path: root/displaychannelview.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'displaychannelview.c')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/displaychannelview.c b/displaychannelview.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b8510a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/displaychannelview.c
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+#include "services/tvscraper.h"
+#include "displaychannelview.h"
+cNopacityDisplayChannelView::cNopacityDisplayChannelView(cImageCache *imgCache) {
+ this->imgCache = imgCache;
+ osd = NULL;
+ lastDate = "";
+ isRadioChannel = false;
+ statusIconBorder = 5;
+ statusIconSize = geoManager->channelFooterHeight - 2 * statusIconBorder;
+ signalWidth = 0;
+ signalHeight = 0;
+ signalX = 0;
+ lastSignalDisplay = 0;
+ lastSignalStrength = 0;
+ lastSignalQuality = 0;
+ pixmapSignalMeter = NULL;
+ pixmapSignalStrength = NULL;
+ pixmapSignalQuality = NULL;
+ pixmapSignalLabel = NULL;
+ pixmapPoster = NULL;
+cNopacityDisplayChannelView::~cNopacityDisplayChannelView() {
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapBackground);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapTop);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapLogo);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapLogoBackground);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapChannelName);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapDate);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapProgressBar);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapEPGInfo);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapStatusIcons);
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapSourceInfo);
+ if (pixmapSignalStrength)
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapSignalStrength);
+ if (pixmapSignalQuality)
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapSignalQuality);
+ if (pixmapSignalMeter)
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapSignalMeter);
+ if (pixmapSignalLabel)
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapSignalLabel);
+ if (pixmapPoster)
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapPoster);
+ delete osd;
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::createOsd(void) {
+ osd = CreateOsd(geoManager->osdLeft,
+ geoManager->osdTop,
+ geoManager->osdWidth,
+ geoManager->osdHeight);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::CreatePixmaps(void) {
+ pixmapBackground = osd->CreatePixmap(1,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX,
+ geoManager->channelTop,
+ geoManager->channelWidth,
+ geoManager->channelHeight)
+ );
+ pixmapTop = osd->CreatePixmap(7,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX,
+ geoManager->channelTop,
+ geoManager->channelWidth,
+ geoManager->channelHeight)
+ );
+ pixmapLogo = osd->CreatePixmap(3,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX + geoManager->channelLogoX,
+ geoManager->channelLogoY,
+ geoManager->channelLogoWidth,
+ geoManager->channelLogoHeight)
+ );
+ pixmapLogoBackground = osd->CreatePixmap(2,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX + geoManager->channelLogoX,
+ geoManager->channelLogoY,
+ geoManager->channelLogoWidth,
+ geoManager->channelLogoHeight)
+ );
+ pixmapChannelName = osd->CreatePixmap(2,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX + geoManager->channelContentX,
+ geoManager->channelTop,
+ geoManager->channelChannelNameWidth,
+ geoManager->channelHeaderHeight)
+ );
+ pixmapDate = osd->CreatePixmap(2,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX + geoManager->channelContentX +
+ geoManager->channelChannelNameWidth,
+ geoManager->channelTop,
+ geoManager->channelDateWidth,
+ geoManager->channelHeaderHeight)
+ );
+ pixmapProgressBar = osd->CreatePixmap(2,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX + geoManager->channelContentX,
+ geoManager->channelTop + geoManager->channelHeaderHeight,
+ geoManager->channelContentWidth,
+ geoManager->channelProgressBarHeight)
+ );
+ pixmapEPGInfo = osd->CreatePixmap(2,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelX + geoManager->channelContentX,
+ geoManager->channelTop + geoManager->channelHeaderHeight +
+ geoManager->channelProgressBarHeight,
+ geoManager->channelContentWidth,
