AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-07-22Separate displaytrackskamel5
2019-07-22Rework ProgressBarkamel5
2019-07-07Updated for release
2019-07-07Change xm05 to xm06 in DrawMainFrameUpperkamel5
2019-07-07Correct Hight of recording iconkamel5
2019-04-09More changes in DrawSeenkamel5
2019-04-04Changes in DrawSeenkamel5
2019-04-04Use SWITCHONLYPATCHkamel5
2019-04-04Full screen video on startupkamel5
2019-03-23Updated for release
2019-03-23Optimize "DrawBlinkingRec"kamel5
2019-01-25Change display mcCommandkamel5
2019-01-25No ScaleVideo(cRect in displaychannel.ckamel5
2019-01-25Fix a Segfault while starting DrawBlinkingReckamel5
2019-01-20Cancel(3) in cLCARSNGDisplayReplay::~cLCARSNGDisplayReplaykamel5
2019-01-19Cancel(3) in cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::~cLCARSNGDisplayChannelkamel5
2018-11-16SwitchTimer in channeldisplay with different colorkamel5
2018-11-16Display "Rec : #%s" in red colorkamel5
2018-07-27Updated for release
2018-07-27Show NumRecordingsInPath only if > 0kamel5
2018-07-05Display device number for recording in DisplayChannelkamel5
2018-05-25Eliminate a segfault while starting vdrkamel5
2018-05-18Move DrawText("Timer")kamel5
2018-05-17Updated for release
2018-05-17Cosmetic changes in channelviewkamel5
2018-05-17View next 3 timer in channelviewkamel5
2018-05-17More changes in view next 2 timer in channelviewkamel5
2018-05-16View next 2 timer in channelviewkamel5
2018-05-12More new design for displaychannelkamel5
2018-05-11New design for displaychannelkamel5
2018-05-10Change Height for "drop empty rectangle" in DisplayMenu()kamel5
2018-05-10Optimize some vallue in DisplayChannel()kamel5
2018-05-09Correct error in upper elbowkamel5
2018-05-09Optimize display of recordings and timer in mainmenukamel5
2018-05-09Create upper elbow in channelviewkamel5
2018-05-08Split displaymenukamel5
2018-05-08Split displaychannel displayreplaykamel5
2018-05-08Thread for Blinking "Rec"kamel5
2018-05-08Changes in DrawBlinkingRec()kamel5
2018-05-04Add cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawEventRec()0.2.1kamel5
2018-03-31"VDR" VDRVERSION "LCARSNG"kamel5
2018-03-30Updated for release 0.2.0 / Add CountTimers in DrawFrameDisplay / Cleaning0.2.0kamel5
2018-03-29Change RECORDINGNUMBER in osd to RECORDINGSkamel5
2018-03-29Rebase DrawRecordingNumberinPath() and DrawRecordingNumber()kamel5
2018-03-29int NumRecordingsInPath = 0;kamel5
2018-03-29In SetTitle NumRecordingsInPath only for mcRecordingkamel5
2018-03-19The LCARSNG skin's main menu now reacts to changes of the current channel's namekamel5
2018-03-08Show Load in second columnKarl Melscher
2018-03-07Updated for release Melscher