#include "menuitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "imageloader.h" // cNopacityMenuItem ------------- cNopacityMenuItem::cNopacityMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const char *text, bool sel) { this->osd = osd; this->imgCache = imgCache; drawn = false; Text = text; selectable = sel; current = false; wasCurrent = false; scrollable = false; itemTabs = NULL; tabWidth = NULL; pixmapStatic = NULL; pixmapTextScroller = NULL; pixmapForeground = NULL; infoTextWindow = NULL; } cNopacityMenuItem::~cNopacityMenuItem(void) { Cancel(-1); while (Active()) cCondWait::SleepMs(10); delete [] itemTabs; delete [] tabWidth; osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapBackground); if (pixmapStatic) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapStatic); } if (pixmapTextScroller) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapTextScroller); } if (pixmapForeground) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapForeground); } if (infoTextWindow) { delete infoTextWindow; } } void cNopacityMenuItem::SetCurrent(bool cur) { wasCurrent = current; current = cur; } void cNopacityMenuItem::SetGeometry(int index, int top, int left, int width, int height, int spaceMenu) { this->index = index; this->top = top; this->left = left; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->spaceMenu = spaceMenu; } void cNopacityMenuItem::CreatePixmapBackground() { pixmapBackground = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(left, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), width, height)); } void cNopacityMenuItem::CreatePixmapForeground() { pixmapForeground = osd->CreatePixmap(6, cRect(left, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), width, height)); } void cNopacityMenuItem::CreatePixmapStatic(void) { pixmapStatic = osd->CreatePixmap(5, cRect(left, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), width, height)); pixmapStatic->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityMenuItem::CreatePixmapTextScroller(int totalWidth) { pixmapTextScroller = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(left, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), width, height), cRect(0, 0, totalWidth, height)); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityMenuItem::SetTabs(cString *tabs, int *tabWidths, int numtabs) { if (itemTabs) delete [] itemTabs; if (tabWidth) delete [] tabWidth; itemTabs = tabs; tabWidth = tabWidths; numTabs = numtabs; } void cNopacityMenuItem::DrawDelimiter(const char *del, const char *icon, eSkinElementType seType) { if ((config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) && (seType != seNone)) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrSeparatorBorder)); cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seType); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrSeparatorBorder)); } else if ((config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) && (seType != seNone)) { cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seType); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); else pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapForeground->Fill(clrTransparent); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrSeparatorBorder)); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), Theme.Color(clrMenuItem)); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrSeparatorBorder)); } if (!drawn) { cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon(icon, height-2*geoManager->menuSpace, height-2*geoManager->menuSpace); if (imgIcon) { if (pixmapStatic == NULL) { pixmapStatic = osd->CreatePixmap(5, cRect(left, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), width, height)); pixmapStatic->Fill(clrTransparent); } pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(geoManager->menuSpace, geoManager->menuSpace), *imgIcon); } drawn = true; } std::string delimiter = del; try { if (delimiter.find_first_not_of("-") > 0) delimiter.erase(0, delimiter.find_first_not_of("-")+1); if (delimiter.find_last_not_of("-") != std::string::npos) delimiter.erase(delimiter.find_last_not_of("-")+1); } catch (...) {} int x = height + 3; int y = (height - font->Height()) / 2; pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(x, y), delimiter.c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemSep), clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityMenuItem::Action(void) { bool carriageReturn = (config.GetValue("scrollMode") == 0) ? true : false; int scrollDelta = 1; int scrollDelay = config.GetValue("menuScrollDelay") * 1000; DoSleep(scrollDelay); cPixmap::Lock(); if (Running()) SetTextFull(); cPixmap::Unlock(); int drawPortX; int FrameTime = 0; if (config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed") == 1) FrameTime = 50; else if (config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed") == 2) FrameTime = 30; else if (config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed") == 3) FrameTime = 15; if (!Running()) return; int maxX = pixmapTextScroller->DrawPort().Width() - pixmapTextScroller->ViewPort().Width(); bool doSleep = false; while (Running()) { if (doSleep) { DoSleep(scrollDelay); doSleep = false; } if (!Running()) return; uint64_t Now = cTimeMs::Now(); cPixmap::Lock(); drawPortX = pixmapTextScroller->DrawPort().X(); drawPortX -= scrollDelta; cPixmap::Unlock(); if (abs(drawPortX) > maxX) { DoSleep(scrollDelay); if (carriageReturn) drawPortX = 0; else { scrollDelta *= -1; drawPortX -= scrollDelta; } doSleep = true; } if (!carriageReturn && (drawPortX == 0)) { scrollDelta *= -1; doSleep = true; } cPixmap::Lock(); if (Running()) pixmapTextScroller->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(drawPortX, 0)); cPixmap::Unlock(); int Delta = cTimeMs::Now() - Now; if (Running()) osd->Flush(); if (Running() && (Delta < FrameTime)) cCondWait::SleepMs(FrameTime - Delta); } } void cNopacityMenuItem::DoSleep(int duration) { int sleepSlice = 10; for (int i = 0; Running() && (i*sleepSlice < duration); i++) cCondWait::SleepMs(sleepSlice); } void cNopacityMenuItem::DrawRoundedCorners(tColor borderColor) { int radius = config.GetValue("cornerRadius"); if (radius < 3) return; pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(0,0,radius,radius), borderColor, -2); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(-1,-1,radius,radius), clrTransparent, -2); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(width-radius,0,radius,radius), borderColor, -1); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(width-radius+1,-1,radius,radius), clrTransparent, -1); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(0,height-radius,radius,radius), borderColor, -3); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(-1,height-radius+1,radius,radius), clrTransparent, -3); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(width-radius,height-radius,radius,radius), borderColor, -4); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(width-radius+1,height-radius+1,radius,radius), clrTransparent, -4); } void