/* * skinlcars.c: A VDR skin with Star Trek's "LCARS" layout * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: skinlcars.c 4.1 2015/09/01 10:07:07 kls Exp $ */ // "Star Trek: The Next Generation"(R) is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures, // registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, all rights reserved. // The LCARS system is based upon the designs of Michael Okuda and his Okudagrams. // // "LCARS" is short for "Library Computer Access and Retrieval System". // Some resources used for writing this skin can be found at // http://www.lcars.org.uk // http://www.lcarsdeveloper.com // http://www.lcarscom.net // http://lds-jedi.deviantart.com/art/LCARS-Swept-Tutorial-213936938 // http://lds-jedi.deviantart.com/art/LCARS-Button-Tutorial-210783437 // http://zelldenver.deviantart.com/art/LCARS-Color-Standard-179565780 // http://www.lcars47.com // http://www.bracercom.com/tutorial/content/CoherentLCARSInterface/LCARSCoherentInterface.html // http://www.bracercom.com/tutorial/content/lcars_manifesto/the_lcars_manifesto.html #include "lcarsng.h" #include "config.h" #include "displaychannel.h" #include "displaymenu.h" #include "displaymessage.h" #include "displayreplay.h" #include "displaytracks.h" #include "displayvolume.h" cTheme Theme; bool TwoColors = false; // --- Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------ cOsd *CreateOsd(int Left, int Top, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { cOsd *Osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(Left, Top); int Bpp[] = { 32, 8, 4, 2, 1 }; tArea Area = { x0, y0, x1, y1, 0 }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(Bpp) / sizeof(int); i++) { Area.bpp = Bpp[i]; if (Osd->CanHandleAreas(&Area, 1) == oeOk) { Osd->SetAreas(&Area, 1); Osd->SetAntiAliasGranularity(20, 16); TwoColors = Area.bpp == 1; break; } } return Osd; } cFont *CreateTinyFont(int LineHeight) { // Creates a font that is not higher than half of LineHeight. LineHeight /= 1.85; int Height = LineHeight; for (;;) { cFont *TinyFont = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontOsd, Height); if (Height < 2 || TinyFont->Height() <= LineHeight) return TinyFont; delete TinyFont; Height -= 1; } } bool DrawDeviceData(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &xs, const cFont *TinyFont, cString &LastDeviceType, cCamSlot *&LastCamSlot, bool Initial) { cString DeviceType = Device->DeviceType(); cCamSlot *CamSlot = Device->CamSlot(); if (Initial || strcmp(DeviceType, LastDeviceType) || CamSlot != LastCamSlot) { const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd); tColor ColorFg = Theme.Color(clrDeviceFg); tColor ColorBg = Theme.Color(clrDeviceBg); Osd->DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, ColorBg); int x = x0; // Device number: cString Nr = itoa(Device->DeviceNumber() + 1); int w = max(font->Width(Nr), y1 - y0); Osd->DrawText(x, y0, Nr, ColorFg, ColorBg, font, w, y1 - y0, taCenter); x += w; // Device type: Osd->DrawText(x, y0, DeviceType, ColorFg, ColorBg, TinyFont); xs = max(xs, x + TinyFont->Width(DeviceType)); LastDeviceType = DeviceType; // CAM: if (CamSlot) { #if APIVERSNUM > 20302 cString s = cString::sprintf("CAM %d", CamSlot->MasterSlotNumber()); #else cString s = cString::sprintf("CAM %d", CamSlot->SlotNumber()); #endif Osd->DrawText(x, y1 - TinyFont->Height(), s, ColorFg, ColorBg, TinyFont); xs = max(xs, x + TinyFont->Width(s)); } LastCamSlot = CamSlot; return true; } return false; } void DrawDeviceSignal(cOsd *Osd, const cDevice *Device, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &LastSignalStrength, int &LastSignalQuality, bool Initial) { int SignalStrength = Device->SignalStrength(); int SignalQuality = Device->SignalQuality(); int d = max((y1 - y0) / 10, 1); int x00 = x0 + d; int x01 = x1 - d; int h = (y1 - y0 - 3 * d) / 2; int w = x01 - x00; int y00 = y0 + d; int y01 = y00 + h; int y03 = y1 - d; int y02 = y03 - h; tColor ColorSignalValue, ColorSignalRest; if (TwoColors) { ColorSignalValue = Theme.Color(clrBackground); ColorSignalRest = Theme.Color(clrMenuFrameBg); } else { ColorSignalValue = Theme.Color(clrSignalValue); ColorSignalRest = Theme.Color(clrSignalRest); } if (SignalStrength >= 0 && (Initial || SignalStrength != LastSignalStrength)) { int s = SignalStrength * w / 100; Osd->DrawRectangle(x00, y00, x00 + s - 1, y01 - 1, ColorSignalValue); Osd->DrawRectangle(x00 + s, y00, x01 - 1, y01 - 1, ColorSignalRest); LastSignalStrength = SignalStrength; } if (SignalQuality >= 0 && (Initial || SignalQuality != LastSignalQuality)) { int q = SignalQuality * w / 100; Osd->DrawRectangle(x00, y02, x00 + q - 1, y03 - 1, ColorSignalValue); Osd->DrawRectangle(x00 + q, y02, x01 - 1, y03 - 1, ColorSignalRest); LastSignalQuality = SignalQuality; } } #if APIVERSNUM > 20101 void DrawDevicePosition(cOsd *Osd, const cPositioner *Positioner, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int &LastCurrent) { int HorizonLeft = Positioner->HorizonLongitude(cPositioner::pdLeft); int