AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-08-09add config file for skin flatMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-09add plugin iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-09add MVThemes configMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-09update MVThemes, add MVThemes configMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-09small fix in LoadConfigFileMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-09add default config fileMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-09add options to save and load config fileMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-07new plugin iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-07add 169w iconMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-07final fix small secs for recording menuMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-06add debug outputMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-04new time seconds scale optionMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-04new hidden config ChannelBitrateShowCalcIntervalMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-04fixes in show bitrateMartin Schirrmacher
2014-08-03add new option TopBar clock font scale, add new option Draw small seconds, ad...Martin Schirrmacher
2014-07-14add new chart iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-13position in menu item eventMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-13update topbar disk usage statsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-12fix scrollbar colorMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-12new types for scrollbarMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-12update mvthems, added cur version for some iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-09small fixes in textscrollerMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-08update clear menu scrollerMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-07update topbar, add option diskusageshortMartin Schirrmacher
2014-07-06remove topbar scroller, add event,timer,channel,recording menu scrollerMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-30clear topbar scrollerMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-30fix flicker with textscrollerMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-24scroller for topbar and messagesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-24fixes in channelinfoMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-23remove dummy epg-textMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-23remove textscroller.oMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-23first text scroller support in channel infoMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-19release version 0.3.1Martin Schirrmacher
2014-06-17add message icons of MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-17update MV-Themes, update iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-15remove symbolsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-15remove symbols, add iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-15update symbolsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-15update symbolsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-14update message heightMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-14try fix #1868Martin Schirrmacher
2014-06-14try to fix #1868Martin Schirrmacher
2014-06-14add message color position option, add message iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-14update Makefile, add --remove-destination to install icons, to override symlinksMartin Schirrmacher
2014-06-14left align number recordings of folders in recording viewMartin Schirrmacher
2014-05-31update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-05-31update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-05-30fix cut text on tab sizeMartin Schirrmacher
2014-05-30patch - load epg image cover_vdr.jpg in recordings folder (thanks to Saman@vd...Martin Schirrmacher
2014-05-30update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher