AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-08-22[add] menu recordings - add exclamation mark icon for folders if last recordi...Martin Schirrmacher
2016-08-20update dvb widgetMartin Schirrmacher
2016-08-20[fix] dvb widget - discard not used and discard unknownMartin Schirrmacher
2016-08-20[update] temperature widget - update temperatures.g2vMartin Schirrmacher
2016-08-20[update] system information widget - update system_information.g2vMartin Schirrmacher
2016-08-20- [update] timers widget - sort timers by timeMartin Schirrmacher
2016-08-20[fix] recordings name in recording menu (thanks to Delekhan @ Schirrmacher
2016-04-27update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2016-04-26add mpv-plugin logoMartin Schirrmacher
2016-04-26add mpv-plugin logoMartin Schirrmacher
2016-04-26fix uninitialized pointer in displayrecodingMartin Schirrmacher
2016-02-07rename plugin-icon yaepghg to yaepghdMartin Schirrmacher
2016-02-07add option MenuItemRecordingSeenTresholdMartin Schirrmacher
2015-12-30add patch for vdr-2.2Martin Schirrmacher
2015-12-12remove femonreceiverMartin Schirrmacher
2015-12-12add support for vdr-2.3.1Martin Schirrmacher
2015-12-06update default themesMartin Schirrmacher
2015-12-06update ac3 logoMartin Schirrmacher
2015-11-14rename crypt_nagra.pngMartin Schirrmacher
2015-11-14Update HISTORYMartin Schirrmacher
2015-11-14add italian translation, thanks to fiveten_59Martin Schirrmacher
2015-11-14Update ac3 logo to dolby digital logoMartin Schirrmacher
2015-11-14Update de_DE.poMartin Schirrmacher
2015-11-14Update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-13update dvbapi info viewMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-12update dvbapi info viewMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-05update translationMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-05update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-05add displaychannel - dvbapi infoMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-01first try of new default theme, see flatPlus-default_2.themeMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-01timer menu, fix position if timerInactive_cur.png is not availableMartin Schirrmacher
2015-05-01disk usage icons with 32 sections instead of 16, thanks to MegaV0ltMartin Schirrmacher
2015-04-19[fix] wrong epg logo in epgsearch eventsviewMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-21[fix] position of widgets in main menu (add menu item border size)Martin Schirrmacher
2015-02-19eMenuSortMode in displaymenu.h for compile with VDR < 2.2.0Martin Schirrmacher
2015-02-14release version 0.5.1Martin Schirrmacher
2015-02-10update system_information.g2vMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-10update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-10update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-10add remottimers.h service header fileMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-09add remote timers supportMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-09add recording_seen_X_cur icons for selected recordingMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-08[add] option to allways show date in schedule menuMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-08[add] recording menu, progressbar icon to show how much seen from the recordingMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-08update sort iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-08[add] provide support for new SetMenuSortMode function, to show sort in menusMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-06[add] support for message text with parse tilde and extra text colorMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-06[update] widgets: weather text size of temperature in long viewMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-06[update] widgets: system_information.g2v, temperatures.g2v, temperatures.defaultMartin Schirrmacher
2015-02-06update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher