path: root/widgets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'widgets')
10 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/widgets/command_output/README b/widgets/command_output/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f73a0326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/command_output/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This widget is for an own command
+The command "command" will be executed every time the widget is drawn, so please keep it short and fast.
+The command have to provide two output files: "title" and "output".
+"title" is the title of the Widget.
+The "output" file is read line by line. And every line is drawn without wrap the lines if they are to long.
diff --git a/widgets/command_output/command b/widgets/command_output/command
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..03b12b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/command_output/command
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+echo "MyTitle" > title
+echo "output line 1" > output
+echo "output line 2" >> output
diff --git a/widgets/system_information/README b/widgets/system_information/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..946b5236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/system_information/README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This widget provides several information about the current system state.
+The command "system_information" will be executed every time the widget is drawn, so please keep it short and fast.
+The command "system_information" must provide several files with the infos.
+The output files must begin with 01_ - 99_ for sort/position the info in the widget. For example "01_uptime", "02_load", etc.The values will be drawn in 2 columns except "system_version" and "kernel_version" they are drawn in a row.
+For example:
+System Version: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
+Load: 0.32 Uptime: 10:24:42 up 88 days
+You can include system_updatestatus and temperatures. But do not execute the system_updatestatus script (please read README of system_updatestatus)
+Please see the example! \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/widgets/system_information/system_information b/widgets/system_information/system_information
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..d61d4dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/system_information/system_information
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+system_information.ubuntu \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/widgets/system_information/system_information.ubuntu b/widgets/system_information/system_information.ubuntu
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4222b602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/system_information/system_information.ubuntu
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# this script will be executed when the widget will be drawn
+# so make it short and fast
+# enable/disable items
+# Position of items
+# sys_version & kernel_version are drawn in one line
+# all others will be drawn in two column
+# for example
+# System Version: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
+# Uptime: 1:20 5m Load: 0.41
+# must begin with 01
+# mount point of vdr video disk
+# force english output for filters
+# delete all files
+rm -f [0-99]*
+if [ $SHOW_SYS_VERSION = 1 ]; then
+ cat /etc/os-release | grep "PRETTY_NAME=" | cut -d"\"" -f 2 > ./${SYS_VERSION_POS}_sys_version
+if [ $SHOW_KERNEL_VERSION = 1 ]; then
+ uname -r > ./${KERNEL_VERSION_POS}_kernel_version
+if [ $SHOW_UPTIME = 1 ]; then
+ uptime | grep -ohe 'up .*' | sed 's/,//g' | awk '{ printf $2" "$3 }' > ./${UPTIME_POS}_uptime
+if [ $SHOW_LOAD = 1 ]; then
+ cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1}' > ./${LOAD_POS}_load
+if [ $SHOW_PROCESSES = 1 ]; then
+ ps aux | wc -l > ./${PROCESSES_POS}_processes
+if [ $SHOW_MEM_USAGE = 1 ]; then
+ free -m | awk '/Mem:/ { total=$2 } /buffers\/cache/ { used=$3 } END { printf("%3.1f%%", used/total*100)}' > ./${MEM_USAGE_POS}_mem_usage
+if [ $SHOW_SWAP_USAGE = 1 ]; then
+ SWAP=`free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print($2)}'`
+ if [ $SWAP -gt 0 ]; then
+ free -m | awk '/Swap/ { printf("%3.1f%%", $3/$2*100) }' > ./${SWAP_USAGE_POS}_swap_usage
+ fi
+if [ $SHOW_ROOT_USAGE = 1 ]; then
+ df -h / | awk '/\// {print $(NF-1)}' > ./${ROOT_USAGE_POS}_root_usage
+if [ $SHOW_VIDEO_USAGE = 1 ] && [ -d ${VIDEO_MOUNT} ]; then
+ df -h ${VIDEO_MOUNT} | awk '/\// {print $(NF-1)}' > ./${VIDEO_USAGE_POS}_video_usage
+if [ $SHOW_VDR_CPU_USAGE = 1 ]; then
+ vdr_pid=`pidof vdr`
+ if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+ VALUE=`ps -p ${vdr_pid} -o %cpu | awk 'NR==2{print $0}' | tr -d ' '`
+ echo "${VALUE}%" > ./${VDR_CPU_USAGE_POS}_vdr_cpu_usage
+ fi
+if [ $SHOW_VDR_MEM_USAGE = 1 ]; then
+ vdr_pid=`pidof vdr`
+ if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+ VALUE=`ps -p ${vdr_pid} -o %mem | awk 'NR==2{print $0}' | tr -d ' '`
+ echo "${VALUE}%" > ./${VDR_MEM_USAGE_POS}_vdr_mem_usage
+ fi
+if [ $SHOW_TEMPERATURES = 1 ]; then
+ ./../temperatures/temperatures
+ if [ -f ./cpu ]; then
+ mv ./cpu ${TEMP_CPU_POS}_cpu
+ fi
+ if [ -f ./pccase ]; then
+ mv ./pccase ${TEMP_PCCASE_POS}_pccase
+ fi
+ if [ -f ./gpu ]; then
+ mv ./gpu ${TEMP_GPU_POS}_gpu
+ fi
+if [ $SHOW_SYSUPDATES = 1 ]; then
+ if [ -f ./../system_updatestatus/updates ]; then
+ cp ./../system_updatestatus/updates ${SYSUPD_POS}_updates
+ fi
+ if [ -f ./../system_updatestatus/security_updates ]; then
+ cp ./../system_updatestatus/security_updates ${SYSSECUPD_POS}_security_updates
+ fi
diff --git a/widgets/system_updatestatus/README b/widgets/system_updatestatus/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bcf7289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/system_updatestatus/README
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+This widget provide information about available updates of the system.
