path: root/displaymenuview.c.orig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'displaymenuview.c.orig')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 629 deletions
diff --git a/displaymenuview.c.orig b/displaymenuview.c.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index abd921c..0000000
--- a/displaymenuview.c.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
-#include "displaymenuview.h"
-cNopacityTimer::cNopacityTimer(cOsd *osd) {
- this->osd = osd;
-cNopacityTimer::~cNopacityTimer(void) {
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmap);
-cNopacityDisplayMenuView::cNopacityDisplayMenuView() {
- diskUsageAlert = 95;
- pixmapStatus = NULL;
- pixmapHeaderIcon = NULL;
-cNopacityDisplayMenuView::~cNopacityDisplayMenuView(void) {
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeader);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeaderLogo);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeaderLabel);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapDate);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapFooter);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapContent);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapScrollbar);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapDiskUsage);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapDiskUsageIcon);
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapDiskUsageLabel);
- if (pixmapHeaderIcon)
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeaderIcon);
- delete fontHeader;
- delete fontDate;
- delete fontMenuitemLarge;
- delete fontMenuitemSchedule;
- delete fontMenuitemDefault;
- delete fontDiskUsage;
- delete fontTimers;
- delete fontTimersHead;
- delete fontButtons;
- delete fontMessage;
-#ifdef USE_YAEPG
- if (config.scalePicture) {
- tArea availableArea;
- availableArea.x1 = 0;
- availableArea.y1 = 0;
- availableArea.x2 = osdWidth;
- availableArea.y2 = osdHeight;
- ScalePreserveAspect(osd->vidWin, 4.0/3.0, availableArea);
- osd->vidWin.bpp = 12;
- }
-cOsd *cNopacityDisplayMenuView::createOsd(void) {
- osdLeft = cOsd::OsdLeft();
- osdTop = cOsd::OsdTop();
- osdWidth = cOsd::OsdWidth();
- osdHeight = cOsd::OsdHeight();
- osd = CreateOsd(osdLeft, osdTop, osdWidth, osdHeight);
- cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetVideoSize(screenWidth, screenHeight, aspect);
- return osd;
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetGeometry(void) {
- spaceMenu = 5;
- widthScrollbar = 20;
- dateWidth = osdWidth * 0.3;
- headerHeight = osdHeight * config.headerHeight / 100;
- footerHeight = osdHeight * config.footerHeight / 100;
- contentHeight = osdHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight;
- contentWidthNarrow = osdWidth * config.menuWidthNarrow / 100;
- contentWidthFull = osdWidth - widthScrollbar - spaceMenu;
- menuItemWidthDefault = contentWidthFull - 4 * spaceMenu;
- menuItemWidthMain = contentWidthNarrow - 4*spaceMenu;
- menuItemHeightMain = config.iconHeight + 2;
- menuItemHeightSchedule = config.menuItemLogoHeight + 2;
- menuItemHeightDefault = contentHeight / config.numDefaultMenuItems - spaceMenu;
- diskUsageWidth = diskUsageHeight = timersWidth = osdWidth * config.menuWidthRightItems / 100;
- buttonsBorder = 10;
- buttonWidth = (osdWidth / 4) - 2 * buttonsBorder;
- buttonHeight = footerHeight - 3 * buttonsBorder;
- messageWidth = 0.8 * osdWidth;
- messageHeight = 0.1 * osdHeight;
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::CreatePixmaps(void) {
- pixmapHeader = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(0, 0, osdWidth, headerHeight));
- pixmapHeaderLogo = osd->CreatePixmap(-1, cRect(0, 0, config.menuHeaderLogoWidth, config.menuHeaderLogoHeight));
- pixmapHeaderLabel = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(0, 0, osdWidth - dateWidth, headerHeight));
- pixmapDate = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(osdWidth - dateWidth, 0, dateWidth, headerHeight));
- pixmapFooter = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(0, osdHeight-footerHeight, osdWidth, footerHeight));
- pixmapContent = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(0, headerHeight, osdWidth, contentHeight),
- cRect(0, 0, osdWidth + contentWidthFull - contentWidthNarrow, contentHeight));
- pixmapScrollbar = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(contentWidthNarrow, headerHeight + spaceMenu, widthScrollbar, contentHeight - 2 * spaceMenu));
- pixmapDiskUsage = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(osdWidth - diskUsageWidth - 10, headerHeight + spaceMenu, diskUsageWidth, diskUsageHeight));
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect((osdWidth - diskUsageWidth - 10) + (diskUsageWidth)/8, headerHeight, diskUsageWidth*3/4, diskUsageWidth*3/4));
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(osdWidth - diskUsageWidth - 10, headerHeight + spaceMenu, diskUsageWidth, diskUsageHeight));
- pixmapHeaderLogo->Fill(clrTransparent);
- pixmapHeaderLabel->Fill(clrTransparent);
- pixmapDiskUsage->Fill(clrTransparent);
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon->Fill(clrTransparent);
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->Fill(clrTransparent);
- if (config.menuFadeTime) {
- pixmapHeader->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapHeaderLogo->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapHeaderLabel->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapDate->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapFooter->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapContent->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapScrollbar->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapDiskUsage->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon->SetAlpha(0);
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->SetAlpha(0);
- }
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetPixmapAlpha(int Alpha) {
- pixmapHeader->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapHeaderLogo->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapHeaderLabel->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapDate->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapContent->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapFooter->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapScrollbar->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapDiskUsage->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon->SetAlpha(Alpha);
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->SetAlpha(Alpha);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::CreateFonts(void) {
- fontHeader = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, headerHeight / 2 + config.fontHeader);
- fontDate = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, headerHeight / 2 + config.fontDate);
- fontMenuitemLarge = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, menuItemHeightMain/3 + 4 + config.fontMenuitemLarge);
- fontMenuitemSchedule = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, menuItemHeightSchedule / 4 + config.fontMenuitemSchedule);
- fontMenuitemDefault = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, menuItemHeightDefault * 2 / 3 + config.fontMenuitemDefault);
- fontDiskUsage = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, (diskUsageHeight/4)/2 - 2 + config.fontDiskUsage);
- fontTimersHead = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, (contentHeight - 3*spaceMenu - diskUsageHeight) / 25 + config.fontTimersHead);
- fontTimers = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, (contentHeight - 3*spaceMenu - diskUsageHeight) / 25 - 6 + config.fontTimers);
- fontButtons = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, buttonHeight*0.8 + config.fontButtons);
- fontMessage = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, messageHeight / 4 + config.fontMessageMenu);
-cFont *cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetMenuItemFont(eMenuCategory menuCat) {
- switch (menuCat) {
- case mcUnknown:
- return fontMenuitemDefault;
- case mcMain:
- return fontMenuitemLarge;
- case mcSchedule:
- return fontMenuitemSchedule;
- case mcChannel:
- return fontMenuitemLarge;
- default:
- return fontMenuitemDefault;
- }
- return fontMenuitemDefault;
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetMenuItemSize(eMenuCategory menuCat, cPoint *itemSize) {
- int itemWidth = 0;
- int itemHeight = 0;
- switch (menuCat) {
- case mcUnknown:
- itemWidth = menuItemWidthDefault;
- itemHeight = menuItemHeightDefault;
- break;
- case mcMain:
- itemWidth = menuItemWidthMain;
- itemHeight = menuItemHeightMain;
- break;
- case mcSchedule:
- itemWidth = menuItemWidthMain;
- itemHeight = menuItemHeightSchedule;
- break;
- case mcChannel:
- itemWidth = menuItemWidthMain;
- itemHeight = menuItemHeightSchedule;
- break;
- default:
- itemWidth = menuItemWidthDefault;
- itemHeight = menuItemHeightDefault;
- break;
- }
- itemSize->Set(itemWidth, itemHeight);
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetMaxItems(eMenuCategory menuCat) {
- int maxItems = 0;
- switch (menuCat) {
- case mcUnknown:
- maxItems = config.numDefaultMenuItems;
- break;
- case mcMain:
- maxItems = contentHeight / (menuItemHeightMain + spaceMenu);
- break;
- case mcSchedule:
- case mcChannel:
