diff options
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lcarsng.c b/lcarsng.c
index 58c3adc..c853615 100644
--- a/lcarsng.c
+++ b/lcarsng.c
@@ -31,7 +31,10 @@
#include <vdr/positioner.h>
#include <vdr/themes.h>
+#include "vdr/tools.h"
#include <vdr/videodir.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <string>
#include "symbols/arrowdown.xpm"
#include "symbols/arrowup.xpm"
@@ -71,6 +74,8 @@
#define SymbolSpacing TextSpacing
#define ShowSeenExtent (Setup.FontOsdSize / 5) // pixels by which the "seen" bar extends out of the frame
+#define MB_PER_MINUTE 25.75 // this is just an estimate! (taken over from VDR)
+#define DISKSPACECHEK 5 // seconds between disk space checks
#define DISKUSAGEALERTLIMIT 95 // percent of disk usage above which the display goes into alert mode
#define SIGNALDISPLAYDELTA 2 // seconds between subsequent device signal displays
@@ -348,6 +353,75 @@ static void DrawDevicePosition(cOsd *Osd, const cPositioner *Positioner, int x0,
+static time_t lastDiskSpaceCheck = 0;
+static int lastFreeMB = -1;
+static int FreeMB(const char *Base, bool Initial)
+ bool Directory = false;
+ char *currentBase = NULL;
+ if (Base) {
+ size_t Length = strlen(Base);
+ const char *p = strchr(Base, ' ');
+ int l = p - Base;
+ if (l < 0)
+ return 0;
+ currentBase = MALLOC(char, Length - l);
+ strncpy(currentBase, &Base[l + 1], Length - l -1);
+ currentBase[Length - l -1] = '\0';
+ Directory = (strcmp(currentBase, cString::sprintf("%s", trVDR("Recordings"))) && strcmp(currentBase, cString::sprintf("%s", trVDR("Deleted Recordings")))) ? true : false;
+// free(p);
+ }
+ if (Initial || lastFreeMB <= 0 || (time(NULL) - lastDiskSpaceCheck) > DISKSPACECHEK) {
+ dev_t fsid = 0;
+ int freediskspace = 0;
+ std::string path = cVideoDirectory::Name();
+ path += "/";
+ char *tmpbase = Directory ? ExchangeChars(strdup(currentBase), true) : NULL;
+ dsyslog ("%s %s %d %s\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, (const char *)tmpbase);
+ if (tmpbase)
+ path += tmpbase;
+ struct stat statdir;
+ if (!stat(path.c_str(), &statdir)) {
+ if (statdir.st_dev != fsid) {
+ fsid = statdir.st_dev;
+ struct statvfs fsstat;
+ if (!statvfs(path.c_str(), &fsstat)) {
+ freediskspace = int((double)fsstat.f_bavail / (double)(1024.0 * 1024.0 / fsstat.f_bsize));
+ for (const cRecording *rec = DeletedRecordings->First(); rec; rec = DeletedRecordings->Next(rec)) {
+ if (!stat(rec->FileName(), &statdir)) {
+ if (statdir.st_dev == fsid) {
+ int ds = DirSizeMB(rec->FileName());
+ if (ds > 0)
+ freediskspace += ds;
+ else
+ esyslog("DirSizeMB(%s) failed!", rec->FileName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ dsyslog("Error while getting filesystem size - statvfs (%s): %s", path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+ freediskspace = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ freediskspace = lastFreeMB;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ dsyslog("Error while getting filesystem size - stat (%s): %s", path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+ freediskspace = 0;
+ }
+ free(tmpbase);
+ lastFreeMB = freediskspace;
+ lastDiskSpaceCheck = time(NULL);
+ }
+ free(currentBase);
+ return lastFreeMB;
// --- cLCARSNGDisplayChannel ----------------------------------------------
class cLCARSNGDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel {
@@ -751,6 +825,7 @@ private:
enum eCurrentMode { cmUnknown, cmLive, cmPlay };
eCurrentMode lastMode;
cString lastDate;
+ const char *currentTitle;
int lastDiskUsageState;
bool lastDiskAlert;
double lastSystemLoad;
@@ -830,6 +905,7 @@ cLCARSNGDisplayMenu::cLCARSNGDisplayMenu(void)
lastSignalDisplay = 0;
lastLiveIndicatorY = -1;
lastLiveIndicatorTransferring = false;
+ currentTitle = NULL;
lastDiskUsageState = -1;
lastDiskAlert = false;
lastSystemLoad = -1;
@@ -1219,12 +1295,20 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayMenu::DrawDisk(void)
const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
int DiskUsage = cVideoDiskUsage::UsedPercent();
bool DiskAlert = DiskUsage > DISKUSAGEALERTLIMIT;
+ int freemb = FreeMB(currentTitle, initial);
+ int minutes = 0;
+ {
+ double MBperMinute = Recordings->MBperMinute();
+ minutes = int(double(freemb) / (MBperMinute > 0 ? MBperMinute : MB_PER_MINUTE));
+ }
tColor ColorFg = DiskAlert ? Theme.Color(clrAlertFg) : Theme.Color(clrMenuFrameFg);
tColor ColorBg = DiskAlert ? Theme.Color(clrAlertBg) : frameColor;
if (initial || DiskAlert != lastDiskAlert)
osd->DrawText(xa00, yb02, tr("DISK"), ColorFg, ColorBg, tinyFont, xa02 - xa00, yb03 - yb02, taTop | taLeft | taBorder);
osd->DrawText(xa01, yb02, cString::sprintf("%02d%s", DiskUsage, "%"), ColorFg, ColorBg, font, xa02 - xa01, lineHeight, taBottom | taRight | taBorder);
- osd->DrawText(xa00, yb03 - lineHeight, cString::sprintf("%02d:%02d", cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() / 60, cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() % 60), ColorFg, ColorBg, font, xa02 - xa00, 0, taBottom | taRight | taBorder);
+ osd->DrawText(xa00, yb03 - lineHeight, freemb ? cString::sprintf("%02d:%02d", minutes / 60, minutes % 60) : cString::sprintf("%02d:%02d", cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() / 60, cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() % 60), ColorFg, ColorBg, font, xa02 - xa00, 0, taBottom | taRight | taBorder);
+// osd->DrawText(xa00, yb00 - lineHeight - Gap - 1, cString::sprintf("%02d:%02d", cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() / 60, cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() % 60), ColorFg, ColorBg, font, xa02 - xa00, 0, taBottom | taRight | taBorder);
lastDiskAlert = DiskAlert;
@@ -1797,6 +1881,8 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayMenu::Clear(void)
void cLCARSNGDisplayMenu::SetTitle(const char *Title)
const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
+ initial = true;
+ currentTitle = NULL;
int NumRecordingsInPath = 0;
@@ -1814,6 +1900,7 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayMenu::SetTitle(const char *Title)
osd->DrawText(xm04, ys00, cString::sprintf("%i", NumRecordingsInPath), Theme.Color(clrMenuFrameFg), frameColor, font, xm08 - xm04 - 1, lineHeight, taBottom | taRight);
#endif /* WAREAGLEICON */
+ currentTitle = Title;
case mcRecordingInfo:
case mcRecordingEdit:
case mcTimerEdit: