AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-05-02Fix typo in po/de_DE.pokamel5
2022-01-12Size of channel logos is now configureable in setup to better fit in postionkamel5
2022-01-12Added number of errors to recording item in the recordings menukamel5
2022-01-12Rework GetScreenResolutionIcon()kamel5
2022-01-12Fix typokamel5
2022-01-12Optimize display channellogo in displaychannelkamel5
2022-01-12Redundant 'Drawlogo' functions in class '*Menuitem' mergedkamel5
2022-01-12Optimize display timers in main menukamel5
2022-01-12Prevents "invalid lock sequence" in the recording info menu when Skinnopacity...kamel5
2021-12-18Height and width confused (thx to @LotharE at
2021-12-16Centers ChannelLogos vertically in menu timer and menu schedulekamel5
2021-12-16Centers ChannelLogos vertically in displaychannelkamel5
2021-12-16Centers ChannelLogos vertically in the channel menukamel5
2021-08-13Fix "warning: ‘posterHeightOrig’ may be used uninitialized in this function"kamel5
2021-08-13Fix segfault in cNopacityDetailView::InitiateViewType()kamel5
2021-08-08Add forgotten API querykamel5
2021-07-30Eliminate separate cNopacityMenuDetailTextViewLightkamel5
2021-07-30Add "Use animation" to setupkamel5
2021-07-30Merge Light versionkamel5
2021-07-30Eliminate cThread in cNopacityDetailViewkamel5
2021-07-12Add new iconskamel5
2021-07-12Fix displayreplay.ckamel5
2021-07-12Add .gitignorekamel5
2021-07-12Prevent fadein and fadeout if MenuCategory is mcPluginSetup or mcSetupPluginskamel5
2021-07-12Rework Setupkamel5
2021-07-12Cosmetic changeskamel5
2021-07-12unsigned int is enoughkamel5
2021-07-12Small simplification in display channelkamel5
2021-07-12Add "Use scraper infos and pictures" to setupkamel5
2021-07-12Add TS errors to recording infokamel5
2021-07-12Eliminate cMenuSetupSubMenu::InfoItemkamel5
2021-07-12Add fade-out to display menukamel5
2021-07-12Optimize Flush in display menukamel5
2021-07-12Eliminate pixmapHeaderLogo in cNopacityViewkamel5
2021-07-12Optimize Flush and add fade-out to display messagekamel5
2021-07-12Add fade-out to display volumekamel5
2021-07-12Optimize Flush in display volumekamel5
2021-07-12Add fade-out to display trackskamel5
2021-07-12Optimize Flush in display trackskamel5
2021-07-12Add fade-out to display replaykamel5
2021-07-12Optimize Flush in display replaykamel5
2021-07-12Add fade-out to display channelkamel5
2021-07-12Optimize Flush in display channelkamel5
2021-06-06Add thread nameskamel5
2021-06-06Make cNopacityView::SetFonts privatkamel5
2021-06-06Adding different SetAlphakamel5
2021-06-06Rework CreateOsd()kamel5
2021-06-06Eliminate cNopacityDisplayMenuView::SetDetailViewSize() and cNopacityDetailVi...kamel5