#include "menudetailview.h" /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacityDetailView ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacityDetailView::cNopacityDetailView(cOsd *osd, const cEvent *ev, cPixmap *s, cPixmap *sBack) { type = dvEvent; this->osd = osd; this->scrollBar = s; this->scrollBarBack = sBack; this->ev = ev; this->rec = NULL; this->text = NULL; view = NULL; viewLight = NULL; Init(); } cNopacityDetailView::cNopacityDetailView(cOsd *osd, const cRecording *rec, cPixmap *s, cPixmap *sBack) { type = dvRecording; this->osd = osd; this->scrollBar = s; this->scrollBarBack = sBack; this->ev = NULL; this->rec = rec; this->text = NULL; view = NULL; viewLight = NULL; Init(); } cNopacityDetailView::cNopacityDetailView(cOsd *osd, const char *text, cPixmap *s, cPixmap *sBack) { type = dvText; this->osd = osd; this->scrollBar = s; this->scrollBarBack = sBack; this->ev = NULL; this->rec = NULL; this->text = text; view = NULL; viewLight = NULL; Init(); } void cNopacityDetailView::Init(void) { x = (config.GetValue("menuAdjustLeft")) ? 0 : geoManager->osdWidth - geoManager->menuContentWidthFull + 2 * geoManager->menuSpace; width = geoManager->menuContentWidthFull - 2 * geoManager->menuSpace; height = geoManager->menuContentHeight; top = geoManager->menuHeaderHeight; border = 30; headerHeight = 0; switch (type) { case dvEvent: headerHeight = (config.GetValue("tabsInDetailView")) ? config.GetValue("headerDetailedEPG") * height / 100 : std::max(config.GetValue("logoHeightOriginal"), config.GetValue("epgImageHeight")) + 4; border = config.GetValue("borderDetailedEPG"); break; case dvRecording: headerHeight = (config.GetValue("tabsInDetailView")) ? config.GetValue("headerDetailedRecordings") * height / 100 : config.GetValue("epgImageHeight") + 4; border = config.GetValue("borderDetailedRecordings"); break; case dvText: headerHeight = 0; break; default: break; } } cNopacityDetailView::~cNopacityDetailView(void) { if (view) delete view; if (viewLight) delete viewLight; } void cNopacityDetailView::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { if (view) view->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (viewLight) viewLight->SetAlpha(Alpha); } void cNopacityDetailView::InitiateViewType(void) { if (!(config.GetValue("tabsInDetailView") && !(type == dvText))) { switch (type) { case dvEvent: viewLight = new cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight(osd, ev, scrollBar, scrollBarBack); break; case dvRecording: viewLight = new cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight(osd, rec, scrollBar, scrollBarBack); break; default: break; } viewLight->SetGeometry(x, top, width, height, border, headerHeight); viewLight->Render(); return; } static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); ScraperGetEventType call; switch (type) { case dvEvent: { if (!ev) break; call.event = ev; if (!pScraper || (config.GetValue("scraperInfo") == 0)) { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd); } else if (pScraper->Service("GetEventType", &call)) { if (call.type == tMovie) { view = new cNopacityMovieView(osd, call.movieId); } else if (call.type == tSeries) { view = new cNopacitySeriesView(osd, call.seriesId, call.episodeId); } } else { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd); } view->SetTitle(ev->Title()); view->SetSubTitle(ev->ShortText()); view->SetInfoText(ev->Description()); cString dateTime; time_t vps = ev->Vps(); if (vps) { dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s) VPS: %s", *ev->GetDateString(), *ev->GetTimeString(), *ev->GetEndTimeString(), ev->Duration()/60, tr("min"), *TimeString(vps)); } else { dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s)", *ev->GetDateString(), *ev->GetTimeString(), *ev->GetEndTimeString(), ev->Duration()/60, tr("min")); } view->SetDateTime(*dateTime); LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; view->SetChannel(Channels->GetByChannelID(ev->ChannelID(), true)); view->SetEventID(ev->EventID()); break; } case dvRecording: { if (!rec) break; call.recording = rec; if (!pScraper || (config.GetValue("scraperInfo") == 0)) { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd); } else if (pScraper->Service("GetEventType", &call)) { if (call.type == tMovie) { view = new cNopacityMovieView(osd, call.movieId); } else if (call.type == tSeries) { view = new cNopacitySeriesView(osd, call.seriesId, call.episodeId); } } else { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd); } const cRecordingInfo *info = rec->Info(); if (info) { view->SetTitle(info->Title()); view->SetSubTitle(info->ShortText()); view->SetInfoText(info->Description()); LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; view->SetChannel(Channels->GetByChannelID(info->ChannelID(), true)); } else { view->SetTitle(rec->Name()); } int recDuration = rec->LengthInSeconds(); recDuration = (recDuration>0)?(recDuration / 60):0; cString dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s (%d %s)", *DateString(rec->Start()), *TimeString(rec->Start()), recDuration, tr("min")); view->SetDateTime(*dateTime); view->SetRecFileName(rec->FileName()); break; } case dvText: view = new cNopacityTextView(osd); view->SetInfoText(text); break; default: break; } } void cNopacityDetailView::KeyInput(bool Up, bool Page) { if (viewLight) { viewLight->KeyInput(Up, Page); return; } if (!view) return; if (Up && Page) { view->KeyLeft(); view->Render(); osd->Flush(); } else if (!Up && Page) { view->KeyRight(); view->Render(); osd->Flush(); } else if (Up && !Page) { bool scrolled = view->KeyUp(); if (scrolled) { view->SetScrollbarPixmaps(scrollBar, scrollBarBack); view->DrawScrollbar(); osd->Flush(); } }else if (!Up && !Page) { bool scrolled = view->KeyDown(); if (scrolled) { view->SetScrollbarPixmaps(scrollBar, scrollBarBack); view->DrawScrollbar(); osd->Flush(); } } } std::string cNopacityDetailView::LoadReruns(void) { if (!ev) return ""; cPlugin *epgSearchPlugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("epgsearch"); if (!epgSearchPlugin) return ""; if (isempty(ev->Title())) return ""; std::stringstream sstrReruns; sstrReruns << tr("Reruns of ") << "\"" << ev->Title() << "\":" << std::endl << std::endl; Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0 data; std::string strQuery = ev->Title(); if (config.GetValue("useSubtitleRerun") > 0) { if (config.GetValue("useSubtitleRerun") == 2 && !isempty(ev->ShortText())) { strQuery += "~"; strQuery += ev->ShortText(); } data.useSubTitle = true; } else { data.useSubTitle = false; } data.query = (char *)strQuery.c_str(); data.mode = 0; data.channelNr = 0; data.useTitle = true; data.useDescription = false; bool foundRerun = false; if (epgSearchPlugin->Service("Epgsearch-searchresults-v1.0", &data)) { cList* list = data.pResultList; if (list && (list->Count() > 1)) { foundRerun = true; int i = 0; for (Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult *r = list->First(); r && i < config.GetValue("numReruns"); r = list->Next(r)) { if ((ev->ChannelID() == r->event->ChannelID()) && (ev->StartTime() == r->event->StartTime())) continue; i++; sstrReruns << *DayDateTime(r->event->StartTime()); LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; const cChannel *channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(r->event->ChannelID(), true, true); if (channel) { sstrReruns << ", " << trVDR("Channel") << " " << channel->Number() << ":"; sstrReruns << " " << channel->ShortName(true); } sstrReruns << "\n" << r->event->Title(); if (!isempty(r->event->ShortText())) sstrReruns << "~" << r->event->ShortText(); sstrReruns << std::endl << std::endl; } delete list; } } if (!foundRerun) { sstrReruns << std::endl << tr("No reruns found"); } return sstrReruns.str(); } std::string cNopacityDetailView::LoadRecordingInformation(void) { const cRecordingInfo *Info = rec->Info(); unsigned long long nRecSize = -1; unsigned