- maxItems = contentHeight / (menuItemHeightSchedule + spaceMenu);
- break;
- default:
- maxItems = config.numDefaultMenuItems;
- }
- return maxItems;
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetMenuTop(int numItems, int itemHeight) {
- return headerHeight + (contentHeight - numItems*(itemHeight + spaceMenu))/2;
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetAvrgFontWidth(void) {
- avrgFontWidth = fontMenuitemDefault->Width("x")+3;
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetTabs(int Tab1, int Tab2, int Tab3, int Tab4, int Tab5) {
- mytabs[0] = 1;
- mytabs[1] = Tab1 ? mytabs[0] + Tab1 : 0;
- mytabs[2] = Tab2 ? mytabs[1] + Tab2 : 0;
- mytabs[3] = Tab3 ? mytabs[2] + Tab3 : 0;
- mytabs[4] = Tab4 ? mytabs[3] + Tab4 : 0;
- mytabs[5] = Tab5 ? mytabs[4] + Tab5 : 0;
- if (Tab2) {
- for (int i = 1; i < cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs; i++)
- mytabs[i] *= avrgFontWidth;
- } else if (Tab1) {
- mytabs[1] = GetEditableWidth();
- }
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetEditableWidth(void) {
- return contentWidthFull*0.5;
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetTextAreaWidth(void) {
- return contentWidthFull - 2*spaceMenu;
-const cFont *cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetTextAreaFont(bool FixedFont) {
- return cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, contentHeight / 25 + config.fontDetailView);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::CreateBackgroundImages(int *handleBackgrounds, int *handleButtons) {
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItem), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemBlend), menuItemWidthDefault-2, menuItemHeightDefault-2);
- handleBackgrounds[0] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHighBlend), menuItemWidthDefault-2, menuItemHeightDefault-2);
- handleBackgrounds[1] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItem), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemBlend), menuItemWidthMain-2, menuItemHeightMain-2);
- handleBackgrounds[2] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHighBlend), menuItemWidthMain-2, menuItemHeightMain-2);
- handleBackgrounds[3] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItem), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemBlend), menuItemWidthMain-2, menuItemHeightSchedule-2);
- handleBackgrounds[4] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHighBlend), menuItemWidthMain-2, menuItemHeightSchedule-2);
- handleBackgrounds[5] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- tColor lutBg[] = { Theme.Color(clrButtonRed), Theme.Color(clrButtonGreen), Theme.Color(clrButtonYellow), Theme.Color(clrButtonBlue) };
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack), lutBg[Setup.ColorKey0], buttonWidth-4, buttonHeight-4);
- handleButtons[0] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack), lutBg[Setup.ColorKey1], buttonWidth-4, buttonHeight-4);
- handleButtons[1] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack), lutBg[Setup.ColorKey2], buttonWidth-4, buttonHeight-4);
- handleButtons[2] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack), lutBg[Setup.ColorKey3], buttonWidth-4, buttonHeight-4);
- handleButtons[3] = cOsdProvider::StoreImage(imgLoader.GetImage());
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawBorderDecoration() {
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHighBlend), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack), osdWidth, headerHeight);
- pixmapHeader->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), imgLoader.GetImage());
- pixmapFooter->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
- int borderWidth = 2;
- int radius = 10;
- pixmapContent->Fill(clrTransparent);
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, contentWidthFull-radius, contentHeight), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull, 0, osdWidth - contentWidthNarrow, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull, contentHeight - borderWidth, osdWidth - contentWidthNarrow, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),2);
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius + borderWidth, borderWidth, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 2);
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull-radius, radius, borderWidth, contentHeight - 2*radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),3);
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius + borderWidth, contentHeight - radius, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 3);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::AdjustContentBackground(bool contentNarrow, bool contentNarrowLast) {
