#include "detailview.h" /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacityView ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacityView::cNopacityView(cOsd *osd) { this->osd = osd; activeView = 0; scrollable = false; tabbed = false; font = NULL; fontSmall = NULL; fontHeader = NULL; fontHeaderLarge = NULL; pixmapHeader = NULL; pixmapContent = NULL; pixmapContentBack = NULL; pixmapTabs = NULL; title = ""; subTitle = ""; dateTime = ""; infoText = ""; channel = NULL; eventID = 0; recFileName = ""; x = 0; y = 0; width = 0; height = 0; border = 0; headerHeight = 0; contentHeight = 0; tabHeight = 0; headerDrawn = false; } cNopacityView::~cNopacityView(void) { if (font) delete font; if (fontSmall) delete fontSmall; if (fontHeader) delete fontHeader; if (fontHeaderLarge) delete fontHeaderLarge; if (pixmapHeader) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeader); if (pixmapContent) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapContent); if (pixmapContentBack) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapContentBack); if (pixmapTabs) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapTabs); } void cNopacityView::SetGeometry(int x, int y, int width, int height, int border, int headerHeight) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->border = border; this->headerHeight = headerHeight; if (tabbed) tabHeight = 2 * border; contentHeight = height - headerHeight - tabHeight; SetFonts(); } void cNopacityView::SetFonts(void) { font = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, contentHeight / 25 + 3 + config.GetValue("fontDetailView")); fontSmall = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, contentHeight / 30 + config.GetValue("fontDetailViewSmall")); fontHeaderLarge = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, headerHeight / 4 + 5 + config.GetValue("fontDetailViewHeaderLarge")); fontHeader = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, headerHeight / 6 + config.GetValue("fontDetailViewHeader")); } void cNopacityView::DrawHeader(void) { if (!pixmapHeader) { pixmapHeader = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(x, y, width, headerHeight)); } pixmapHeader->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuDetailViewBack)); //Channel Logo int logoWidth = geoManager->channelLogoWidth; int xText = border; if (channel) { cImage *logo = imgCache->GetLogo(ctLogo, channel); if (logo) { pixmapHeader->DrawImage(cPoint(border, std::max((headerHeight - geoManager->channelLogoHeight - border) / 2, 0)), *logo); xText += logoWidth + border; } } //Date and Time, Title, Subtitle int yDateTime = border; int yTitle = (headerHeight - fontHeaderLarge->Height()) / 2; int ySubtitle = headerHeight - fontHeader->Height() - border; pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(xText, yDateTime), dateTime.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), Theme.Color(clrMenuDetailViewBack), fontHeader); pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(xText, yTitle), title.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeaderTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuDetailViewBack), fontHeaderLarge); pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(xText, ySubtitle), subTitle.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), Theme.Color(clrMenuDetailViewBack), fontHeader); } void cNopacityView::DrawTabs(void) { if (!pixmapTabs) { pixmapTabs = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(0, y + height - tabHeight, width, tabHeight)); } tColor bgColor = Theme.Color(clrMenuDetailViewTabs); pixmapTabs->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, width, 2), bgColor); int numTabs = tabs.size(); int xCurrent = 0; for (int tab = 0; tab < numTabs; tab++) { std::string tabText = tabs[tab]; int textWidth = font->Width(tabText.c_str()); int tabWidth = textWidth + border; pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(xCurrent, (tab == activeView) ? 0 : 2, tabWidth - 2, tabHeight), bgColor); pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent, tabHeight - border/2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, -3); pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent + tabWidth - border / 2 - 2, tabHeight - border/2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, -4); if (tab == activeView) { pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(xCurrent + 2, 0, tabWidth - 6, tabHeight - border/2 - 1), clrTransparent); pixmapTabs->DrawRectangle(cRect(xCurrent + border / 2, tabHeight - border/2 - 1, tabWidth - border, border/2 - 1), clrTransparent); pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent + 2, tabHeight - border/2 - 2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, 3); pixmapTabs->DrawEllipse(cRect(xCurrent + tabWidth - border / 2 - 4, tabHeight - border/2 - 2, border/2, border/2), clrTransparent, 4); } pixmapTabs->DrawText(cPoint(xCurrent + (tabWidth - textWidth) / 2, 2 + (tabHeight - font->Height())/2), tabText.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), (tab == activeView) ? clrTransparent : bgColor, font); xCurrent += tabWidth; } } void cNopacityView::ClearContent(void) { if (pixmapContent) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapContent); pixmapContent = NULL; } } void cNopacityView::CreateContent(int fullHeight) { scrollable = false; int drawPortHeight = contentHeight; if (fullHeight > contentHeight) { drawPortHeight = fullHeight; scrollable = true; } if (!pixmapContentBack) { pixmapContentBack = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x, y + headerHeight, width, contentHeight + tabHeight)); pixmapContentBack->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuDetailViewBack)); } pixmapContent = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(x, y + headerHeight, width, contentHeight), cRect(0, 0, width, drawPortHeight)); pixmapContent->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityView::DrawContent(std::string *text) { cTextWrapper wText; wText.Set(text->c_str(), font, width - 2 * border); int lineHeight = font->Height(); int textLines = wText.Lines(); int textHeight = lineHeight * textLines + 2*border; int yText = border; CreateContent(textHeight); for (int i=0; i < textLines; i++) { pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, yText), wText.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, font); yText += lineHeight; } } void cNopacityView::DrawFloatingContent(std::string *infoText, cTvMedia *img, cTvMedia *img2) { cTextWrapper wTextTall; cTextWrapper wTextFull; int imgWidth = img->width; int imgHeight = img->height; int imgWidth2 = 0; int imgHeight2 = 0; if (imgHeight > (contentHeight - 2 * border)) { imgHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border; imgWidth = imgWidth * ((double)imgHeight / (double)img->height); } int imgHeightTotal = imgHeight; if (img2) { imgWidth2 = imgWidth; imgHeight2 = img2->height * ((double)img2->width / (double)imgWidth2); imgHeightTotal += img2->height + border; } CreateFloatingTextWrapper(&wTextTall, &wTextFull, infoText, imgWidth, imgHeightTotal); int lineHeight = font->Height(); int textLinesTall = wTextTall.Lines(); int textLinesFull = wTextFull.Lines(); int textHeight = lineHeight * (textLinesTall + textLinesFull) + 2*border; int yText = border; CreateContent(std::max(textHeight, imgHeight + 2*border)); for (int i=0; i < textLinesTall; i++) { pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, yText), wTextTall.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, font); yText += lineHeight; } for (int i=0; i < textLinesFull; i++) { pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, yText), wTextFull.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, font); yText += lineHeight; } cImageLoader imgLoader; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(img->path.c_str(), imgWidth, imgHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(width - imgWidth - border, border), imgLoader.GetImage()); } if (!img2) return; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(img2->path.c_str(), imgWidth2, imgHeight2)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(width - imgWidth2 - border, imgHeight + 2*border), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } void cNopacityView::CreateFloatingTextWrapper(cTextWrapper *twNarrow, cTextWrapper *twFull, std::string *text, int widthImg, int heightImg) { int lineHeight = font->Height(); int linesNarrow = (heightImg + 2*border)/ lineHeight; int linesDrawn = 0; int y = 0; int widthNarrow = width - 3 * border - widthImg; bool drawNarrow = true; splitstring s(text->c_str()); std::vector flds = s.split('\n', 1); if (flds.size() < 1) return; std::stringstream sstrTextTall; std::stringstream sstrTextFull; for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < flds.size(); i++) { if (!flds[i].size()) { //empty line linesDrawn++; y += lineHeight; if (drawNarrow) sstrTextTall << "\n"; else sstrTextFull << "\n"; } else { cTextWrapper wrapper; if (drawNarrow) { wrapper.Set((flds[i].c_str()), font, widthNarrow); int newLines = wrapper.Lines(); //check if wrapper fits completely into narrow area if (linesDrawn + newLines < linesNarrow) { for (int line = 0; line < wrapper.Lines(); line++) { sstrTextTall << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " "; } sstrTextTall << "\n"; linesDrawn += newLines; } else { //this wrapper has to be splitted for (int line = 0; line < wrapper.Lines(); line++) { if (line + linesDrawn < linesNarrow) { sstrTextTall << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " "; } else { sstrTextFull << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " "; } } sstrTextFull << "\n"; drawNarrow = false; } } else { wrapper.Set((flds[i].c_str()), font, width - 2*border); for (int line = 0; line < wrapper.Lines(); line++) { sstrTextFull << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " "; } sstrTextFull << "\n"; } } } twNarrow->Set(sstrTextTall.str().c_str(), font, widthNarrow); twFull->Set(sstrTextFull.str().c_str(), font, width - 2 * border); } void cNopacityView::DrawActors(std::vector *actors) { int numActors = actors->size(); if (numActors < 1) { CreateContent(100); pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, border), tr("No Cast available"), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, fontHeaderLarge); return; } int thumbWidth = actors->at(0).actorThumb.width; int thumbHeight = actors->at(0).actorThumb.height; int picsPerLine = width / (thumbWidth + 2 * border); if (picsPerLine < 1) return; int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine; if (numActors%picsPerLine != 0) picLines++; int totalHeight = picLines * (thumbHeight + 2*fontSmall->Height() + border + border/2) + 2*border + fontHeaderLarge->Height(); CreateContent(totalHeight); cString header = cString::sprintf("%s:", tr("Cast")); pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, border), *header, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, fontHeaderLarge); int x = 0; int y = 2 * border + fontHeaderLarge->Height(); cImageLoader imgLoader; int actor = 0; for (int row = 0; row < picLines; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < picsPerLine; col++) { if (actor == numActors) break; std::string path = actors->at(actor).actorThumb.path; std::string name = actors->at(actor).name; std::stringstream sstrRole; sstrRole << "\"" << actors->at(actor).role << "\""; std::string role = sstrRole.str(); if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(path.c_str(), thumbWidth, thumbHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(x + border, y), imgLoader.GetImage()); } if (fontSmall->Width(name.c_str()) > thumbWidth + 2*border) name = CutText(name, thumbWidth + 2*border, fontSmall); if (fontSmall->Width(role.c_str()) > thumbWidth + 2*border) role = CutText(role, thumbWidth + 2*border, fontSmall); int xName = x + ((thumbWidth+2*border) - fontSmall->Width(name.c_str()))/2; int xRole = x + ((thumbWidth+2*border) - fontSmall->Width(role.c_str()))/2; if (pixmapContent) { pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(xName, y + thumbHeight + border/2), name.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, fontSmall); pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(xRole, y + thumbHeight + border/2 + fontSmall->Height()), role.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, fontSmall); x += thumbWidth + 2*border; } actor++; } x = 0; y += thumbHeight + 2 * fontSmall->Height() + border + border/2; } } void cNopacityView::ClearScrollbar(void) { pixmapScrollbar->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapScrollbarBack->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityView::DrawScrollbar(void) { ClearScrollbar(); if (!scrollable || !pixmapContent) return; int totalBarHeight = pixmapScrollbar->ViewPort().Height() - 6; int aktHeight = (-1)*pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y(); int totalHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Height(); int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height(); int barHeight = (double)(screenHeight * totalBarHeight) / (double)totalHeight ; int barTop = (double)(aktHeight * totalBarHeight) / (double)totalHeight ; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *image = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seScrollbar); if (image) pixmapScrollbarBack->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *image); } else { pixmapScrollbarBack->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBar)); pixmapScrollbarBack->DrawRectangle(cRect(2,2,geoManager->menuWidthScrollbar-4, pixmapScrollbarBack->ViewPort().Height() - 4), Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBarBack)); } pixmapScrollbar->DrawRectangle(cRect(3,3 + barTop,geoManager->menuWidthScrollbar-6,barHeight), Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBar)); } bool cNopacityView::KeyUp(void) { if (!scrollable) return false; int aktHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y(); // int lineHeight = font->Height(); if (aktHeight >= 0) { return false; } int step = config.GetValue("detailedViewScrollStep") * font->Height(); int newY = aktHeight + step; if (newY > 0) newY = 0; pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY)); return true; } bool cNopacityView::KeyDown(void) { if (!scrollable) return false; int aktHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y(); int totalHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Height(); int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height(); if (totalHeight - ((-1)*aktHeight) == screenHeight) { return false; } int step = config.GetValue("detailedViewScrollStep") * font->Height(); int newY = aktHeight - step; if ((-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight) newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight); pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY)); return true; } /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacityEPGView : cNopacityView ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacityEPGView::cNopacityEPGView(cOsd *osd) : cNopacityView(osd) { tabbed = true; pixmapHeaderEPGImage = NULL; numEPGPics = -1; numTabs = 0; } cNopacityEPGView::~cNopacityEPGView(void) { if (pixmapHeaderEPGImage) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeaderEPGImage); } void cNopacityEPGView::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { pixmapHeader->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapTabs->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContentBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContent->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapHeaderEPGImage) pixmapHeaderEPGImage->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbar) pixmapScrollbar->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbarBack) pixmapScrollbarBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); } void cNopacityEPGView::SetTabs(void) { tabs.push_back(tr("EPG Info")); if (eventID > 0) tabs.push_back(tr("Reruns")); else tabs.push_back(tr("Recording Information")); if (numEPGPics > 0) tabs.push_back(tr("Image Galery")); numTabs = tabs.size(); } void cNopacityEPGView::DrawHeaderEPGImage(void) { cImageLoader imgLoader; if (eventID > 0) { if (!imgLoader.LoadEPGImage(eventID)) return; } else if (recFileName.size() > 0) { if (!imgLoader.LoadRecordingImage(recFileName.c_str())) return; } else return; if (!pixmapHeaderEPGImage) { pixmapHeaderEPGImage = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x, y, width, headerHeight)); } int imgWidthOrig = config.GetValue("epgImageWidth"); int imgHeightOrig = config.GetValue("epgImageHeight"); int imgWidth = imgWidthOrig; int imgHeight = imgHeightOrig; if (imgHeight > (headerHeight-10)) { imgHeight = headerHeight - 10; imgWidth = imgWidthOrig * ((double)imgHeight / (double)imgHeightOrig); } pixmapHeaderEPGImage->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapHeaderEPGImage->DrawImage(cPoint(width - imgWidth - border, (headerHeight - imgHeight)/2), imgLoader.GetImage()); } void cNopacityEPGView::CheckEPGImages(void) { if (eventID > 0) { for (int i=1; i <= config.GetValue("numAdditionalEPGPictures"); i++) { cString epgimage; if (config.epgImagePathSet) { epgimage = cString::sprintf("%s%d_%d.jpg", *config.epgImagePath, eventID, i); } else { epgimage = cString::sprintf("%s%d_%d.jpg", *config.epgImagePathDefault, eventID, i); } FILE *fp = fopen(*epgimage, "r"); if (fp) { std::stringstream ss; ss << i; epgPics.push_back(ss.str()); fclose(fp); } else { break; } } } else if (recFileName.size() > 0) { DIR *dirHandle; struct dirent *dirEntry; dirHandle = opendir(recFileName.c_str()); int picsFound = 0; if (dirHandle != NULL) { while ( 0 != (dirEntry = readdir(dirHandle))) { if (endswith(dirEntry->d_name, "jpg")) { std::string fileName = dirEntry->d_name; if (fileName.length() > 4) { fileName = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length() - 4); epgPics.push_back(fileName); picsFound++; } } if (picsFound >= config.GetValue("numAdditionalRecEPGPictures")) { break; } } closedir(dirHandle); } } else { return; } numEPGPics = epgPics.size(); } void cNopacityEPGView::DrawImages(void) { int imgWidth = config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge"); int imgHeight = config.GetValue("epgImageHeightLarge"); int totalHeight = numEPGPics * (imgHeight + border); CreateContent(totalHeight); cImageLoader imgLoader; int yPic = border; for (int pic = 0; pic < numEPGPics; pic++) { bool drawPic = false; if (eventID > 0) { cString epgimage = cString::sprintf("%d_%d", eventID, atoi(epgPics[pic].c_str())); if (imgLoader.LoadAdditionalEPGImage(epgimage)) { drawPic = true; } } else if (recFileName.size() > 0) { std::string path = recFileName + "/"; if (imgLoader.LoadAdditionalRecordingImage(path.c_str(), epgPics[pic].c_str())) { drawPic = true; } } if (drawPic) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - imgWidth) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += imgHeight + border; } } } void cNopacityEPGView::KeyLeft(void) { activeView--; if (activeView < 0) activeView = numTabs - 1; } void cNopacityEPGView::KeyRight(void) { activeView = (activeView + 1) % numTabs; } void cNopacityEPGView::Render(void) { ClearContent(); if (!headerDrawn) { DrawHeader(); DrawHeaderEPGImage(); headerDrawn = true; } if (tabs.size() == 0) { CheckEPGImages(); SetTabs(); } DrawTabs(); switch (activeView) { case evtInfo: DrawContent(&infoText); break; case evtAddInfo: DrawContent(&addInfoText); break; case evtImages: DrawImages(); break; } DrawScrollbar(); } /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacitySeriesView : cNopacityView ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacitySeriesView::cNopacitySeriesView(cOsd *osd, int seriesId, int episodeId) : cNopacityView(osd) { this->seriesId = seriesId; this->episodeId = episodeId; tvdbInfo = ""; pixmapHeaderBanner = NULL; tabbed = true; } cNopacitySeriesView::~cNopacitySeriesView(void) { if (pixmapHeaderBanner) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeaderBanner); } void cNopacitySeriesView::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { pixmapHeader->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapTabs->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContentBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContent->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapHeaderBanner) pixmapHeaderBanner->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbar) pixmapScrollbar->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbarBack) pixmapScrollbarBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); } void cNopacitySeriesView::LoadMedia(void) { static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); if (!pScraper || seriesId < 1) return; series.seriesId = seriesId; series.episodeId = episodeId; pScraper->Service("GetSeries", &series); } void cNopacitySeriesView::SetTabs(void) { tabs.push_back(tr("EPG Info")); if (eventID > 0) tabs.push_back(tr("Reruns")); else tabs.push_back(tr("Recording Information")); tabs.push_back(tr("Cast")); tabs.push_back(tr("TheTVDB Info")); tabs.push_back(tr("Image Galery")); } void cNopacitySeriesView::CreateTVDBInfo(void) { if (tvdbInfo.size() > 0) return; std::stringstream info; info << tr("TheTVDB Information") << ":\n\n"; if (series.episode.name.size() > 0) { info << tr("Episode") << ": " << series.episode.name << " (" << tr("Season") << " " << series.episode.season << ", " << tr("Episode") << " " << series.episode.number << ")\n\n"; } if (series.episode.overview.size() > 0) { info << tr("Episode Overview") << ": " << series.episode.overview << "\n\n"; } if (series.episode.firstAired.size() > 0) { info << tr("First aired") << ": " << series.episode.firstAired << "\n\n"; } if (series.episode.guestStars.size() > 0) { info << tr("Guest Stars") << ": " << series.episode.guestStars << "\n\n"; } if (series.episode.rating > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Rating") << ": " << series.episode.rating << "\n\n"; } if (series.overview.size() > 0) { info << tr("Series Overview") << ": " << series.overview << "\n\n"; } if (series.firstAired.size() > 0) { info << tr("First aired") << ": " << series.firstAired << "\n\n"; } if (series.genre.size() > 0) { info << tr("Genre") << ": " << series.genre << "\n\n"; } if (series.network.size() > 0) { info << tr("Network") << ": " << series.network << "\n\n"; } if (series.rating > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Rating") << ": " << series.rating << "\n\n"; } if (series.status.size() > 0) { info << tr("Status") << ": " << series.status << "\n\n"; } tvdbInfo = info.str(); } void cNopacitySeriesView::DrawHeaderBanner(void) { if (series.banners.size() == 0) return; if (series.banners[0].height == 0) return; int bannerWidthOrig = series.banners[0].width; int bannerHeightOrig = series.banners[0].height; std::string bannerPath = series.banners[0].path; if (bannerWidthOrig == 0) return; int bannerWidth = bannerWidthOrig; int bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig; if (headerHeight < bannerHeightOrig) { bannerHeight = headerHeight; bannerWidth = bannerWidthOrig * ((double)bannerHeight / (double)bannerHeightOrig); } int bannerX = width - bannerWidth - border; int bannerY = (headerHeight - bannerHeight) / 2; if (!pixmapHeaderBanner) { pixmapHeaderBanner = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x, y, width, headerHeight)); } pixmapHeaderBanner->Fill(clrTransparent); cImageLoader imgLoader; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(bannerPath.c_str(), bannerWidth, bannerHeight)) { pixmapHeaderBanner->DrawImage(cPoint(bannerX, bannerY), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } void cNopacitySeriesView::DrawImages(void) { int numPosters = series.posters.size(); int numFanarts = series.fanarts.size(); int numBanners = series.banners.size(); int totalHeight = border; //Fanart Height int fanartWidth = width - 2 * border; int fanartHeight = 0; if (numFanarts > 0 && series.fanarts[0].width > 0) { fanartHeight = series.fanarts[0].height * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)series.fanarts[0].width); if (fanartHeight > contentHeight - 2 * border) { int fanartHeightOrig = fanartHeight; fanartHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border; fanartWidth = fanartWidth * ((double)fanartHeight / (double)fanartHeightOrig); } totalHeight += series.fanarts.size() * (fanartHeight + border); } //Poster Height int posterWidth = (width - 4 * border) / 2; int posterHeight = 0; if (numPosters > 0 && series.posters[0].width > 0) { posterHeight = series.posters[0].height * ((double)posterWidth / (double)series.posters[0].width); } if (numPosters > 0) totalHeight += posterHeight + border; if (numPosters == 3) totalHeight += posterHeight + border; //Banners Height if (numBanners > 0) totalHeight += (series.banners[0].height + border) * numBanners; CreateContent(totalHeight); cImageLoader imgLoader; int yPic = border; for (int i=0; i < numFanarts; i++) { if (numBanners > i) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.banners[i].path.c_str(), series.banners[i].width, series.banners[i].height)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - series.banners[i].width) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += series.banners[i].height + border; } } if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.fanarts[i].path.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - fanartWidth)/2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += fanartHeight + border; } } if (numPosters >= 1) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.posters[0].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(border, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += posterHeight + border; } } if (numPosters >= 2) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.posters[1].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(2 * border + posterWidth, yPic - posterHeight - border), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } if (numPosters == 3) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.posters[2].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - posterWidth) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } } int cNopacitySeriesView::GetRandomPoster(void) { int numPosters = series.posters.size(); if (numPosters == 0) return -1; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); int randPoster = rand()%numPosters; return randPoster; } void cNopacitySeriesView::KeyLeft(void) { activeView--; if (activeView < 0) activeView = mvtCount - 1; } void cNopacitySeriesView::KeyRight(void) { activeView = (activeView + 1) % mvtCount; } void cNopacitySeriesView::Render(void) { ClearContent(); if (!headerDrawn) { DrawHeader(); DrawHeaderBanner(); headerDrawn = true; } if (tabs.size() == 0) { SetTabs(); } DrawTabs(); int randomPoster = GetRandomPoster(); switch (activeView) { case mvtInfo: if (randomPoster >= 0) { DrawFloatingContent(&infoText, &series.posters[randomPoster]); } else DrawContent(&infoText); break; case mvtAddInfo: if (randomPoster >= 0) DrawFloatingContent(&addInfoText, &series.posters[randomPoster]); else DrawContent(&addInfoText); break; case mvtCast: DrawActors(&series.actors); break; case mvtOnlineInfo: CreateTVDBInfo(); if ((series.seasonPoster.path.size() > 0) && series.episode.episodeImage.path.size() > 0) DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.episode.episodeImage, &series.seasonPoster); else if (series.seasonPoster.path.size() > 0) DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.seasonPoster); else if (series.episode.episodeImage.path.size() > 0) DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.episode.episodeImage); else if (randomPoster >= 0) DrawFloatingContent(&tvdbInfo, &series.posters[randomPoster]); else DrawContent(&tvdbInfo); break; case mvtImages: DrawImages(); break; } DrawScrollbar(); } /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacityMovieView : cNopacityView ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacityMovieView::cNopacityMovieView(cOsd *osd, int movieId) : cNopacityView(osd) { this->movieId = movieId; pixmapHeaderPoster = NULL; tabbed = true; } cNopacityMovieView::~cNopacityMovieView(void) { if (pixmapHeaderPoster) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeaderPoster); } void cNopacityMovieView::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { pixmapHeader->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapTabs->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContentBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContent->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapHeaderPoster) pixmapHeaderPoster->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbar) pixmapScrollbar->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbarBack) pixmapScrollbarBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); } void cNopacityMovieView::LoadMedia(void) { static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); if (!pScraper || movieId < 1) return; movie.movieId = movieId; pScraper->Service("GetMovie", &movie); } void cNopacityMovieView::SetTabs(void) { tabs.push_back(tr("EPG Info")); if (eventID > 0) tabs.push_back(tr("Reruns")); else tabs.push_back(tr("Recording Information")); tabs.push_back(tr("Cast")); tabs.push_back(tr("TheTVDB Info")); tabs.push_back(tr("Image Galery")); } void cNopacityMovieView::CreateMovieDBInfo(void) { if (movieDBInfo.size() > 0) return; std::stringstream info; info << tr("TheMovieDB Information") << ":\n\n"; if (movie.originalTitle.size() > 0) { info << tr("Original Title") << ": " << movie.originalTitle << "\n\n"; } if (movie.tagline.size() > 0) { info << tr("Tagline") << ": " << movie.tagline << "\n\n"; } if (movie.overview.size() > 0) { info << tr("Overview") << ": " << movie.overview << "\n\n"; } std::string strAdult = (movie.adult)?(tr("yes")):(tr("no")); info << tr("Adult") << ": " << strAdult << "\n\n"; if (movie.collectionName.size() > 0) { info << tr("Collection") << ": " << movie.collectionName << "\n\n"; } if (movie.budget > 0) { info << tr("Budget") << ": " << movie.budget << "$\n\n"; } if (movie.revenue > 0) { info << tr("Revenue") << ": " << movie.revenue << "$\n\n"; } if (movie.genres.size() > 0) { info << tr("Genre") << ": " << movie.genres << "\n\n"; } if (movie.homepage.size() > 0) { info << tr("Homepage") << ": " << movie.homepage << "\n\n"; } if (movie.releaseDate.size() > 0) { info << tr("Release Date") << ": " << movie.releaseDate << "\n\n"; } if (movie.runtime > 0) { info << tr("Runtime") << ": " << movie.runtime << " " << tr("minutes") << "\n\n"; } if (movie.popularity > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Popularity") << ": " << movie.popularity << "\n\n"; } if (movie.voteAverage > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Vote Average") << ": " << movie.voteAverage << "\n\n"; } movieDBInfo = info.str(); } void cNopacityMovieView::DrawHeaderPoster(void) { if (movie.poster.width == 0 || movie.poster.height == 0 || movie.poster.path.size() == 0) return; int posterHeight = headerHeight - 10; int posterWidth = movie.poster.width * ((double)posterHeight / (double)movie.poster.height);; int posterX = width - posterWidth - border; int posterY = (headerHeight - posterHeight) / 2; if (!pixmapHeaderPoster) { pixmapHeaderPoster = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x, y, width, headerHeight)); } pixmapHeaderPoster->Fill(clrTransparent); cImageLoader imgLoader; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.poster.path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmapHeaderPoster->DrawImage(cPoint(posterX, posterY), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } void cNopacityMovieView::DrawImages(void) { int totalHeight = border; //Fanart Height int fanartWidth = width - 2 * border; int fanartHeight = 0; if (movie.fanart.width > 0 && movie.fanart.height > 0 && movie.fanart.path.size() > 0) { fanartHeight = movie.fanart.height * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)movie.fanart.width); if (fanartHeight > contentHeight - 2 * border) { int fanartHeightOrig = fanartHeight; fanartHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border; fanartWidth = fanartWidth * ((double)fanartHeight / (double)fanartHeightOrig); } totalHeight += fanartHeight + border; } //Collection Fanart Height int collectionFanartWidth = width - 2 * border; int collectionFanartHeight = 0; if (movie.collectionFanart.width > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.height > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.path.size() > 0) { collectionFanartHeight = movie.collectionFanart.height * ((double)collectionFanartWidth / (double)movie.collectionFanart.width); if (collectionFanartHeight > contentHeight - 2 * border) { int fanartHeightOrig = collectionFanartHeight; collectionFanartHeight = contentHeight - 2 * border; collectionFanartWidth = collectionFanartWidth * ((double)collectionFanartHeight / (double)fanartHeightOrig); } totalHeight += collectionFanartHeight + border; } //Poster Height if (movie.poster.width > 0 && movie.poster.height > 0 && movie.poster.path.size() > 0) { totalHeight += movie.poster.height + border; } //Collection Popster Height if (movie.collectionPoster.width > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.height > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.path.size() > 0) { totalHeight += movie.collectionPoster.height + border; } CreateContent(totalHeight); cImageLoader imgLoader; int yPic = border; if (movie.fanart.width > 0 && movie.fanart.height > 0 && movie.fanart.path.size() > 0) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.fanart.path.