#include "menudetailview.h" /******************************************************************************************** * cNopacityDetailView ********************************************************************************************/ cNopacityDetailView::cNopacityDetailView(eDetailViewType detailViewType, cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache) { type = detailViewType; this->osd = osd; this->imgCache = imgCache; ev = NULL; rec = NULL; text = NULL; view = NULL; x = 0; width = 0; height = 0; top = 0; border = 0; headerHeight = 0; } cNopacityDetailView::~cNopacityDetailView(void) { Cancel(-1); while (Active()) cCondWait::SleepMs(10); if (view) delete view; } void cNopacityDetailView::SetGeometry(int x, int width, int height, int top, int contentBorder, int headerHeight) { this->x = x; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->top = top; this->border = contentBorder; this->headerHeight = headerHeight; } void cNopacityDetailView::InitiateViewType(void) { static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); ScraperGetEventType call; switch (type) { case dvEvent: { if (!ev) break; call.event = ev; if (!pScraper) { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd, imgCache); } else if (pScraper->Service("GetEventType", &call)) { if (call.type == tMovie) { view = new cNopacityMovieView(osd, imgCache, call.movieId); } else if (call.type == tSeries) { view = new cNopacitySeriesView(osd, imgCache, call.seriesId, call.episodeId); } } else { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd, imgCache); } view->SetTitle(ev->Title()); view->SetSubTitle(ev->ShortText()); view->SetInfoText(ev->Description()); cString dateTime; time_t vps = ev->Vps(); if (vps) { dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s) VPS: %s", *ev->GetDateString(), *ev->GetTimeString(), *ev->GetEndTimeString(), ev->Duration()/60, tr("min"), *TimeString(vps)); } else { dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s - %s (%d %s)", *ev->GetDateString(), *ev->GetTimeString(), *ev->GetEndTimeString(), ev->Duration()/60, tr("min")); } view->SetDateTime(*dateTime); view->SetChannel(Channels.GetByChannelID(ev->ChannelID(), true)); view->SetEventID(ev->EventID()); break; } case dvRecording: { if (!rec) break; call.recording = rec; if (!pScraper) { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd, imgCache); } else if (pScraper->Service("GetEventType", &call)) { if (call.type == tMovie) { view = new cNopacityMovieView(osd, imgCache, call.movieId); } else if (call.type == tSeries) { view = new cNopacitySeriesView(osd, imgCache, call.seriesId, call.episodeId); } } else { view = new cNopacityEPGView(osd, imgCache); } const cRecordingInfo *info = rec->Info(); if (info) { view->SetTitle(info->Title()); view->SetSubTitle(info->ShortText()); view->SetInfoText(info->Description()); view->SetChannel(Channels.GetByChannelID(info->ChannelID(), true)); } else { view->SetTitle(rec->Name()); } int recDuration = rec->LengthInSeconds(); recDuration = (recDuration>0)?(recDuration / 60):0; cString dateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s (%d %s)", *DateString(rec->Start()), *TimeString(rec->Start()), recDuration, tr("min")); view->SetDateTime(*dateTime); view->SetRecFileName(rec->FileName()); break; } case dvText: view = new cNopacityTextView(osd, imgCache); view->SetInfoText(text); break; default: break; } } void cNopacityDetailView::KeyInput(bool Up, bool Page) { if (Running()) return; if (!view) return; if (Up && Page) { view->KeyLeft(); view->Start(); } else if (!Up && Page) { view->KeyRight(); view->Start(); } else if (Up && !Page) { bool scrolled = view->KeyUp(); if (scrolled) { view->DrawScrollbar(); osd->Flush(); } }else