cNopacityMenuItem::DrawChannelLogoBackground(void) { if (!config.GetValue("menuChannelLogoBackground")) return; int logoWidth = geoManager->menuLogoWidth; pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(4,6,logoWidth-4, height-12), Theme.Color(clrMenuChannelLogoBack)); } // cNopacityMainMenuItem ------------- cNopacityMainMenuItem::cNopacityMainMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const char *text, bool sel, bool setup) : cNopacityMenuItem (osd, imgCache, text, sel) { this->isSetup = setup; } cNopacityMainMenuItem::~cNopacityMainMenuItem(void) { } void cNopacityMainMenuItem::DrawBackground(void) { cImage *back = NULL; if ((config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) || (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical)){ eSkinElementType type; if (!isSetup) type = (current)?seMainHigh:seMain; else type = (current)?seSetupHigh:seSetup; back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); } } if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); } if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } else if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); } eSkinElementType menuButtonTop; if (!isSetup) menuButtonTop = seMainTop; else menuButtonTop = seSetupTop; cImage *fore = imgCache->GetSkinElement(menuButtonTop); if (fore) { pixmapForeground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *fore); } else { pixmapForeground->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); tColor col = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuItem); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), col); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } } std::string cNopacityMainMenuItem::items[16] = { "Schedule", "Channels", "Timers", "Recordings", "Setup", "Commands", "OSD", "EPG", "DVB", "LNB", "CAM", "Recording", "Replay", "Miscellaneous", "Plugins", "Restart"}; cString cNopacityMainMenuItem::GetIconName() { std::string element = *menuEntry; //check for standard menu entries for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { std::string s = trVDR(items[i].c_str()); if (s == element) { cString menuIcon = cString::sprintf("menuIcons/%s", items[i].c_str()); return menuIcon; } } //check for special main menu entries "stop recording", "stop replay" std::string stopRecording = skipspace(trVDR(" Stop recording ")); std::string stopReplay = skipspace(trVDR(" Stop replaying")); try { if (element.substr(0, stopRecording.size()) == stopRecording) return "menuIcons/StopRecording"; if (element.substr(0, stopReplay.size()) == stopReplay) return "menuIcons/StopReplay"; } catch (...) {} //check for Plugins for (int i = 0; ; i++) { cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(i); if (p) { const char *mainMenuEntry = p->MainMenuEntry(); if (mainMenuEntry) { std::string plugMainEntry = mainMenuEntry; try { if (element.substr(0, plugMainEntry.size()) == plugMainEntry) { return cString::sprintf("pluginIcons/%s", p->Name()); } } catch (...) {} } } else break; } return cString::sprintf("extraIcons/%s", *menuEntry); } void cNopacityMainMenuItem::CreatePixmapTextScroller(int totalWidth) { int pixmapLeft = left + 10; if (config.GetValue("useMenuIcons")) pixmapLeft += geoManager->menuMainMenuIconSize; int pixmapWidth = width - 10; if (config.GetValue("useMenuIcons")) pixmapWidth -= geoManager->menuMainMenuIconSize; int drawPortWidth = totalWidth + 10; pixmapTextScroller = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(pixmapLeft, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), pixmapWidth, height), cRect(0, 0, drawPortWidth, height)); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityMainMenuItem::CreateText() { std::string text = skipspace(Text); bool found = false; bool doBreak = false; size_t i = 0; for (; i < text.length(); i++) { char s = text.at(i); if (i==0) { //if text directly starts with nonnumeric, break if (!(s >= '0' && s <= '9')) { break; } } if (found) { if (!(s >= '0' && s <= '9')) { doBreak = true; } } if (s >= '0' && s <= '9') { found = true; } if (doBreak) break; if (i>4) break; } if (found) { menuNumber = skipspace(text.substr(0,i).c_str()); menuEntry = skipspace(text.substr(i).c_str()); } else { menuNumber = ""; menuEntry = text.c_str(); } strEntry = *menuEntry; } int cNopacityMainMenuItem::CheckScrollable(bool hasIcon) { int spaceLeft = spaceMenu; if (hasIcon) spaceLeft += geoManager->menuMainMenuIconSize; int totalTextWidth = width - spaceLeft; int numberWidth = font->Width("xxx"); int textWidth = font->Width(*menuEntry); if ((numberWidth + textWidth) > (width - spaceLeft)) { scrollable = true; totalTextWidth = max(numberWidth + textWidth, totalTextWidth); strEntryFull = strEntry.c_str(); strEntry = CutText(strEntry, width - spaceLeft - numberWidth, font); } return totalTextWidth; } void cNopacityMainMenuItem::SetTextFull(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int x = 0; int numberTotalWidth = font->Width("xxx"); int numberWidth = font->Width(*menuNumber); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(x + (numberTotalWidth - numberWidth)/2, (height - font->Height())/2), *menuNumber, clrFont, clrTransparent, font); x += numberTotalWidth; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(x, (height - font->Height())/2), strEntryFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityMainMenuItem::SetTextShort(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int x = 0; int numberTotalWidth = font->Width("xxx"); int numberWidth = font->Width(*menuNumber); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(x + (numberTotalWidth - numberWidth)/2, (height - font->Height())/2), *menuNumber, clrFont, clrTransparent, font); x += numberTotalWidth; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(x, (height - font->Height())/2), strEntry.