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - fanartWidth)/2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += fanartHeight + border; } } if (movie.collectionFanart.width > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.height > 0 && movie.collectionFanart.path.size() > 0) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.collectionFanart.path.c_str(), collectionFanartWidth, collectionFanartHeight)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - collectionFanartWidth)/2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += collectionFanartHeight + border; } } if (movie.poster.width > 0 && movie.poster.height > 0 && movie.poster.path.size() > 0) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.poster.path.c_str(), movie.poster.width, movie.poster.height)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - movie.poster.width) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += movie.poster.height + border; } } if (movie.collectionPoster.width > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.height > 0 && movie.collectionPoster.path.size() > 0) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.collectionPoster.path.c_str(), movie.collectionPoster.width, movie.collectionPoster.height)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint((width - movie.collectionPoster.width) / 2, yPic), imgLoader.GetImage()); yPic += movie.collectionPoster.height + border; } } } void cNopacityMovieView::KeyLeft(void) { activeView--; if (activeView < 0) activeView = mvtCount - 1; } void cNopacityMovieView::KeyRight(void) { activeView = (activeView + 1) % mvtCount; } void cNopacityMovieView::Render(void) { ClearContent(); if (!headerDrawn) { DrawHeader(); DrawHeaderPoster(); headerDrawn = true; } if (tabs.size() == 0) { SetTabs(); } DrawTabs(); bool posterAvailable = (movie.poster.path.size() > 0 && movie.poster.width > 0 && movie.poster.height > 0) ? true : false; switch (activeView) { case mvtInfo: if (posterAvailable) DrawFloatingContent(&infoText, &movie.poster); else DrawContent(&infoText); break; case mvtAddInfo: if (posterAvailable) DrawFloatingContent(&addInfoText, &movie.poster); else DrawContent(&addInfoText); break; case mvtCast: DrawActors(&movie.actors); break; case mvtOnlineInfo: CreateMovieDBInfo(); if (posterAvailable) DrawFloatingContent(&movieDBInfo, &movie.poster); else DrawContent(&movieDBInfo); break; case mvtImages: DrawImages(); break; } DrawScrollbar(); } /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacityTextView : cNopacityView ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacityTextView::cNopacityTextView(cOsd *osd) : cNopacityView(osd) { } cNopacityTextView::~cNopacityTextView(void) { } void cNopacityTextView::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { pixmapHeader->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapTabs->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContentBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); pixmapContent->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbar) pixmapScrollbar->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapScrollbarBack) pixmapScrollbarBack->SetAlpha(Alpha); } void cNopacityTextView::KeyLeft(void) { if (!pixmapContent) return; int aktHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y(); int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height(); int newY = aktHeight + screenHeight; if (newY > 0) newY = 0; pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY)); DrawScrollbar(); } void cNopacityTextView::KeyRight(void) { if (!pixmapContent) return; int aktHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y(); int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height(); int totalHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Height(); int newY = aktHeight - screenHeight; if ((-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight) newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight); pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY)); DrawScrollbar(); } void cNopacityTextView::Render(void) { if (pixmapContent) return; DrawContent(&infoText); DrawScrollbar(); }