if (!Up && !Page) { bool scrolled = view->KeyDown(); if (scrolled) { view->DrawScrollbar(); osd->Flush(); } } } std::string cNopacityDetailView::LoadReruns(void) { if (!ev) return ""; cPlugin *epgSearchPlugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("epgsearch"); if (!epgSearchPlugin) return ""; if (isempty(ev->Title())) return ""; std::stringstream sstrReruns; sstrReruns << tr("Reruns of ") << "\"" << ev->Title() << "\":" << std::endl << std::endl; Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0 data; std::string strQuery = ev->Title(); if (config.GetValue("useSubtitleRerun") > 0) { if (config.GetValue("useSubtitleRerun") == 2 && !isempty(ev->ShortText())) { strQuery += "~"; strQuery += ev->ShortText(); } data.useSubTitle = true; } else { data.useSubTitle = false; } data.query = (char *)strQuery.c_str(); data.mode = 0; data.channelNr = 0; data.useTitle = true; data.useDescription = false; bool foundRerun = false; if (epgSearchPlugin->Service("Epgsearch-searchresults-v1.0", &data)) { cList* list = data.pResultList; if (list && (list->Count() > 1)) { foundRerun = true; int i = 0; for (Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult *r = list->First(); r && i < config.GetValue("numReruns"); r = list->Next(r)) { if ((ev->ChannelID() == r->event->ChannelID()) && (ev->StartTime() == r->event->StartTime())) continue; i++; sstrReruns << *DayDateTime(r->event->StartTime()); cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(r->event->ChannelID(), true, true); if (channel) { sstrReruns << ", " << trVDR("Channel") << " " << channel->Number() << ":"; sstrReruns << " " << channel->ShortName(true); } sstrReruns << "\n" << r->event->Title(); if (!isempty(r->event->ShortText())) sstrReruns << "~" << r->event->ShortText(); sstrReruns << std::endl << std::endl; } delete list; } } if (!foundRerun) { sstrReruns << std::endl << tr("No reruns found"); } return sstrReruns.str(); } std::string cNopacityDetailView::LoadRecordingInformation(void) { const cRecordingInfo *Info = rec->Info(); unsigned long long nRecSize = -1; unsigned long long nFileSize[1000]; nFileSize[0] = 0; int i = 0; struct stat filebuf; cString filename; int rc = 0; do { if (rec->IsPesRecording()) filename = cString::sprintf("%s/%03d.vdr", rec->FileName(), ++i); else filename = cString::sprintf("%s/%05d.ts", rec->FileName(), ++i); rc = stat(filename, &filebuf); if (rc == 0) nFileSize[i] = nFileSize[i-1] + filebuf.st_size; else if (ENOENT != errno) { nRecSize = -1; } } while (i <= 999 && !rc); nRecSize = nFileSize[i-1]; cMarks marks; bool fHasMarks = marks.Load(rec->FileName(), rec->FramesPerSecond(), rec->IsPesRecording()) && marks.Count(); cIndexFile *index = new cIndexFile(rec->FileName(), false, rec->IsPesRecording()); int nCutLength = 0; long nCutInFrame = 0; unsigned long long nRecSizeCut = nRecSize < 0 ? -1 : 0; unsigned long long nCutInOffset = 0; if (fHasMarks && index) { uint16_t FileNumber; off_t FileOffset; bool fCutIn = true; cMark *mark = marks.First(); while (mark) { int pos = mark->Position(); index->Get(pos, &FileNumber, &FileOffset); //TODO: will disc spin up? if (fCutIn) { nCutInFrame = pos; fCutIn = false; if (nRecSize >= 0) nCutInOffset = nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset; } else { nCutLength += pos - nCutInFrame; fCutIn = true; if (nRecSize >= 0) nRecSizeCut += nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset - nCutInOffset; } cMark *nextmark = marks.Next(mark); mark = nextmark; } if (!fCutIn) { nCutLength += index->Last() - nCutInFrame; index->Get(index->Last() - 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset); if (nRecSize >= 0) nRecSizeCut += nFileSize[FileNumber-1] + FileOffset - nCutInOffset; } } std::stringstream sstrInfo; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(Info->ChannelID()); if (channel) sstrInfo << trVDR("Channel") << ": " << channel->Number() << " - " << channel->Name() << std::endl; if (nRecSize < 0) { if ((nRecSize = ReadSizeVdr(rec->FileName())) < 0) { nRecSize = DirSizeMB(rec->FileName()); } } if (nRecSize >= 0) { cString strRecSize = ""; if (fHasMarks) { if (nRecSize > MEGABYTE(1023)) strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %.2f GB (%s: %.2f GB)", tr("Size"), (float)nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1024), tr("cut"), (float)nRecSizeCut / MEGABYTE(1024)); else strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %lld MB (%s: %lld MB)", tr("Size"), nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1), tr("cut"), nRecSizeCut / MEGABYTE(1)); } else { if (nRecSize > MEGABYTE(1023)) strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %.2f GB", tr("Size"), (float)nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1024)); else strRecSize = cString::sprintf("%s: %lld MB", tr("Size"), nRecSize / MEGABYTE(1)); } sstrInfo << (const char*)strRecSize << std::endl; } if (index) { int nLastIndex = index->Last(); if (nLastIndex) { cString strLength; if (fHasMarks) { strLength = cString::sprintf("%s: %s (%s %s)", tr("Length"), *IndexToHMSF(nLastIndex, false, rec->FramesPerSecond()), tr("cut"), *IndexToHMSF(nCutLength, false, rec->FramesPerSecond())); } else { strLength = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Length"), *IndexToHMSF(nLastIndex, false, rec->FramesPerSecond())); } sstrInfo << (const char*)strLength << std::endl; cString strBitrate = cString::sprintf("%s: %s\n%s: %.2f MBit/s (Video+Audio)", tr("Format"), rec->IsPesRecording() ? "PES" : "TS", tr("Est. bitrate"), (float)nRecSize / nLastIndex * rec->FramesPerSecond() * 8 / MEGABYTE(1)); sstrInfo << (const char*)strBitrate << std::endl; } } delete index; if (Info) { const char *aux = NULL; aux = Info->Aux(); if (aux) { std::string strAux = aux; std::string auxEpgsearch = StripXmlTag(strAux, "epgsearch"); if (!auxEpgsearch.empty()) { std::string searchTimer = StripXmlTag(auxEpgsearch, "searchtimer"); if (!searchTimer.empty()) { sstrInfo << tr("Search timer") << ": " << searchTimer << std::endl; } } } } return sstrInfo.str(); } std::string cNopacityDetailView::StripXmlTag(std::string &Line, const char *Tag) { // set the search strings std::stringstream strStart, strStop; strStart << "<" << Tag << ">"; strStop << ""; // find the strings std::string::size_type locStart = Line.find(strStart.str()); std::string::size_type locStop = Line.find(strStop.str()); if (locStart == std::string::npos || locStop == std::string::npos) return ""; // extract relevant text int pos = locStart + strStart.str().size(); int len = locStop - pos; return len < 0 ? "" : Line.substr(pos, len); } int cNopacityDetailView::ReadSizeVdr(const char *strPath) { int dirSize = -1; char buffer[20]; char *strFilename = NULL; if (-1 != asprintf(&strFilename, "%s/size.vdr", strPath)) { struct stat st; if (stat(strFilename, &st) == 0) { int fd = open(strFilename, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { if (safe_read(fd, &buffer, sizeof(buffer)) >= 0) { dirSize = atoi(buffer); } close(fd); } } free(strFilename); } return dirSize; } void cNopacityDetailView::Action(void) { InitiateViewType(); if (!view) return; view->SetGeometry(x, top, width, height, border, headerHeight); view->SetFonts(); view->SetScrollbarPixmaps(scrollBar, scrollBarBack); view->LoadMedia(); view->Start(); if (ev) view->SetAdditionalInfoText(LoadReruns()); else if (rec) view->SetAdditionalInfoText(LoadRecordingInformation()); }