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityMainMenuItem::Render() { DrawBackground(); if (selectable) { if (config.GetValue("useMenuIcons")) { cString cIcon = GetIconName(); if (!drawn) { cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetMenuIcon(*cIcon); if (imgIcon) pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(geoManager->menuSpace, geoManager->menuSpace), *imgIcon); drawn = true; } } SetTextShort(); if (current && scrollable && !Running() && config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed")) { Start(); } if (wasCurrent && !current && scrollable && Running()) { pixmapTextScroller->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0)); SetTextShort(); Cancel(-1); } } else { DrawDelimiter(strEntry.c_str(), "skinIcons/channeldelimiter", (config.GetValue("displayType") != dtFlat)?seNone:(isSetup?seSetup:seMain)); } } // cNopacityScheduleMenuItem ------------- cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::cNopacityScheduleMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const cEvent *Event, const cChannel *Channel, eTimerMatch TimerMatch, bool sel, eMenuCategory category, cRect *vidWin) : cNopacityMenuItem (osd, imgCache, "", sel) { this->category = category; this->Event = Event; this->Channel = Channel; this->TimerMatch = TimerMatch; this->vidWin = vidWin; strDateTime = ""; strTitle = ""; strSubTitle = ""; strTitleFull = ""; strSubTitleFull = ""; scrollTitle = false; scrollSubTitle = false; } cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::~cNopacityScheduleMenuItem(void) { } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::CreatePixmapTextScroller(int totalWidth) { int drawPortWidth = totalWidth + 10; int pixmapLeft = left; int pixmapWidth = width; if (Channel) { pixmapLeft += geoManager->menuLogoWidth + geoManager->menuSpace; pixmapWidth = pixmapWidth - geoManager->menuLogoWidth - geoManager->menuSpace; } pixmapTextScroller = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(pixmapLeft, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), pixmapWidth, height), cRect(0, 0, drawPortWidth, height)); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::CreateText() { if (!Event) return; std::stringstream sstrDateTime; time_t now = time(NULL); std::string dayNow = *WeekDayName(now); std::string dayEvent = *WeekDayName(Event->StartTime()); if ((Event->StartTime() - now > 86400) || (dayNow != dayEvent)) sstrDateTime << dayEvent << " " << *ShortDateString(Event->StartTime()) << " "; sstrDateTime << *Event->GetTimeString(); sstrDateTime << " - " << *Event->GetEndTimeString(); strDateTime = sstrDateTime.str(); if (Event->Title()) strTitle = Event->Title(); if (Event->ShortText()) strSubTitle = Event->ShortText(); } int cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::CheckScrollable(bool hasIcon) { int spaceLeft = spaceMenu; if (hasIcon) spaceLeft += geoManager->menuLogoWidth; int totalTextWidth = width - spaceLeft; if (font->Width(strTitle.c_str()) > (width - spaceLeft)) { scrollable = true; scrollTitle = true; totalTextWidth = max(font->Width(strTitle.c_str()), totalTextWidth); strTitleFull = strTitle.c_str(); strSubTitleFull = strSubTitle.c_str(); strTitle = CutText(strTitle, width - spaceLeft, font); } if (fontSmall->Width(strSubTitle.c_str()) > (width - spaceLeft)) { if (!scrollable) { scrollable = true; strTitleFull = strTitle.c_str(); strSubTitleFull = strSubTitle.c_str(); } scrollSubTitle = true; totalTextWidth = max(fontSmall->Width(strSubTitle.c_str()), totalTextWidth); strSubTitle = CutText(strSubTitle, width - spaceLeft, fontSmall); } return totalTextWidth; } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::SetTextFull(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, titleY), strTitleFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, titleY + font->Height() - 2), strSubTitleFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::SetTextShort(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, titleY), strTitle.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, titleY + font->Height() - 2), strSubTitle.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::Render() { int logoWidth = geoManager->menuLogoWidth; int logoHeight = geoManager->menuLogoHeight; textLeft = 5; if (Channel && Channel->Name()) textLeft = logoWidth + 10; if (selectable) { titleY = (height - font->Height())/2 - 2; DrawBackground(textLeft); if (Channel && Channel->Name()) DrawChannelLogoBackground(); int progressBarDelta = 0; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical && textLeft < 20) progressBarDelta = 10; DrawRemaining(textLeft + progressBarDelta, height*7/8, width - textLeft - 20 - progressBarDelta); if (!drawn) { DrawLogo(logoWidth, logoHeight); drawn = true; } SetTextShort(); if (current && scrollable && !Running() && config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed")) { Start(); } if (wasCurrent && !current && scrollable && Running()) { pixmapTextScroller->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0)); SetTextShort(); Cancel(-1); } if (wasCurrent) if (infoTextWindow) { delete infoTextWindow; infoTextWindow = NULL; } if (current && Event) { if (config.GetValue("menuSchedulesWindowMode") == 0) { //window mode infoTextWindow = new cNopacityTextWindow(osd, fontEPGWindow, vidWin); infoTextWindow->SetGeometry(textWindow); infoTextWindow->SetText(Event->Description()); infoTextWindow->SetPoster(Event, NULL); infoTextWindow->Start(); } else { //fullscreen mode infoTextWindow = new cNopacityTextWindow(osd, fontEPGWindow, fontEPGWindowLarge); infoTextWindow->SetGeometry(textWindow); infoTextWindow->SetPoster(Event, NULL, true); infoTextWindow->SetEvent(Event); } } } else { if (Event) { DrawDelimiter(Event->Title(), "skinIcons/daydelimiter", (config.GetValue("displayType")!=dtFlat)?seSchedules:seNone); } else if (Channel) { DrawDelimiter(Channel->Name(), "skinIcons/channeldelimiter", (config.GetValue("displayType")!=dtFlat)?seSchedules:seNone); } } } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::DrawBackground(int textLeft) { eSkinElementType type = (current)?seSchedulesHigh:seSchedules; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } else if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); } cImage *fore = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seSchedulesTop); if (fore) { pixmapForeground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *fore); } else { pixmapForeground->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); tColor col = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuItem); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), col); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } if (TimerMatch == tmFull) { cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/activetimer", 64, 64); if (imgIcon) pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(width - 66, 2), *imgIcon); } else if (TimerMatch == tmPartial) { cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/activetimersmall", 32, 32); if (imgIcon) pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(width - 34, 2), *imgIcon); } tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(textLeft, 3), strDateTime.