+ geoManager->channelEpgInfoHeight)
+ );
+ int statusIconsWidth = 8 * statusIconSize + 6 * statusIconBorder;
+ int statusIconX = geoManager->osdWidth
+ - config.GetValue("channelBorderVertical")
+ - statusIconsWidth
+ - 2*statusIconBorder;
+ if (config.GetValue("logoPosition") == lpRight)
+ statusIconX -= geoManager->channelLogoWidthTotal;
+ pixmapStatusIcons = osd->CreatePixmap(2,
+ cRect(statusIconX,
+ geoManager->channelTop + geoManager->channelHeaderHeight +
+ geoManager->channelProgressBarHeight +
+ geoManager->channelEpgInfoHeight,
+ statusIconsWidth,
+ geoManager->channelFooterHeight)
+ );
+ int sourceInfoX = geoManager->channelContentX + 2 * statusIconBorder;
+ if (config.GetValue("displaySignalStrength"))
+ sourceInfoX +=geoManager->channelWidth * 0.2;
+ pixmapSourceInfo = osd->CreatePixmap(2,
+ cRect(sourceInfoX,
+ geoManager->channelTop + geoManager->channelHeaderHeight +
+ geoManager->channelProgressBarHeight +
+ geoManager->channelEpgInfoHeight,
+ geoManager->channelContentWidth * 0.3,
+ geoManager->channelFooterHeight)
+ );
+ if (config.GetValue("channelFadeTime")) {
+ pixmapBackground->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapTop->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapLogo->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapLogoBackground->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapChannelName->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapDate->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapProgressBar->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapEPGInfo->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapStatusIcons->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapSourceInfo->SetAlpha(0);
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::SetAlpha(int alpha) {
+ pixmapBackground->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapTop->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapLogo->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapLogoBackground->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapChannelName->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapDate->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapProgressBar->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapEPGInfo->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapStatusIcons->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ pixmapSourceInfo->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ if (pixmapSignalStrength)
+ pixmapSignalStrength->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ if (pixmapSignalQuality)
+ pixmapSignalQuality->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ if (pixmapSignalMeter)
+ pixmapSignalMeter->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ if (pixmapSignalLabel)
+ pixmapSignalLabel->SetAlpha(alpha);
+ if (pixmapPoster)
+ pixmapPoster->SetAlpha(alpha);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawBackground(void) {
+ pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapTop->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) {
+ cImage *imgBack = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seChannelBackground);
+ if (imgBack)
+ pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), *imgBack);
+ cImage *imgTop = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seChannelTop);
+ if (imgTop)
+ pixmapTop->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), *imgTop);
+ } else {
+ int backgroundX;
+ int backgroundWidth;
+ if (config.GetValue("backgroundStyle") == bsFull) {
+ backgroundX = 0;
+ backgroundWidth = geoManager->channelWidth;
+ } else {
+ backgroundX = geoManager->channelContentX;
+ backgroundWidth = geoManager->channelContentWidth;
+ }
+ pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(backgroundX,
+ 0,
+ backgroundWidth,
+ geoManager->channelHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelBackground));
+ if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) {
+ DrawBlendedBackground(pixmapBackground,
+ backgroundX,
+ backgroundWidth,
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelBackground), Theme.Color(clrChannelBackBlend),
+ true);
+ DrawBlendedBackground(pixmapBackground,
+ backgroundX,
+ backgroundWidth,
