #### --------------- # Parse command line, step 1 ParseCommandLine_Step1 "$@" || exit 1 # Act as a proxy for calling VDR, from within X session if [ -n "$XSERVERPROXY" ] ; then # Unpack proxy command line eval "VDRCOMMAND=($VDRCOMMANDPROXY)" "${VDRCOMMAND[@]}" & PID=$! echo "PID $PID" > "$XSERVERPROXY" wait $PID echo "RET $?" >> "$XSERVERPROXY" exit 0 fi # Clean variables Clean # Load and process all configuration LoadConfFile || exit 1 # Process command line ParseCommandLine_Step2 || exit 1 if [ -n "$HELP" ] ; then OnlineHelp exit 0 fi if [ -n "$VERSION" ] ; then echo "runvdr extreme version 0.4.0" exit 0 fi # Get old runvdr pid and move it to options if [ -n "$RUNVDRPID" ] ; then OLDRUNVDRPID="" [ -r "$RUNVDRPID" ] && OLDRUNVDRPID=`<$RUNVDRPID` [ -z "$TERMINATE" ] && TERMINATE="$OLDRUNVDRPID" [ -z "$RESTART" ] && RESTART="$OLDRUNVDRPID" [ -z "$DVBRESTART" ] && DVBRESTART="$OLDRUNVDRPID" fi if [ "$TERMINATE" != "0" ] ; then if [ -n "$TERMINATE" ] ; then echo -n "Terminating runvdr (PID=$TERMINATE)" $KILL -TERM $TERMINATE while [ -z "$WAIT" ] || [ "$WAIT" -gt 0 ] ; do $PS $TERMINATE >&- || { echo done ; break ; } echo -n "." $SLEEP 1 [ -n "$WAIT" ] && let WAIT=WAIT-1 done echo "" else echo "No runvdr process to terminate." fi exit 0 fi if [ "$RESTART" != "0" ] ; then if [ -n "$RESTART" ] ; then echo -n "Restarting runvdr (PID=$RESTART)..." $KILL -USR1 $RESTART echo "" else echo "No runvdr process to restart." fi exit 0 fi if [ "$DVBRESTART" != "0" ] ; then if [ -n "$DVBRESTART" ] ; then echo -n "DVB-restarting runvdr (PID=$DVBRESTART)..." $KILL -USR2 $DVBRESTART echo "" else echo "No runvdr process to dvb-restart." fi exit 0 fi # Build up VDR command BuildCommand || exit 1 # Switch front console [ -n "$SWITCHTERMINAL" ] && $CHVT $SWITCHTERMINAL if [ -n "$LANGUAGE" ] ; then LC_ALL="$LANGUAGE" export LC_ALL fi # Remember PID of this process [ -n "$RUNVDRPID" ] && echo $$ > $RUNVDRPID # Prepare terminal redirection if [ -n "$TERMINAL" ] ; then exec 1>"$TERMINAL" exec 2>"$TERMINAL" fi # Load driver if it hasn't been loaded already: eval "$DVBLOAD" # Count how often VDR terminated very quickly SHORTRUNTIMES=0 # Initialize for now PROXYFILE= while (true) do echo -n "Starting VDR at " ; $DATE # Trap some signals sent to this script trap "SIG=HUP" SIGHUP trap "SIG=INT" SIGINT trap "SIG=QUIT" SIGQUIT trap "SIG=TERM" SIGTERM trap "SIG=USR1" SIGUSR1 trap "SIG=USR2" SIGUSR2 # clean up signal variable SIG= # Remember start time STARTTIME=`$DATE +%s` echo "${VDRCOMMAND[@]}" if [ -z "$XSERVER" ] ; then # Run VDR "${VDRCOMMAND[@]}" & # Remember PID of VDR process PID=$! # no X server PID XSERVERPID= # Wait for VDR to end or signal to arrive wait $PID # Remember return value of VDR RET=$? else # Run X server that runs VDR PROXYFILE="/tmp/runvdr-$$" [ -f "$PROXYFILE" ] && rm "$PROXYFILE" # Pack command array into single env string: export VDRCOMMANDPROXY=`printf '%q ' "${VDRCOMMAND[@]}"` # Fire up X server that calls back runvdr, and run into XSERVERPROXY there eval "xinit \""$0"\" --xserver-proxy=\""$PROXYFILE"\" -- $XSERVER &" # Remember X server PID XSERVERPID=$! # ... also temporary as VDR PID PID=$XSERVERPID # Wait for VDR to end or signal to arrive wait $XSERVERPID # No known return of VDR yet RET=0 fi # If proxy, read proxy return values if [ -n "$PROXYFILE" ] ; then while read var arg ; do case "$var" in PID) PID="$arg";; RET) RET="$arg";; esac ; done < "$PROXYFILE" rm "$PROXYFILE" fi # Remember stop time STOPTIME=`$DATE +%s` # Count if time is less than RESTARTTIME seconds, # forget otherwise if [ "$RESTARTTIME" -gt 0 -a $((STOPTIME-STARTTIME)) -le "$RESTARTTIME" ] ; then SHORTRUNTIMES=$((SHORTRUNTIMES+1)) echo "VDR died within $RESTARTTIME seconds, this happened $SHORTRUNTIMES time(s)." else SHORTRUNTIMES=0 fi # Reset terminal status [ -n "$TERMINAL" ] && $SETTERM -initialize case "$SIG" in HUP | INT | QUIT | TERM) echo -n "Terminating by request at " ; $DATE # Kill remaining VDR traces WaitKill $PID $VDRPRG $TERMTIMEOUT $KILLTIMEOUT # and exit break ;; USR1) echo -n "Restarting VDR by request at " ; $DATE # Kill remaining VDR traces WaitKill $PID $VDRPRG $TERMTIMEOUT $KILLTIMEOUT # Wait for X server to be down too [ "$XSERVERPID" ] && wait "$XSERVERPID" # and loop ;; USR2) echo -n "Restarting VDR and DVB by request at " ; $DATE # Kill remaining VDR traces WaitKill $PID $VDRPRG $TERMTIMEOUT $KILLTIMEOUT # Wait for X server to be down too [ "$XSERVERPID" ] && wait "$XSERVERPID" # reload DVB stuff eval "$DVBUNLOAD" eval "$DVBLOAD" ;; *) # Non-signal termination if [ $RET -eq 0 -o $RET -eq 2 ] ; then echo -n "Terminating by error level $RET at " ; $DATE # Kill remaining VDR traces WaitKill $PID $VDRPRG $TERMTIMEOUT $KILLTIMEOUT # and exit break fi if [ $SHORTRUNTIMES -gt "$MAXRESTARTS" ] ; then echo -n "Terminating because VDR died $SHORTRUNTIMES times in a row quickly at " ; $DATE # Kill remaining VDR traces WaitKill $PID $VDRPRG $TERMTIMEOUT $KILLTIMEOUT # and exit break; fi echo -n "Restarting VDR and DVB by error level $RET at " ; $DATE # Kill remaining VDR traces WaitKill $PID $VDRPRG $TERMTIMEOUT $KILLTIMEOUT # Wait for X server to be down too [ "$XSERVERPID" ] && wait "$XSERVERPID" # reload DVB eval "$DVBUNLOAD" eval "$DVBLOAD" # and loop ;; esac # reload configuration Clean LoadConfFile || exit 1 ParseCommandLine_Step2 || exit 1 BuildCommand || exit 1 # Catch remaining in-between signals case "$SIG" in HUP | INT | QUIT | TERM) break ;; esac done # Clean up PID file [ -n "$RUNVDRPID" ] && rm $RUNVDRPID >&- 2>&- # Clean up proxy file, if used [ -n "$PROXYFILE" ] && rm $PROXYFILE >&- 2>&-