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::DrawLogo(int logoWidth, int logoHeight) { if (Channel && Channel->Name()) { cImage *logo = imgCache->GetLogo(ctLogoMenuItem, Channel); if (logo) { pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(1,1), *logo); } else { cTextWrapper channel; channel.Set(Channel->Name(), font, logoWidth); int lines = channel.Lines(); int lineHeight = height / 3; int heightChannel = lines * lineHeight; int y = (heightChannel>height)?0:(height-heightChannel)/2; for (int line = 0; line < lines; line++) { pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint((logoWidth - font->Width(channel.GetLine(line)))/2, y+lineHeight*line), channel.GetLine(line), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh), clrTransparent, font); } } } } void cNopacityScheduleMenuItem::DrawRemaining(int x, int y, int width) { if (!Event) return; time_t now = time(NULL); if ((now < Event->StartTime()) || (now > Event->EndTime())) return; int seen = now - Event->StartTime(); int total = Event->EndTime() - Event->StartTime(); if (total == 0) return; double percentSeen = (double)seen/total; tColor clrBack = (current)?Theme.Color(clrProgressBarBackHigh):Theme.Color(clrProgressBarBack); tColor clrBar = (current)?Theme.Color(clrProgressBarHigh):Theme.Color(clrProgressBar); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(x, y, 7, 7), clrBack); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(x+width, y, 7, 7), clrBack); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(x+4, y, width-1, 7), clrBack); pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(x+1, y+1, 5, 5), clrBar); if (percentSeen > 0.0) pixmapBackground->DrawEllipse(cRect(x+(width*percentSeen), y+1, 5, 5), clrBar); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(x+4, y+1, (width-1)*percentSeen, 5), clrBar); } // cNopacityChannelMenuItem ------------- cNopacityChannelMenuItem::cNopacityChannelMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const cChannel *Channel, bool sel, cRect *vidWin) : cNopacityMenuItem (osd, imgCache, "", sel) { this->Channel = Channel; this->vidWin = vidWin; strEntry = ""; strEntryFull = ""; strChannelSource = ""; strChannelInfo = ""; strEpgInfo = ""; strEpgInfoFull = ""; strTimeInfo = ""; } cNopacityChannelMenuItem::~cNopacityChannelMenuItem(void) { } void cNopacityChannelMenuItem::CreatePixmapTextScroller(int totalWidth) { int pixmapLeft = left + geoManager->menuLogoWidth + geoManager->menuSpace; int pixmapWidth = width - geoManager->menuLogoWidth - geoManager->menuSpace; int drawPortWidth = totalWidth + 10; pixmapTextScroller = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(pixmapLeft, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), pixmapWidth, height), cRect(0, 0, drawPortWidth, height)); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityChannelMenuItem::CreateText() { strEntry = cString::sprintf("%d %s", Channel->Number(), Channel->Name()); if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayMode") == 0) { const cSource *source = Sources.Get(Channel->Source()); if (source) strChannelSource = cString::sprintf("%s - %s", *cSource::ToString(source->Code()), source->Description()); else strChannelSource = ""; strChannelInfo = cString::sprintf("%s %d, %d MHz", tr("Transp."), Channel->Transponder(), Channel->Frequency()/1000); } else { readCurrentEPG(); } } int cNopacityChannelMenuItem::CheckScrollable(bool hasIcon) { int spaceLeft = spaceMenu; if (hasIcon) spaceLeft += geoManager->menuLogoWidth; int totalTextWidth = width - spaceLeft; if (font->Width(strEntry.c_str()) > (width - spaceLeft)) { scrollable = true; totalTextWidth = max(font->Width(strEntry.c_str()), totalTextWidth); strEntryFull = strEntry.c_str(); strEntry = CutText(strEntry, width - spaceLeft, font); } else strEntryFull = strEntry; if (fontSmall->Width(strEpgInfo.c_str()) > (width - spaceLeft)) { scrollable = true; totalTextWidth = max(fontSmall->Width(strEpgInfo.c_str()), totalTextWidth); strEpgInfoFull = strEpgInfo.c_str(); strEpgInfo = CutText(strEpgInfo, width - spaceLeft, fontSmall); } else strEpgInfoFull = strEpgInfo; return totalTextWidth; } void cNopacityChannelMenuItem::SetTextFull(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int heightChannelName = 0; if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayMode") == 2) { heightChannelName = (height - font->Height())/2; } else { heightChannelName = (height/2 - font->Height())/2; } pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightChannelName), strEntryFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayMode") == 1) { int heightTimeInfo = 0; int heightEPGInfo = 0; if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayTime")) { heightTimeInfo = height/2 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2; heightEPGInfo = 3*height/4 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2; } else { heightEPGInfo = height/2 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2; } if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayTime")) { pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightTimeInfo), strTimeInfo.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightEPGInfo), strEpgInfoFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } } void cNopacityChannelMenuItem::SetTextShort(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int heightChannelName = 0; if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayMode") == 2) { heightChannelName = (height - font->Height())/2; } else { heightChannelName = (height/2 - font->Height())/2; } pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightChannelName), strEntry.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayMode") == 1) { int heightTimeInfo = 0; int heightEPGInfo = 0; if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayTime")) { heightTimeInfo = height/2 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2; heightEPGInfo = 3*height/4 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2; } else { heightEPGInfo = height/2 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2; } if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayTime")) { pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightTimeInfo), strTimeInfo.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightEPGInfo), strEpgInfo.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } } void cNopacityChannelMenuItem::DrawBackground(void) { eSkinElementType type = (current)?seChannelsHigh:seChannels; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } else if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); } cImage *fore = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seChannelsTop); if (fore) { pixmapForeground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *fore); } else { pixmapForeground->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); tColor col = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuItem); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), col); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } if (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayMode") == 0) { int encryptedSize = height/4-2; int sourceX = geoManager->menuLogoWidth + 15; tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(sourceX, 3*height/4 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2), *strChannelInfo, clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); if (Channel->Ca()) { cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/encrypted", encryptedSize, encryptedSize); if (imgIcon) { pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(sourceX, height/2+1), *imgIcon); sourceX += encryptedSize + 10; } } pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(sourceX, height/2 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2), *strChannelSource, clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } } void cNopacityChannelMenuItem::readCurrentEPG(void) { cSchedulesLock schedulesLock; const cSchedules *schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(schedulesLock); const cSchedule *Schedule = NULL; Schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(Channel); if (!Schedule) { strEpgInfo = tr("No EPG Information found"); strTimeInfo = ""; } else { const cEvent *PresentEvent = Schedule->GetPresentEvent(); if (!PresentEvent) { strEpgInfo = tr("No EPG Information found"); strTimeInfo = ""; } else { strEpgInfo = PresentEvent->Title(); strTimeInfo = *cString::sprintf("%s - %s:", *PresentEvent->GetTimeString(), *PresentEvent->GetEndTimeString()); } } } std::string cNopacityChannelMenuItem::readEPG(void) { std::stringstream sstrText; cSchedulesLock schedulesLock; const cSchedules *schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(schedulesLock); const cSchedule *Schedule = NULL; Schedule = schedules->GetSchedule(Channel); if (!Schedule) { sstrText << tr("No EPG Information found"); } else { const cEvent *PresentEvent = Schedule->GetPresentEvent(); int i=0; if (!PresentEvent) { sstrText << tr("No EPG Information found"); } else { for (const cEvent *event = PresentEvent; event; event = Schedule->Events()->Next(event)) { if (event) { sstrText << *event->GetTimeString(); sstrText << " "; sstrText << event->Title(); if (event->ShortText() && (strlen(event->ShortText()) > 1)) sstrText << " ~ " << event->ShortText(); i++; if (i < config.GetValue("numEPGEntriesChannelsMenu")) sstrText << "\n"; else break; } } } } return sstrText.str(); } void cNopacityChannelMenuItem::Render() { if (selectable) { //Channels DrawBackground(); DrawChannelLogoBackground(); if (!drawn) { cImage *logo = imgCache->GetLogo(ctLogoMenuItem, Channel); if (logo) { pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(1,1), *logo); } drawn = true; } SetTextShort(); if (current && scrollable && !Running() && config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed")) { Start(); } if (wasCurrent && !current && scrollable && Running()) { pixmapTextScroller->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0)); SetTextShort(); Cancel(-1); } if (wasCurrent) if (infoTextWindow) { delete infoTextWindow; infoTextWindow = NULL; } if (current && Channel && (config.GetValue("menuChannelDisplayMode") == 0)) { infoTextWindow = new cNopacityTextWindow(osd, fontEPGWindow, vidWin); infoTextWindow->SetGeometry(textWindow); infoTextWindow->SetText(readEPG().c_str()); infoTextWindow->Start(); } } else { //Channelseparators DrawDelimiter(Channel->Name(), "skinIcons/channeldelimiter", (config.GetValue("displayType")!=dtFlat )?seChannels:seNone); } } // cNopacityTimerMenuItem ------------- cNopacityTimerMenuItem::cNopacityTimerMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const cTimer *Timer, bool sel, cRect *vidWin) : cNopacityMenuItem (osd, imgCache, "", sel) { this->Timer = Timer; this->vidWin = vidWin; } cNopacityTimerMenuItem::~cNopacityTimerMenuItem(void) { } void cNopacityTimerMenuItem::CreatePixmapTextScroller(int totalWidth) { int pixmapLeft = left + geoManager->menuLogoWidth + geoManager->menuSpace; int pixmapWidth = width - geoManager->menuLogoWidth - geoManager->menuSpace; int drawPortWidth = totalWidth + 10; pixmapTextScroller = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(pixmapLeft, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), pixmapWidth, height), cRect(0, 0, drawPortWidth, height)); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityTimerMenuItem::CreateText() { const char *File = Setup.FoldersInTimerMenu ? NULL : strrchr(Timer->File(), FOLDERDELIMCHAR); if (File && strcmp(File + 1, TIMERMACRO_TITLE) && strcmp(File + 1, TIMERMACRO_EPISODE)) File++; else File = Timer->File(); strEntry = File; strDateTime = CreateDate(); } std::string cNopacityTimerMenuItem::CreateDate(void) { cString day, dayName(""); if (Timer->WeekDays()) day = Timer->PrintDay(0, Timer->WeekDays(), false); else if (Timer->Day() - time(NULL) < 28 * SECSINDAY) { day = itoa(Timer->GetMDay(Timer->Day())); dayName = WeekDayName(Timer->Day()); } else { struct tm tm_r; time_t Day = Timer->Day(); localtime_r(&Day, &tm_r); char buffer[16]; strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y%m%d", &tm_r); day = buffer; } cString dateString; if (Timer->Channel()) dateString = *cString::sprintf("%d - %s%s%s (%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d)", Timer->Channel()->Number(), *dayName, *dayName && **dayName ? " " : "", *day, Timer->Start() / 100, Timer->Start() % 100, Timer->Stop() / 100, Timer->Stop() % 100); else dateString = *cString::sprintf("%s%s%s (%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d)", *dayName, *dayName && **dayName ? " " : "", *day, Timer->Start() / 100, Timer->Start() % 100, Timer->Stop() / 100, Timer->Stop() % 100); return *dateString; } int cNopacityTimerMenuItem::CheckScrollable(bool hasIcon) { int spaceLeft = spaceMenu; if (hasIcon) spaceLeft += geoManager->menuLogoWidth; int totalTextWidth = width - spaceLeft; if (font->Width(strEntry.c_str()) > (width - spaceLeft)) { scrollable = true; totalTextWidth = max(font->Width(strEntry.c_str()), totalTextWidth); strEntryFull = strEntry.c_str(); strEntry = CutText(strEntry, width - spaceLeft, font); } return totalTextWidth; } void cNopacityTimerMenuItem::SetTextFull(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(0, height/2 + (height/2 - font->Height())/2), strEntryFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityTimerMenuItem::SetTextShort(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(0, height/2 + (height/2 - font->Height())/2), strEntry.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityTimerMenuItem::DrawBackground(int textLeft) { eSkinElementType type = (current)?seTimersHigh:seTimers; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } else if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); } cImage *fore = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seTimersTop); if (fore) { pixmapForeground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *fore); } else { pixmapForeground->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); tColor col = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuItem); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), col); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } int iconSize = height/2; cString iconName(""); bool firstDay = false; if (!