#include "textwindow.h" #include "config.h" #include "imagecache.h" #include "imageloader.h" #include "helpers.h" #include cNopacityTextWindow::cNopacityTextWindow(cOsd *osd, cFont *font, cRect *vidWin) : cThread("TextWindow") { this->osd = osd; this->font = font; this->fontHeader = NULL; this->vidWin = vidWin; pixmapBackground = NULL; pixmap = NULL; scaledWindow = false; posterWidth = 0; posterHeight = 0; hasManualPoster = false; manualPosterPath = ""; hasPoster = false; } cNopacityTextWindow::cNopacityTextWindow(cOsd *osd, cFont *font, cFont *fontHeader) : cThread("TextWindow") { this->osd = osd; this->font = font; this->fontHeader = fontHeader; this->vidWin = NULL; pixmapBackground = NULL; pixmap = NULL; scaledWindow = false; posterWidth = 0; posterHeight = 0; hasManualPoster = false; manualPosterPath = ""; hasPoster = false; } cNopacityTextWindow::~cNopacityTextWindow(void) { Cancel(-1); while (Active()) cCondWait::SleepMs(10); if (pixmapBackground) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmapBackground); pixmapBackground = NULL; } if (pixmap) { osd->DestroyPixmap(pixmap); pixmap = NULL; } if ((config.GetValue("scalePicture") == 2) && scaledWindow) { cRect vidWinNew = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->CanScaleVideo(oldVidWin); if (vidWinNew != cRect::Null) { vidWin->SetX(vidWinNew.X()); vidWin->SetY(vidWinNew.Y()); vidWin->SetWidth(vidWinNew.Width()); vidWin->SetHeight(vidWinNew.Height()); } } } bool cNopacityTextWindow::SetManualPoster(const cRecording *recording, bool fullscreen) { cString posterFound; cImageLoader imgLoader; hasManualPoster = imgLoader.SearchRecordingPoster(recording->FileName(), posterFound); if (hasManualPoster) { manualPosterPath = posterFound; int posterWidthOrig = config.GetValue("posterWidth"); int posterHeightOrig = config.GetValue("posterHeight"); if (!fullscreen) { posterHeight = geometry->Height() - 5; posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig); } else { posterWidth = geometry->Width() / 4; posterHeight = posterHeightOrig * ((double)posterWidth / (double)posterWidthOrig); } return true; } return false; } void cNopacityTextWindow::SetPoster(const cEvent *event, const cRecording *recording, bool fullscreen) { if (!event && !recording) return; hasPoster = false; posterHeight = 0; posterWidth = 0; static cPlugin *pScraper = GetScraperPlugin(); if (pScraper) { posterScraper2Vdr.event = event; posterScraper2Vdr.recording = recording; if (pScraper->Service("GetPoster", &posterScraper2Vdr)) { int posterWidthOrig = posterScraper2Vdr.poster.width; int posterHeightOrig = posterScraper2Vdr.poster.height; if (!(posterWidthOrig == 0 || posterHeightOrig == 0)) { if (!fullscreen) { posterHeight = geometry->Height() - 5; posterWidth = posterWidthOrig * ((double)posterHeight / (double)posterHeightOrig); } else { posterWidth = geometry->Width() / 4; posterHeight = posterHeightOrig * ((double)posterWidth / (double)posterWidthOrig); } hasPoster = true; } } } } bool cNopacityTextWindow::SetTextScroller(int border, int left) { int lineHeight = font->Height(); bool scrolling = false; drawportHeight = geometry->Height(); if (!(hasPoster || hasManualPoster)) { drawTextTall = false; drawTextFull = true; twTextTall.Set("", font, 5); twTextFull.Set(*text, font, geometry->Width() - 2*border); int pixmapTotalHeight = lineHeight * (twTextFull.Lines()+1); if ((pixmapTotalHeight - (lineHeight/2)) > drawportHeight) { drawportHeight = pixmapTotalHeight; scrolling = true; } } else { cTextWrapper test; int widthTall = geometry->Width() - 2 * border - left; test.Set(*text, font, widthTall); int linesTotal = test.Lines(); int textHeight = linesTotal * lineHeight; if (textHeight > posterHeight) { drawTextTall = true; drawTextFull = true; int lineSplit = posterHeight / lineHeight + 1; std::stringstream textTall; std::stringstream textFull; for (int line = 0; line < linesTotal; line++) { bool lineWrap = false; if (font->Width(test.GetLine(line)) < (widthTall - 100)) lineWrap = true; if (line < lineSplit) { textTall << test.GetLine(line); if (lineWrap) textTall << "\n"; else textTall << " "; } else { textFull << test.GetLine(line); if (lineWrap) textFull << "\n"; else textFull << " "; } } twTextTall.Set(textTall.str().c_str(), font, widthTall); twTextFull.Set(textFull.str().c_str(), font, geometry->Width() - 2*border); scrolling = true; drawportHeight = lineHeight * (twTextTall.Lines() + twTextFull.Lines() + 1); } else { scrolling = false; drawTextTall = true; drawTextFull = false; twTextTall.Set(*text, font, geometry->Width() - 2*border - left); twTextFull.Set("", font, 5); } } return scrolling; } void cNopacityTextWindow::CreatePixmap(void) { cPixmap::Lock(); pixmapBackground = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(geometry->X()-1, geometry->Y()-1, geometry->Width()+2, geometry->Height()+2)); pixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(5, cRect(geometry->X(), geometry->Y(), geometry->Width(), geometry->Height()), cRect(0, 0, geometry->Width(), drawportHeight)); pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, geometry->Width(), geometry->Height()), clrBlack); pixmap->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack)); if (config.GetValue("menuEPGWindowFadeTime")) SetAlpha(); cPixmap::Unlock(); } void cNopacityTextWindow::CreatePixmapFullScreen(void) { pixmapBackground = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(geometry->X()-1, geometry->Y()-1, geometry->Width()+2, geometry->Height()+2)); pixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(5, cRect(geometry->X(), geometry->Y(), geometry->Width(), geometry->Height())); pixmapBackground->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMenuBorder)); pixmapBackground->DrawRectangle(cRect(1, 1, geometry->Width(), geometry->Height()), Theme.Color(clrMenuTextWindow)); pixmap->Fill(clrTransparent); } void cNopacityTextWindow::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { if (pixmapBackground) pixmapBackground->SetAlpha(Alpha); if (pixmap) pixmap->SetAlpha(Alpha); } void cNopacityTextWindow::DrawText(int border, int left) { int lineHeight = font->Height(); int currentLineHeight = lineHeight/2; tColor clrFontBack = (config.GetValue("displayType") != dtFlat)?(clrTransparent):(Theme.Color(clrMenuBack)); cPixmap::Lock(); if (drawTextTall) { for (int i=0; (i < twTextTall.Lines()) && Running(); i++) { pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(border + left, currentLineHeight), twTextTall.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrFontBack, font); currentLineHeight += lineHeight; } } if (drawTextFull) { for (int i=0; (i < twTextFull.Lines()) && Running(); i++) { pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(border, currentLineHeight), twTextFull.GetLine(i), Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), clrFontBack, font); currentLineHeight += lineHeight; } } cPixmap::Unlock(); } void cNopacityTextWindow::SetEvent(const cEvent *event) { if (!event) return; CreatePixmapFullScreen(); int border = config.GetValue("borderDetailedEPG"); int width = geometry->Width(); int height = geometry->Height(); int widthTextHeader = width - 2 * border; int widthText = widthTextHeader; int y = border; cImageLoader imgLoader; bool epgImageFound = false; if (hasPoster) { int posterX = width - posterWidth - border; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(posterScraper2Vdr.poster.path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(posterX, border), imgLoader.GetImage()); widthTextHeader -= posterWidth + border; } } else if (imgLoader.LoadEPGImage(event->EventID())) { epgImageFound = true; pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(width - config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") - border, y), imgLoader.GetImage()); widthTextHeader -= config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") + border; } //Title y = DrawTextWrapper(event->Title(), widthTextHeader, y, border, fontHeader, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeaderTitle), height); //Short Text y = DrawTextWrapper(event->ShortText(), widthTextHeader, y, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), height); y += fontHeader->Height(); //Description if (hasPoster && (y < (border + posterHeight))) { int heightNarrow = border + posterHeight - y; DrawTextWrapperFloat(event->Description(), widthTextHeader, widthText, y, heightNarrow, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), height); } else if (epgImageFound && (y < (border + config.GetValue("epgImageHeight")))) { y = border + config.GetValue("epgImageHeight"); DrawTextWrapper(event->Description(), widthText, y, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), height); } else { DrawTextWrapper(event->Description(), widthText, y, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), height); } } void cNopacityTextWindow::SetRecording(const cRecording *recording) { if (!recording) return; CreatePixmapFullScreen(); int border = config.GetValue("borderDetailedRecordings"); int width = geometry->Width(); int height = geometry->Height(); int widthTextHeader = width - 2 * border; int widthText = widthTextHeader; int y = border; //Image cImageLoader imgLoader; bool recImageFound = false; if (hasManualPoster) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(*manualPosterPath, posterWidth, posterHeight)) { int posterX = width - posterWidth - border; pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(posterX, border), imgLoader.GetImage()); widthTextHeader -= posterWidth + border; } } else if (hasPoster) { int posterX = width - posterWidth - border; if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(posterScraper2Vdr.poster.path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(posterX, border), imgLoader.GetImage()); widthTextHeader -= posterWidth + border; } } else if (imgLoader.LoadRecordingImage(recording->FileName())) { pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(width - config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") - border, y), imgLoader.GetImage()); widthTextHeader -= config.GetValue("epgImageWidth") + border; recImageFound = true; } const cRecordingInfo *info = recording->Info(); if (!info) return; cString recTitle; if (info->Title()) recTitle = info->Title(); else recTitle = recording->Name(); //Title y = DrawTextWrapper(*recTitle, widthTextHeader, y, border, fontHeader, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeaderTitle), height); //Short Text if (!isempty(info->ShortText())) { y = DrawTextWrapper(info->ShortText(), widthTextHeader, y, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewHeader), height); } y += fontHeader->Height(); //Description if ((hasPoster || hasManualPoster) && (y < (border + posterHeight))) { int heightNarrow = border + posterHeight - y; DrawTextWrapperFloat(recording->Info()->Description(), widthTextHeader, widthText, y, heightNarrow, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), height); } else if (recImageFound && (y < (border + config.GetValue("epgImageHeight")))) { y = border + config.GetValue("epgImageHeight"); DrawTextWrapper(recording->Info()->Description(), widthText, y, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), height); } else { DrawTextWrapper(recording->Info()->Description(), widthText, y, border, font, Theme.Color(clrMenuFontDetailViewText), height); } } int cNopacityTextWindow::DrawTextWrapper(const char *text, int width, int top, int x, const cFont *font, tColor color, int maxHeight) { cTextWrapper wrapper; int lineHeight = font->Height(); wrapper.Set(text, font, width); int y = top; for (int i=0; i < wrapper.Lines(); i++) { if (y + 2*lineHeight > maxHeight) { pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x, y), "...", color, clrTransparent, font); y += 2*lineHeight; break; } pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x, y), wrapper.GetLine(i), color, clrTransparent, font); y += lineHeight; } return y; } void cNopacityTextWindow::DrawTextWrapperFloat(const char *text, int widthSmall, int widthFull, int top, int heightNarrow, int x, const cFont *font, tColor color, int maxHeight) { if (!text) return; int lineHeight = font->Height(); int numLinesNarrow = heightNarrow / lineHeight + 1; splitstring s(text); std::vector flds = s.split('\n', 1); if (flds.size() < 1) return; int y = top; int linesDrawn = 0; bool drawNarrow = true; for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < flds.size(); i++) { if (!flds[i].size()) { //empty line linesDrawn++; y += lineHeight; } else { cTextWrapper wrapper; if (drawNarrow) { wrapper.Set((flds[i].c_str()), font, widthSmall); int newLines = wrapper.Lines(); //check if wrapper fits completely into narrow area if (linesDrawn + newLines < numLinesNarrow) { y = DrawTextWrapper(flds[i].c_str(), widthSmall, y, x, font, color, maxHeight); linesDrawn += newLines; } else { //this wrapper has to be splitted std::stringstream sstrTextTall; std::stringstream sstrTextFull; for (int line = 0; line < wrapper.Lines(); line++) { if (line + linesDrawn < numLinesNarrow) { sstrTextTall << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " "; } else { sstrTextFull << wrapper.GetLine(line) << " "; } } y = DrawTextWrapper(sstrTextTall.str().c_str(), widthSmall, y, x, font, color, maxHeight); y = DrawTextWrapper(sstrTextFull.str().c_str(), widthFull, y, x, font, color, maxHeight); drawNarrow = false; } } else { if (y > maxHeight) break; y = DrawTextWrapper(flds[i].c_str(), widthFull, y, x, font, color, maxHeight); } } } } void cNopacityTextWindow::DrawPoster(int border) { int posterY = font->Height() / 2; cImageLoader imgLoader; if (hasManualPoster) { if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(*manualPosterPath, posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(border, posterY), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } else if (imgLoader.LoadPoster(posterScraper2Vdr.poster.path.c_str(), posterWidth, posterHeight)) { pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(border, posterY), imgLoader.GetImage()); } } void cNopacityTextWindow::DoSleep(int duration) { int sleepSlice = 10; for (int i = 0; Running() && (i*sleepSlice < duration); i++) cCondWait::SleepMs(sleepSlice); } void cNopacityTextWindow::ScaleVideoWindow(void) { oldVidWin.SetX(vidWin->X()); oldVidWin.SetY(vidWin->Y()); oldVidWin.SetWidth(vidWin->Width()); oldVidWin.SetHeight(vidWin->Height()); cRect availableRect(vidWin->X(), vidWin->Y(), vidWin->Width(), vidWin->Height() - geometry->Height()); cRect vidWinNew = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->CanScaleVideo(availableRect); if (vidWinNew != cRect::Null) { vidWin->SetX(vidWinNew.X()); vidWin->SetY(vidWinNew.Y()); vidWin->SetWidth(vidWinNew.Width()); vidWin->SetHeight(vidWinNew.Height()); scaledWindow = true; } } void cNopacityTextWindow::Action(void) { if (! *text) return; int initialSleepTime = (initial) ? config.GetValue("menuFadeTime") : 0; DoSleep(initialSleepTime + config.GetValue("menuInfoTextDelay") * 1000); if (config.GetValue("scalePicture") == 2) { ScaleVideoWindow(); } int border = 5; int left = 0; if (hasPoster || hasManualPoster) left = 10 + posterWidth; bool scrolling = false; if (Running()) { scrolling = SetTextScroller(border, left); CreatePixmap(); } if (Running()) { DrawText(border, left); } if (Running() && (hasPoster || hasManualPoster)) { DrawPoster(border); } //FadeIn if (config.GetValue("menuEPGWindowFadeTime")) { int FadeTime = config.GetValue("menuEPGWindowFadeTime"); int FadeFrameTime = FadeTime / 10; uint64_t Start = cTimeMs::Now(); while (Running()) { uint64_t Now = cTimeMs::Now(); double t = std::min(double(Now - Start) / FadeTime, 1.0); int Alpha = t * ALPHA_OPAQUE; cPixmap::Lock(); SetAlpha(Alpha); cPixmap::Unlock(); if (Running()) osd->Flush(); int Delta = cTimeMs::Now() - Now; if (Running() && (Delta < FadeFrameTime)) cCondWait::SleepMs(FadeFrameTime - Delta); if ((int)(Now - Start) > FadeTime) break; } } if (scrolling && Running()) { int scrollDelay = config.GetValue("menuInfoScrollDelay") * 1000; DoSleep(scrollDelay); int drawPortY; int FrameTime = 0; if (config.GetValue("menuInfoScrollSpeed") == 1) FrameTime = 50; else if (config.GetValue("menuInfoScrollSpeed") == 2) FrameTime = 30; else if (config.GetValue("menuInfoScrollSpeed") == 3) FrameTime = 15; int maxY = pixmap->DrawPort().Height() - pixmap->ViewPort().Height(); bool doSleep = false; while (Running()) { uint64_t Now = cTimeMs::Now(); cPixmap::Lock(); drawPortY = pixmap->DrawPort().Y(); drawPortY -= 1; cPixmap::Unlock(); if (std::abs(drawPortY) > maxY) { doSleep = true; DoSleep(scrollDelay); drawPortY = 0; } cPixmap::Lock(); if (Running()) pixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, drawPortY)); cPixmap::Unlock(); if (doSleep) { doSleep = false; DoSleep(scrollDelay); } int Delta = cTimeMs::Now() - Now; if (Running()) osd->Flush(); if (Running() && (Delta < FrameTime)) cCondWait::SleepMs(FrameTime - Delta); } } }