path: root/lcarsng.c
diff options
authorkamel5 <vdr.kamel5 (at) gmx (dot) net>2019-07-22 12:14:08 +0200
committerkamel5 <vdr.kamel5 (at) gmx (dot) net>2019-07-22 14:51:59 +0200
commit30a6ec85d3738fca98ce80ed305f0d83a81eb3e0 (patch)
treee6936da082f03d0cb488627b8cb4a0a171a73d86 /lcarsng.c
parent78733710efa56f01c759d3d3bf4749f6c8011aa6 (diff)
Separate displaytracks
Diffstat (limited to 'lcarsng.c')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/lcarsng.c b/lcarsng.c
index e949f8c..2e88fd7 100644
--- a/lcarsng.c
+++ b/lcarsng.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "displaychannel.h"
#include "displaymenu.h"
#include "displayreplay.h"
+#include "displaytracks.h"
#include <vdr/font.h>
#include <vdr/menu.h>
#include <vdr/osd.h>
@@ -339,155 +340,6 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayVolume::Flush(void)
-// --- cLCARSNGDisplayTracks -----------------------------------------------
-class cLCARSNGDisplayTracks : public cSkinDisplayTracks {
- cOsd *osd;
- int xt00, xt01, xt02, xt03, xt04, xt05, xt06, xt07, xt08, xt09, xt10, xt11, xt12;
- int yt00, yt01, yt02, yt03, yt04, yt05, yt06, yt07;
- int lineHeight;
- tColor frameColor;
- int currentIndex;
- static cBitmap bmAudioLeft, bmAudioRight, bmAudioStereo;
- void SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current);
- cLCARSNGDisplayTracks(const char *Title, int NumTracks, const char * const *Tracks);
- virtual ~cLCARSNGDisplayTracks();
- virtual void SetTrack(int Index, const char * const *Tracks);
- virtual void SetAudioChannel(int AudioChannel);
- virtual void Flush(void);
- };
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::bmAudioLeft(audioleft_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::bmAudioRight(audioright_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::bmAudioStereo(audiostereo_xpm);
-cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::cLCARSNGDisplayTracks(const char *Title, int NumTracks, const char * const *Tracks)
- const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
- lineHeight = font->Height();
- frameColor = Theme.Color(clrTrackFrameBg);
- currentIndex = -1;
- xt00 = 0;
- xt01 = xt00 + lineHeight / 2;
- xt02 = xt01 + Gap;
- xt03 = xt00 + 2 * lineHeight;
- int ItemsWidth = font->Width(Title) + xt03 - xt02;
- for (int i = 0; i < NumTracks; i++)
- ItemsWidth = max(ItemsWidth, font->Width(Tracks[i]) + 2 * TextFrame);
- xt04 = xt02 + ItemsWidth;
- xt05 = xt04 + Gap;
- xt06 = xt04 + lineHeight;
- xt07 = xt05 + lineHeight;
- xt08 = xt07 + lineHeight;
- xt09 = xt08 + Gap;
- xt10 = xt09 + lineHeight / 2;
- xt11 = xt10 + Gap;
- xt12 = xt11 + lineHeight;
- yt00 = 0;
- yt01 = yt00 + lineHeight;
- yt02 = yt01 + lineHeight;
- yt03 = yt02 + Gap;
- yt04 = yt03 + NumTracks * lineHeight + (NumTracks - 1) * Gap;
- yt05 = yt04 + Gap;
- yt06 = yt05 + lineHeight;
- yt07 = yt06 + lineHeight;
- while (yt07 > cOsd::OsdHeight()) {
- yt04 -= lineHeight + Gap;
- yt05 = yt04 + Gap;
- yt06 = yt05 + lineHeight;
- yt07 = yt06 + lineHeight;
- }
- osd = CreateOsd(cOsd::OsdLeft(), cOsd::OsdTop() + cOsd::OsdHeight() - yt07, xt00, yt00, xt12 - 1, yt07 - 1);
- // The upper elbow:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt00, yt00, xt12 - 1, yt07 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt00, yt00, xt03 - 1, yt02 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xt00, yt00, xt03 - 1, yt02 - 1, frameColor, 2);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt03, yt00, xt04 - 1, yt02 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt04, yt00, xt08 - 1, yt01 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xt04, yt01, xt06 - 1, yt02 - 1, frameColor, -2);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt09, yt00, xt10 - 1, yt01 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt11, yt00, xt11 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yt01 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt11 + lineHeight / 2, yt00, xt12 - 1, yt00 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xt11 + lineHeight / 2, yt00, xt12 - 1, yt01 - 1, frameColor, 5);