(Timer->HasFlags(tfActive))) iconName = "skinIcons/timerInactive"; else if (Timer->FirstDay()) { iconName = "skinIcons/timerActive"; firstDay = true; } else if (Timer->Recording()) iconName = "skinIcons/timerRecording"; else iconName = "skinIcons/timerActive"; cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon(*iconName, iconSize, iconSize); if (imgIcon) pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(textLeft, 0), *imgIcon); cString dateTime(""); if (firstDay) dateTime = cString::sprintf("! %s", strDateTime.c_str()); else dateTime = strDateTime.c_str(); tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(textLeft + iconSize, (height/2 - fontSmall->Height())/2), *dateTime, clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } void cNopacityTimerMenuItem::Render() { textLeft = geoManager->menuLogoWidth + geoManager->menuSpace; if (selectable) { DrawBackground(textLeft); DrawChannelLogoBackground(); int logoWidth = geoManager->menuLogoWidth; int logoHeight = geoManager->menuLogoHeight; if (!drawn) { DrawLogo(logoWidth, logoHeight); drawn = true; } if (!Running()) SetTextShort(); if (current && scrollable && !Running() && config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed")) { Start(); } if (wasCurrent && !current && scrollable && Running()) { pixmapTextScroller->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0)); SetTextShort(); Cancel(-1); } if (wasCurrent) if (infoTextWindow) { delete infoTextWindow; infoTextWindow = NULL; } const cEvent *Event = Timer->Event(); if (current && Event) { if (config.GetValue("menuTimersWindowMode") == 0) { //window mode infoTextWindow = new cNopacityTextWindow(osd, fontEPGWindow, vidWin); infoTextWindow->SetGeometry(textWindow); infoTextWindow->SetText(Event->Description()); infoTextWindow->SetPoster(Event, NULL, false); infoTextWindow->Start(); } else { //fullscreen mode infoTextWindow = new cNopacityTextWindow(osd, fontEPGWindow, fontEPGWindowLarge); infoTextWindow->SetGeometry(textWindow); infoTextWindow->SetPoster(Event, NULL, true); infoTextWindow->SetEvent(Event); } } } } void cNopacityTimerMenuItem::DrawLogo(int logoWidth, int logoHeight) { if (Timer && Timer->Channel() && Timer->Channel()->Name()) { cImage *logo = imgCache->GetLogo(ctLogoMenuItem, Timer->Channel()); if (logo) { pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(1,1), *logo); } else { cTextWrapper channel; channel.Set(Timer->Channel()->Name(), font, logoWidth); int lines = channel.Lines(); int lineHeight = height / 3; int heightChannel = lines * lineHeight; int y = (heightChannel>height)?0:(height-heightChannel)/2; for (int line = 0; line < lines; line++) { pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint((logoWidth - font->Width(channel.GetLine(line)))/2, y+lineHeight*line), channel.GetLine(line), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh), clrTransparent, font); } } } } // cNopacityRecordingMenuItem ------------- cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::cNopacityRecordingMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const cRecording *Recording, bool sel, bool isFolder, int Level, int Total, int New, cRect *vidWin) : cNopacityMenuItem (osd, imgCache, "", sel) { this->Recording = Recording; this->isFolder = isFolder; this->Level = Level; this->Total = Total; this->New = New; this->vidWin = vidWin; posterWidth = 0; posterHeight = 0; hasManualPoster = false; manualPosterPath = ""; hasPoster = false; hasThumb = false; } cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::~cNopacityRecordingMenuItem(void) { } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::CreatePixmapTextScroller(int totalWidth) { int pixmapLeft = 0; int pixmapWidth = 0; int drawPortWidth = totalWidth + 10; pixmapLeft = posterWidth + left + 20; pixmapWidth = width - posterWidth - 20; pixmapTextScroller = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(pixmapLeft, top + index * (height + spaceMenu), pixmapWidth, height), cRect(0, 0, drawPortWidth, height)); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::CreateText() { std::string recName = Recording->Name(); try { std::vector tokens; std::istringstream f(recName.c_str()); std::string s; while (std::getline(f, s, FOLDERDELIMCHAR)) { tokens.push_back(s); } strRecName = tokens.at(Level); if (!isFolder && Recording->IsEdited()) { strRecName = strRecName.substr(1); } } catch (...) { strRecName = recName.c_str(); } } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::SetPoster(void) { posterHeight = height - 10; posterWidth = config.GetValue("posterWidth") * ((double)posterHeight / (double)config.GetValue("posterHeight")); //check first if manually set poster exists cString posterFound; cImageLoader imgLoader; hasManualPoster = imgLoader.SearchRecordingPoster(Recording->FileName(), posterFound); if (hasManualPoster) manualPosterPath = posterFound; //no manually set poster found, check scraper static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); if (pScraper) { thumb.event = NULL; thumb.recording = Recording; if (pScraper->Service("GetPosterThumb", &thumb)) { hasThumb = true; } else { hasThumb = false; } } } int cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::CheckScrollable(bool hasIcon) { int totalWidth = 0; if (isFolder) totalWidth = CheckScrollableFolder(); else totalWidth = CheckScrollableRecording(); return totalWidth; } int cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::CheckScrollableRecording(void) { int spaceLeft = spaceMenu + posterWidth + 15; int iconWidth = 0; int totalTextWidth = width - spaceLeft; strRecNameFull = strRecName.c_str(); if (font->Width(strRecName.c_str()) + iconWidth > (width - spaceLeft)) { scrollable = true; totalTextWidth = max(font->Width(strRecName.c_str()) + iconWidth, totalTextWidth); strRecName = CutText(strRecName, width - spaceLeft - iconWidth, font); } return totalTextWidth; } int cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::CheckScrollableFolder(void) { int spaceLeft = spaceMenu + posterWidth + 15; int totalTextWidth = width - spaceLeft; strRecNameFull = strRecName.c_str(); if (font->Width(strRecName.c_str()) > (width - spaceLeft)) { scrollable = true; totalTextWidth = max(font->Width(strRecName.c_str()), totalTextWidth); strRecName = CutText(strRecName, width - spaceLeft, font); } return totalTextWidth; } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::SetTextFull(void) { if (isFolder) SetTextFullFolder(); else SetTextFullRecording(); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::DrawBackground(void) { eSkinElementType type = (current)?seRecordingsHigh:seRecordings; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } else if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); } cImage *fore = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seRecordingsTop); if (fore) { pixmapForeground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *fore); } else { pixmapForeground->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); tColor col = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuItem); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), col); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::SetTextFullFolder(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); if (config.GetValue("useFolderPoster") && (hasPoster || hasThumb || hasManualPoster)) DrawPoster(); else DrawFolderIcon(); int heightRecName = (2*height/3 - font->Height())/2 + 10; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightRecName), strRecNameFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::SetTextFullRecording(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int textLeft = 5; int heightRecName = (height / 2 - font->Height())/2; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(textLeft, heightRecName), strRecNameFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::SetTextShort(void) { if (isFolder) SetTextShortFolder(); else SetTextShortRecording(); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::SetTextShortFolder(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); if (config.GetValue("useFolderPoster") && (hasPoster || hasThumb || hasManualPoster)) DrawPoster(); else DrawFolderIcon(); int heightRecName = (2*height/3 - font->Height())/2 + 10; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(5, heightRecName), strRecName.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::SetTextShortRecording(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int textLeft = 5; int heightRecName = (height / 2 - font->Height())/2; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(textLeft, heightRecName), strRecName.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::DrawRecordingNewIcon(void) { int iconNewSize = height/3; cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/newrecording", iconNewSize, iconNewSize); if (imgIcon) { int iconX = pixmapStatic->ViewPort().Width() - iconNewSize; int iconY = height/2; pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX, iconY), *imgIcon); } } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::DrawRecordingEditedIcon(void) { int iconCutSize = height/3; cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/recordingcutted", iconCutSize, iconCutSize); if (imgIcon) { int iconX = pixmapStatic->ViewPort().Width() - iconCutSize; if (Recording->IsNew()) iconX -= iconCutSize; int iconY = height/2; pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(iconX, iconY), *imgIcon); } } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::DrawFolderIcon(void) { cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/recfolder", posterWidth, posterHeight); if (imgIcon) { pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(10, 1), *imgIcon); } } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::DrawRecDateTime(void) { int left = posterWidth + 20; pixmapStatic->DrawRectangle(cRect(left, 0, width, height), clrTransparent); const cEvent *Event = NULL; Event = Recording->Info()->GetEvent(); cString strDateTime(""); cString strDuration(""); if (Event) { std::string strDate = *(Event->GetDateString()); cString strTime = Event->GetTimeString(); if (strDate.find("1970") != std::string::npos) { time_t start = Recording->Start(); strDateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s", *DateString(start),*TimeString(start)); } else { strDateTime = cString::sprintf("%s - %s", strDate.c_str(), *strTime); } int duration = Event->Duration() / 60; int recDuration = Recording->LengthInSeconds(); recDuration = (recDuration>0)?(recDuration / 60):0; strDuration = cString::sprintf("%s: %d %s, %s: %d %s", tr("Duration"), duration, tr("min"), tr("recording"), recDuration, tr("min")); } int textHeight = height/2 + (height/4 - fontSmall->Height())/2; tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(10 + left, textHeight), *strDateTime, clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); textHeight += height/4; pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(10 + left, textHeight), *strDuration, clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::DrawFolderNewSeen(void) { int textHeight = 2*height/3 + (height/3 - fontSmall->Height())/2 - 10; cString strTotalNew = cString::sprintf("%d %s (%d %s)", Total, (Total > 1)?tr("recordings"):tr("recording"), New, tr("new")); tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(posterWidth + 30, textHeight), *strTotalNew, clrFont, clrTransparent, fontSmall); } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::DrawPoster(void) { cImageLoader imgLoader; bool posterDrawn = false; if (hasManualPoster) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(*manualPosterPath, posterWidth, posterHeight)) { posterDrawn = true; pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(10, 5), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } else if (hasThumb) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(thumb.poster.path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { posterDrawn = true; pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(10, 5), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } if (!posterDrawn) { cImage *imgIcon = imgCache->GetSkinIcon("skinIcons/defaultPoster", posterWidth, posterHeight); if (imgIcon) pixmapStatic->DrawImage(cPoint(10,5), *imgIcon); } } void cNopacityRecordingMenuItem::Render() { if (selectable) { DrawBackground(); if (isFolder) { DrawFolderNewSeen(); SetTextShort(); } else { DrawPoster(); DrawRecDateTime(); if (Recording->IsNew()) { DrawRecordingNewIcon(); } if (Recording->IsEdited()) { DrawRecordingEditedIcon(); } SetTextShort(); } if (current && scrollable && !Running() && config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed")) { Start(); } if (wasCurrent && !current && scrollable && Running()) { pixmapTextScroller->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0)); SetTextShort(); Cancel(-1); } if (!isFolder) { if (wasCurrent) if (infoTextWindow) { delete infoTextWindow; infoTextWindow = NULL; } if (current) { if (config.GetValue("menuRecordingsWindowMode") == 0) { //window mode infoTextWindow = new cNopacityTextWindow(osd, fontEPGWindow, vidWin); infoTextWindow->SetGeometry(textWindow); infoTextWindow->SetText(Recording->Info()->Description()); if (!infoTextWindow->SetManualPoster(Recording)) infoTextWindow->SetPoster(NULL, Recording); infoTextWindow->Start(); } else { //fullscreen mode infoTextWindow = new cNopacityTextWindow(osd, fontEPGWindow, fontEPGWindowLarge); infoTextWindow->SetGeometry(textWindow); if (!infoTextWindow->SetManualPoster(Recording, true)) infoTextWindow->SetPoster(NULL, Recording, true); infoTextWindow->SetRecording(Recording); } } } } } // cNopacityDefaultMenuItem ------------- cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::cNopacityDefaultMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const char *text, bool sel) : cNopacityMenuItem (osd, imgCache, text, sel) { scrollCol = -1; } cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::~cNopacityDefaultMenuItem(void) { } bool cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::CheckProgressBar(const char *text) { if (strlen(text) > 5 && text[0] == '[' && ((text[1] == '|')||(text[1] == ' ')) && ((text[2] == '|')||(text[2] == ' ')) && text[strlen(text) - 1] == ']') return true; return false; } void cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::DrawBackground(void) { eSkinElementType type = (current)?seDefaultHigh:seDefault; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } else if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); tColor col = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuItem); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), col); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } } void cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::DrawProgressBar(int x, int width, const char *bar, tColor color) { const char *p = bar + 1; bool isProgressbar = true; int total = 0; int now = 0; for (; *p != ']'; ++p) { if (*p == ' ' || *p == '|') { ++total; if (*p == '|') ++now; } else { isProgressbar = false; break; } } if (isProgressbar) { pixmapStatic->DrawRectangle(cRect(x+5, height/4, width-10, height/2), color); pixmapStatic->DrawRectangle(cRect(x+7, height/4+2, width-14, height/2-4), clrTransparent); double progress = (double)now/(double)total; pixmapStatic->DrawRectangle(cRect(x+8, height/4+3, (width-16)*progress, height/2-6), color); } } void cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::SetTextFull(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int x = (scrollCol == 0)?5:0; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(x, (height - font->Height()) / 2), strEntryFull.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } void cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::SetTextShort(void) { tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); int x = (scrollCol == 0)?5:0; pixmapTextScroller->DrawText(cPoint(x, (height - font->Height()) / 2), strEntry.c_str(), clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } int cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::CheckScrollable(bool hasIcon) { if (!selectable) return 0; scrollable = false; int colWidth = 0; int colTextWidth = 0; for (int i=0; i 0) { if (CheckProgressBar(*itemTabs[i])) continue; colWidth = tabWidth[i+cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs]; colTextWidth = font->Width(*itemTabs[i]); if (colTextWidth > colWidth) { cTextWrapper itemTextWrapped; scrollable = true; scrollCol = i; strEntryFull = *itemTabs[i]; itemTextWrapped.Set(*itemTabs[i], font, colWidth - font->Width("... ")); strEntry = cString::sprintf("%s... ", itemTextWrapped.GetLine(0)); break; } } else break; } if (scrollable) { if (!pixmapTextScroller) { pixmapTextScroller = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(left + tabWidth[scrollCol], top + index * (height + spaceMenu), tabWidth[scrollCol+numTabs], height), cRect(0, 0, colTextWidth+10, height)); pixmapTextScroller->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { if (pixmapTextScroller) { while (Running()) { Cancel(-1); DoSleep(10); } osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapTextScroller); pixmapTextScroller = NULL; scrollCol = -1; } } return 0; } bool cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::DrawHeaderElement(void) { const char *c = Text + 3; while (*c == '-') c++; if (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t') { // it's a headline while (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t') // find start of headline text c++; // find end of headline text char *c2 = (char*)(c + strlen(c) - 1); while (*c2 == '-') c2--; while (*c2 == ' ' || *c2 == '\t') c2--; *(c2 + 1) = 0; int left = 5 + tabWidth[0]; pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(left, (height - font->Height()) / 2), c, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemSep), clrTransparent, font); return true; } return false; } void cNopacityDefaultMenuItem::Render() { DrawBackground(); pixmapStatic->Fill(clrTransparent); tColor clrFont; if (current) clrFont = Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh); else if (!selectable) clrFont = Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemSep); else clrFont = Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItem); if (!selectable && (strncmp(Text, "---", 3) == 0)) { if (DrawHeaderElement()) return; } int colWidth = 0; int colTextWidth = 0; cString itemText(""); for (int i=0; i 0) { colWidth = tabWidth[i+cSkinDisplayMenu::MaxTabs]; int posX = tabWidth[i]; if (CheckProgressBar(*itemTabs[i])) { DrawProgressBar(posX, colWidth, *itemTabs[i], clrFont); } else if (i != scrollCol) { colTextWidth = font->Width(*itemTabs[i]); if (colTextWidth > colWidth) { cTextWrapper itemTextWrapped; if (selectable) { itemTextWrapped.Set(*itemTabs[i], font, colWidth - font->Width("... ")); itemText = cString::sprintf("%s... ", itemTextWrapped.GetLine(0)); } else { itemTextWrapped.Set(*itemTabs[i], font, colWidth); itemText = cString::sprintf("%s", itemTextWrapped.GetLine(0)); } } else { itemText = itemTabs[i]; } if (i==0) posX += 5; pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(posX, (height - font->Height()) / 2), *itemText, clrFont, clrTransparent, font); } else { if (!Running()) SetTextShort(); } } else break; } if (current && scrollable && !Running() && config.GetValue("menuScrollSpeed")) { Start(); } if (wasCurrent && !current && scrollable && Running()) { pixmapTextScroller->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0)); SetTextShort(); Cancel(-1); } } // cNopacityTrackMenuItem ------------- cNopacityTrackMenuItem::cNopacityTrackMenuItem(cOsd *osd, cImageCache *imgCache, const char *text) : cNopacityMenuItem (osd, imgCache, text, true) { } cNopacityTrackMenuItem::~cNopacityTrackMenuItem(void) { } void cNopacityTrackMenuItem::Render() { eSkinElementType type = (current)?seTracksHigh:seTracks; if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtBlending) { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(1, 1), *back); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } else if (config.GetValue("displayType") == dtGraphical) { cImage *back = imgCache->GetSkinElement(type); if (back) { pixmapBackground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *back); } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(clrTransparent); } cImage *fore = imgCache->GetSkinElement(seTracksTop); if (fore) { pixmapForeground->DrawImage(cPoint(0, 0), *fore); } else { pixmapForeground->Fill(clrTransparent); } } else { pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); tColor col = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrMenuItem); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, width-2, height-2), col); if (config.GetValue("roundedCorners")) DrawRoundedCorners(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); } tColor clrFont = (current)?Theme.Color(clrMenuFontMenuItemHigh):Theme.Color(clrTracksFontButtons); pixmapStatic->DrawText(cPoint(5, (height - font->Height())/2), Text, clrFont, clrTransparent, font); }