- if (contentNarrow) {
- pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(contentWidthNarrow - contentWidthFull, 0));
-#ifdef USE_YAEPG
- if (config.scalePicture) {
- tArea availableArea;
- availableArea.x1 = osdLeft + contentWidthNarrow;
- availableArea.y1 = osdTop + headerHeight;
- availableArea.x2 = contentWidthFull;
- availableArea.y2 = availableArea.y1 + contentHeight;
- ScalePreserveAspect(osd->vidWin, aspect, availableArea);
- osd->vidWin.bpp = 12;
- }
- } else {
- pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0));
-#ifdef USE_YAEPG
- if (config.scalePicture) {
- tArea availableArea;
- availableArea.x1 = 0;
- availableArea.y1 = 0;
- availableArea.x2 = osdWidth;
- availableArea.y2 = osdHeight;
- ScalePreserveAspect(osd->vidWin, aspect, availableArea);
- osd->vidWin.bpp = 12;
- }
- }
- if (contentNarrow != contentNarrowLast) {
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapScrollbar);
- int contentWidth = (contentNarrow)?contentWidthNarrow:contentWidthFull;
- pixmapScrollbar = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(contentWidth , headerHeight + spaceMenu, widthScrollbar, osdHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight - 2*spaceMenu));
- }
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ScalePreserveAspect(tArea & videoWindowDest, const double & videoAspect, const tArea & availableArea) {
- videoWindowDest.x1 = availableArea.x1;
- videoWindowDest.x2 = availableArea.x2;
- videoWindowDest.y1 = availableArea.y1;
- videoWindowDest.y2 = availableArea.y2;
- if (availableArea.Height() == 0) {
- videoWindowDest.bpp = 0; // just for safety
- return;
- }
- double availableAspect = double(availableArea.Width())/double(availableArea.Height());
- if (videoAspect < availableAspect) {
- int offset = floor(double(availableArea.Width() - availableArea.Height() * videoAspect)/2);
- videoWindowDest.x1 += offset;
- videoWindowDest.x2 -= offset;
- } else {
- int offset = floor(double(availableArea.Height() - availableArea.Width() / videoAspect)/2);
- videoWindowDest.y1 += offset;
- videoWindowDest.y2 -= offset;
- }
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawHeaderLogo(void) {
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if (imgLoader.LoadIcon("vdrlogo", config.menuHeaderLogoWidth, config.menuHeaderLogoHeight)) {
- pixmapHeaderLogo->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), imgLoader.GetImage());
- }
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ShowHeaderLogo(bool show) {
- if (show) {
- pixmapHeaderLogo->SetLayer(2);
- } else {
- pixmapHeaderLogo->SetLayer(-1);
- }
- return config.menuHeaderLogoWidth + spaceMenu;
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawHeaderIcon(eMenuCategory menuCat) {
- cString icon;
- bool drawIcon = true;
- switch (menuCat) {
- case mcSchedule:
- icon = "Schedule";
- break;
- case mcChannel:
- icon = "Channels";
- break;
- case mcTimer:
- icon = "Timers";
- break;
- case mcRecording:
- icon = "Recordings";
- break;
- case mcSetup:
- icon = "Setup";
- break;
- case mcCommand:
- icon = "Commands";
- break;
- default:
- drawIcon = false;
- }
- int left = 0;
- if (drawIcon) {
- pixmapHeaderIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(0, 0, config.headerIconHeight, config.headerIconHeight));
- pixmapHeaderIcon->Fill(clrTransparent);
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(*icon, config.headerIconHeight)) {
- pixmapHeaderIcon->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), imgLoader.GetImage());
- left = config.headerIconHeight + spaceMenu;
- }
- }
- return left;
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ShowHeaderIconChannelLogo(const char *Title) {
- pixmapHeaderIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(0, 0, config.menuItemLogoWidth, config.menuItemLogoHeight));
- pixmapHeaderIcon->Fill(clrTransparent);
- std::string channel = Title;
- std::string remove = trVDR("Schedule");
- remove.append(" - ");
- channel.erase(0, remove.length());
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- int left = 0;
- if (imgLoader.LoadLogo(channel.c_str(), config.menuItemLogoWidth, config.menuItemLogoHeight)) {
- pixmapHeaderIcon->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), imgLoader.GetImage());
- left = config.menuItemLogoWidth + spaceMenu;
- }
- return left;
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DestroyHeaderIcon(void) {
- if (pixmapHeaderIcon) {
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeaderIcon);
- pixmapHeaderIcon = NULL;
- }
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawHeaderLabel(int left, cString label) {