- osd->DrawText(xt03, yt00, Title, Theme.Color(clrTrackFrameFg), frameColor, font, xt04 - xt03, 0, taTop | taRight);
- // The items:
- for (int i = 0; i < NumTracks; i++)
- SetItem(Tracks[i], i, false);
- // The lower elbow:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt00, yt05, xt03 - 1, yt07 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xt00, yt05, xt03 - 1, yt07 - 1, frameColor, 3);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt03, yt05, xt04 - 1, yt07 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt04, yt06, xt08 - 1, yt07 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xt04, yt05, xt06 - 1, yt06 - 1, frameColor, -3);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt09, yt06, xt10 - 1, yt07 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt11, yt06, xt11 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yt07 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt11 + lineHeight / 2, yt06 + lineHeight / 2, xt12 - 1, yt07 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xt11 + lineHeight / 2, yt06, xt12 - 1, yt07 - 1, frameColor, 5);
- delete osd;
- cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->ScaleVideo(cRect::Null);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current)
- int y0 = yt03 + Index * (lineHeight + Gap);
- int y1 = y0 + lineHeight;
- if (y1 > yt04)
- return;
- tColor ColorFg, ColorBg;
- if (Current) {
- ColorFg = Theme.Color(clrTrackItemCurrentFg);
- ColorBg = Theme.Color(clrTrackItemCurrentBg);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt00, y0, xt01 - 1, y1 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt02, y0, xt04 - 1, y1 - 1, ColorBg);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt05, y0, xt05 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, y1 - 1, ColorBg);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xt05 + lineHeight / 2, y0, xt07 - 1, y1 - 1, ColorBg, 5);
- currentIndex = Index;
- }
- else {
- ColorFg = Theme.Color(clrTrackItemFg);
- ColorBg = Theme.Color(clrTrackItemBg);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt00, y0, xt01 - 1, y1 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt02, y0, xt04 - 1, y1 - 1, ColorBg);
- if (currentIndex == Index)
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt05, y0, xt07 - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
- }
- const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
- osd->DrawText(xt02, y0, Text, ColorFg, ColorBg, font, xt04 - xt02, y1 - y0, taTop | taLeft | taBorder);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::SetTrack(int Index, const char * const *Tracks)
- if (currentIndex >= 0)
- SetItem(Tracks[currentIndex], currentIndex, false);
- SetItem(Tracks[Index], Index, true);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::SetAudioChannel(int AudioChannel)
- cBitmap *bm = NULL;
- switch (AudioChannel) {
- case 0: bm = &bmAudioStereo; break;
- case 1: bm = &bmAudioLeft; break;
- case 2: bm = &bmAudioRight; break;
- default: ;
- }
- if (bm)
- osd->DrawBitmap(xt04 - bm->Width(), (yt06 + yt07 - bm->Height()) / 2, *bm, Theme.Color(clrTrackFrameFg), frameColor);
- else
- osd->DrawRectangle(xt03, yt06, xt04 - 1, yt07 - 1, frameColor);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayTracks::Flush(void)
- osd->Flush();
// --- cLCARSNGDisplayMessage ----------------------------------------------
class cLCARSNGDisplayMessage : public cSkinDisplayMessage {