+Since the command usually needs long time to execute this is not called from skin flatPlus.
+You have to call the command from the system via cron or at system start.
+For example call the command from cron.daily.
+The command can provide to output files: "updates" and "security_updates". The file "security_updates" is optional.
diff --git a/widgets/system_updatestatus/system_update_status b/widgets/system_updatestatus/system_update_status
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..50bdc037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/system_updatestatus/system_update_status
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+rm -f updates security_updates
+if [ ! -f ${APTCHECK} ]
+ exit
+RET=$(${APTCHECK} 2>&1)
+# updates
+echo $RET | cut -d";" -f1 > updates
+# security updates
+echo $RET | cut -d";" -f2 > security_updates
diff --git a/widgets/system_updatestatus/system_update_status.ubuntu b/widgets/system_updatestatus/system_update_status.ubuntu
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..23f4345a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/system_updatestatus/system_update_status.ubuntu
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# this script must be call from cron
+# please add a cron entry for this script
+# skin flatPlus only read the file "update_status"
+rm -f ./update_status
+# lent code from apticron, thank you!
+eval `/usr/bin/apt-config shell DIRCACHE Dir::Cache`
+# get the list of packages which are pending an upgrade
+PKGNAMES=`/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y --ignore-hold --allow-unauthenticated -s dist-upgrade | \
+ /bin/grep ^Inst | /usr/bin/cut -d\ -f2 | /usr/bin/sort`
+# creating the future last_run file
+TMPFILE="$(mktemp -t apticron.XXXXXXXXXX)"
+for p in $PKGNAMES; do
+ echo $p >> $TMPFILE
+# workaround to handle apt-get installing packages hold by aptitude. See #137771.
+APTITUDE_HOLDS=`grep "^State: 2" -B 2 /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates 2>/dev/null |grep "^Package: .*$" |cut -d" " -f 2`
+DSELECT_HOLDS=`dpkg --get-selections |grep "hold$" |cut -f1`
+if [ "$NOTIFY_HOLDS" = "0" ]; then
+ # packages hold by aptitude don't go to the upgrading candidates list
+ for p in $APTITUDE_HOLDS; do
+ PKGNAMES=`echo $PKGNAMES |sed "s/\(^\| \)$p\( \|$\)/ /g;s/^ //g"`
+ done
+ # packages hold by dselect don't go to the upgrading candidates list
+ for p in $DSELECT_HOLDS; do
+ PKGNAMES=`echo $PKGNAMES |sed "s/\(^\| \)$p\( \|$\)/ /g;s/^ //g"`
+ done
+if [ "$NOTIFY_NEW" = "0" ]; then
+ # new packages don't go to the upgrading candidates list (see #531002)
+ for p in $PKGNAMES; do
+ if [ -z "`dpkg -s $p 2>/dev/null| grep '^Status: install ok installed'`" ] ; then
+ PKGNAMES=`echo $PKGNAMES |sed "s/\(^\| \)$p\( \|$\)/ /g;s/^ //g"`
+ fi
+ done
+for PKG in $PKGNAMES ; do
+ VER=`LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/apt-cache policy $PKG | /bin/grep Candidate: | /usr/bin/cut -f 4 -d \ `
+ VERFILE=`echo "$VER" | /bin/sed -e "s/:/%3a/g"`
+ if ls ${PKGPATH}${PKG}_${VERFILE}_*.deb >& /dev/null ; then
+ fi
+ echo $PKG $VER >> ./update_status
diff --git a/widgets/temperatures/README b/widgets/temperatures/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc2247a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/temperatures/README
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+This Widget provide information about the system temperatures.
+The command "temperatures" will be executed every time the widget is drawn, so please keep it short and fast.
+The command can provide three temperatures: cpu, pc case and gpu temperature
+The command can also be called from system information widget. So the output files must also begin with 01_ - 99_ for sort/position.
+Please install lm-sensors and configure it for your system. See the default script for an example.
diff --git a/widgets/temperatures/temperatures b/widgets/temperatures/temperatures
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..75a35796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/temperatures/temperatures
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# please update this script to fit your needs
+# this script is call every time the widget will be drawn, so keep it short and fast ;)
+# if the script is executed from system_information script set the locale back for "°C"
+# there can be 3 files, cpu, gpu, case
+rm -f ./cpu ./pccase ./gpu
+# intel core-i cpu temp
+sensors -A coretemp-isa-0000 | grep "Core 0" | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d "+" > ./cpu
+# pc case temp
+sensors -A acpitz-virtual-0 | grep "temp1" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d "+" > ./pccase
+# nvidia gpu temp
+# nvidia-settings must be run as the user of the x server
+GPU=`nvidia-settings -c :0 -t -query GPUCoreTemp | head -n 1`
+echo "$GPU°C" > ./gpu