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelBackground), Theme.Color(clrChannelBackBlend),
+ false);
+ }
+ if (config.GetValue("roundedCornersChannel")) {
+ int cornerRadius = geoManager->channelHeaderHeight/2;
+ if (cornerRadius > 2) {
+ DrawRoundedCorners(pixmapBackground,
+ cornerRadius,
+ backgroundX,
+ 0,
+ backgroundWidth,
+ geoManager->channelHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawChannelLogo(const cChannel *Channel) {
+ if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) {
+ cImage *imgLogoBack = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seChannelLogoBack);
+ if (imgLogoBack)
+ pixmapLogoBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), *imgLogoBack);
+ }
+ cImage *imgLogo = imgCache->GetLogo(ctLogo, Channel);
+ if (imgLogo) {
+ pixmapLogo->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), *imgLogo);
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::ClearChannelLogo(void) {
+ pixmapLogoBackground->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapLogo->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawChannelName(cString number, cString name) {
+ cString channelString = cString::sprintf("%s %s", *number, *name);
+ pixmapChannelName->DrawText(cPoint(geoManager->channelHeaderHeight/2,
+ (geoManager->channelHeaderHeight-fontManager->channelHeader->Height())/2),
+ channelString,
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelHead),
+ clrTransparent,
+ fontManager->channelHeader);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::ClearChannelName(void) {
+ pixmapChannelName->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawDate(void) {
+ cString curDate = DayDateTime();
+ if (strcmp(curDate, lastDate)) {
+ int strDateWidth = fontManager->channelDate->Width(curDate);
+ int strDateHeight = fontManager->channelDate->Height();
+ int x = geoManager->channelDateWidth - strDateWidth - geoManager->channelHeaderHeight/2;
+ int y = (geoManager->channelHeaderHeight - strDateHeight) / 2;
+ pixmapDate->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapDate->DrawText(cPoint(x, y), curDate, Theme.Color(clrChannelHead), clrTransparent, fontManager->channelDate);
+ lastDate = curDate;
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawProgressBar(int Current, int Total) {
+ int barHeight = pixmapProgressBar->ViewPort().Height()-8;
+ if (barHeight%2 != 0)
+ barHeight++;
+ if (barHeight < 3)
+ return;
+ int barFullWidth = pixmapProgressBar->ViewPort().Width() - 20 - barHeight;
+ if (Current > Total)
+ Current = Total;
+ if ((Current > 0) || (Total > 0)) {
+ double percentSeen = ((double)Current) / (double)Total;
+ pixmapProgressBar->DrawEllipse(cRect(10,
+ 4,
+ barHeight,
+ barHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBarBlend));
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ tColor colAct = DrawProgressbarProgress(10 + barHeight/2, 4, barFullWidth * percentSeen, barHeight-1);
+ pixmapProgressBar->DrawEllipse(cRect(10 + barFullWidth * percentSeen,
+ 4,
+ barHeight,
+ barHeight),
+ colAct);
+ }
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawProgressbarBackground(void) {
+ int barHeight = pixmapProgressBar->ViewPort().Height()-8;
+ if (barHeight%2 != 0)
+ barHeight++;
+ if (barHeight < 3)
+ return;
+ int barFullWidth = pixmapProgressBar->ViewPort().Width() - 20 - barHeight;
+ pixmapProgressBar->DrawEllipse(cRect(9,
+ 3,
+ barHeight+2,
+ barHeight+2),
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBarBack));
+ pixmapProgressBar->DrawEllipse(cRect(9 + barFullWidth,
+ 3, barHeight+2,
+ barHeight+2),
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBarBack));
+ pixmapProgressBar->DrawRectangle(cRect(9 + barHeight/2,
+ 3,
+ barFullWidth,
+ barHeight+1),
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBarBack));
+tColor cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawProgressbarProgress(int left, int top, int width, int height) {
+ tColor clr1 = Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBar);
+ tColor clr2 = Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBarBlend);
+ tColor clr = 0x00000000;
+ width = (width==0)?1:width;
+ int step = width / 256;
+ int alpha = 0x0;
+ int alphaStep;
+ int maximum = 0;
+ if (step == 0) { //width < 256
+ step = 1;
+ alphaStep = 256 / width;
+ maximum = width;
+ } else { //width > 256
+ alphaStep = 0x1;
+ maximum = 256;
+ }
+ int x = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maximum; i++) {
+ x = left + i*step;
+ clr = AlphaBlend(clr1, clr2, alpha);
+ pixmapProgressBar->DrawRectangle(cRect(x,top,step,height), clr);
+ alpha += alphaStep;
+ }
+ if (step > 0) {
+ int rest = width - step*256;
+ pixmapProgressBar->DrawRectangle(cRect(left+step*256, top, rest, height), clr);
+ }
+ return clr;
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::ClearProgressBar(void) {
+ pixmapProgressBar->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawEPGInfo(const cEvent *e, bool present, bool recording) {
+ int indent = 20;
+ cString startTime = e->GetTimeString();
+ cString strEPG = e->Title();
+ cString strEPGShort = e->ShortText();
+ cString strSeen("");
+ if (present) {
+ if (config.GetValue("progressCurrentSchedule") == 0) {
+ int seen = (int)(time(NULL) - e->StartTime())/60;
+ strSeen = cString::sprintf("%d/%dmin", seen, e->Duration()/60);
+ } else if (config.GetValue("progressCurrentSchedule") == 1) {
+ int remaining = (int)(e->EndTime() - time(NULL))/60;
+ strSeen = cString::sprintf("-%d/%dmin", remaining, e->Duration()/60);
+ }
+ } else {
+ strSeen = cString::sprintf("%dmin", e->Duration()/60);
+ }
+ int startTimeWidth = fontManager->channelEPG->Width(*startTime);
+ int epgWidth = fontManager->channelEPG->Width(*strEPG);
+ int epgWidthShort = fontManager->channelEPGSmall->Width(*strEPGShort);
+ int seenWidth = fontManager->channelEPG->Width(*strSeen);
+ int widthRecIcon = 0;
+ if (recording) {
+ widthRecIcon = fontManager->channelEPGSmall->Width(" REC ") + indent/2;
+ }
+ int spaceEPGText = geoManager->channelContentWidth - seenWidth
+ - startTimeWidth - 3 * indent - widthRecIcon
+ - fontManager->channelEPG->Width("...");
+ int spaceEPGTextSmall = spaceEPGText + widthRecIcon;
+ if (spaceEPGText < epgWidth) {
+ strEPG = CutText(*strEPG, spaceEPGText, fontManager->channelEPG).c_str();
+ }
+ if (spaceEPGTextSmall < epgWidthShort) {
+ strEPGShort = CutText(*strEPGShort, spaceEPGText, fontManager->channelEPGSmall).c_str();
+ }
+ int lineHeight = geoManager->channelEpgInfoLineHeight;
+ int yEPG = (present) ? 0 : 2 * lineHeight;
+ int yEPGSmall = (present) ? lineHeight : 3 * lineHeight;
+ int xEPG = 2 * indent + startTimeWidth;
+ tColor fontColor = (present) ? Theme.Color(clrChannelEPG)
+ : Theme.Color(clrChannelEPGNext);
+ tColor fontColorInfo = (present) ? Theme.Color(clrChannelEPGInfo)
+ : Theme.Color(clrChannelEPGInfoNext);
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(indent, yEPG), *startTime, fontColor, clrTransparent, fontManager->channelEPG);
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(xEPG + widthRecIcon, yEPG), *strEPG, fontColor, clrTransparent, fontManager->channelEPG);
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(xEPG, yEPGSmall), *strEPGShort, fontColorInfo, clrTransparent, fontManager->channelEPGSmall);
+ int x = geoManager->channelContentWidth - 2 * indent - seenWidth;
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(x, yEPG), *strSeen, fontColor, clrTransparent, fontManager->channelEPG);
+ //Recording Icon
+ if (recording) {
+ tColor clrRecIcon = (present)?Theme.Color(clrRecNow):Theme.Color(clrRecNext);
+ tColor clrRecIconText = (present)?Theme.Color(clrRecNowFont):Theme.Color(clrRecNextFont);
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawRectangle(cRect(xEPG, yEPG, widthRecIcon - indent/2, lineHeight), clrRecIcon);
+ int xRecText = xEPG + (widthRecIcon - indent/2 - fontManager->channelEPGSmall->Width("REC"))/2;
+ int yRecText = yEPG + (lineHeight - fontManager->channelEPGSmall->Height())/2;
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(xRecText, yRecText), "REC", clrRecIconText, clrRecIcon, fontManager->channelEPGSmall);
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::ClearEPGInfo(void) {
+ pixmapEPGInfo->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawStatusIcons(const cChannel *Channel) {
+ isRadioChannel = ((!Channel->Vpid())&&(Channel->Apid(0)))?true:false;
+ int iconX = 0;
+ if (Channel->Vpid() && Channel->Tpid()) {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/txton", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(0,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ } else {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/txtoff", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(0,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ }
+ iconX += statusIconBorder + statusIconSize;
+ if (Channel->Apid(0)) {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/stereoon", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ } else {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/stereooff", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ }
+ iconX += statusIconBorder + statusIconSize;
+ if (Channel->Dpid(0)) {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/dolbyon", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ } else {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/dolbyoff", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ }
+ iconX += statusIconBorder + statusIconSize;
+ if (Channel->Ca()) {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/crypted", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ } else {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/fta", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ }
+ iconX += statusIconBorder + statusIconSize;
+ if (cRecordControls::Active()) {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/recon", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ } else {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/recoff", statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgIcon);
+ }
+ iconX += statusIconBorder + statusIconSize;
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawScreenResolution(void) {
+ cString resolutionIcon("");
+ if (isRadioChannel) {
+ resolutionIcon = "skinIcons/radio";
+ } else {
+ resolutionIcon = GetScreenResolutionIcon();
+ }
+ int iconX = 5 * (statusIconBorder + statusIconSize);
+ cImage *imgRes = imgCache->GetSkinIcon(*resolutionIcon, 3*statusIconSize, statusIconSize);
+ if (imgRes)
+ pixmapStatusIcons->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX,statusIconBorder), *imgRes);
+cString cNopacityDisplayChannelView::GetScreenResolutionIcon(void) {
+ int screenWidth = 0;
+ int screenHeight = 0;
+ double aspect = 0;
+ cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetVideoSize(screenWidth, screenHeight, aspect);
+ cString iconName("");
+ switch (screenWidth) {
+ case 1920:
+ case 1440:
+ iconName = "skinIcons/hd1080i";
+ break;
+ case 1280:
+ if (screenHeight == 720)
+ iconName = "skinIcons/hd720p";
+ else
+ iconName = "skinIcons/hd1080i";
+ break;
+ case 720:
+ iconName = "skinIcons/sd576i";
+ break;
+ default:
+ iconName = "skinIcons/sd576i";
+ break;
+ }
+ return iconName;
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::ClearStatusIcons(void) {
+ pixmapStatusIcons->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawPoster(const cEvent *event, bool initial) {
+ if (pixmapPoster) {
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapPoster);
+ pixmapPoster = NULL;
+ }
+ static cPlugin *pTVScraper = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("tvscraper");
+ if (pTVScraper) {
+ TVScraperGetPosterOrBanner call;
+ call.event = event;
+ if (pTVScraper->Service("TVScraperGetPosterOrBanner", &call)) {
+ int mediaWidth = 0;
+ int mediaHeight = 0;
+ if (call.type == typeSeries) {
+ mediaWidth =;
+ mediaHeight =;
+ } else if (call.type == typeMovie) {
+ double ratio = (double)(cOsd::OsdHeight()/3) / (double);
+ mediaWidth = ratio *;
+ mediaHeight = ratio *;
+ }
+ pixmapPoster = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(config.GetValue("channelBorderVertical"),
+ config.GetValue("channelBorderBottom"),
+ mediaWidth + 2*config.GetValue("channelBorderVertical"),
+ mediaHeight + 2*config.GetValue("channelBorderBottom")));
+ if (initial && config.GetValue("channelFadeTime"))
+ pixmapPoster->SetAlpha(0);
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(, mediaWidth, mediaHeight)) {
+ pixmapPoster->Fill(Theme.Color(clrChannelBackground));
+ pixmapPoster->DrawImage(cPoint(config.GetValue("channelBorderVertical"), config.GetValue("channelBorderBottom")), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ } else {
+ pixmapPoster->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawSignalMeter(void) {
+ signalWidth = geoManager->channelWidth * 0.15;
+ signalHeight = signalWidth *15 / 200;
+ cFont *fontInfoline = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, signalHeight - 2);
+ cString signalStrength = "STR";
+ cString signalQuality = "SNR";
+ cImage *imgSignal = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/signal", signalWidth, signalHeight, true);
+ if (imgSignal) {
+ signalWidth = imgSignal->Width();
+ signalHeight = imgSignal->Height();
+ int signalMeterY = geoManager->channelFooterY +
+ (geoManager->channelFooterHeight - 2*signalHeight - 5)/2;
+ int labelWidth = max(fontInfoline->Width(*signalStrength),
+ fontInfoline->Width(*signalQuality)) + 2;
+ signalX = geoManager->channelFooterHeight / 2 + labelWidth;
+ pixmapSignalStrength = osd->CreatePixmap(3,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelContentX + signalX,
+ signalMeterY + 2,
+ signalWidth + 2,
+ signalHeight + 2));
+ pixmapSignalQuality = osd->CreatePixmap(3,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelContentX + signalX,
+ signalMeterY + signalHeight + 5,
+ signalWidth + 2,
+ signalHeight + 2));
+ pixmapSignalMeter = osd->CreatePixmap(4,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelContentX + signalX + 1,
+ signalMeterY + 3, signalWidth,
+ 2*signalHeight + 3));
+ pixmapSignalLabel = osd->CreatePixmap(3,
+ cRect(geoManager->channelContentX
+ + geoManager->channelFooterHeight / 2,
+ signalMeterY + 2,
+ labelWidth,
+ 2*signalHeight + 3));
+ pixmapSignalStrength->Fill(Theme.Color(clrProgressBarBack));
+ pixmapSignalQuality->Fill(Theme.Color(clrProgressBarBack));
+ pixmapSignalMeter->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapSignalLabel->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ if (config.GetValue("channelFadeTime")) {
+ pixmapSignalStrength->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapSignalQuality->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapSignalMeter->SetAlpha(0);
+ pixmapSignalLabel->SetAlpha(0);
+ }
+ pixmapSignalStrength->DrawImage(cPoint(1,1), *imgSignal);
+ pixmapSignalQuality->DrawImage(cPoint(1,1), *imgSignal);
+ pixmapSignalLabel->DrawText(cPoint(0, 2), *signalStrength, Theme.Color(clrChannelEPGInfo), clrTransparent, fontInfoline);
+ pixmapSignalLabel->DrawText(cPoint(0, signalHeight + 4), *signalQuality, Theme.Color(clrChannelEPGInfo), clrTransparent, fontInfoline);
+ }
+ delete fontInfoline;
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawSignal(void) {
+ time_t Now = time(NULL);
+ if (Now != lastSignalDisplay) {
+ int SignalStrength = cDevice::ActualDevice()->SignalStrength();
+ int SignalQuality = cDevice::ActualDevice()->SignalQuality();
+ if ((SignalStrength == 0)&&(SignalQuality==0))
+ return;
+ if ((lastSignalStrength != SignalStrength) || (lastSignalQuality != SignalQuality)) {
+ pixmapSignalMeter->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ pixmapSignalMeter->DrawRectangle(cRect(double(SignalStrength) /100 * signalWidth, 0, signalWidth - (double)SignalStrength /100 * signalWidth + 1, signalHeight), Theme.Color(clrChannelBackground));
+ pixmapSignalMeter->DrawRectangle(cRect(double(SignalQuality) /100 * signalWidth, signalHeight + 3, signalWidth - (double)SignalQuality / 100 * signalWidth + 1, signalHeight + 1), Theme.Color(clrChannelBackground));
+ }
+ lastSignalStrength = SignalStrength;
+ lastSignalQuality = SignalQuality;
+ lastSignalDisplay = Now;
+ }
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::ShowSignalMeter(void) {
+ if(pixmapSignalStrength)
+ pixmapSignalStrength->SetLayer(3);
+ if(pixmapSignalQuality)
+ pixmapSignalQuality->SetLayer(3);
+ if(pixmapSignalMeter)
+ pixmapSignalMeter->SetLayer(4);
+ if(pixmapSignalLabel)
+ pixmapSignalLabel->SetLayer(3);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::HideSignalMeter(void) {
+ if(pixmapSignalStrength)
+ pixmapSignalStrength->SetLayer(-1);
+ if(pixmapSignalQuality)
+ pixmapSignalQuality->SetLayer(-1);
+ if(pixmapSignalMeter)
+ pixmapSignalMeter->SetLayer(-1);
+ if(pixmapSignalLabel)
+ pixmapSignalLabel->SetLayer(-1);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawChannelGroups(const cChannel *Channel, cString ChannelName) {
+ int ySep;
+ int ySepNextPrevIcon;
+ int prevNextSize = 64;
+ ySep = (geoManager->channelContentHeight-fontManager->channelChannelGroup->Height())/2 - fontManager->channelChannelGroup->Height()/2;
