path: root/lcarsng.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'lcarsng.c')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 724 deletions
diff --git a/lcarsng.c b/lcarsng.c
index 610693f..e45c5d7 100644
--- a/lcarsng.c
+++ b/lcarsng.c
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include "lcarsng.h"
+#include "displaychannel.h"
+#include "displayreplay.h"
#include <vdr/font.h>
#include <vdr/menu.h>
#include <vdr/osd.h>
@@ -37,81 +39,13 @@
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <string>
-#include "symbols/arrowdown.xpm"
-#include "symbols/arrowup.xpm"
-#include "symbols/audio.xpm"
-#include "symbols/audioleft.xpm"
-#include "symbols/audioright.xpm"
-#include "symbols/audiostereo.xpm"
-#include "symbols/dolbydigital.xpm"
-#include "symbols/encrypted.xpm"
-#include "symbols/ffwd.xpm"
-#include "symbols/ffwd1.xpm"
-#include "symbols/ffwd2.xpm"
-#include "symbols/ffwd3.xpm"
-#include "symbols/frew.xpm"
-#include "symbols/frew1.xpm"
-#include "symbols/frew2.xpm"
-#include "symbols/frew3.xpm"
-#include "symbols/mute.xpm"
-#include "symbols/pause.xpm"
-#include "symbols/play.xpm"
-#include "symbols/radio.xpm"
-#include "symbols/recording.xpm"
-#include "symbols/sfwd.xpm"
-#include "symbols/sfwd1.xpm"
-#include "symbols/sfwd2.xpm"
-#include "symbols/sfwd3.xpm"
-#include "symbols/srew.xpm"
-#include "symbols/srew1.xpm"
-#include "symbols/srew2.xpm"
-#include "symbols/srew3.xpm"
-#include "symbols/teletext.xpm"
-#include "symbols/volume.xpm"
-#define Gap (Setup.FontOsdSize / 5 & ~1) // must be even
-#define TextFrame (Setup.FontOsdSize / TEXT_ALIGN_BORDER)
-#define TextSpacing (2 * TextFrame)
-#define SymbolSpacing TextSpacing
-#define ShowSeenExtent (Setup.FontOsdSize / 5) // pixels by which the "seen" bar extends out of the frame
-#define MB_PER_MINUTE 25.75 // this is just an estimate! (taken over from VDR)
-#define DISKSPACECHEK 5 // seconds between disk space checks
-#define DISKUSAGEALERTLIMIT 95 // percent of disk usage above which the display goes into alert mode
-#define SIGNALDISPLAYDELTA 2 // seconds between subsequent device signal displays
-static cTheme Theme;
cRect availableRect;
cRect videoWindowRect;
-// Color domains:
-#define CLR_BACKGROUND 0x99000000
-#define CLR_MAIN_FRAME 0xFFFF9966
-#define CLR_REPLAY_FRAME 0xFFCC6666
-#define CLR_DATE 0xFF99CCFF
-#define CLR_MENU_ITEMS 0xFF9999FF
-#define CLR_TIMER 0xFF99CCFF
-#define CLR_DEVICE 0xFFF1B1AF
-#define CLR_TEXT 0xFF99CCFF
-#define CLR_TRACK 0xFFFFCC66
-#define CLR_SEEN 0xFFCC99CC
-#define CLR_ALERT 0xFFFF0000
-#define CLR_EXPOSED 0xFF990000
-#define CLR_RED 0xFFCC6666
-#define CLR_GREEN 0xFFA0FF99
-#define CLR_YELLOW 0xFFF1DF60
-#define CLR_BLUE 0xFF9A99FF
-#define CLR_BLACK 0xFF000000
+cTheme Theme;
// General colors:
THEME_CLR(Theme, clrBackground, CLR_BACKGROUND);
THEME_CLR(Theme, clrDateFg, CLR_BLACK);
THEME_CLR(Theme, clrDateBg, CLR_DATE);
@@ -207,12 +141,12 @@ THEME_CLR(Theme, clrTrackItemFg, CLR_BLACK);
THEME_CLR(Theme, clrTrackItemBg, RgbShade(CLR_TRACK, 0.5));
THEME_CLR(Theme, clrTrackItemCurrentFg, CLR_BLACK);
THEME_CLR(Theme, clrTrackItemCurrentBg, CLR_TRACK);
// --- Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------
static bool TwoColors = false;
-static cOsd *CreateOsd(int Left, int Top, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
+cOsd *CreateOsd(int Left, int Top, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
cOsd *Osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(Left, Top);
int Bpp[] = { 32, 8, 4, 2, 1 };
@@ -229,7 +163,7 @@ static cOsd *CreateOsd(int Left, int Top, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
return Osd;
-static cFont *CreateTinyFont(int LineHeight)
+cFont *CreateTinyFont(int LineHeight)
// Creates a font that is not higher than half of LineHeight.
LineHeight /= 1.85;
@@ -243,7 +177,7 @@ static cFont *CreateTinyFont(int LineHeight)
-static bool DrawDeviceData(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &xs, const cFont *TinyFont, cString &LastDeviceType, cCamSlot *&LastCamSlot, bool Initial)
+bool DrawDeviceData(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &xs, const cFont *TinyFont, cString &LastDeviceType, cCamSlot *&LastCamSlot, bool Initial)
cString DeviceType = Device->DeviceType();
cCamSlot *CamSlot = Device->CamSlot();
@@ -278,7 +212,7 @@ static bool DrawDeviceData(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, int
return false;
-static void DrawDeviceSignal(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &LastSignalStrength, int &LastSignalQuality, bool Initial)
+void DrawDeviceSignal(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &LastSignalStrength, int &LastSignalQuality, bool Initial)
int SignalStrength = Device->SignalStrength();
int SignalQuality = Device->SignalQuality();
@@ -315,7 +249,7 @@ static void DrawDeviceSignal(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, i
#if APIVERSNUM > 20101
-static void DrawDevicePosition(cOsd *Osd, const cPositioner *Positioner, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &LastCurrent)
+void DrawDevicePosition(cOsd *Osd, const cPositioner *Positioner, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &LastCurrent)
int HorizonLeft = Positioner->HorizonLongitude(cPositioner::pdLeft);
int HorizonRight = Positioner->HorizonLongitude(cPositioner::pdRight);
@@ -423,407 +357,6 @@ static int FreeMB(const char *Base, bool Initial)
return lastFreeMB;
-// --- cLCARSNGDisplayChannel ----------------------------------------------
-class cLCARSNGDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel, cThread {
- cOsd *osd;
- int xc00, xc01, xc02, xc03, xc04, xc05, xc06, xc07, xc08, xc09, xc10, xc11, xc12, xc13, xc14, xc15;
- int yc00, yc01, yc02, yc03, yc04, yc05, yc06, yc07, yc08, yc09, yc10, yc11, yc12;
- int xs; // starting column for signal display
- bool withInfo;
- int lineHeight;
- bool lastOn;
- bool On;
- cFont *tinyFont;
- cFont *tallFont;
- tColor frameColor;
- bool message;
- const cEvent *present;
- const cEvent *following;
- bool initial;
- cString lastDate;
- int lastSeen;
- int lastCurrentPosition;
- int lastDeviceNumber;
- cString lastDeviceType;
- cCamSlot *lastCamSlot;
- int lastSignalStrength;
- int lastSignalQuality;
- time_t lastSignalDisplay;
- tTrackId lastTrackId;
- static cBitmap bmTeletext, bmRadio, bmAudio, bmDolbyDigital, bmEncrypted, bmRecording;
- void Action(void);
- void DrawDate(void);
- void DrawTrack(void);
- void DrawSeen(int Current, int Total);
- void DrawDevice(void);
- void DrawSignal(void);
- void DrawBlinkingRec(void);
- void DrawEventRec(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following);
- cLCARSNGDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo);
- virtual ~cLCARSNGDisplayChannel();
- virtual void SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number);
- virtual void SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following);
- virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
-#if APIVERSNUM > 20101
- virtual void SetPositioner(const cPositioner *Positioner);
- virtual void Flush(void);
- };
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::bmTeletext(teletext_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::bmRadio(radio_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::bmAudio(audio_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::bmDolbyDigital(dolbydigital_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::bmEncrypted(encrypted_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::bmRecording(recording_xpm);
-cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::cLCARSNGDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo):cThread("LCARS DisplChan")
- tallFont = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontOsd, Setup.FontOsdSize * 1.8);
- initial = true;
- present = NULL;
- following = NULL;
- lastSeen = -1;
- lastCurrentPosition = -1;
- lastDeviceNumber = -1;
- lastCamSlot = NULL;
- lastSignalStrength = -1;
- lastSignalQuality = -1;
- lastSignalDisplay = 0;
- memset(&lastTrackId, 0, sizeof(lastTrackId));
- const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
- withInfo = WithInfo;
- lineHeight = font->Height();
- tinyFont = CreateTinyFont(lineHeight);
- frameColor = Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameBg);
- message = false;
- lastOn = false;
- On = false;
- int d = 5 * lineHeight;
- xc00 = 0;
- xc01 = xc00 + d / 2;
- xc02 = xc00 + d;
- xc03 = xc02 + lineHeight;
- xc04 = xc02 + d / 4;
- xc05 = xc02 + d;
- xc06 = xc05 + Gap;
- xc15 = cOsd::OsdWidth();
- xc14 = xc15 - lineHeight;
- xc13 = xc14 - Gap;
- xc07 = (xc15 + xc00) / 2;
- xc08 = xc07 + Gap;
- xc09 = xc08 + lineHeight;
- xc10 = xc09 + Gap;
- xc11 = (xc10 + xc13 + Gap) / 2;
- xc12 = xc11 + Gap;
- yc00 = 0;
- yc01 = yc00 + lineHeight;
- yc02 = yc01 + lineHeight;
- yc03 = yc02 + Gap;
- yc04 = yc03 + 2 * lineHeight;
- yc05 = yc04 + Gap;
- yc06 = yc05 + 2 * lineHeight;
- yc07 = yc06 + Gap;
- yc12 = yc07 + 3 * lineHeight + Gap / 2;
- yc11 = yc12 - lineHeight;
- yc10 = yc11 - lineHeight;
- yc09 = yc11 - d / 4;
- yc08 = yc12 - d / 2;
- xs = 0;
- int y1 = withInfo ? yc12 : yc02;
- int y0 = cOsd::OsdTop() + (Setup.ChannelInfoPos ? 0 : cOsd::OsdHeight() - y1);
- osd = CreateOsd(cOsd::OsdLeft(), y0, xc00, yc00, xc15 - 1, y1 - 1);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc00, xc15 - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
- // Rectangles:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc00, xc02 - 1, yc02 - 1, frameColor);
- if (withInfo) {
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc03, xc02 - 1, yc04 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc05, xc02 - 1, yc06 - 1, frameColor);
- // Elbow:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc07, xc01 - 1, yc08 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc08, xc01 - 1, yc12 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xc00, yc08, xc01 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor, 3);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc01, yc07, xc02 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xc02, yc09, xc04 - 1, yc11 - 1, frameColor, -3);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc02, yc11, xc05 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
- // Status area:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, yc11 + lineHeight / 2, xc07 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc11, xc09 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc10, yc11, xc11 - 1, yc12 - 1, Theme.Color(clrDeviceBg));
-// osd->DrawRectangle(xc12, yc11, xc13 - 1, yc12 - 1, Theme.Color(clrDateBg));
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc14, yc11, xc14 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc14 + lineHeight / 2, yc11 + lineHeight / 2, xc15 - 1, yc12 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xc14 + lineHeight / 2, yc11, xc15 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor, 5);
- }
- // Icons:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc14, yc00, xc14 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc01 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc14 + lineHeight / 2, yc00, xc15 - 1, yc00 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xc14 + lineHeight / 2, yc00, xc15 - 1, yc01 - 1, frameColor, 5);
- Cancel(-1);
- delete tallFont;
- delete tinyFont;
- delete osd;
- cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->ScaleVideo(cRect::Null);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawDate(void)
- cString s = DayDateTime();
- if (initial || !*lastDate || strcmp(s, lastDate)) {
- osd->DrawText(xc12, yc00, s, Theme.Color(clrDateFg), Theme.Color(clrDateBg), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc13 - xc12, lineHeight, taRight | taBorder);
- lastDate = s;
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawTrack(void)
- cDevice *Device = cDevice::PrimaryDevice();
- const tTrackId *Track = Device->GetTrack(Device->GetCurrentAudioTrack());
- if (Track ? strcmp(lastTrackId.description, Track->description) : *lastTrackId.description) {
- osd->DrawText(xc03, yc07, Track ? Track->description : "", Theme.Color(clrTrackName), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc07 - xc03);
- strn0cpy(lastTrackId.description, Track ? Track->description : "", sizeof(lastTrackId.description));
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawSeen(int Current, int Total)
- if (lastCurrentPosition >= 0)
- return; // to not interfere with SetPositioner()
- int Seen = (Total > 0) ? min(xc07 - xc06, int((xc07 - xc06) * double(Current) / Total)) : 0;
- if (initial || Seen != lastSeen) {
- int y0 = yc11 - ShowSeenExtent;
- int y1 = yc11 + lineHeight / 2 - Gap / 2;
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, y0, xc06 + Seen - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrSeen));
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06 + Seen, y0, xc07 - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
- // Restzeit anzeigen
- osd->DrawText(xc00, yc03 + lineHeight, ((Current / 60.0) > 0.1) ? cString::sprintf("-%d", max((int)ceil((Total - Current) / 60.0), 0)) : cString::sprintf(" "), Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc02 - xc00, 0, taRight | taBorder);
- lastSeen = Seen;
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawDevice(void)
- const cDevice *Device = cDevice::ActualDevice();
- if (DrawDeviceData(osd, Device, xc10, yc11, xc11, yc12, xs, tinyFont, lastDeviceType, lastCamSlot, Device->DeviceNumber() != lastDeviceNumber)) {
- lastDeviceNumber = Device->DeviceNumber();
- // Make sure signal meters are redrawn:
- lastSignalStrength = -1;
- lastSignalQuality = -1;
- lastSignalDisplay = 0;
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawSignal(void)
- time_t Now = time(NULL);
- if (Now != lastSignalDisplay) {
- DrawDeviceSignal(osd, cDevice::ActualDevice(), xs + lineHeight / 2, yc11, xc11, yc12, lastSignalStrength, lastSignalQuality, initial);
- lastSignalDisplay = Now;
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawBlinkingRec(void)
- bool rec = cRecordControls::Active();
- if (rec) {
- if (!Running())
- Start();
- }
- else {
- if (Running()) {
- Cancel(3);
- On = false;
- }
- }
- if (initial || On != lastOn) {
- int x = xc13;
- x -= bmRecording.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawBitmap(x, yc11 + (yc12 - yc11 - bmRecording.Height()) / 2, bmRecording, Theme.Color(rec ? On ? clrChannelSymbolRecFg : clrChannelSymbolOff : clrChannelSymbolOff), rec ? On ? Theme.Color(clrChannelSymbolRecBg) : frameColor : frameColor);
- lastOn = On;
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawEventRec(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following)
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- const cEvent *e = !i ? Present : Following;
- tColor recColor = !i ? Theme.Color(clrButtonRedBg) : Theme.Color(clrButtonYellowBg);
- int y = !i ? yc03 : yc05;
- if (e) {
- eTimerMatch TimerMatch = tmNone;
- const cTimer *Timer = Timers->GetMatch(e, &TimerMatch);
- if (Timer && Timer->HasFlags(tfActive) && TimerMatch == tmFull)
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc02 + 2 * Gap, y, xc03 - 2 * Gap, y + 2 * lineHeight -1, recColor);
- else
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc02 + 2 * Gap, y, xc03 - 2 * Gap, y + 2 * lineHeight -1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
- }
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number)
- int x = xc13;
- int xi = x - SymbolSpacing -
- bmRecording.Width() - SymbolSpacing -
- bmEncrypted.Width() - SymbolSpacing -
- bmDolbyDigital.Width() - SymbolSpacing -
- bmAudio.Width() - SymbolSpacing -
- max(bmTeletext.Width(), bmRadio.Width()) - SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc12, yc11, xc13 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
- if (Channel && !Channel->GroupSep()) {
- x -= bmRecording.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- x -= bmEncrypted.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawBitmap(x, yc11 + (yc12 - yc11 - bmEncrypted.Height()) / 2, bmEncrypted, Theme.Color(Channel->Ca() ? clrChannelSymbolOn : clrChannelSymbolOff), frameColor);
- x -= bmDolbyDigital.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawBitmap(x, yc11 + (yc12 - yc11 - bmDolbyDigital.Height()) / 2, bmDolbyDigital, Theme.Color(Channel->Dpid(0) ? clrChannelSymbolOn : clrChannelSymbolOff), frameColor);
- x -= bmAudio.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawBitmap(x, yc11 + (yc12 - yc11 - bmAudio.Height()) / 2, bmAudio, Theme.Color(Channel->Apid(1) ? clrChannelSymbolOn : clrChannelSymbolOff), frameColor);
- if (Channel->Vpid()) {
- x -= bmTeletext.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawBitmap(x, yc11 + (yc12 - yc11 - bmTeletext.Height()) / 2, bmTeletext, Theme.Color(Channel->Tpid() ? clrChannelSymbolOn : clrChannelSymbolOff), frameColor);
- }
- else if (Channel->Apid(0)) {
- x -= bmRadio.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawBitmap(x, yc11 + (yc12 - yc11 - bmRadio.Height()) / 2, bmRadio, Theme.Color(clrChannelSymbolOn), frameColor);
- }
- }
- cString ChNumber("");
- cString ChName("");
- if (Channel) {
- ChName = Channel->Name();
- if (!Channel->GroupSep())
- ChNumber = cString::sprintf("%d%s", Channel->Number(), Number ? "-" : "");
- }
- else if (Number)
- ChNumber = cString::sprintf("%d-", Number);
- else
- ChName = ChannelString(NULL, 0);
- osd->DrawText(xc00, yc00, ChNumber, Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), frameColor, tallFont, xc02 - xc00, yc02 - yc00, taTop | taRight | taBorder);
- osd->DrawText(xc03, yc00, ChName, Theme.Color(clrChannelName), Theme.Color(clrBackground), tallFont, xi - xc03 - lineHeight, 0, taTop | taLeft);
- lastSignalDisplay = 0;
- if (withInfo) {
- if (Channel) {
- int x = xc00 + (yc10 - yc09); // compensate for the arc
- osd->DrawText(x, yc07, cSource::ToString(Channel->Source()), Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc02 - x, yc10 - yc07, taTop | taRight | taBorder);
- }
- DrawDevice();
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following)
- if (!withInfo)
- return;
- if (present != Present)
- lastSeen = -1;
- present = Present;
- following = Following;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- const cEvent *e = !i ? Present : Following;
- int y = !i ? yc03 : yc05;
- if (e) {
- osd->DrawText(xc00, y, e->GetTimeString(), Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc02 - xc00, 0, taRight | taBorder);
- osd->DrawText(xc03, y, e->Title(), Theme.Color(clrEventTitle), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc13 - xc03);
- osd->DrawText(xc03, y + lineHeight, e->ShortText(), Theme.Color(clrEventShortText), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontSml), xc13 - xc03);
- }
- else {
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, y, xc02 - 1, y + lineHeight, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc02, y, xc13 - 1, y + 2 * lineHeight, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
- }
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
- if (Text) {
- int x0, x1, y0, y1, y2;
- if (withInfo) {
- x0 = xc06;
- x1 = xc13;
- y0 = yc11 - ShowSeenExtent;
- y1 = yc11;
- y2 = yc12;
- }
- else {
- x0 = xc03;
- x1 = xc13;
- y0 = y1 = yc00;
- y2 = yc02;
- }
- osd->SaveRegion(x0, y0, x1 - 1, y2 - 1);
- if (withInfo)
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, y0, xc07, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground)); // clears the "seen" bar
- osd->DrawText(x0, y1, Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusFg + 2 * Type), Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusBg + 2 * Type), cFont::GetFont(fontSml), x1 - x0, y2 - y1, taCenter);
- message = true;
- }
- else {
- osd->RestoreRegion();
- message = false;
- }
-#if APIVERSNUM > 20101
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetPositioner(const cPositioner *Positioner)
- if (Positioner) {
- int y0 = yc11 - ShowSeenExtent;
- int y1 = yc11 + lineHeight / 2 - Gap / 2;
- DrawDevicePosition(osd, Positioner, xc06, y0, xc07, y1, lastCurrentPosition);
- }
- else {
- lastCurrentPosition = -1;
- initial = true; // to have DrawSeen() refresh the progress bar
- }
- return;
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::Action(void)
- while (Running()) {
- On = !On;
- Flush();
- cCondWait::SleepMs(1000);
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::Flush(void)
- if (withInfo) {
- if (!message) {
- DrawDate();
- DrawTrack();
- DrawDevice();
- DrawSignal();
- DrawBlinkingRec();
- int Current = 0;
- int Total = 0;
- if (present) {
- time_t t = time(NULL);
- if (t > present->StartTime())
- Current = t - present->StartTime();
- Total = present->Duration();
- }
- DrawSeen(Current, Total);
- DrawEventRec(present, following);
- }
- }
- osd->Flush();
- initial = false;
// --- cLCARSNGDisplayMenu -------------------------------------------------
class cLCARSNGDisplayMenu : public cSkinDisplayMenu {
@@ -2261,253 +1794,6 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayMenu::Flush(void)
initial = false;
-// --- cLCARSNGDisplayReplay -----------------------------------------------
-class cLCARSNGDisplayReplay : public cSkinDisplayReplay, cThread {
- cOsd *osd;
- int xp00, xp01, xp02, xp03, xp04, xp05, xp06, xp07, xp08, xp09, xp10, xp11, xp12, xp13, xp14, xp15;
- int yp00, yp01, yp02, yp03, yp04, yp05, yp06, yp07, yp08, yp09;
- bool modeOnly;
- int lineHeight;
- tColor frameColor;
- int lastCurrentWidth;
- int lastTotalWidth;
- cString lastDate;
- tTrackId lastTrackId;
- static cBitmap bmTeletext, bmRadio, bmAudio, bmDolbyDigital, bmEncrypted, bmRecording;
- void Action(void);
- void DrawDate(void);
- void DrawTrack(void);
- void DrawBlinkingRec(void);
- bool initial;
- bool lastOn;
- bool On;
- cLCARSNGDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly);
- virtual ~cLCARSNGDisplayReplay();
- virtual void SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording);
- virtual void SetTitle(const char *Title);
- virtual void SetMode(bool Play, bool Forward, int Speed);
- virtual void SetProgress(int Current, int Total);
- virtual void SetCurrent(const char *Current);
- virtual void SetTotal(const char *Total);
- virtual void SetJump(const char *Jump);
- virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
- virtual void Flush(void);
- };
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::bmTeletext(teletext_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::bmRadio(radio_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::bmAudio(audio_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::bmDolbyDigital(dolbydigital_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::bmEncrypted(encrypted_xpm);
-cBitmap cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::bmRecording(recording_xpm);
-cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::cLCARSNGDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly):cThread("LCARS DisplRepl")
- const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
- modeOnly = ModeOnly;
- lineHeight = font->Height();
- frameColor = Theme.Color(clrReplayFrameBg);
- lastCurrentWidth = 0;
- lastTotalWidth = 0;
- memset(&lastTrackId, 0, sizeof(lastTrackId));
- initial = true;
- lastOn = false;
- On = false;
- int d = 5 * lineHeight;
- xp00 = 0;
- xp01 = xp00 + d / 2;