long long nFileSize[1000]; nFileSize[0] = 0; int i = 0; struct stat filebuf; cString filename; int rc = 0; do { if (rec->IsPesRecording()) filename = cString::sprintf("%s/%03d.vdr", rec->FileName(), ++i); else filename = cString::sprintf("%s/%05d.ts", rec->FileName(), ++i); rc = stat(filename, &filebuf); if (rc == 0) nFileSize[i] = nFileSize[i-1] + filebuf.st_size; else if (ENOENT != errno) { nRecSize = -1; } } while (i <= 999 && !rc); nRecSize = nFileSize[i-1]; cMarks marks; bool fHasMarks = marks.Load(rec->FileName(), rec->FramesPerSecond(), rec->IsPesRecording()) && marks.Count(); cIndexFile *index = new cIndexFile(rec->FileName(), false, rec->IsPesRecording()); int nCutLength = 0; long nCutInFrame = 0; unsigned long long nRecSizeCut = nRecSize < 0 ? -1 : 0; unsigned long long nCutInOffset = 0; if (fHasMarks && index) { uint16_t FileNumber; off_t FileOffset; bool fCutIn = true; cMark *mark = marks.First(); while (mark) { int pos = mark->Position(); index->Get(pos, &FileNumber, &FileOffset); //TODO: will disc spin up? if (fCutIn) { nCutInFrame = pos; fCutIn = false; if (nRecSize >= 0) nCutInOffset = nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset; } else { nCutLength += pos - nCutInFrame; fCutIn = true; if (nRecSize >= 0) nRecSizeCut += nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset - nCutInOffset; } cMark *nextmark = marks.Next(mark); mark = nextmark; } if (!fCutIn) { nCutLength += index->Last() - nCutInFrame; index->Get(index->Last() - 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset); if (nRecSize >= 0) nRecSizeCut += nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset - nCutInOffset; } } std::stringstream sstrInfo; LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; const cChannel *channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(Info->ChannelID()); if (channel) sstrInfo << trVDR("Channel") << ": " << channel->Number() << " - " << channel->Name() << std::endl; if (nRecSize < 0) { if ((nRecSize = ReadSizeVdr(rec->FileName())) < 0) { nRecSize = DirSizeMB(rec->FileName()); } } if (nRecSize >= 0) { cString strRecSize = ""; if (fHasMarks) { if (nRecSize > MEGABYTE(1023)) strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %.2f GB (%s: %.2f GB)", tr("Size"), (float)nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1024), tr("cut"), (float)nRecSizeCut / MEGABYTE(1024)); else strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %lld MB (%s: %lld MB)", tr("Size"), nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1), tr("cut"), nRecSizeCut / MEGABYTE(1)); } else { if (nRecSize > MEGABYTE(1023)) strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %.2f GB", tr("Size"), (float)nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1024)); else strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %lld MB", tr("Size"), nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1)); } sstrInfo << (const char*)strRecSize << std::endl; } if (index) { int nLastIndex = index->Last(); if (nLastIndex) { cString strLength; if (fHasMarks) { strLength = cString::sprintf("%s: %s (%s %s)", tr("Length"), *IndexToHMSF(nLastIndex, false, rec->FramesPerSecond()), tr("cut"), *IndexToHMSF(nCutLength, false, rec->FramesPerSecond())); } else { strLength = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Length"), *IndexToHMSF(nLastIndex, false, rec->FramesPerSecond())); } sstrInfo << (const char*)strLength << std::endl; cString strBitrate = cString::sprintf("%s: %s\n%s: %.2f MBit/s (Video+Audio)", tr("Format"), rec->IsPesRecording() ? "PES" : "TS", tr("Est. bitrate"), (float)nRecSize / nLastIndex * rec->FramesPerSecond() * 8 / MEGABYTE(1)); sstrInfo << (const char*)strBitrate << std::endl; } } delete index; if (Info) { #if (APIVERSNUM >= 20505) if (Info->Errors() >= 0) { cString errors = cString::sprintf("%s: %i ", tr("TS Errors"), Info->Errors()); sstrInfo << (const char*)errors << std::endl; } #endif const char *aux = NULL; aux = Info->Aux(); if (aux) { std::string strAux = aux; std::string auxEpgsearch = StripXmlTag(strAux, "epgsearch"); if (!auxEpgsearch.empty()) { std::string searchTimer = StripXmlTag(auxEpgsearch, "searchtimer"); if (!searchTimer.empty()) { sstrInfo << tr("Search timer") << ": " << searchTimer << std::endl; } } } } return sstrInfo.str(); } std::string cNopacityDetailView::StripXmlTag(std::string &Line, const char *Tag) { // set the search strings std::stringstream strStart, strStop; strStart << "<" << Tag << ">"; strStop << ""; // find the strings std::string::size_type locStart = Line.find(strStart.str()); std::string::size_type locStop = Line.find(strStop.str()); if (locStart == std::string::npos || locStop == std::string::npos) return ""; // extract relevant text int pos = locStart + strStart.str().size(); int len = locStop - pos; return len < 0 ? "" : Line.substr(pos, len); } int cNopacityDetailView::ReadSizeVdr(const char *strPath) { int dirSize = -1; char buffer[20]; char *strFilename = NULL; if (-1 != asprintf(&strFilename, "%s/size.vdr", strPath)) { struct stat st; if (stat(strFilename, &st) == 0) { int fd = open(strFilename, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { if (safe_read(fd, &buffer, sizeof(buffer)) >= 0) { dirSize = atoi(buffer); } close(fd); } } free(strFilename); } return dirSize; } void cNopacityDetailView::Render(void) { InitiateViewType(); if (!view) return; view->SetGeometry(x, top, width, height, border, headerHeight); view->SetScrollbarPixmaps(scrollBar, scrollBarBack); view->LoadMedia(); if (ev) view->SetAdditionalInfoText(LoadReruns()); else if (rec) view->SetAdditionalInfoText(LoadRecordingInformation()); view->Render(); } /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacityDetailViewLight ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight(cOsd *osd, cPixmap *s, cPixmap *sBack) { this->osd = osd; this->scrollBar = s; this->scrollBarBack = sBack; hasScrollbar = false; hasManualPoster = false; manualPosterPath = ""; pixmapContent = NULL; pixmapHeader = NULL; pixmapPoster = NULL; pixmapLogo = NULL; isMovie = false; isSeries = false; contentHeight = height - headerHeight; widthPoster = 30 * width / 100; } cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::~cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight(void) { delete font; if (fontSmall) delete fontSmall; if (fontHeader) delete fontHeader; if (fontHeaderLarge) delete fontHeaderLarge; } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::SetGeometry(int x, int top, int width, int height, int border, int headerHeight) { this->x = x; this->top = top; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->border = border; this->headerHeight = headerHeight; contentHeight = height - headerHeight; widthPoster = 30 * width / 100; SetFonts(); SetContent(); SetContentHeight(); CreatePixmaps(); } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::SetFonts(void) { font = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, contentHeight / 25 + 3 + config.GetValue("fontDetailView")); fontSmall = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, contentHeight / 30 + config.GetValue("fontDetailViewSmall")); fontHeaderLarge = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, headerHeight / 4 + config.GetValue("fontDetailViewHeaderLarge")); fontHeader = cFont::CreateFont(config.fontName, headerHeight / 6 + config.GetValue("fontDetailViewHeader")); } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::DrawTextWrapper(cTextWrapper *wrapper, int top) { if (top > contentDrawPortHeight) return; int linesText = wrapper->Lines(); int textHeight = font->Height(); int currentHeight = top; for (int i=0; i < linesText; i++) { pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, currentHeight), wrapper->GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, font); currentHeight += textHeight; } } int cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::HeightActorPics(void) { int