+ ySepNextPrevIcon = (geoManager->channelContentHeight - prevNextSize)/2 - fontManager->channelChannelGroup->Height()/2;
+ int widthSep = fontManager->channelChannelGroup->Width(*ChannelName);
+ int xSep = (config.GetValue("displayPrevNextChannelGroup"))?(geoManager->channelWidth * 2 / 5):0;
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(xSep, ySep), *ChannelName, Theme.Color(clrChannelHead), clrTransparent, fontManager->channelChannelGroup);
+ cImageLoader imgLoader;
+ if (config.GetValue("logoPosition") != lpNone) {
+ cString separator = cString::sprintf("separatorlogos/%s", *ChannelName);
+ if (imgLoader.LoadLogo(*separator, geoManager->channelLogoWidth, geoManager->channelLogoHeight)) {
+ pixmapLogo->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ } else {
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/Channelseparator", geoManager->channelLogoWidth, geoManager->channelLogoHeight);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapLogo->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *imgIcon);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!config.GetValue("displayPrevNextChannelGroup"))
+ return;
+ cString prevChannelSep = GetChannelSep(Channel, true);
+ cString nextChannelSep = GetChannelSep(Channel, false);
+ bool prevAvailable = (strlen(*prevChannelSep) > 0)?true:false;
+ bool nextAvailable = (strlen(*nextChannelSep) > 0)?true:false;
+ int ySepNextPrev = ySep + (fontManager->channelChannelGroup->Height() - fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall->Height())/2;
+ if (prevAvailable) {
+ int xSymbol = xSep - prevNextSize - 10;
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/arrowLeftChannelSep", prevNextSize, prevNextSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawImage(cPoint(xSymbol, ySepNextPrevIcon), *imgIcon);
+ int xSepPrev = xSymbol - 10 - fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall->Width(prevChannelSep);
+ if (xSepPrev < 0) {
+ prevChannelSep = CutText(*prevChannelSep, xSymbol, fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall).c_str();
+ xSepPrev = xSymbol - 10 - fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall->Width(prevChannelSep);
+ }
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(xSepPrev, ySepNextPrev), *prevChannelSep, Theme.Color(clrChannelEPGInfoNext), clrTransparent, fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall);
+ }
+ if (nextAvailable) {
+ int xSymbol = xSep + widthSep + 10;
+ cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/arrowRightChannelSep", prevNextSize, prevNextSize);
+ if (imgIcon)
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawImage(cPoint(xSymbol, ySepNextPrevIcon), *imgIcon);
+ int xSepNext = xSymbol + 10 + prevNextSize;
+ int spaceAvailable = pixmapEPGInfo->DrawPort().Width() - xSepNext;
+ if (fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall->Width(nextChannelSep) > spaceAvailable) {
+ nextChannelSep = CutText(*nextChannelSep, spaceAvailable, fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall).c_str();
+ }
+ pixmapEPGInfo->DrawText(cPoint(xSepNext, ySepNextPrev), *nextChannelSep, Theme.Color(clrChannelEPGInfoNext), clrTransparent, fontManager->channelChannelGroupSmall);
+ }
+cString cNopacityDisplayChannelView::GetChannelSep(const cChannel *channel, bool prev) {
+ cString sepName("");
+ const cChannel *sep = prev ? Channels.Prev(channel) :
+ Channels.Next(channel);
+ for (; sep; (prev)?(sep = Channels.Prev(sep)):(sep = Channels.Next(sep))) {
+ if (sep->GroupSep()) {
+ sepName = sep->Name();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return sepName;
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::DrawSourceInfo(const cChannel *Channel) {
+ const cSource *source = Sources.Get(Channel->Source());
+ cString channelInfo = "";
+ if (source)
+ channelInfo = cString::sprintf("%s - %s", *cSource::ToString(source->Code()), source->Description());
+ int textY = (geoManager->channelFooterHeight - fontManager->channelSourceInfo->Height()) / 2;
+ pixmapSourceInfo->DrawText(cPoint(0, textY), channelInfo, Theme.Color(clrChannelHead), clrTransparent, fontManager->channelSourceInfo);
+void cNopacityDisplayChannelView::ClearSourceInfo(void) {
+ pixmapSourceInfo->Fill(clrTransparent);
+} \ No newline at end of file