flatPlus-fnuanthra.themes created on 12.04.2014 base theme: flatPlus-fnuanthrared.theme, base icons: fnuanthrared theme: red, highlights: #bf111b, background: #151619, foreground: #525a60 theme: amber, highlights: #ffbf00, background: #151619, foreground: #525a60 theme: yablue, highlights: #4e78b1, background: #151619, foreground: #525a60 These are anthra style themes following good old anthra packages from Tomas Saxer for vdr-plugin-text2skin. As with the originals base theme is red highlighted, authors favorit is amber highlighted and third one for the big yaVDR family is yablue highlighted. Themes are black, anthrazit and grey style with some minor highlights in given colors and like the original themes with a white logo base. All kept flat to fit into strenght of skinflatplus. Author does recommend to use "round big" decor and nopacity-default logos from Copperhead, because the white logo base: - http://creimer.net/channellogos/ (C) 2014 Frank Neumann