- pixmapHeaderLabel->Fill(clrTransparent);
- pixmapHeaderLabel->DrawText(cPoint(left, ((headerHeight - 10) - fontHeader->Height()) / 2), *label, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontHeader), clrTransparent, fontHeader);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawDate(bool initial) {
- cString date = DayDateTime();
- if (initial || strcmp(date, lastDate)) {
- pixmapDate->Fill(clrTransparent);
- int dateW = fontDate->Width(date);
- pixmapDate->DrawText(cPoint(dateWidth - dateW - 2*spaceMenu, (headerHeight - fontDate->Height()) / 2), date, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDate), clrTransparent, fontDate);
- lastDate = date;
- }
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawDiskUsage(void) {
- int iconWidth = diskUsageWidth * 3/4;
- int DiskUsage = cVideoDiskUsage::UsedPercent();
- bool DiskAlert = DiskUsage > diskUsageAlert;
- tColor bgColor = DiskAlert ? Theme.Color(clrDiskAlert) : Theme.Color(clrMenuBack);
- pixmapDiskUsage->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- pixmapDiskUsage->DrawRectangle(cRect(2,2,diskUsageWidth-4, diskUsageHeight-4), bgColor);
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if (imgLoader.LoadIcon("DiskUsage", iconWidth)) {
- cImage icon = imgLoader.GetImage();
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), icon);
- }
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->Fill(clrTransparent);
- cString usage = cString::sprintf("%s: %d%%", tr("Disc"), DiskUsage);
- cString rest = cString::sprintf("%02d:%02dh %s", cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() / 60, cVideoDiskUsage::FreeMinutes() % 60, tr("free"));
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->DrawText(cPoint((diskUsageWidth - fontDiskUsage->Width(*usage))/2, diskUsageHeight - 2*fontDiskUsage->Height() - spaceMenu), *usage, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDiscUsage), clrTransparent, fontDiskUsage);
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->DrawText(cPoint((diskUsageWidth - fontDiskUsage->Width(*rest))/2, diskUsageHeight - fontDiskUsage->Height() - spaceMenu), *rest, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDiscUsage), clrTransparent, fontDiskUsage);
- pixmapDiskUsage->SetLayer(2);
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon->SetLayer(3);
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->SetLayer(4);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ShowDiskUsage(bool show) {
- if (show) {
- pixmapDiskUsage->SetLayer(2);
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon->SetLayer(3);
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->SetLayer(4);
- } else {
- pixmapDiskUsage->SetLayer(-1);
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon->SetLayer(-1);
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel->SetLayer(-1);
- }
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawButton(const char *text, int handleImage, tColor borderColor, int num) {
- int top = 2*buttonsBorder;
- int left = num * buttonWidth + (2*num + 1) * buttonsBorder;
- pixmapFooter->DrawRectangle(cRect(left, top, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), borderColor);
- pixmapFooter->DrawImage(cPoint(left+2, top+2), handleImage);
- int textWidth = fontButtons->Width(text);
- int textHeight = fontButtons->Height();
- pixmapFooter->DrawText(cPoint(left + (buttonWidth-textWidth)/2, top + (buttonHeight-textHeight)/2), text, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontButton), clrTransparent, fontButtons);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ClearButton(int num) {
- int top = 2*buttonsBorder;
- int left = num * buttonWidth + (2*num + 1) * buttonsBorder;
- pixmapFooter->DrawRectangle(cRect(left, top, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetTimersInitHeight(void) {
- return headerHeight + diskUsageHeight + 2*spaceMenu;
-int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetTimersMaxHeight(void) {
- return headerHeight + contentHeight;
-cNopacityTimer *cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawTimer(const cTimer *Timer, int y) {
- const cChannel *Channel = Timer->Channel();
- const cEvent *Event = Timer->Event();
- cString channelName(""), title("");
- if (Channel) {
- channelName = Channel->Name();
- }
- if (Event) {
- title = Event->Title();
- }
- cTextWrapper titleLines;
- titleLines.Set(*title, fontTimers, timersWidth-10);
- cString Date;
- if (Timer->Recording()) {
- Date = cString::sprintf("-%s", *TimeString(Timer->StopTime()));
- } else {
- time_t Now = time(NULL);
- cString Today = WeekDayName(Now);
- cString Time = TimeString(Timer->StartTime());
