This widget provides several information about the current system state. You must manually create a link to the corresponding script, for example: ln -s system_information.ubuntu system The command "system_information" will be executed every time the widget is drawn, so please keep it short and fast. The command "system_information" must provide several files with the infos. The output files must begin with 01_ - 99_ for sort/position the info in the widget. For example "01_uptime", "02_load", etc.The values will be drawn in 2 columns except "system_version" and "kernel_version" they are drawn in a row. For example: System Version: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS Load: 0.32 Uptime: 10:24:42 up 88 days You can include system_updatestatus and temperatures. But do not execute the system_updatestatus script (please read README of system_updatestatus) Please see the example!