numActors = 0; if (isMovie) numActors = movie.actors.size(); else if (isSeries) numActors = series.actors.size(); if (numActors < 1) return 0; if (isMovie) { actorThumbWidth = movie.actors[0].actorThumb.width/2; actorThumbHeight = movie.actors[0].actorThumb.height/2; } else if (isSeries) { actorThumbWidth = series.actors[0].actorThumb.width/2; actorThumbHeight = series.actors[0].actorThumb.height/2; } int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (actorThumbWidth + 2 * border); if (picsPerLine < 1) return 0; int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine; if (numActors%picsPerLine != 0) picLines++; int actorsHeight = picLines * (actorThumbHeight + 2 * fontSmall->Height()) + fontHeader->Height(); return actorsHeight; } int cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::HeightScraperInfo(void) { int heightScraperInfo = 0; std::stringstream info, info1; if (isSeries) { if (series.overview.size() > 0) { info << tr("Series Overview") << ": " << series.overview << "\n"; } if (series.firstAired.size() > 0) { info << tr("First aired") << ": " << series.firstAired << "\n"; } if (series.genre.size() > 0) { info << tr("Genre") << ": " << series.genre << "\n"; } if (series.network.size() > 0) { info << tr("Network") << ": " << series.network << "\n"; } if (series.rating > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Rating") << ": " << series.rating << "\n"; } if (series.status.size() > 0) { info << tr("Status") << ": " << series.status << "\n"; } if (series.episode.name.size() > 0) { info << "\n" << tr("Episode") << ": " << series.episode.name << " (" << tr("Season") << " " << series.episode.season << ", " << tr("Episode") << " " << series.episode.number << ")\n"; } if (series.episode.overview.size() > 0) { info << tr("Episode Overview") << ": " << series.episode.overview << "\n"; } if (series.episode.firstAired.size() > 0) { info << tr("First aired") << ": " << series.episode.firstAired << "\n"; } if (series.episode.guestStars.size() > 0) { info << tr("Guest Stars") << ": " << series.episode.guestStars << "\n"; } if (series.episode.rating > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Rating") << ": " << series.episode.rating << "\n"; } if (!(info.tellp() == 0)) { info1 << tr("TheTVDB Information") << ":\n" << info.str(); } } else if (isMovie) { if (movie.originalTitle.size() > 0) { info << tr("Original Title") << ": " << movie.originalTitle << "\n"; } if (movie.tagline.size() > 0) { info << tr("Tagline") << ": " << movie.tagline << "\n"; } if (movie.overview.size() > 0) { info << tr("Overview") << ": " << movie.overview << "\n"; } if (movie.adult) { info << tr("Adult") << ": " << tr("yes") << "\n"; } else if (info.gcount() > 0) { info << tr("Adult") << ": " << tr("no") << "\n"; } if (movie.collectionName.size() > 0) { info << tr("Collection") << ": " << movie.collectionName << "\n"; } if (movie.budget > 0) { info << tr("Budget") << ": " << movie.budget << "$\n"; } if (movie.revenue > 0) { info << tr("Revenue") << ": " << movie.revenue << "$\n"; } if (movie.genres.size() > 0) { info << tr("Genre") << ": " << movie.genres << "\n"; } if (movie.homepage.size() > 0) { info << tr("Homepage") << ": " << movie.homepage << "\n"; } if (movie.releaseDate.size() > 0) { info << tr("Release Date") << ": " << movie.releaseDate << "\n"; } if (movie.runtime > 0) { info << tr("Runtime") << ": " << movie.runtime << " " << tr("minutes") << "\n"; } if (movie.popularity > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Popularity") << ": " << movie.popularity << "\n"; } if (movie.voteAverage > 0) { info << tr("TheMovieDB Vote Average") << ": " << movie.voteAverage << "\n"; } if (!(info.tellp() == 0)) { info1 << tr("TheMovieDB Information") << ":\n" << info.str(); } } scrapInfo.Set(info1.str().c_str(), font, contentWidth - 2 * border); int lineHeight = font->Height(); heightScraperInfo = (scrapInfo.Lines() + 1) * lineHeight; if (isSeries) { if (series.banners.size() == 2) heightScraperInfo += (series.banners[1].height + lineHeight); else if (series.banners.size() == 3) heightScraperInfo += (series.banners[1].height + series.banners[2].height + 2*lineHeight); } return heightScraperInfo; } int cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::HeightFanart(void) { int retVal = 0; int fanartWidthOrig = 0; int fanartHeightOrig = 0; if (isMovie) { fanartWidthOrig = movie.fanart.width; fanartHeightOrig = movie.fanart.height; } else if (isSeries && series.fanarts.size() > 0) { fanartWidthOrig = series.fanarts[0].width; fanartHeightOrig = series.fanarts[0].height; } if (fanartWidthOrig == 0) return retVal; int fanartWidth = fanartWidthOrig; int fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig; retVal = fanartHeight; if (fanartWidthOrig > 0 && fanartWidthOrig > (contentWidth - 2*border)) { fanartWidth = contentWidth - 2*border; fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)fanartWidthOrig); retVal = fanartHeight; } if (isSeries) { retVal = (retVal + font->Height()) * series.fanarts.size(); } else if (isMovie) { if (movie.collectionFanart.path.size() > 0) { retVal = (retVal + font->Height()) * 2; } } return retVal; } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::DrawPoster(void) { int posterWidthOrig; int posterHeightOrig; if (hasManualPoster) { posterWidthOrig = config.GetValue("posterWidth"); posterHeightOrig = config.GetValue("posterHeight"); } else if (isMovie) { if ((movie.poster.width == 0) || (movie.poster.height == 0) || (movie.poster.path.size() < 1)) return; posterWidthOrig = movie.poster.width; posterHeightOrig = movie.poster.height; } else if (isSeries) { if (series.posters.size() < 1) return; posterWidthOrig = series.posters[0].width; posterHeightOrig = series.posters[0].height; } if (posterWidthOrig == 0) return; int posterWidth = posterWidthOrig; int posterHeight = posterHeightOrig; if ((posterWidthOrig > widthPoster) && (posterHeightOrig < contentHeight)) { posterWidth = widthPoster - 2*border; posterHeight = posterHeightOrig * ((double)posterWidth / (double)posterWidthOrig); } else if ((posterWidthOrig < widthPoster) && (posterHeightOrig > contentHeight)) { posterHeight = contentHeight - 2*border; posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig); } else if ((posterWidthOrig > widthPoster) && (posterHeightOrig > contentHeight)) { int overlapWidth = posterWidthOrig - widthPoster; int overlapHeight = posterHeightOrig - contentHeight; if (overlapWidth >= overlapHeight) { posterWidth = widthPoster - 2*border; posterHeight = posterHeightOrig * ((double)posterWidth / (double)posterWidthOrig); } else { posterHeight = contentHeight - 2*border; posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig); } } int posterX = (widthPoster - posterWidth) / 2; int posterY = (contentHeight - posterHeight) / 2; cImageLoader imgLoader; bool drawPoster = false; if (hasManualPoster && imgLoader.LoadPoster(*manualPosterPath, posterWidth, posterHeight)) { drawPoster = true; } else if (isSeries && imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.posters[0].path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { drawPoster = true; } else if (isMovie && imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.poster.path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { drawPoster = true; } if (drawPoster) { if (pixmapPoster) pixmapPoster->DrawImage(cPoint(posterX, posterY), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::DrawBanner(int height) { int bannerWidthOrig = 0; int bannerHeightOrig = 0; std::string bannerPath = ""; int seasonPosterWidth = 0; int seasonPosterHeight = 0; std::string seasonPoster = ""; if (isSeries && series.banners.size() > 0) { bannerWidthOrig = series.banners[0].width; bannerHeightOrig = series.banners[0].height; bannerPath = series.banners[0].path; seasonPoster = series.seasonPoster.path; seasonPosterWidth = series.seasonPoster.width / 2; seasonPosterHeight = series.seasonPoster.height / 2; } if (bannerWidthOrig == 0) return; int bannerWidth = bannerWidthOrig; int bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig; int bannerX = (contentWidth - bannerWidth) / 2; if (isSeries && seasonPoster.size() > 0) { int spaceBanner = contentWidth - 3 * border - seasonPosterWidth; if (spaceBanner < bannerWidthOrig) { bannerWidth = spaceBanner; bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig * ((double)bannerWidth / (double)bannerWidthOrig); bannerX = ((contentWidth - seasonPosterWidth) - bannerWidth)/2; } } else if (bannerWidthOrig > contentWidth - 2*border) { bannerWidth = contentWidth - 2*border; bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig * ((double)bannerWidth / (double)bannerWidthOrig); bannerX = (contentWidth - bannerWidth) / 2; } cImageLoader imgLoader; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(bannerPath.c_str(), bannerWidth, bannerHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(bannerX, height), imgLoader.GetImage()); } if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(seasonPoster.c_str(), seasonPosterWidth, seasonPosterHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(contentWidth - seasonPosterWidth - border, height), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::DrawAdditionalBanners(int top, int bottom) { if (series.banners.size() < 2) return; int bannerWidthOrig = series.banners[1].width; int bannerHeightOrig = series.banners[1].height; int bannerWidth = bannerWidthOrig; int bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig; if (bannerWidthOrig == 0) return; if (bannerWidthOrig > contentWidth - 2*border) { bannerWidth = contentWidth - 2*border; bannerHeight = bannerHeightOrig * ((double)bannerWidth / (double)bannerWidthOrig); } int bannerX = (contentWidth - bannerWidth) / 2; cImageLoader imgLoader; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.banners[1].path.c_str(), bannerWidth, bannerHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(bannerX, top), imgLoader.GetImage()); } if (series.banners.size() < 3) return; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.banners[2].path.c_str(), bannerWidth, bannerHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(bannerX, bottom - bannerHeight - font->Height()), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::DrawActors(int height) { int numActors = 0; if (isMovie) numActors = movie.actors.size(); else if (isSeries) numActors = series.actors.size(); if (numActors < 1) return; cString header = cString::sprintf("%s:", tr("Actors")); pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(border, height), *header, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, fontHeader); int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (actorThumbWidth + 2*border); int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine; if (numActors%picsPerLine != 0) picLines++; int x = 0; int y = height + fontHeader->Height(); cImageLoader imgLoader; int actor = 0; for (int row = 0; row < picLines; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < picsPerLine; col++) { if (actor == numActors) break; std::string path = ""; std::string name = ""; std::stringstream sstrRole; if (isMovie) { path = movie.actors[actor].actorThumb.path; name = movie.actors[actor].name; sstrRole << "\"" << movie.actors[actor].role << "\""; } else if (isSeries) { path = series.actors[actor].actorThumb.path; name = series.actors[actor].name; sstrRole << "\"" << series.actors[actor].role << "\""; } std::string role = sstrRole.str(); if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(path.c_str(), actorThumbWidth, actorThumbHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(x + border, y), imgLoader.GetImage()); } if (fontSmall->Width(name.c_str()) > actorThumbWidth + 2*border) name = CutText(name, actorThumbWidth + 2*border, fontSmall); if (fontSmall->Width(role.c_str()) > actorThumbWidth + 2*border) role = CutText(role, actorThumbWidth + 2*border, fontSmall); int xName = x + ((actorThumbWidth+2*border) - fontSmall->Width(name.c_str()))/2; int xRole = x + ((actorThumbWidth+2*border) - fontSmall->Width(role.c_str()))/2; if (pixmapContent) { pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(xName, y + actorThumbHeight), name.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, fontSmall); pixmapContent->DrawText(cPoint(xRole, y + actorThumbHeight + fontSmall->Height()), role.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrTransparent, fontSmall); x += actorThumbWidth + 2*border; } actor++; } x = 0; y += actorThumbHeight + 2 * fontSmall->Height(); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::DrawFanart(int height) { if (isSeries && series.fanarts.size() < 1) return; int fanartWidthOrig = 0; int fanartHeightOrig = 0; std::string fanartPath = ""; if (isMovie) { fanartWidthOrig = movie.fanart.width; fanartHeightOrig = movie.fanart.height; fanartPath = movie.fanart.path; } else if (isSeries) { fanartWidthOrig = series.fanarts[0].width; fanartHeightOrig = series.fanarts[0].height; fanartPath = series.fanarts[0].path; } if (fanartWidthOrig == 0) return; int fanartWidth = fanartWidthOrig; int fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig; if (fanartWidthOrig > contentWidth - 2*border) { fanartWidth = contentWidth - 2*border; fanartHeight = fanartHeightOrig * ((double)fanartWidth / (double)fanartWidthOrig); } cImageLoader imgLoader; if (isMovie) { int fanartX = (contentWidth - fanartWidth) / 2; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(fanartPath.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(fanartX, height), imgLoader.GetImage()); } if (movie.collectionFanart.path.size() > 0) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(movie.collectionFanart.path.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(fanartX, height + fanartHeight + font->Size()), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } } else if (isSeries) { int fanartX = (contentWidth - fanartWidth) / 2; for (std::vector::iterator f = series.fanarts.begin(); f != series.fanarts.end(); f++) { cTvMedia m = *f; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(m.path.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight)) { if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(fanartX, height), imgLoader.GetImage()); height += fanartHeight + font->Height(); } } } else { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(fanartPath.c_str(), fanartWidth, fanartHeight)) { int fanartX = (contentWidth - fanartWidth) / 2; if (pixmapContent) pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(fanartX, height), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::ClearScrollbar(void) { scrollBar->Fill(clrTransparent); scrollBarBack->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::DrawScrollbar(void) { ClearScrollbar(); if (!hasScrollbar || !pixmapContent) return; int totalBarHeight = scrollBar->ViewPort().Height() - 6; int aktHeight = (-1)*pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y(); int totalHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Height(); int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height(); int barHeight = (double)(screenHeight * totalBarHeight) / (double)totalHeight ; int barTop = (double)(aktHeight * totalBarHeight) / (double)totalHeight ; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *image = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seScrollbar); if (image) scrollBarBack->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *image); } else { scrollBarBack->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBar)); scrollBarBack->DrawRectangle(cRect(2,2,geoManager->menuWidthScrollbar-4, scrollBarBack->ViewPort().Height() - 4), Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBarBack)); } scrollBar->DrawRectangle(cRect(3,3 + barTop,geoManager->menuWidthScrollbar-6,barHeight), Theme.Color(clrMenuScrollBar)); } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::KeyInput(bool Up, bool Page) { if (!hasScrollbar) return; int aktHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Point().Y(); int totalHeight = pixmapContent->DrawPort().Height(); int screenHeight = pixmapContent->ViewPort().Height(); int lineHeight = font->Height(); bool scrolled = false; if (Up) { if (Page) { int newY = aktHeight + screenHeight; if (newY > 0) newY = 0; pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY)); scrolled = true; } else { if (aktHeight < 0) { pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight + lineHeight)); scrolled = true; } } } else { if (Page) { int newY = aktHeight - screenHeight; if ((-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight) newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight); pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY)); scrolled = true; } else { if (totalHeight - ((-1) * aktHeight) > screenHeight) { pixmapContent->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight - lineHeight)); scrolled = true; } } } if (scrolled) DrawScrollbar(); } void cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { pixmapContent->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapHeader) pixmapHeader->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapPoster) pixmapPoster->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmapLogo) pixmapLogo->SetAlpha(Alpha); } //---------------cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight--------------------- cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight(cOsd *osd, const cEvent *Event, cPixmap *s, cPixmap *sBack) : cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight(osd, s, sBack) { event = Event; numEPGPics = 0; } cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::~cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight(void) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeader); osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapContent); osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapLogo); if (pixmapPoster) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapPoster); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::SetContent(void) { if (event) { static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); if (pScraper && (config.GetValue("scraperInfo") == 1)) { ScraperGetEventType call; call.event = event; int seriesId = 0; int episodeId = 0; int movieId = 0; if (pScraper->Service("GetEventType", &call)) { esyslog("nopacity: event: %d, %s", event->EventID(), event->Title()); esyslog("nopacity: Type detected: %d, seriesId %d, episodeId %d, movieId %d", call.type, call.seriesId, call.episodeId, call.movieId); seriesId = call.seriesId; episodeId = call.episodeId; movieId = call.movieId; } if (seriesId > 0) { series.seriesId = seriesId; series.episodeId = episodeId; if (pScraper->Service("GetSeries", &series)) { isSeries = true; } } else if (movieId > 0) { movie.movieId = movieId; if (pScraper->Service("GetMovie", &movie)) { isMovie = true; } } } contentWidth = width; contentX = 0; bool displayPoster = false; if (isSeries && series.posters.size() > 0) { displayPoster = true; } else if (isMovie && (movie.poster.width > 0) && (movie.poster.height > 0) && (movie.poster.path.size() > 0)) { displayPoster = true; } if (displayPoster) { contentWidth -= widthPoster; contentX = widthPoster; } epgText.Set(event->Description(), font, contentWidth - 2 * border); if (config.GetValue("displayRerunsDetailEPGView")) { LoadReruns(); } } } void cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::SetContentHeight(void) { int lineHeight = font->Height(); //Height of banner (only for series) int heightBanner = 0; if (isSeries) { if (isSeries && series.banners.size() > 0) { heightBanner = series.banners[0].height; } } //Height of EPG Text int heightEPG = epgText.Lines() * lineHeight; //Height of rerun information int heightReruns = 0; if (config.GetValue("displayRerunsDetailEPGView")) { heightReruns = reruns.Lines() * lineHeight; } //Height of actor pictures int heightActors = 0; if (isMovie || isSeries) { heightActors = HeightActorPics(); } //Height of additional scraper info int heightScraperInfo = 0; if (isMovie || isSeries) { heightScraperInfo = HeightScraperInfo(); } //Height of fanart int heightFanart = 0; if (isMovie || isSeries) { heightFanart = HeightFanart(); } //Height of EPG Pictures int heightEPGPics = 0; if ((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalEPGPictures") == 1) || ((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalEPGPictures") == 2) && !isMovie && !isSeries)) { heightEPGPics = HeightEPGPics(); } yBanner = 0; yEPGText = yBanner + heightBanner + ((heightBanner) ? lineHeight : 0); yAddInf = yEPGText + heightEPG + ((heightEPG) ? lineHeight : 0); yActors = yAddInf + heightReruns + ((heightReruns) ? lineHeight : 0); yScrapInfo = yActors + heightActors + ((heightActors) ? lineHeight : 0); yFanart = yScrapInfo + heightScraperInfo + ((heightScraperInfo) ? lineHeight : 0); yEPGPics = yFanart + heightFanart + ((heightFanart) ? lineHeight : 0); int totalHeight = yEPGPics + heightEPGPics + border; //check if pixmap content has to be scrollable if (totalHeight > contentHeight) { contentDrawPortHeight = totalHeight; hasScrollbar = true; } else { contentDrawPortHeight = contentHeight; } } void cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::CreatePixmaps(void) { contentHeight = contentHeight - border; pixmapHeader = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x, top, width, headerHeight)); pixmapContent = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x + contentX, top + headerHeight + border, contentWidth, contentHeight), cRect(0, 0, contentWidth, contentDrawPortHeight)); pixmapLogo = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(x + border, top + max((headerHeight-config.GetValue("logoHeightOriginal"))/2,1), config.GetValue("logoWidthOriginal"), config.GetValue("logoHeightOriginal"))); pixmapHeader->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapHeader->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, headerHeight - 2, width, 2), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); pixmapContent->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapLogo->Fill(clrTransparent); if (isSeries || isMovie) { pixmapPoster = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(x, top + headerHeight, widthPoster, contentHeight)); pixmapPoster->Fill(clrTransparent); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::Render(void) { DrawHeader(); //draw EPG text DrawTextWrapper(&epgText, yEPGText); //draw reruns if (config.GetValue("displayRerunsDetailEPGView")) { DrawTextWrapper(&reruns, yAddInf); } //draw additional scraper info if (isMovie) { DrawTextWrapper(&scrapInfo, yScrapInfo); } else if (isSeries) { int yInfo = yScrapInfo + font->Height(); if (series.banners.size() > 1) yInfo += series.banners[1].height; DrawTextWrapper(&scrapInfo, yInfo); } if ((isSeries || isMovie)) { DrawPoster(); } //draw banner only for series if (isSeries) { DrawBanner(yBanner); } //draw actors if ((isSeries || isMovie)) { DrawActors(yActors); } //draw additional banners if (isSeries) { DrawAdditionalBanners(yScrapInfo, yFanart); } //draw fanart if ((isSeries || isMovie)) { DrawFanart(yFanart); } //draw additional EPG Pictures if (((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalEPGPictures") == 1) || ((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalEPGPictures") == 2) && !isMovie && !isSeries))) { DrawEPGPictures(yEPGPics); } DrawScrollbar(); } int cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::HeightEPGPics(void) { int numPicsAvailable = 0; for (int i=1; i <= config.GetValue("numAdditionalEPGPictures"); i++) { cString epgimage; if (config.epgImagePathSet) { epgimage = cString::sprintf("%s%d_%d.jpg", *config.epgImagePath, event->EventID(), i); } else { epgimage = cString::sprintf("%s%d_%d.jpg", *config.epgImagePathDefault, event->EventID(), i); } FILE *fp = fopen(*epgimage, "r"); if (fp) { numPicsAvailable = i; fclose(fp); } else { break; } } numEPGPics = numPicsAvailable; int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge") + border); int picLines = numPicsAvailable / picsPerLine; if (numPicsAvailable % picsPerLine != 0) picLines++; return picLines * (config.GetValue("epgImageHeightLarge") + border) - border; } void cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::DrawHeader(void) { int logoWidth = config.GetValue("logoWidthOriginal"); LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; const cChannel *channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(event->ChannelID(), true); if (channel) { cImage *logo = imgCache->GetLogo(ctLogo, channel); if (logo) { pixmapLogo->DrawImage(cPoint(0, max((headerHeight - config.GetValue("logoHeightOriginal") - border)/2, 0)), *logo); } } int widthTextHeader = width - 4 * border - logoWidth; cImageLoader imgLoader; if (isSeries && series.episode.episodeImage.path.size() > 0) { int imgWidth = series.episode.episodeImage.width; int imgHeight = series.episode.episodeImage.height; if (imgHeight > headerHeight) { imgHeight = headerHeight - 6; imgWidth = imgWidth * ((double)imgHeight / (double)series.episode.episodeImage.height); } if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.episode.episodeImage.path.c_str(), imgWidth, imgHeight)) { pixmapHeader->DrawImage(cPoint(width - imgWidth - border, (headerHeight - imgHeight)/2), imgLoader.GetImage()); widthTextHeader -= imgWidth; } } else if (imgLoader.LoadEPGImage(event->EventID())) { pixmapHeader->DrawImage(cPoint(width - config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") - border, (headerHeight-config.GetValue("epgImageHeight"))/2), imgLoader.GetImage()); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) { int radius = config.GetValue("cornerRadius"); int x = width - config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") - border; int y = (headerHeight-config.GetValue("epgImageHeight"))/2; DrawRoundedCorners(pixmapHeader, radius, x, y, config.GetValue("epgImageWidth"), config.GetValue("epgImageHeight")); } widthTextHeader -= config.GetValue("epgImageWidth"); } int lineHeight = fontHeaderLarge->Height(); cString dateTime; time_t vps = event->Vps(); if (vps) { dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s) VPS: %s", *event->GetDateString(), *event->GetTimeString(), *event->GetEndTimeString(), event->Duration()/60, tr("min"), *TimeString(vps)); } else { dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s)", *event->GetDateString(), *event->GetTimeString(), *event->GetEndTimeString(), event->Duration()/60, tr("min")); } pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(logoWidth + 2*border, (lineHeight - fontHeader->Height())/2), *dateTime, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), clrTransparent, fontHeader); cTextWrapper title; title.Set(event->Title(), fontHeaderLarge, widthTextHeader); int currentLineHeight = lineHeight; for (int i=0; i < title.Lines(); i++) { pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(logoWidth + 2*border, currentLineHeight), title.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeaderTitle), clrTransparent, fontHeaderLarge); currentLineHeight += lineHeight; } cTextWrapper shortText; shortText.Set(event->ShortText(), fontHeader, widthTextHeader); currentLineHeight += (lineHeight - fontHeader->Height())/2; for (int i=0; i < shortText.Lines(); i++) { if ((currentLineHeight + fontHeader->Height()) < headerHeight) { pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(logoWidth + 2*border, currentLineHeight), shortText.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), clrTransparent, fontHeader); currentLineHeight += fontHeader->Height(); } else break; } } void cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::LoadReruns(void) { cPlugin *epgSearchPlugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("epgsearch"); if (epgSearchPlugin && !isempty(event->Title())) { std::stringstream sstrReruns; Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0 data; std::string strQuery = event->Title(); if (config.GetValue("useSubtitleRerun") > 0) { if (config.GetValue("useSubtitleRerun") == 2 || !isempty(event->ShortText())) strQuery += "~"; if (!isempty(event->ShortText())) strQuery += event->ShortText(); data.useSubTitle = true; } else { data.useSubTitle = false; } data.query = (char *)strQuery.c_str(); data.mode = 0; data.channelNr = 0; data.useTitle = true; data.useDescription = false; if (epgSearchPlugin->Service("Epgsearch-searchresults-v1.0", &data)) { cList* list = data.pResultList; if (list && (list->Count() > 1)) { sstrReruns << tr("RERUNS OF THIS SHOW") << ':' << std::endl; int i = 0; for (Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult *r = list->First(); r && i < config.GetValue("numReruns"); r = list->Next(r)) { if ((event->ChannelID() == r->event->ChannelID()) && (event->StartTime() == r->event->StartTime())) continue; i++; sstrReruns << "- " << *DayDateTime(r->event->StartTime()); LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; const cChannel *channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(r->event->ChannelID(), true, true); if (channel) { sstrReruns << ", " << channel->Number() << "."; sstrReruns << " " << channel->ShortName(true); } sstrReruns << ": " << r->event->Title(); if (!isempty(r->event->ShortText())) sstrReruns << "~" << r->event->ShortText(); sstrReruns << std::endl; } delete list; } } reruns.Set(sstrReruns.str().c_str(), font, contentWidth - 4 * border); } else reruns.Set("", font, contentWidth); } void cNopacityMenuDetailEventViewLight::DrawEPGPictures(int height) { int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge") + border); int currentX = border; int currentY = height + border; int currentPicsPerLine = 1; cImageLoader imgLoader; for (int i=1; i <= numEPGPics; i++) { cString epgimage = cString::sprintf("%d_%d", event->EventID(), i); if (imgLoader.LoadAdditionalEPGImage(epgimage)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(currentX, currentY), imgLoader.GetImage()); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) { int radius = config.GetValue("cornerRadius"); DrawRoundedCorners(pixmapContent, radius, currentX, currentY, config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge"), config.GetValue("epgImageHeightLarge")); } if (currentPicsPerLine < picsPerLine) { currentX += config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge") + border; currentPicsPerLine++; } else { currentX = border; currentY += config.GetValue("epgImageHeightLarge") + border; currentPicsPerLine = 1; } } else { break; } } } //------------------cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight------------------ cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight(cOsd *osd, const cRecording *Recording, cPixmap *s, cPixmap *sBack) : cNopacityMenuDetailViewLight(osd, s, sBack) { recording = Recording; info = Recording->Info(); } cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::~cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight(void) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapHeader); osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapContent); if (pixmapPoster) osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapPoster); } void cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::SetContent(void) { contentWidth = width; contentX = 0; if (recording) { //check first if manually set poster exists cString posterFound; cImageLoader imgLoader; hasManualPoster = imgLoader.SearchRecordingPoster(recording->FileName(), posterFound); if (hasManualPoster) { manualPosterPath = posterFound; contentWidth -= widthPoster; contentX = widthPoster; } else { static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); if (pScraper && (config.GetValue("scraperInfo") == 1)) { ScraperGetEventType call; call.recording = recording; int seriesId = 0; int episodeId = 0; int movieId = 0; if (pScraper->Service("GetEventType", &call)) { esyslog("nopacity: Type detected: %d, seriesId %d, episodeId %d, movieId %d", call.type, call.seriesId, call.episodeId, call.movieId); seriesId = call.seriesId; episodeId = call.episodeId; movieId = call.movieId; } if (seriesId > 0) { series.seriesId = seriesId; series.episodeId = episodeId; if (pScraper->Service("GetSeries", &series)) { isSeries = true; } } else if (movieId > 0) { movie.movieId = movieId; if (pScraper->Service("GetMovie", &movie)) { isMovie = true; } } } bool displayPoster = false; if (isSeries && series.posters.size() > 0) { displayPoster = true; } else if (isMovie && (movie.poster.width > 0) && (movie.poster.height > 0) && (movie.poster.path.size() > 0)) { displayPoster = true; } if (displayPoster) { contentWidth -= widthPoster; contentX = widthPoster; } } recInfo.Set(recording->Info()->Description(), font, contentWidth - 2 * border); LoadRecordingInformation(); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::SetContentHeight(void) { int lineHeight = font->Height(); //Height of banner (only for series) int heightBanner = 0; if (!hasManualPoster && isSeries) { if (isSeries && series.banners.size() > 0) { heightBanner = series.banners[0].height; } } //Height of Recording EPG Info int heightEPG = recInfo.Lines() * lineHeight; //Height of actor pictures int heightActors = 0; if (!hasManualPoster && (isMovie || isSeries)) { heightActors = HeightActorPics(); } //Height of additional scraper info int heightScraperInfo = 0; if (isMovie || isSeries) { heightScraperInfo = HeightScraperInfo(); } //Height of fanart int heightFanart = 0; if (!hasManualPoster && (isMovie || isSeries)) { heightFanart = HeightFanart(); } //Height of EPG Pictures int heightEPGPics = 0; if ((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalRecEPGPictures") == 1)) { if (LoadEPGPics()) heightEPGPics = HeightEPGPics(); } //additional recording Info int heightAdditionalInfo = additionalInfo.Lines() * lineHeight; yBanner = 0; yEPGText = yBanner + heightBanner + ((heightBanner) ? lineHeight : 0); yActors = yEPGText + heightEPG + ((heightEPG) ? lineHeight : 0); yScrapInfo = yActors + heightActors + ((heightActors) ? lineHeight : 0); yFanart = yScrapInfo + heightScraperInfo + ((heightScraperInfo) ? lineHeight : 0); yEPGPics = yFanart + heightFanart + ((heightFanart) ? lineHeight : 0); yAddInf = yEPGPics + heightEPGPics + ((heightEPGPics) ? lineHeight : 0); int totalHeight = yAddInf + heightAdditionalInfo + border; //check if pixmap content has to be scrollable if (totalHeight > contentHeight) { contentDrawPortHeight = totalHeight; hasScrollbar = true; } else { contentDrawPortHeight = contentHeight; } } void cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::CreatePixmaps(void) { contentHeight = contentHeight - border; pixmapHeader = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x, top, width, headerHeight)); pixmapContent = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(x + contentX, top + headerHeight + border, contentWidth, contentHeight), cRect(0, 0, contentWidth, contentDrawPortHeight)); pixmapHeader->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapHeader->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, headerHeight - 2, width, 2), Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); pixmapContent->Fill(clrTransparent); if (hasManualPoster || isMovie || isSeries) { pixmapPoster = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(x, top + headerHeight, widthPoster, contentHeight)); pixmapPoster->Fill(clrTransparent); } } void cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::Render(void) { DrawHeader(); //draw Recording EPG text DrawTextWrapper(&recInfo, yEPGText); //draw additional Info if (config.GetValue("displayRerunsDetailEPGView")) { DrawTextWrapper(&additionalInfo, yAddInf); } //draw additional scraper info if (isMovie) { DrawTextWrapper(&scrapInfo, yScrapInfo); } else if (isSeries) { int yInfo = yScrapInfo + font->Height(); if (series.banners.size() > 1) yInfo += series.banners[1].height; DrawTextWrapper(&scrapInfo, yInfo); } if ((hasManualPoster || isSeries || isMovie)) { DrawPoster(); } //draw banner only for series if (!hasManualPoster && isSeries) { DrawBanner(yBanner); } //draw actors if (!hasManualPoster && (isSeries || isMovie)) { DrawActors(yActors); } //draw fanart if (!hasManualPoster && (isSeries || isMovie)) { DrawFanart(yFanart); } //draw additional EPG Pictures if (((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalRecEPGPictures") == 1) || ((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalRecEPGPictures") == 2) && !(!isMovie && !isSeries)))) { DrawEPGPictures(yEPGPics); } DrawScrollbar(); } bool cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::LoadEPGPics(void) { DIR *dirHandle; struct dirent *dirEntry; dirHandle = opendir(recording->FileName()); int picsFound = 0; if (dirHandle != NULL) { while ( 0 != (dirEntry = readdir(dirHandle))) { if (endswith(dirEntry->d_name, "jpg")) { std::string fileName = dirEntry->d_name; if (!fileName.compare("cover_vdr.jpg")) continue; if (fileName.length() > 4) { fileName = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length() - 4); epgpics.push_back(fileName); picsFound++; } } if (picsFound >= config.GetValue("numAdditionalRecEPGPictures")) break; } closedir(dirHandle); } if (picsFound > 0) return true; return false; } int cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::HeightEPGPics(void) { int numPicsAvailable = epgpics.size(); int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge") + border); int picLines = numPicsAvailable / picsPerLine; if (numPicsAvailable%picsPerLine != 0) picLines++; return picLines * (config.GetValue("epgImageHeightLarge") + border) + 2*border; } void cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::DrawEPGPictures(int height) { int picsPerLine = contentWidth / (config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge") + border); int currentX = border; int currentY = height + border; int currentPicsPerLine = 1; cImageLoader imgLoader; for (unsigned i=0; i < epgpics.size(); i++) { cString path = cString::sprintf("%s/", recording->FileName()); cString epgimage = epgpics.at(i).c_str(); if (imgLoader.LoadAdditionalRecordingImage(path, epgimage)) { pixmapContent->DrawImage(cPoint(currentX, currentY), imgLoader.GetImage()); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) { int radius = config.GetValue("cornerRadius"); DrawRoundedCorners(pixmapContent, radius, currentX, currentY, config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge"), config.GetValue("epgImageHeightLarge")); } if (currentPicsPerLine < picsPerLine) { currentX += config.GetValue("epgImageWidthLarge") + border; currentPicsPerLine++; } else { currentX = border; currentY += config.GetValue("epgImageHeightLarge") + border; currentPicsPerLine = 1; } } else { break; } } } void cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::DrawHeader(void) { cImageLoader imgLoader; int widthTextHeader = width - 2 * border; if (isSeries && series.episode.episodeImage.path.size() > 0) { int imgWidth = series.episode.episodeImage.width; int imgHeight = series.episode.episodeImage.height; if (imgHeight > headerHeight) { imgHeight = headerHeight - 6; imgWidth = imgWidth * ((double)imgHeight / (double)series.episode.episodeImage.height); } if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(series.episode.episodeImage.path.c_str(), imgWidth, imgHeight)) { pixmapHeader->DrawImage(cPoint(width - imgWidth - border, (headerHeight - imgHeight)/2), imgLoader.GetImage()); widthTextHeader -= imgWidth; } } else if ((config.GetValue("displayAdditionalRecEPGPictures") == 1) && imgLoader.LoadRecordingImage(recording->FileName())) { pixmapHeader->DrawImage(cPoint(width - config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") - border, (headerHeight-config.GetValue("epgImageHeight"))/2), imgLoader.GetImage()); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) { int radius = config.GetValue("cornerRadius"); int x = width - config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") - border; int y = (headerHeight-config.GetValue("epgImageHeight"))/2; DrawRoundedCorners(pixmapHeader, radius, x, y, config.GetValue("epgImageWidth"), config.GetValue("epgImageHeight")); } widthTextHeader -= config.GetValue("epgImageWidth"); } int lineHeight = fontHeaderLarge->Height(); int recDuration = recording->LengthInSeconds(); recDuration = (recDuration>0)?