- xp02 = xp00 + d;
- xp03 = xp02 + lineHeight;
- xp04 = xp02 + d / 4;
- xp05 = xp02 + d;
- xp06 = xp05 + Gap;
- xp15 = cOsd::OsdWidth();
- xp14 = xp15 - lineHeight;
- xp13 = xp14 - Gap;
- xp07 = (xp15 + xp00) / 2;
- xp08 = xp07 + Gap;
- xp09 = xp08 + lineHeight;
- xp10 = xp09 + Gap;
- xp11 = (xp10 + xp13 + Gap) / 2;
- xp12 = xp11 + Gap;
- yp00 = lineHeight;
- yp01 = yp00 + 2 * lineHeight;
- yp02 = yp01 + Gap;
- yp03 = yp02 + 2 * lineHeight;
- yp04 = yp03 + Gap;
- yp09 = yp04 + 3 * lineHeight + Gap / 2;
- yp08 = yp09 - lineHeight;
- yp07 = yp08 - lineHeight;
- yp06 = yp08 - d / 4;
- yp05 = yp09 - d / 2;
- osd = CreateOsd(cOsd::OsdLeft(), cOsd::OsdTop() + cOsd::OsdHeight() - yp09, xp00, yp00 - lineHeight, xp15 - 1, yp09 - 1);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp00, yp00, xp15 - 1, yp09 - 1, modeOnly ? clrTransparent : Theme.Color(clrBackground));
- // Rectangles:
- if (!modeOnly)
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp00, yp00, xp02 - 1, yp01 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp00, yp02, xp02 - 1, yp03 - 1, frameColor);
- if (!modeOnly) {
- // Elbow:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp00, yp04, xp01 - 1, yp05 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp00, yp05, xp01 - 1, yp09 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xp00, yp05, xp01 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor, 3);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp01, yp04, xp02 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xp02, yp06, xp04 - 1, yp08 - 1, frameColor, -3);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp02, yp08, xp05 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- // Status area:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp06, yp08, xp07 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp08, yp08, xp09 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp10, yp08, xp11 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp12, yp08, xp13 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp14, yp08, xp14 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp14 + lineHeight / 2, yp08 + lineHeight / 2, xp15 - 1, yp09 - 1, clrTransparent);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xp14 + lineHeight / 2, yp08, xp15 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor, 5);
- }
- Cancel(-1);
- delete osd;
- cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->ScaleVideo(cRect::Null);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::DrawDate(void)
- cString s = DayDateTime();
- if (!*lastDate || strcmp(s, lastDate)) {
- osd->DrawText(xp12, yp00 - lineHeight, s, Theme.Color(clrDateFg), Theme.Color(clrDateBg), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xp13 - xp12, lineHeight, taRight | taBorder);
- lastDate = s;
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::DrawTrack(void)
- cDevice *Device = cDevice::PrimaryDevice();
- const tTrackId *Track = Device->GetTrack(Device->GetCurrentAudioTrack());
- if (Track ? strcmp(lastTrackId.description, Track->description) : *lastTrackId.description) {
- osd->DrawText(xp03, yp04, Track ? Track->description : "", Theme.Color(clrTrackName), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xp07 - xp03);
- strn0cpy(lastTrackId.description, Track ? Track->description : "", sizeof(lastTrackId.description));
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::DrawBlinkingRec(void)
- bool rec = cRecordControls::Active();
- if (rec) {
- if (!Running())
- Start();
- }
- else {
- if (Running()) {
- Cancel(3);
- On = false;
- }
- }
- if (initial || On != lastOn) {
- int x = xp13;
- x -= bmRecording.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- osd->DrawBitmap(x, yp08 + (yp09 - yp08 - bmRecording.Height()) / 2, bmRecording, Theme.Color(rec ? On ? clrChannelSymbolRecFg : clrChannelSymbolOff : clrChannelSymbolOff), rec ? On ? Theme.Color(clrChannelSymbolRecBg) : frameColor : frameColor);
