#include "imageloader.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Magick; cImageLoader::cImageLoader() { InitializeMagick(NULL); } cImageLoader::~cImageLoader() { } bool cImageLoader::LoadLogo(const char *logo, int width = config.logoWidth, int height = config.logoHeight) { if ((width == 0)||(height==0)) return false; std::string logoLower = logo; toLowerCase(logoLower); bool success = false; if (config.logoPathSet) { //theme dependend logo cString logoPath = cString::sprintf("%s%s/", *config.logoPath, Setup.OSDTheme); success = LoadImage(logoLower.c_str(), logoPath, config.logoExtension); if (!success) success = LoadImage(logoLower.c_str(), config.logoPath, config.logoExtension); } if (!success) { //theme dependend logo cString logoPath = cString::sprintf("%s%s/", *config.logoPathDefault, Setup.OSDTheme); success = LoadImage(logoLower.c_str(), logoPath, config.logoExtension); if (!success) success = LoadImage(logoLower.c_str(), config.logoPathDefault, config.logoExtension); } if (!success) return false; if (height != 0 || width != 0) { buffer.sample( Geometry(width, height)); } return true; } bool cImageLoader::LoadIcon(const char *cIcon, int size) { if (size==0) return false; bool success = false; if (config.iconPathSet) { cString iconThemePath = cString::sprintf("%s%s/", *config.iconPath, Setup.OSDTheme); success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), iconThemePath, "png"); if (!success) { success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), config.iconPath, "png"); } } if (!success) { cString iconThemePath = cString::sprintf("%s%s/", *config.iconPathDefault, Setup.OSDTheme); success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), iconThemePath, "png"); if (!success) { success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), config.iconPathDefault, "png"); } } if (!success) return false; buffer.sample(Geometry(size, size)); return true; } bool cImageLoader::LoadIcon(const char *cIcon, int width, int height, bool preserveAspect) { try { if ((width == 0)||(height==0)) return false; bool success = false; if (config.iconPathSet) { cString iconThemePath = cString::sprintf("%s%s/", *config.iconPath, Setup.OSDTheme); success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), iconThemePath, "png"); if (!success) { success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), config.iconPath, "png"); } } if (!success) { cString iconThemePath = cString::sprintf("%s%s/", *config.iconPathDefault, Setup.OSDTheme); success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), iconThemePath, "png"); if (!success) { success = LoadImage(cString(cIcon), config.iconPathDefault, "png"); } } if (!success) return false; if (preserveAspect) { buffer.sample(Geometry(width, height)); } else { cString geometry = cString::sprintf("%dx%d!", width, height); buffer.scale(Geometry(*geometry)); } return true; } catch (...) { return false; } } bool cImageLoader::LoadEPGImage(int eventID) { int width = config.epgImageWidth; int height = config.epgImageHeight; if ((width == 0)||(height==0)) return false; bool success = false; if (config.epgImagePathSet) { success = LoadImage(cString::sprintf("%d", eventID), config.epgImagePath, "jpg"); } if (!success) { success = LoadImage(cString::sprintf("%d", eventID), config.epgImagePathDefault, "jpg"); } if (!success) return false; if (height != 0 || width != 0) { buffer.sample( Geometry(width, height)); } return true; } bool cImageLoader::LoadAdditionalEPGImage(cString name) { int width = config.epgImageWidthLarge; int height = config.epgImageHeightLarge; if ((width == 0)||(height==0)) return false; bool success = false; if (config.epgImagePathSet) { success = LoadImage(name, config.epgImagePath, "jpg"); } if (!success) { success = LoadImage(name, config.epgImagePathDefault, "jpg"); } if (!success) return false; if (height != 0 || width != 0) { buffer.sample( Geometry(width, height)); } return