HorizonRight = Positioner->HorizonLongitude(cPositioner::pdRight); int HardLimitLeft = cPositioner::NormalizeAngle(HorizonLeft - Positioner->HardLimitLongitude(cPositioner::pdLeft)); int HardLimitRight = cPositioner::NormalizeAngle(Positioner->HardLimitLongitude(cPositioner::pdRight) - HorizonRight); int HorizonDelta = cPositioner::NormalizeAngle(HorizonLeft - HorizonRight); int Current = cPositioner::NormalizeAngle(HorizonLeft - Positioner->CurrentLongitude()); int Target = cPositioner::NormalizeAngle(HorizonLeft - Positioner->TargetLongitude()); int d = (y1 - y0) / 2; int w = x1 - x0 - 2 * d; int l = max(x0 + d, x0 + d + w * HardLimitLeft / HorizonDelta); int r = min(x1 - d, x1 - d - w * HardLimitRight / HorizonDelta) - 1; int c = constrain(x0 + d + w * Current / HorizonDelta, l, r); int t = constrain(x0 + d + w * Target / HorizonDelta, l, r); if (c == LastCurrent) return; if (c > t) swap(c, t); tColor ColorRange, ColorMove; if (TwoColors) { ColorRange = Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameBg); ColorMove = Theme.Color(clrBackground); } else { ColorRange = Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameBg); ColorMove = Theme.Color(clrDeviceBg); } Osd->DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground)); Osd->DrawEllipse(l - d, y0, l, y1 - 1, ColorRange, 7); Osd->DrawRectangle(l, y0, r, y1 - 1, ColorRange); Osd->DrawEllipse(r, y0, r + d, y1 - 1, ColorRange, 5); Osd->DrawEllipse(c - d, y0, c, y1 - 1, ColorMove, 7); Osd->DrawRectangle(c, y0, t, y1 - 1, ColorMove); Osd->DrawEllipse(t, y0, t + d, y1 - 1, ColorMove, 5); LastCurrent = c; } #endif void DrawRectangleOutline(cOsd *Osd, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color1, tColor Color2, int usage) { Osd->DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, Color1); Osd->DrawRectangle(x1 + ((usage & muLeft) ? Config.Margin : 0), y1 + ((usage & muTop) ? Config.Margin : 0), x2 - ((usage & muRight) ? Config.Margin : 0), y2 - ((usage & muBottom) ? Config.Margin : 0), Color2); } static time_t lastDiskSpaceCheck = 0; static int lastFreeMB = -1; int FreeMB(const char *Base, bool Initial) { bool Directory = false; char *currentBase = NULL; cStateKey recordingsStateKey; if (Base) { size_t Length = strlen(Base); const char *p = strchr(Base, ' '); int l = p - Base; if (l < 0) return 0; currentBase = MALLOC(char, Length - l); strncpy(currentBase, &Base[l + 1], Length - l -1); currentBase[Length - l -1] = '\0'; Directory = (strcmp(currentBase, cString::sprintf("%s", trVDR("Recordings"))) && strcmp(currentBase, cString::sprintf("%s", trVDR("Deleted Recordings")))) ? true : false; // free(p); } if (Initial || lastFreeMB <= 0 || (time(NULL) - lastDiskSpaceCheck) > DISKSPACECHEK) { dev_t fsid = 0; int freediskspace = 0; std::string path = cVideoDirectory::Name(); path += "/"; char *tmpbase = Directory ? ExchangeChars(strdup(currentBase), true) : NULL; if (tmpbase) path += tmpbase; struct stat statdir; if (!stat(path.c_str(), &statdir)) { if (statdir.st_dev != fsid) { fsid = statdir.st_dev; struct statvfs fsstat; if (!statvfs(path.c_str(), &fsstat)) { freediskspace = int((double)fsstat.f_bavail / (double)(1024.0 * 1024.0 / fsstat.f_bsize)); if (const cRecordings *DeletedRecordings = cRecordings::GetDeletedRecordingsRead(recordingsStateKey)) { for (const cRecording *rec = DeletedRecordings->First(); rec; rec = DeletedRecordings->Next(rec)) { if (!stat(rec->FileName(), &statdir)) { if (statdir.st_dev == fsid) { int ds = DirSizeMB(rec->FileName()); if (ds > 0) freediskspace += ds; else esyslog("DirSizeMB(%s) failed!", rec->FileName()); } } } recordingsStateKey.Remove(); } } else { dsyslog("Error while getting filesystem size - statvfs (%s): %s", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); freediskspace = 0; } } else { freediskspace = lastFreeMB; } } else { dsyslog("Error while getting filesystem size - stat (%s): %s", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); freediskspace = 0; } free(tmpbase); lastFreeMB = freediskspace; lastDiskSpaceCheck = time(NULL); } free(currentBase); return lastFreeMB; } // --- cLCARSNG ------------------------------------------------------------ cLCARSNG::cLCARSNG(void) :cSkin("lcarsng", &::Theme) { } const char *cLCARSNG::Description(void) { return "LCARSNG"; } cSkinDisplayChannel *cLCARSNG::DisplayChannel(bool WithInfo) { return new cLCARSNGDisplayChannel(WithInfo); } cSkinDisplayMenu *cLCARSNG::DisplayMenu(void) { return new cLCARSNGDisplayMenu; } cSkinDisplayReplay *cLCARSNG::DisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly) { return new cLCARSNGDisplayReplay(ModeOnly); } cSkinDisplayVolume *cLCARSNG::DisplayVolume(void) { return new cLCARSNGDisplayVolume; } cSkinDisplayTracks *cLCARSNG::DisplayTracks(const char *Title, int NumTracks, const char * const *Tracks) { return new cLCARSNGDisplayTracks(Title, NumTracks, Tracks); } cSkinDisplayMessage *cLCARSNG::DisplayMessage(void) { return new cLCARSNGDisplayMessage; }