- cString Day = WeekDayName(Timer->StartTime());
- if (Timer->StartTime() > Now + 6 * SECSINDAY)
- Date = DayDateTime(Timer->StartTime());
- else if (strcmp(Day, Today) != 0)
- Date = cString::sprintf("%s %s", *Day, *Time);
- else
- Date = Time;
- if (Timer->Flags() & tfVps)
- Date = cString::sprintf("VPS %s", *Date);
- }
- int numLines = titleLines.Lines();
- int lineHeight = fontTimers->Height();
- int timerHeight = (numLines + 2)*lineHeight + spaceMenu;
- cNopacityTimer *t = new cNopacityTimer(osd);
- t->pixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(osdWidth - timersWidth - 10, y, timersWidth, timerHeight));
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- if(Timer->Recording()) {
- t->pixmap->Fill(Theme.Color(clrDiskAlert));
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrDiskAlert), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh), timersWidth-2, timerHeight-2);
- t->pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(1,1), imgLoader.GetImage());
- } else {
- t->pixmap->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHighBlend), Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh), timersWidth-2, timerHeight-2);
- t->pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(1,1), imgLoader.GetImage());
- }
- t->pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(5, 0), *Date, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontTimersHeader), clrTransparent, fontTimersHead);
- t->pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(5, lineHeight+2), *channelName, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontTimersHeader), clrTransparent, fontTimers);
- int yStart = 2*lineHeight + 3;
- for (int line=0; line<numLines; line++)
- t->pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(5, yStart+line*(lineHeight-2)), titleLines.GetLine(line), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontTimers), clrTransparent, fontTimers);
- return t;
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawScrollbar(double Height, double Offset) {
- int totalHeight = pixmapScrollbar->ViewPort().Height() - 6;
- int height = Height * totalHeight;
- int offset = Offset * totalHeight;
- pixmapScrollbar->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBar));
- pixmapScrollbar->DrawRectangle(cRect(2,2,widthScrollbar-4,totalHeight+2), Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBarBack));
- pixmapScrollbar->DrawRectangle(cRect(3,3 + offset,widthScrollbar-6,height), Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBar));
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ClearScrollbar(void) {
- pixmapScrollbar->Fill(clrTransparent);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) {
- tColor col = Theme.Color(clrMessageStatus);
- switch (Type) {
- case mtStatus:
- col = Theme.Color(clrMessageStatus);
- break;
- case mtInfo:
- col = Theme.Color(clrMessageInfo);
- break;
- case mtWarning:
- col = Theme.Color(clrMessageWarning);
- break;
- case mtError:
- col = Theme.Color(clrMessageError);
- break;
- }
- if (pixmapStatus) {
- ClearMessage();
- }
- pixmapStatus = osd->CreatePixmap(5, cRect(0.1*osdWidth, 0.8*osdHeight, messageWidth, messageHeight));
- pixmapStatus->Fill(col);
- cImageLoader imgLoader;
- imgLoader.DrawBackground2(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack), col, messageWidth-2, messageHeight-2);
- pixmapStatus->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), imgLoader.GetImage());
- int textWidth = fontMessage->Width(Text);
- pixmapStatus->DrawText(cPoint((messageWidth - textWidth) / 2, (messageHeight - fontMessage->Height()) / 2), Text, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMessages), clrTransparent, fontMessage);
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ClearMessage(void) {
- if (pixmapStatus) {
- osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapStatus);
- pixmapStatus = NULL;
- }
-void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetDetailViewSize(eDetailViewType detailViewType, cNopacityMenuDetailView *detailView) {
- int width = 0;
- int height = 0;
- int top = 0;
- int contentBorder = 20;
- int detailHeaderHeight = 0;
- switch (detailViewType) {
- case dvEvent:
- detailHeaderHeight = max(config.detailViewLogoHeight, config.epgImageHeight)+4;
- break;
- case dvRecording:
- detailHeaderHeight = contentHeight/5;
- break;
- case dvText:
- detailHeaderHeight = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- width = contentWidthFull - 2*spaceMenu;
- height = contentHeight;
- top = headerHeight;
- detailView->SetGeometry(width, height, top, contentBorder, detailHeaderHeight);
-} \ No newline at end of file