path: root/displaymenuview.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'displaymenuview.c')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/displaymenuview.c b/displaymenuview.c
index c31c780..3c856ec 100644
--- a/displaymenuview.c
+++ b/displaymenuview.c
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetGeometry(void) {
contentWidthTimers = osdWidth * config.menuWidthTimers / 100;
contentWidthRecordings = osdWidth * config.menuWidthRecordings / 100;
contentWidthFull = osdWidth - widthScrollbar - spaceMenu;
+ contentWidthMinimum = Minimum(contentWidthMain,
+ contentWidthSchedules,
+ contentWidthChannels,
+ contentWidthTimers,
+ contentWidthRecordings);
menuItemWidthDefault = contentWidthFull - 4 * spaceMenu;
menuItemWidthMain = contentWidthMain - 4*spaceMenu;
menuItemWidthSchedule = contentWidthSchedules - 4*spaceMenu;
@@ -84,12 +89,12 @@ void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetGeometry(void) {
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetDescriptionTextWindowSize(void) {
- int xSchedules = 2 * spaceMenu + contentWidthSchedules + widthScrollbar;
- int xRecordings = 2 * spaceMenu + contentWidthRecordings + widthScrollbar;
+ int xSchedules = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (2 * spaceMenu + contentWidthSchedules + widthScrollbar) : (spaceMenu);
+ int xRecordings = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (2 * spaceMenu + contentWidthRecordings + widthScrollbar) : (spaceMenu);
int height = config.menuHeightInfoWindow * (contentHeight - 2*spaceMenu) / 100;
int y = headerHeight + (contentHeight - height - spaceMenu);
- int widthSchedules = osdWidth - xSchedules - spaceMenu;
- int widthRecordings = osdWidth - xRecordings - spaceMenu;
+ int widthSchedules = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (osdWidth - xSchedules - spaceMenu) : (osdWidth - contentWidthSchedules - widthScrollbar - 2 * spaceMenu);
+ int widthRecordings = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (osdWidth - xRecordings - spaceMenu) : (osdWidth - contentWidthRecordings - widthScrollbar - 2 * spaceMenu);
textWindowSizeSchedules = cRect(xSchedules,y,widthSchedules,height);
textWindowSizeRecordings = cRect(xRecordings,y,widthRecordings,height);
@@ -149,23 +154,23 @@ int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetContentWidth(eMenuCategory menuCat) {
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::CreatePixmaps(void) {
pixmapHeader = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(0, 0, osdWidth, headerHeight));
- pixmapHeaderLogo = osd->CreatePixmap(-1, cRect(0, 0, config.menuHeaderLogoWidth, config.menuHeaderLogoHeight));
- pixmapHeaderLabel = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(0, 0, osdWidth - dateWidth, headerHeight));
- pixmapDate = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(osdWidth - dateWidth, 0, dateWidth, headerHeight));
+ int dateX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (osdWidth - dateWidth) : 0;
+ pixmapDate = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(dateX, 0, dateWidth, headerHeight));
+ int logoX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? 0 : (osdWidth - config.menuHeaderLogoWidth);
+ pixmapHeaderLogo = osd->CreatePixmap(-1, cRect(logoX, 0, config.menuHeaderLogoWidth, config.menuHeaderLogoHeight));
+ int labelX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? 0 : dateWidth;
+ pixmapHeaderLabel = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(labelX, 0, osdWidth - dateWidth, headerHeight));
pixmapFooter = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(0, osdHeight-footerHeight, osdWidth, footerHeight));
- int drawPortWidth = osdWidth + contentWidthFull
- - Minimum(contentWidthMain,
- contentWidthSchedules,
- contentWidthChannels,
- contentWidthTimers,
- contentWidthRecordings);
+ int drawPortWidth = osdWidth + contentWidthFull - contentWidthMinimum;
pixmapContent = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(0, headerHeight, osdWidth, contentHeight),
cRect(0, 0, drawPortWidth, contentHeight));
- pixmapScrollbar = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(contentWidthMain, headerHeight + spaceMenu, widthScrollbar, contentHeight - 2 * spaceMenu));
- pixmapDiskUsage = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(osdWidth - diskUsageWidth - 10, headerHeight + spaceMenu, diskUsageWidth, diskUsageHeight));
- pixmapDiskUsageIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(osdWidth - diskUsageWidth - 8, headerHeight + spaceMenu + 2, diskUsageWidth - 4, diskUsageHeight - 4));
- pixmapDiskUsageLabel = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(osdWidth - diskUsageWidth - 8, headerHeight + spaceMenu + 2, diskUsageWidth - 4, diskUsageHeight - 4));
+ int diskUsageX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (osdWidth - diskUsageWidth - 10) : 10;
+ pixmapDiskUsage = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(diskUsageX, headerHeight + spaceMenu, diskUsageWidth, diskUsageHeight));
+ pixmapDiskUsageIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(diskUsageX + 2, headerHeight + spaceMenu + 2, diskUsageWidth - 4, diskUsageHeight - 4));
+ pixmapDiskUsageLabel = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(diskUsageX + 2, headerHeight + spaceMenu + 2, diskUsageWidth - 4, diskUsageHeight - 4));
+ int scrollbarX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? contentWidthMain : (osdWidth - contentWidthMain);
+ pixmapScrollbar = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(scrollbarX, headerHeight + spaceMenu, widthScrollbar, contentHeight - 2 * spaceMenu));
@@ -327,6 +332,13 @@ int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetMenuTop(int numItems, int itemHeight) {
return headerHeight + (contentHeight - numItems*(itemHeight + spaceMenu))/2;
+int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::GetMenuItemLeft(int itemWidth) {
+ int menuLeft = spaceMenu;
+ if (!config.menuAdjustLeft)
+ menuLeft = osdWidth - itemWidth - spaceMenu;
+ return menuLeft;
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetAvrgFontWidth(void) {
avrgFontWidth = fontMenuitemDefault->Width("x")+3;
@@ -409,56 +421,86 @@ void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::CreateBackgroundImages(int *handleBackgrounds, in
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawBorderDecoration() {
cImageLoader imgLoader;
- imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuHeaderBlend), Theme.Color(clrMenuHeader), osdWidth, headerHeight);
+ bool mirrorHeader = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? false : true;
+ imgLoader.DrawBackground(Theme.Color(clrMenuHeaderBlend), Theme.Color(clrMenuHeader), osdWidth, headerHeight, mirrorHeader);
pixmapHeader->DrawImage(cPoint(0,0), imgLoader.GetImage());
int borderWidth = 2;
int radius = 10;
- int minContentWidth = Minimum(contentWidthMain,
- contentWidthSchedules,
- contentWidthChannels,
- contentWidthTimers,
- contentWidthRecordings);
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, contentWidthFull-radius, contentHeight), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull, 0, osdWidth - minContentWidth, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull, contentHeight - borderWidth, osdWidth - minContentWidth, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),2);
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius + borderWidth, borderWidth, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 2);
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull-radius, radius, borderWidth, contentHeight - 2*radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
- pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),3);
- pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius + borderWidth, contentHeight - radius, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 3);
+ if (config.menuAdjustLeft) {
+ //Background
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
+ //Upper and lower Corner Square
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
+ //Upper line
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull, 0, osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
+ //Lower Line
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull, contentHeight - borderWidth, osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
+ //Vertical line
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(contentWidthFull-radius, radius, borderWidth, contentHeight - 2*radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
+ //Upper Ellipse
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),2);
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius + borderWidth, borderWidth, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 2);
+ //Lower Ellipse
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),3);
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(contentWidthFull - radius + borderWidth, contentHeight - radius, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 3);
+ } else {
+ //Background
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum + radius, 0, contentWidthFull - radius, contentHeight), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
+ //Upper and lower Corner Square
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBack));
+ //Upper line
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
+ //Lower Line
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, contentHeight - borderWidth, osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, borderWidth), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
+ //Vertical line
+ pixmapContent->DrawRectangle(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum + radius - borderWidth, radius, borderWidth, contentHeight - 2*radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder));
+ //Upper Ellipse
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, 0, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),1);
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, borderWidth, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 1);
+ //Lower Ellipse
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, contentHeight - radius, radius, radius), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder),4);
+ pixmapContent->DrawEllipse(cRect(osdWidth - contentWidthMinimum, contentHeight - radius, radius-borderWidth, radius-borderWidth), clrTransparent, 4);
+ }
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::AdjustContentBackground(eMenuCategory menuCat, eMenuCategory menuCatLast, cRect & vidWin) {
int contentWidth = GetContentWidth(menuCat);
int contentWidthLast = GetContentWidth(menuCatLast);
- if (contentWidth != contentWidthLast) {
+ int drawportX;
+ if ((contentWidth != contentWidthLast)||(menuCatLast == mcUndefined)) {
if (contentWidth == contentWidthFull) {
- pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0));
+ drawportX = (config.menuAdjustLeft)?0:(contentWidthMinimum - contentWidthFull);
+ pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(drawportX, 0));
if (config.scalePicture) {
// ask output device to restore full size
vidWin = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->CanScaleVideo(cRect::Null);
} else {
- pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(contentWidth - contentWidthFull, 0));
+ drawportX = (config.menuAdjustLeft)?(contentWidth - contentWidthFull):(contentWidthMinimum - contentWidth);
+ pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(drawportX, 0));
if (config.scalePicture) {
// ask output device to scale down
+ int windowX = (config.menuAdjustLeft)?(osdLeft + contentWidth + widthScrollbar + 2 * spaceMenu)
+ :(osdLeft + 2 * spaceMenu);
cRect availableRect(
- osdLeft + contentWidth + widthScrollbar + 2 * spaceMenu,
+ windowX,
osdTop + headerHeight,
contentWidthFull - osdLeft - contentWidth - widthScrollbar - 4 * spaceMenu,
- contentHeight);// - osdTop - headerHeight);
+ contentHeight);
vidWin = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->CanScaleVideo(availableRect);
- pixmapScrollbar = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(contentWidth , headerHeight + spaceMenu, widthScrollbar, osdHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight - 2*spaceMenu));
+ int scrollbarX = (config.menuAdjustLeft)?(contentWidth):(osdWidth - contentWidth - widthScrollbar);
+ pixmapScrollbar = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(scrollbarX , headerHeight + spaceMenu, widthScrollbar, osdHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight - 2*spaceMenu));
@@ -507,7 +549,8 @@ int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawHeaderIcon(eMenuCategory menuCat) {
int left = 0;
if (drawIcon) {
- pixmapHeaderIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(0, 0, config.headerIconHeight, config.headerIconHeight));
+ int iconX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? 0 : (osdWidth - config.headerIconHeight);
+ pixmapHeaderIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(iconX, 0, config.headerIconHeight, config.headerIconHeight));
cImageLoader imgLoader;
if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(*icon, config.headerIconHeight)) {
@@ -520,7 +563,8 @@ int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawHeaderIcon(eMenuCategory menuCat) {
int cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ShowHeaderIconChannelLogo(const char *Title) {
int left = 0;
- pixmapHeaderIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(0, 0, config.menuItemLogoWidth, config.menuItemLogoHeight));
+ int iconX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? 0 : (osdWidth - config.menuItemLogoWidth);
+ pixmapHeaderIcon = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(iconX, 0, config.menuItemLogoWidth, config.menuItemLogoHeight));
std::string channel = Title;
if (channel.length() == 0)
@@ -547,8 +591,9 @@ void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DestroyHeaderIcon(void) {
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawHeaderLabel(int left, cString label) {
- pixmapHeaderLabel->DrawText(cPoint(left, ((headerHeight - 10) - fontHeader->Height()) / 2), *label, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontHeader), clrTransparent, fontHeader);
+ int labelW = fontHeader->Width(label);
+ int labelX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (left) : (osdWidth - dateWidth - labelW - left - 2*spaceMenu);
+ pixmapHeaderLabel->DrawText(cPoint(labelX, ((headerHeight - 10) - fontHeader->Height()) / 2), *label, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontHeader), clrTransparent, fontHeader);
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawDate(bool initial) {
@@ -556,7 +601,8 @@ void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawDate(bool initial) {
if (initial || strcmp(date, lastDate)) {
int dateW = fontDate->Width(date);
- pixmapDate->DrawText(cPoint(dateWidth - dateW - 2*spaceMenu, (headerHeight - fontDate->Height()) / 2), date, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDate), clrTransparent, fontDate);
+ int dateX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (dateWidth - dateW - 2*spaceMenu) : (spaceMenu);
+ pixmapDate->DrawText(cPoint(dateX, (headerHeight - fontDate->Height()) / 2), date, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDate), clrTransparent, fontDate);
lastDate = date;
@@ -654,7 +700,8 @@ cNopacityTimer *cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawTimerConflict(int numConflicts, in
t->SetGeometry(timersWidth, y);
- t->CreatePixmaps(osdWidth - timersWidth - 10);
+ int timerX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (osdWidth - timersWidth - 10) : 10;
+ t->CreatePixmaps(timerX);
return t;
@@ -665,7 +712,8 @@ cNopacityTimer *cNopacityDisplayMenuView::DrawTimer(const cTimer *Timer, int y)
- t->CreatePixmaps(osdWidth - timersWidth - 10);
+ int timerX = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? (osdWidth - timersWidth - 10) : 10;
+ t->CreatePixmaps(timerX);
return t;
@@ -720,6 +768,7 @@ void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::ClearMessage(void) {
void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetDetailViewSize(eDetailViewType detailViewType, cNopacityMenuDetailView *detailView) {
+ int x = (config.menuAdjustLeft) ? 0 : osdWidth - contentWidthFull + 2*spaceMenu;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int top = 0;
@@ -742,5 +791,5 @@ void cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetDetailViewSize(eDetailViewType detailViewType,
width = contentWidthFull - 2*spaceMenu;
height = contentHeight;
top = headerHeight;
- detailView->SetGeometry(width, height, top, contentBorder, detailHeaderHeight);
+ detailView->SetGeometry(x, width, height, top, contentBorder, detailHeaderHeight);