(recDuration / 60):0; cString dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s (%d %s)", *DateString(recording->Start()), *TimeString(recording->Start()), recDuration, tr("min")); pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(border, (lineHeight - fontHeader->Height())/2), *dateTime, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), clrTransparent, fontHeader); const char *Title = info->Title(); if (isempty(Title)) Title = recording->Name(); cTextWrapper title; title.Set(Title, fontHeaderLarge, widthTextHeader); int currentLineHeight = lineHeight; for (int i=0; i < title.Lines(); i++) { pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(border, currentLineHeight), title.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeaderTitle), clrTransparent, fontHeaderLarge); currentLineHeight += lineHeight; } if (!isempty(info->ShortText())) { cTextWrapper shortText; shortText.Set(info->ShortText(), fontHeader, widthTextHeader); for (int i=0; i < shortText.Lines(); i++) { if ((currentLineHeight + fontHeader->Height()) < headerHeight) { pixmapHeader->DrawText(cPoint(border, currentLineHeight), shortText.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), clrTransparent, fontHeader); currentLineHeight += fontHeader->Height(); } else break; } } } void cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::LoadRecordingInformation(void) { const cRecordingInfo *Info = recording->Info(); unsigned long long nRecSize = -1; unsigned long long nFileSize[1000]; nFileSize[0] = 0; int i = 0; struct stat filebuf; cString filename; int rc = 0; do { if (recording->IsPesRecording()) filename = cString::sprintf("%s/%03d.vdr", recording->FileName(), ++i); else filename = cString::sprintf("%s/%05d.ts", recording->FileName(), ++i); rc = stat(filename, &filebuf); if (rc == 0) nFileSize[i] = nFileSize[i-1] + filebuf.st_size; else if (ENOENT != errno) { nRecSize = -1; } } while (i <= 999 && !rc); nRecSize = nFileSize[i-1]; cMarks marks; bool fHasMarks = marks.Load(recording->FileName(), recording->FramesPerSecond(), recording->IsPesRecording()) && marks.Count(); cIndexFile *index = new cIndexFile(recording->FileName(), false, recording->IsPesRecording()); int nCutLength = 0; long nCutInFrame = 0; unsigned long long nRecSizeCut = nRecSize < 0 ? -1 : 0; unsigned long long nCutInOffset = 0; if (fHasMarks && index) { uint16_t FileNumber; off_t FileOffset; bool fCutIn = true; cMark *mark = marks.First(); while (mark) { int pos = mark->Position(); index->Get(pos, &FileNumber, &FileOffset); //TODO: will disc spin up? if (fCutIn) { nCutInFrame = pos; fCutIn = false; if (nRecSize >= 0) nCutInOffset = nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset; } else { nCutLength += pos - nCutInFrame; fCutIn = true; if (nRecSize >= 0) nRecSizeCut += nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset - nCutInOffset; } cMark *nextmark = marks.Next(mark); mark = nextmark; } if (!fCutIn) { nCutLength += index->Last() - nCutInFrame; index->Get(index->Last() - 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset); if (nRecSize >= 0) nRecSizeCut += nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset - nCutInOffset; } } std::stringstream sstrInfo; LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; const cChannel *channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(Info->ChannelID()); if (channel) sstrInfo << trVDR("Channel") << ": " << channel->Number() << " - " << channel->Name() << std::endl; if (nRecSize < 0) { if ((nRecSize = ReadSizeVdr(recording->FileName())) < 0) { nRecSize = DirSizeMB(recording->FileName()); } } if (nRecSize >= 0) { cString strRecSize = ""; if (fHasMarks) { if (nRecSize > MEGABYTE(1023)) strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %.2f GB (%s: %.2f GB)", tr("Size"), (float)nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1024), tr("cut"), (float)nRecSizeCut / MEGABYTE(1024)); else strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %lld MB (%s: %lld MB)", tr("Size"), nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1), tr("cut"), nRecSizeCut / MEGABYTE(1)); } else { if (nRecSize > MEGABYTE(1023)) strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %.2f GB", tr("Size"), (float)nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1024)); else strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %lld MB", tr("Size"), nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1)); } sstrInfo << (const char*)strRecSize << std::endl; } if (index) { int nLastIndex = index->Last(); if (nLastIndex) { cString strLength; if (fHasMarks) { strLength = cString::sprintf("%s: %s (%s %s)", tr("Length"), *IndexToHMSF(nLastIndex, false, recording->FramesPerSecond()), tr("cut"), *IndexToHMSF(nCutLength, false, recording->FramesPerSecond())); } else { strLength = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Length"), *IndexToHMSF(nLastIndex, false, recording->FramesPerSecond())); } sstrInfo << (const char*)strLength << std::endl; cString strBitrate = cString::sprintf("%s: %s\n%s: %.2f MBit/s (Video+Audio)", tr("Format"), recording->IsPesRecording() ? "PES" : "TS", tr("Est. bitrate"), (float)nRecSize / nLastIndex * recording->FramesPerSecond() * 8 / MEGABYTE(1)); sstrInfo << (const char*)strBitrate << std::endl; } } delete index; if (Info) { #if (APIVERSNUM >= 20505) if (Info->Errors() >= 0) { cString errors = cString::sprintf("%s: %i ", tr("TS Errors"), Info->Errors()); sstrInfo << (const char*)errors << std::endl; } #endif const char *aux = NULL; aux = Info->Aux(); if (aux) { std::string strAux = aux; std::string auxEpgsearch = StripXmlTag(strAux, "epgsearch"); if (!auxEpgsearch.empty()) { std::string searchTimer = StripXmlTag(auxEpgsearch, "searchtimer"); if (!searchTimer.empty()) { sstrInfo << tr("Search timer") << ": " << searchTimer << std::endl; } } } } additionalInfo.Set(sstrInfo.str().c_str(), font, width - 4 * border); } std::string cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::StripXmlTag(std::string &Line, const char *Tag) { // set the search strings std::stringstream strStart, strStop; strStart << "<" << Tag << ">"; strStop << ""; // find the strings std::string::size_type locStart = Line.find(strStart.str()); std::string::size_type locStop = Line.find(strStop.str()); if (locStart == std::string::npos || locStop == std::string::npos) return ""; // extract relevant text int pos = locStart + strStart.str().size(); int len = locStop - pos; return len < 0 ? "" : Line.substr(pos, len); } int cNopacityMenuDetailRecordingViewLight::ReadSizeVdr(const char *strPath) { int dirSize = -1; char buffer[20]; char *strFilename = NULL; if (-1 != asprintf(&strFilename, "%s/size.vdr", strPath)) { struct stat st; if (stat(strFilename, &st) == 0) { int fd = open(strFilename, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { if (safe_read(fd, &buffer, sizeof(buffer)) >= 0) { dirSize = atoi(buffer); } close(fd); } } free(strFilename); } return dirSize; }