- lastOn = On;
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording)
- const cRecordingInfo *RecordingInfo = Recording->Info();
- int x = xp13;
- osd->DrawRectangle(xp12, yp08, xp13 - 1, yp09 - 1, frameColor);
- x -= bmRecording.Width() + SymbolSpacing;
- SetTitle(RecordingInfo->Title());
- osd->DrawText(xp03, yp01 - lineHeight, RecordingInfo->ShortText(), Theme.Color(clrEventShortText), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontSml), xp13 - xp03);
- osd->DrawText(xp00, yp00, ShortDateString(Recording->Start()), Theme.Color(clrReplayFrameFg), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xp02 - xp00, 0, taTop | taRight | taBorder);
- osd->DrawText(xp00, yp01 - lineHeight, TimeString(Recording->Start()), Theme.Color(clrReplayFrameFg), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xp02 - xp00, 0, taBottom | taRight | taBorder);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetTitle(const char *Title)
- osd->DrawText(xp03, yp00, Title, Theme.Color(clrEventTitle), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xp13 - xp03);
-static const char *const *ReplaySymbols[2][2][5] = {
- { { pause_xpm, srew_xpm, srew1_xpm, srew2_xpm, srew3_xpm },
- { pause_xpm, sfwd_xpm, sfwd1_xpm, sfwd2_xpm, sfwd3_xpm }, },
- { { play_xpm, frew_xpm, frew1_xpm, frew2_xpm, frew3_xpm },
- { play_xpm, ffwd_xpm, ffwd1_xpm, ffwd2_xpm, ffwd3_xpm } }
- };
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetMode(bool Play, bool Forward, int Speed)
- Speed = constrain(Speed, -1, 3);
- cBitmap bm(ReplaySymbols[Play][Forward][Speed + 1]);
- osd->DrawBitmap(xp01 - bm.Width() / 2, (yp02 + yp03 - bm.Height()) / 2, bm, Theme.Color(clrReplayFrameFg), frameColor);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetProgress(int Current, int Total)
- cProgressBar pb(xp13 - xp03, lineHeight, Current, Total, marks, Theme.Color(clrReplayProgressSeen), Theme.Color(clrReplayProgressRest), Theme.Color(clrReplayProgressSelected), Theme.Color(clrReplayProgressMark), Theme.Color(clrReplayProgressCurrent));
- osd->DrawBitmap(xp03, yp02, pb);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetCurrent(const char *Current)
- const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
- int w = font->Width(Current);
- osd->DrawText(xp03, yp03 - lineHeight, Current, Theme.Color(clrReplayPosition), Theme.Color(clrBackground), font, max(lastCurrentWidth, w), 0, taLeft);
- lastCurrentWidth = w;
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetTotal(const char *Total)
- const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
- int w = font->Width(Total);
- osd->DrawText(xp13 - w, yp03 - lineHeight, Total, Theme.Color(clrReplayPosition), Theme.Color(clrBackground), font, max(lastTotalWidth, w), 0, taRight);
- lastTotalWidth = w;
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetJump(const char *Jump)
- osd->DrawText(xp06, yp08, Jump, Theme.Color(clrReplayJumpFg), Jump ? Theme.Color(clrReplayJumpBg) : frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xp07 - xp06, 0, taCenter);
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
- if (Text) {
- osd->SaveRegion(xp06, yp08, xp13 - 1, yp09 - 1);
- osd->DrawText(xp06, yp08, Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusFg + 2 * Type), Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusBg + 2 * Type), cFont::GetFont(fontSml), xp13 - xp06, yp09 - yp08, taCenter);
- }
- else
- osd->RestoreRegion();
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::Action(void)
- while (Running()) {
- On = !On;
- Flush();
- cCondWait::SleepMs(1000);
- }
-void cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::Flush(void)
- if (!modeOnly) {
- DrawDate();
- DrawTrack();
- DrawBlinkingRec();
- }
- osd->Flush();
- initial = false;
// --- cLCARSNGDisplayVolume -----------------------------------------------
class cLCARSNGDisplayVolume : public cSkinDisplayVolume {