path: root/icons/MVCyan/play_sel.png
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-04-03update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-03-22you can configure to use colors for signal quality (works only with ↵Martin Schirrmacher
ProgresType big line + outline); update MV-Themes
2014-03-16update MV_Thems, duplicated icons are linkedMartin Schirrmacher
2014-03-13fix makefile vdrlogo and plgcfg, update MV_ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-02-22update MV-ThemesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-02-20update mv_themesMartin Schirrmacher
2014-02-16update iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2014-02-12add vdrlogosMartin Schirrmacher
2014-02-07add Patch from MegaV0lt, support for simple aspect & format, new iconsMartin Schirrmacher
2013-11-22update - do not display channel for first time, small fixesMartin Schirrmacher