true; } bool cImageLoader::LoadRecordingImage(cString Path) { int width = config.epgImageWidth; int height = config.epgImageHeight; if ((width == 0)||(height==0)) return false; cString recImage(""); if (FirstImageInFolder(Path, "jpg", &recImage)) { recImage = cString::sprintf("/%s", *recImage); if (!LoadImage(*recImage, Path, "jpg")) return false; buffer.sample( Geometry(width, height)); return true; } return false; } bool cImageLoader::LoadAdditionalRecordingImage(cString path, cString name) { int width = config.epgImageWidthLarge; int height = config.epgImageHeightLarge; if ((width == 0)||(height==0)) return false; if (LoadImage(name, path, "jpg")) { buffer.sample( Geometry(width, height)); return true; } return false; } bool cImageLoader::LoadPoster(const char *poster, int width, int height) { if (LoadImage(poster)) { buffer.sample(Geometry(width, height)); return true; } return false; } void cImageLoader::DrawBackground(tColor back, tColor blend, int width, int height, bool mirror) { Color Back = Argb2Color(back); Color Blend = Argb2Color(blend); Image tmp(Geometry(width, height), Blend); double arguments[9] = {0.0,(double)height,0.0,-1*(double)width,0.0,0.0,1.5*(double)width,0.0,1.0}; tmp.sparseColor(MatteChannel, BarycentricColorInterpolate, 9, arguments); Image tmp2(Geometry(width, height), Back); tmp.composite(tmp2, 0, 0, OverlayCompositeOp); if (mirror) tmp.flop(); buffer = tmp; } void cImageLoader::DrawBackground2(tColor back, tColor blend, int width, int height) { Color Back = Argb2Color(back); Color Blend = Argb2Color(blend); Image tmp(Geometry(width, height), Blend); double arguments[9] = {0.0,(double)height,0.0,-0.5*(double)width,0.0,0.0,0.75*(double)width,0.0,1.0}; tmp.sparseColor(MatteChannel, BarycentricColorInterpolate, 9, arguments); Image tmp2(Geometry(width, height), Back); tmp.composite(tmp2, 0, 0, OverlayCompositeOp); buffer = tmp; } cImage cImageLoader::GetImage() { int w, h; w = buffer.columns(); h = buffer.rows(); cImage image (cSize(w, h)); const PixelPacket *pixels = buffer.getConstPixels(0, 0, w, h); for (int iy = 0; iy < h; ++iy) { for (int ix = 0; ix < w; ++ix) { tColor col = (~int(pixels->opacity * 255 / MaxRGB) << 24) | (int(pixels->green * 255 / MaxRGB) << 8) | (int(pixels->red * 255 / MaxRGB) << 16) | (int(pixels->blue * 255 / MaxRGB) ); image.SetPixel(cPoint(ix, iy), col); ++pixels; } } return image; } Color cImageLoader::Argb2Color(tColor col) { tIndex alpha = (col & 0xFF000000) >> 24; tIndex red = (col & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; tIndex green = (col & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; tIndex blue = (col & 0x000000FF); Color color(MaxRGB*red/255, MaxRGB*green/255, MaxRGB*blue/255, MaxRGB*(0xFF-alpha)/255); return color; } void cImageLoader::toLowerCase(std::string &str) { const int length = str.length(); for(int i=0; i < length; ++i) { str[i] = std::tolower(str[i]); } } bool cImageLoader::LoadImage(cString FileName, cString Path, cString Extension) { try { cString File = cString::sprintf("%s%s.%s", *Path, *FileName, *Extension); dsyslog("nopacity: trying to load: %s", *File); buffer.read(*File); dsyslog("nopacity: %s sucessfully loaded", *File); } catch (...) { return false; } return true; } bool cImageLoader::LoadImage(const char *fullpath) { try { dsyslog("nopacity: trying to load: %s", fullpath); buffer.read(fullpath); dsyslog("nopacity: %s sucessfully loaded", fullpath); } catch (...) { return false; } return true; } bool cImageLoader::FirstImageInFolder(cString Path, cString Extension, cString *recImage) { DIR *folder; struct dirent *file; folder = opendir(Path); while (file = readdir(folder)) { if (endswith(file->d_name, *Extension)) { std::string fileName = file->d_name; if (fileName.length() > 4) fileName = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length() - 4); else return false; *recImage = fileName.c_str(); return true; } } return false; }