flatPlus-fnuanthra*.themes created on 12.04.2014 base theme: flatPlus-fnuanthrared.theme, base icons: fnuanthrared theme: red, highlights: #BC0000, background: #000000, foreground: #404040 theme: amber, highlights: #FFBF00, background: #000000, foreground: #404040 theme: green, highlights: #00CD00, background: #000000, foreground: #404040 theme: yablue, highlights: #4E78B1, background: #000000, foreground: #404040 These are flat anthra style themes following good old anthra packages from Tomas Saxer for vdr-plugin-text2skin. As with the originals base theme is red highlighted, authors favorit is amber highlighted, one for yaVDR family is yablue highlighted and a green one. Themes are black, anthrazit, grey style with some accents in given colors and like the original themes with a white logo base. All kept flat to fit into strenght of skinflatplus. Author does recommend to use "round big" decor and nopacity-default logos from Copperhead, because of the white logo base: - http://creimer.net/channellogos/ (C) 2014 Frank Neumann